Keep Calm : There's always another Sale (Daily Sale Talk)
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I find it an amusing dichotomy that DAZ is HQed out of Utah. :)
Really, it was the glistening intestines winding through the throne, topped off by charred bodies. It would have given me nightmares when I was younger and yeah, it turned my stomach now.
I don't feel like I have any trouble presenting the saintly vs the demonic with what's available.
I wouldn't use a shiny metal ring or flowing robes to portray 'good' if they were a freebie (let alone buy them) and I literally make my money writing novels about angels and demons.
(Though from a more academic perspective: halos are just supposed to represent glowing auras and the traditional dress of angels represented the heights of exaltation during the period they were painted. The modern equivalent of saintly angels is superheroes and Daz has plenty of that. So to be fair you really have to compare the demonic darkness to the four color light.)
But anyhow, I don't think the focus on hellscapes and demons is a *spiritual* or religious thing. I don't think there is a huge market for traditional spiritualism in 3D rendering. That is why we get the demons but we get fewer angels... and hardly any specifically *religious* content. When I see really religious 3D renders, I always feel vaguely uncomfortable about it. I saw a series of renders that were basically the stations of the cross, with Mary weeping and... I dunno... it seemed artificial. It is a very sensitive and subjective subject to approach, whereas demons are just... demons... They're the Balrog in Lord of the Rings or the Dementors from Harry Potter. They're the Ringwraiths and Sauron. Scary things in the dark that hide under your bed and haunt your nightmares. It seems less wrong to commercialize them. Things Stephen King and Metallica talk about. Boss monsters in Doom 4. Things you see at Halloween stores.
As a matter of fact, next Halloween go to your local annual halloween store, and count how many demons and coffins and disembowled zombies and vampires and everything else horror items there are...
Compared to the number of angel robe, halo, wings and harp costumes you see.
Daz is just a reflection of that.
I do like the idea of using Body of Light. It's on my wishlist. That's such an awesome product and I regret having passed it up right when it came out. It's a pity we can't see all the member renders along with the promos, because the renders in the forum are what really sell some products.
Rendo has a feature where related renders using a merchant's content can be linked to from the product page. It is a good feature.
I don't really want halos, either. But I wouldn't mind a soup kitchen, a humanitarian camp in foreign lands setup, or a homeless shelter. Or a really good veterinary set - that would be awesome.Then again, those can be kitbashed...And probably wouldn't sell.
Speaking of soup kitchens, we have coffee shops and Jack's diner but nobody's ventured into genericizing a fast food outlet, is this correct? I took a brief look and was surprised. (Just thinking about the general lack of industrial kitchens)
Daz is just a reflection of that.
Daz is areflection of what?
Peoples interest?
The world view on the preponderence of devilish imagery?
Or go to peoples house and see the amount of religous artifacts verses..Baphomet statues..
Or drive through your city and see how many normal churches verse salem churches there are...
Or people wearing crosses verse pentagrams...
Or how many serious religous holidays there are verses the one lightly-satanic Halloween.
No where in the world is this out-of-balance being represented....
Religious shows verse demonic shows....
Faiths verse cults....
This is something different and I have yet to see a concrete reason for its domination.
Even sales are hard to tell since there are more 'sexier' demonic products - coming out, more often with better attention to detail.
So you'd hang your hat on what? MANY YEARS AGO devil stuff sold more so everyone decided that was the product(s) to make?
Going by SKU number this isn't a new phenomenon.
Where's all the forumites or buyers saying "Yeah, I wouldn't buy a product of similar quality, with a theme OTHER than 'It's good to be bad"
Quality sells.....
We are better off looking at deviant art and seeing what the skew of renders are as a better gauge of interest.
There are some Poser fast food places out there, but none of them work really well in DAZ.
I'm surprised by this too. I think there is a fast food UNIFORM for G2F, though.
I picked up a fast food place as a freebie somewhere... It's pretty big and detailed. But I have no idea where I got it.
Not following that last post, AVXP.
It is really simple. The PAs are commercial artists, DAZ is a commercial vendor. They're going to cater to the market demand.
The religious holidays? If you want your fill of Easter Bunnies and Santa suits DAZ has those covered. The COMMERCIALIZED aspects have been commercialized.
Mangers and Donkeys and 3 Wise Men or the Tomb of the Risen Christ - you're going to have more difficulty finding those sets.
Because commercializing that kind of stuff into a *product* is more risky than making sexy demons.
Like this? ;)

Okay. I hear you...
I think I didn't spend long enough considering the sexy factor.
Demons are sexy, Angels, kinda hard to slip that in to the imagery.
That's the big seller and you know it permeates EVERY category and them. Space suits with the belly out....
Heels on everything...
Human condition 101.
You do make the compelling argument that there is a niche market for a Religious Digital Content store specifically targeted to that market - like a Christian Bookstore for digital content.
But DAZ clearly has a generalized secual market audience. You get into that kind of thing... and it becomes very targeted - you're not going to have Protestant and Catholic and Mormon and Muslim and other religious content all in one store - one thing you have is going to offend someone that is into something else you have. You're going to need individual stores for each *particular* interpretation of scriptural spirituality.
Everyone understands demons more-or-less the same regardless of actual belief or even lack thereof.
There's a vendor over at Renderosity who did a lot of biblical stuff. Not sure if he still does. I've got at least two mangers and a couple of empty tombs in my runtime as well from other vendors - though I think a couple of them were freebies. (One is from back when Poser Pros was open, so very old.) It does exist, but it's not nearly as big a market.
That said, I enjoy good graphic horror from time to time, and the new item struck me as very Clive Barker... and somehow ended up on my wishlist even though I don't actualy render horror all that often... (I can enjoy watching/reading things that I don't like to write/render :) I'm the same with Sci Fi)
I think the current focus on dark stuff is a reflection of it being more accepted or even recommended these days to face and deal with your own dark sides, in order to become more balanced or whole, psychologically.
I edited your typo for you I am sure that you meant to put an m in the middle of the 2nd word in the 4th line
Hey, there's new stuff in the freebies section. 2 outfits, some earings, and the M4 Super-Physicality bundle. I already had the complete super-physicallity bundle, but hey, actual outfits instead of just textures for them!
ATI ATI ATI ATI ATI!!!!! Give to Radiskull!
(yes, seriously dating myself )
That is a cool feature . But I guess that only works if the customer that buys the product includes to name them in the render they post.. other wise that feature misses alot of renders, because people don't how to, or listing the products is more work than its worth. to me I just found Rendo to time consuming to list the products you buy there, when you actually have to hunt the stuff down for the product links to list it. so why bother.
Yes, it's only for images that are properly tagged. There are lots and lots and lots and lots of such images. :)
It's being tested right now, coming sometime after Easter. I'm not going to hijack this thread. :)))
ATI: I will stop trying to desperately track down the appropriate thread so I can leap upon you (virtually) and demand the extension/upgrade.
Speaking of sales, I'm going to just mention that there's a good sale on Topaz Labs Photoshop filters here: or plus SPRING40 at checkout plus the previous link gives some filters for free or very little. (There's a $20 credit for new/recent customers at one of the above links). Just in case you're yearning for some more exciting sale action.
Though holy crap FastGrab also seems to have your back. ALL THE OLD BUNDLES.
You know everybody will now spend hours trying to work out which post and what the typoed word was
What the....? Just did - what should have been - my last purchase for a while and now Fast Grab is packed with (mostly older) bundles?
on the angelic/demonic content front--i don't reckon that the prevalence of demonic characters and content has anything to do with any kind of metaphysical bias. it's just that demons are a lot more narrative-friendly than angels are. the physical range of demonic types is huge, ranging from beast-creatures to mystic superhuman entities. they can be drawn from pretty much any human culture or historical era that there is. and as characters, they can play all kinds of roles and be driven by all kinds of personal motives in stories. angels just don't offer that kind of diversity.
think of all the books you've read and all the movies you've watched that featured either.
even angels, when do they appear in books and movies, tend to either be portrayed as either being disguised as ordinary people, or as possessing ominous powers and a detachment from human emotion that frankly border on the demonic. and as far as characterization goes, the really interesting angels in narratives quite often border on being 'fallen' themselves, insofar as their own sense of right and wrong and compassion for human beings clashes with their orders from on high, throwing some serious moral crisis at them, and bringing them into conflict with less interesting angels who're just following orders, etc.
just my two cents...
Thanks! LOL