Keep Calm : There's always another Sale (Daily Sale Talk)



  • donovancolbertdonovancolbert Posts: 1,421
    Chohole said:

    I edited your typo for you       I am sure that you meant to put an m in the middle of the 2nd word in the 4th line  smiley

    I changed from my clicky game keyboard with no numeric keypad to a Mac 101 key with numeric keypad when I started playing around with Hexagon... 

    So I've been missing spaces and letters for days. :D Whoops! 


  • donovancolbertdonovancolbert Posts: 1,421

    on the angelic/demonic content front--i don't reckon that the prevalence of demonic characters and content has anything to do with any kind of metaphysical bias.  it's just that demons are a lot more narrative-friendly than angels are.  the physical range of demonic types is huge, ranging from beast-creatures to mystic superhuman entities. they can be drawn from pretty much any human culture or historical era that there is.  and as characters, they can play all kinds of roles and be driven by all kinds of personal motives in stories. angels just don't offer that kind of diversity. 

    think of all the books you've read and all the movies you've watched that featured either.

    even angels, when do they appear in books and movies, tend to either be portrayed as either being disguised as ordinary people, or as possessing ominous powers and a detachment from human emotion that frankly border on the demonic. and as far as characterization goes, the really interesting angels in narratives quite often border on being 'fallen' themselves, insofar as their own sense of right and wrong and compassion for human beings clashes with their orders from on high, throwing some serious moral crisis at them, and bringing them into conflict with less interesting angels who're just following orders, etc. 

    just my two cents... 




    Or in simpler terms... Chaotic Evil is always more fun than Lawful Good. :D 

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    Chohole said:

    I edited your typo for you       I am sure that you meant to put an m in the middle of the 2nd word in the 4th line  smiley

    I changed from my clicky game keyboard with no numeric keypad to a Mac 101 key with numeric keypad when I started playing around with Hexagon... 

    So I've been missing spaces and letters for days. :D Whoops! 


    I do empathise.   I tried a new (to me) make of keyboard a while back, and didn't realise it spoke American english,  not UK english.   I have used it for so long now that I will have problems adjusting again if I go back to a British layout

  • donovancolbertdonovancolbert Posts: 1,421

    LOL. We have a German foreign exchange student living with us. Every time I try to give her tech support I end up a shambling wreck... I don't understand why foreign keyboards think it is a good idea to make it so difficult to get to the backslash key. :) 

  • WonderlandWonderland Posts: 6,780

    I think parents with kids should be listening to them. They are the future of consumers and already spend a lot. I'm constantly checking out millennial sites especially to see what they are into and it is not horror or angels or sexy stuff...  Seems to be political humor, cat/dog humor, attempting to be an adult humor, and sci-fi/superheroes, some anime and gaming.

    We need new cat/dog figures! I think the cat figures at another site are way too expensive and never on sale. I'd really like to see more toon dogs and cats especially. I'd love a morphable into various breeds toon cat and toon dog. 3DU???? LadyLittlefox???

  • LlynaraLlynara Posts: 4,770
    edited April 2017

    Dang, I missed a lot this afternoon!

    @Avxp OMG, I actually have a Patron??? Thank you! I will try to do a good job. Requests are welcome!

    @peterfulford That bunny scared me too! LMAO

    @Ati and @Overdrawn You all totally rock. You've saved me so much money (and helped me spend more!) Your work on that browser add on and some of the other "helpers" you've done is top notch. Thank you so much.

    As for the demons- I do like Anneka and Damien. I'm planning at some point to write a comedy series set in hell. It will probably be on the adult side of things but will not be gruesome. And then I may just have to do one on the heavenly side that's not adult at all. (Because I love a challenge.) I'm looking for 3D models for heaven and hell. I might be the only one, LOL!

    Post edited by Llynara on
  • dreamfarmerdreamfarmer Posts: 2,128

    Stick the space cathedral (future bright rite sight etc) among the epic cloud dome and tint it golden and I think you'd have a pretty good traditional vision of Heaven. 

  • (Though from a more academic perspective: halos are just supposed to represent glowing auras and the traditional dress of angels represented the heights of exaltation during the period they were painted. The modern equivalent of saintly angels is superheroes and Daz has plenty of that. So to be fair you really have to compare the demonic darkness to the four color light.)

    You bring up a very good point about the "superheroes as modern angels."  That does make sense that we could see them as representing the good side of things.

  • jardinejardine Posts: 1,197

    Or in simpler terms... Chaotic Evil is always more fun than Lawful Good. :D 

    pretty much.  :)


  • On another topic - I wonder why there's all these old bundles in Fast Grab, but they didn't include the Shape Shift Bundle...only the two individual products.

    Otherwise, it seems like a lot of old stuff that's priced higher than it has been in very recent sales.  I think I got the Keiko 6 Pro Bundle before Christmas for around $7.  Granted, that was a super deal.  I should have bought Olympia 6 Pro Bundle at the same time.  It was also uber cheap.  But, I was already tapped out on spending.  The Freak 4 was just now in the Freebies section with the Super Physical Bundle.

    I realize that Daz Jenga is half the fun of shopping here.  But man, these prices are all over the board.  You really have to be "right place, right time" to get the best deals.


  • L'AdairL'Adair Posts: 9,479

    On another topic - I wonder why there's all these old bundles in Fast Grab, but they didn't include the Shape Shift Bundle...only the two individual products.

    Two reasons: The shape shift products were already in Fast Grab separately when DAZ added all those bundles, and they are not Daz Originals so the vendor decided which products to go into Fast Grab.

  • OdaaOdaa Posts: 1,548
    edited April 2017

    I kind of rolled my eyes at the Hell-set (or should that be Elder Scrolls Oblivion set?) and the timing, but assumed it was meant to release with the other demon crap and just got delayed. Not buying content this week anyway, except maybe freebies, so ultimately none of my business. If I needed a Hell scene, I'd dig out a rocky landscape or a dungeon and start messing with the tone mapping.

    BTW, who puts metal rings on their saints' and angels' heads anyway, when Cybertenko's Acta Sanctorum at the other place has so many more interesting options? And the best Iray presets for haloes are "Emissive" and "Frosted Glass, Translucent", for your information, NOT any of the metals. :P

    Post edited by Odaa on
  • jakibluejakiblue Posts: 7,281

    All my DS content is on an external drive (programme is on the C drive which is a ssd). It's only about 100gb full at the moment, but that's cos I deleted EVERYTHING and started installing anew a few weeks back.  

    Llynara said:
    Nath said:

    Even if I'm going to buy into Genesis 4 and additions (and that is a very big IF), it looks as if I need to buy a new harddisk (and backup disk) first - there's still some room on there, but not all that much...

    I had to move my entire DAZ library to an external drive. I'm guessing a lot of people do, because 3D content is a space hog. Now mine's on a 5TB drive right now (around $100 on Amazon.) Might have to add another at some point just for the DIM, that thing is a hog too. (And yes, I try to keep downloaded copies of every item I buy. It's a thing.)


  • jakibluejakiblue Posts: 7,281

    add https to the url.

    A lot of the products still are on www only, and it needs to be https for it to go into the cart.  

    Anyone else having trouble with the cart?  I click on the icon on any item but it doesn't load into the cart.  Considering how much I've spent lately, that might not be a bad thing....


  • dreamfarmerdreamfarmer Posts: 2,128
    Odaa said:


    BTW, who puts metal rings on their saints' and angels' heads anyway, when Cybertenko's Acta Sanctorum at the other place has so many more interesting options? And the best Iray presets for haloes are "Emissive" and "Frosted Glass, Translucent", for your information, NOT any of the metals. :P


    Honestly I'd just use a point light or a spotlight. :p

    Maybe we should have an Angel Challenge. Or Messengers of Light challenge, to be perhaps a little more open.

  • firewardenfirewarden Posts: 1,459
    Odaa said:

    I kind of rolled my eyes at the Hell-set (or should that be Elder Scrolls Oblivion set?) and the timing, but assumed it was meant to release with the other demon crap and just got delayed. Not buying content this week anyway, except maybe freebies, so ultimately none of my business. If I needed a Hell scene, I'd dig out a rocky landscape or a dungeon and start messing with the tone mapping.

    BTW, who puts metal rings on their saints' and angels' heads anyway, when Cybertenko's Acta Sanctorum at the other place has so many more interesting options? And the best Iray presets for haloes are "Emissive" and "Frosted Glass, Translucent", for your information, NOT any of the metals. :P

    Wow, that is a amazing set. I can see those being used to make some cool aliens!

  • L'AdairL'Adair Posts: 9,479

    I think it's annoying to have to buy two new releases from a specified sale to trigger discounts for things like the featured artists catalogs, especially when three of the items are also available in a bundle, as is the case today. The better deal is the bundle, so if you buy the bundle you have only four other items to choose from, one of which is textures for an item in the bundle. If you're not intested in the bundled items, that leaves a grand total of three items to find your two from.

    I haven't bought a single non-free item since March Madness ended. Between the quantity requirements for discounts/bigger discounts, and finding only one new release per sale I'd be willing to purchase immediately, I simply am not tempted to deplete my store credit. If this keeps up, the credit I bought for April will still be there come May!


  • nohiznguyennohiznguyen Posts: 263
    L'Adair said:

    I think it's annoying to have to buy two new releases from a specified sale to trigger discounts for things like the featured artists catalogs, especially when three of the items are also available in a bundle, as is the case today. The better deal is the bundle, so if you buy the bundle you have only four other items to choose from, one of which is textures for an item in the bundle. If you're not intested in the bundled items, that leaves a grand total of three items to find your two from.

    I haven't bought a single non-free item since March Madness ended. Between the quantity requirements for discounts/bigger discounts, and finding only one new release per sale I'd be willing to purchase immediately, I simply am not tempted to deplete my store credit. If this keeps up, the credit I bought for April will still be there come May!


    High five L'Adair! laugh

  • WonderlandWonderland Posts: 6,780

    I went through the last of my store credit in this fast grab. Have a feeling it will be fast grab purchases for me only until the next big sale unless things stack well to get a really good discount or something triggers amazing discounts. Except if toon cats or dogs come out. Then right in my cart!

  • L'AdairL'Adair Posts: 9,479
    L'Adair said:

    I think it's annoying to have to buy two new releases from a specified sale to trigger discounts for things like the featured artists catalogs, especially when three of the items are also available in a bundle, as is the case today. The better deal is the bundle, so if you buy the bundle you have only four other items to choose from, one of which is textures for an item in the bundle. If you're not intested in the bundled items, that leaves a grand total of three items to find your two from.

    I haven't bought a single non-free item since March Madness ended. Between the quantity requirements for discounts/bigger discounts, and finding only one new release per sale I'd be willing to purchase immediately, I simply am not tempted to deplete my store credit. If this keeps up, the credit I bought for April will still be there come May!


    High five L'Adair! laugh

    High Five


  • HorusRaHorusRa Posts: 1,663
    L'Adair said:

    I think it's annoying to have to buy two new releases from a specified sale to trigger discounts for things like the featured artists catalogs,

    I haven't bought a single non-free item since March Madness ended. Between the quantity requirements for discounts/bigger discounts, and finding only one new release per sale I'd be willing to purchase immediately,

    Agreed on all points. It might be better if you could mix the two required items between the sales, lately I'm not finding two items in one sale I want, and if I do the prices are just starting to get outrageous.
    ​I've not purchased anything since MM either, but its the prices, I have the cash, just refuse to pay the prices. I'd swear Daz just increased prices a itsy bit recently.
    ​Showed the wife the prices from the last several days sales and she was shocked, she hasn't seen them in a while, she's been too busy at work since before december to put together anything and render.
    As much as I love Daz, I'm going to have to go back and start modeling some of my own props and such . I hate to say that. sad 

  • BlueIreneBlueIrene Posts: 1,318
    HorusRa said:
    L'Adair said:

    I think it's annoying to have to buy two new releases from a specified sale to trigger discounts for things like the featured artists catalogs,

    I haven't bought a single non-free item since March Madness ended. Between the quantity requirements for discounts/bigger discounts, and finding only one new release per sale I'd be willing to purchase immediately,

    Agreed on all points. It might be better if you could mix the two required items between the sales, lately I'm not finding two items in one sale I want, and if I do the prices are just starting to get outrageous.
    ​I've not purchased anything since MM either, but its the prices, I have the cash, just refuse to pay the prices. I'd swear Daz just increased prices a itsy bit recently.
    ​Showed the wife the prices from the last several days sales and she was shocked, she hasn't seen them in a while, she's been too busy at work since before december to put together anything and render.
    As much as I love Daz, I'm going to have to go back and start modeling some of my own props and such . I hate to say that. sad 

    I quite like modelling some of the more simpler stuff, and even slightly more complicated stuff occasionally. It's a useful skill to have, especially if you're looking at having to buy an entire set just because you need one tiny prop from it. I tell myself I haven't got much time for modelling, but when I think of it, if I spent less time on here shopping...

    Daz could well end up making that decision for me if the price of convenience goes up too much.

  • FrankTheTankFrankTheTank Posts: 1,131

    Its funny to hear people say, "I haven't purchased anything since March Madness.." as if that was weeks ago. MM ended four days ago, Lol. The withdrawal is so bad for people... A support group or perhaps 12-step program is in order here.

  • HorusRaHorusRa Posts: 1,663


    I'm pretty sure the subject was concerning the fact that there is no want to buy. lol.

  • Oso3DOso3D Posts: 14,929

    I continue to be happy that I can fit G3 stuff on G2 stuff without too much trouble; that Rasta hair fills a huge gap in my library.


  • L'AdairL'Adair Posts: 9,479
    HorusRa said:


    I'm pretty sure the subject was concerning the fact that there is no want to buy. lol.

    For myself, it's not that I don't want to buy as much as the fact I'm on a tight budget and the offers since March Madness aren't sufficient to temp me to buy. The cost of "entry" to get the discounts or extra discounts is too high, and the discounts on FA catalogs too small. I don't "need" anything so waiting a few months until the items I want are at a price I can justify/rationalize is no big deal.

    For example, I might be tempted by the 85% offer from today's sale, if I only had to buy one item to trigger it. I'd get the Wear Them All extension and pick up a few of the older items to use with it. But if I buy two new releases, I can't really afford to take advantage of the 85% off offer, which is the only reason I wouldn't wait to get Wear Them All.

    Also, as @Astracadia pointed out, prices are going up. Since the introduction of Iray, a lot of vendors have been putting more time into each product and deserve that price increase, imo. However, it means I have to be more selective of what I buy because my budget hasn't increased. In fact, it's much smaller than it used to be since I bought a new computer, (just to render my 3D art!) and am now making hugh payments each month on my credit card to pay it off. (Not to mention medical bills from two separate accidents, four months apart, helping my hubby with his paper route. Never again. I told him we can't afford me to help him!)

  • nicsttnicstt Posts: 11,715
    L'Adair said:
    HorusRa said:


    I'm pretty sure the subject was concerning the fact that there is no want to buy. lol.

    For myself, it's not that I don't want to buy as much as the fact I'm on a tight budget and the offers since March Madness aren't sufficient to temp me to buy. The cost of "entry" to get the discounts or extra discounts is too high, and the discounts on FA catalogs too small. I don't "need" anything so waiting a few months until the items I want are at a price I can justify/rationalize is no big deal.

    For example, I might be tempted by the 85% offer from today's sale, if I only had to buy one item to trigger it. I'd get the Wear Them All extension and pick up a few of the older items to use with it. But if I buy two new releases, I can't really afford to take advantage of the 85% off offer, which is the only reason I wouldn't wait to get Wear Them All.

    Also, as @Astracadia pointed out, prices are going up. Since the introduction of Iray, a lot of vendors have been putting more time into each product and deserve that price increase, imo. However, it means I have to be more selective of what I buy because my budget hasn't increased. In fact, it's much smaller than it used to be since I bought a new computer, (just to render my 3D art!) and am now making hugh payments each month on my credit card to pay it off. (Not to mention medical bills from two separate accidents, four months apart, helping my hubby with his paper route. Never again. I told him we can't afford me to help him!)

    I know what you mean, despite having plenty of credit left.

    I finally decided to buy two items; because I had to buy two, I will be far more stringent in determining if I like them than if not; the expressions I was kind of, 'hmmmmmmm' over, do I really need this; if it turns out i don't want any single item, it will all go back due to how it tied in the discounts. 44% on Genesis 3 items I consider poor - sure they're new, but as someone who frequently waits, that isn't much of an incentive.

  • NathNath Posts: 2,748

    I got the expressions and the Wear Them All extension - the expressions looks like fun, and the Wear Them All makes it much easier to use a bunch of my oldest stuff


    generation 3 autofit.jpg
    908 x 1056 - 426K
  • L'AdairL'Adair Posts: 9,479
    Nath said:

    I got the expressions and the Wear Them All extension - the expressions looks like fun, and the Wear Them All makes it much easier to use a bunch of my oldest stuff

    I have the original Wear Them All for both G3F and G3M. Great product. I was looking forward to the extension. I'm sure it's just as useful as the other two. It's a shame Valzheimer lost the sale from me today, thanks to the two product minimum to trigger the day's offers. I'm sure I'm not alone...

  • NathNath Posts: 2,748
    L'Adair said:
    Nath said:

    I got the expressions and the Wear Them All extension - the expressions looks like fun, and the Wear Them All makes it much easier to use a bunch of my oldest stuff

    I have the original Wear Them All for both G3F and G3M. Great product. I was looking forward to the extension. I'm sure it's just as useful as the other two. It's a shame Valzheimer lost the sale from me today, thanks to the two product minimum to trigger the day's offers. I'm sure I'm not alone...

    I hesitated too, but I still have some MM credit left. Yesterday none of the products were appealing enough to buy two, so I bought none.

This discussion has been closed.