3Delight Laboratory Thread: tips, questions, experiments



  • Oso3DOso3D Posts: 14,907

    This ended up a bit blurry because of post work trying to combat serious jaggies around the candles.

    But, dang it, I accomplished the thing!


    Winter Halls Point 3DL f1.png
    831 x 1080 - 993K
  • Oso3DOso3D Posts: 14,907

    I was stoked to see that new release of Studio has a spherical camera!

    Aaaand that's only for Iray.

    Is there an existing reasonably easy spherical camera type rendering for 3DL?


  • Mustakettu85Mustakettu85 Posts: 2,933

    AoA's lights are better only used with other AoA lights. He used certain unconventional shadow calculation techniques that don't work well with light bounce calculations. =(

    As for the camera, you mean one to create HDR panoramas? 3Delight has had one for a long long time, but I'm not sure if DS scripting can get through to it easily.

    The surefire way to export to RIB and do one edit: there will be lines dealing with camera projection, like this:

    Projection "perspective"   "fov" [ 30.957276 ] 

    You'll need to kill the "fov" line and replace "perspective" with "spherical".


  • Mustakettu85Mustakettu85 Posts: 2,933

    This ended up a bit blurry because of post work trying to combat serious jaggies around the candles.

    But, dang it, I accomplished the thing!

    Monkey see =) ...that's a monkey in there, right?

  • Oso3DOso3D Posts: 14,907

    It's supposed to be a werewolf, but... blurry. :/


  • Mustakettu85Mustakettu85 Posts: 2,933

    Nah, it's not the blur, it's my racial bias LOL


  • Oso3DOso3D Posts: 14,907

    Hrm. Is there a 'better' lightsource that has blurry shadows?

    Or I guess I could just stick to ambient with UE2. Hrrrrm.

    Big change in how I do this stuff. ;)


  • Mustakettu85Mustakettu85 Posts: 2,933

    If you crank shadow softness high enough, even a basic spotlight will cast very blurry shadows. Or do you want a pointlight-like thing? ...six spotlights.

  • Oso3DOso3D Posts: 14,907

    Oh for frak's sake.

    Shadow softness for standard Daz lights are Hidden. Didn't realize it had softness.


  • Mustakettu85Mustakettu85 Posts: 2,933

    Hmmm, I can see softness on default "menu" lights in the params tab, and I have "show hidden" disabled...

    Either way, what "menu" lights don't have in DS is a shadow samples control per light. Which is IMO annoying because what if I don't need 256 samples for each and every background spotlight.

    There are "DS default" lights in the "Light Presets" folder of the content library, and they do have each their own samples. They need to be Ctrl-clicked, though.

  • Mustakettu85Mustakettu85 Posts: 2,933

    Oh, or you mean the point light?

    Just noticed the default lights still come with a bias of 1... it's 1 cm off the right place! I think everyone uses raytraced shadows now, so it should be set to something like 0.01. Or you will get "glowy nostrils" and other artefacts.

  • Oso3DOso3D Posts: 14,907

    Aaaah. That's what that was. Thank you again. (Yeah, was really fighting glowy edges)


  • Mustakettu85Mustakettu85 Posts: 2,933

    You're welcome =)

    It's a setting from 2010, I think, when DSMs were the norm (speed issues), and they needed a huge bias not to make the mesh look all faceted and ugly.

  • Oso3DOso3D Posts: 14,907
    edited January 2017

    Wow. So yeah, the good Daz lights are effectively hidden. (I had to hunt down the content directory)

    The ones in the menu bar are stripped down.

    What the heck, Daz.


    No WONDER Iray has caught on so much; I doubt more than 1/5 of the folks here know much about what 3dl does. Sheesh.

    Being able to control samples per light is very important, thank you again and again.



    Post edited by Oso3D on
  • Mustakettu85Mustakettu85 Posts: 2,933

    You're welcome! Imagine, I only ran into those by accident myself.

  • dracorndracorn Posts: 2,333
    edited February 2017

    This is driving me crazy!

    OK, so I picked up TerraLuna and converted the materials to 3Delight using AoA's Subsurface shader.  I then played around with the colors and rotated the texture for alien moons.  But for the life of me, I can't get rid of the stupid white dot.  It shows up whether I have a distant light or a headlamp.

    The surface settings are identical on all three moons except for the colors.


    Three Moons.jpg
    706 x 706 - 54K
    Moon 01.jpg
    190 x 645 - 47K
    moon 02.jpg
    192 x 642 - 52K
    moon 03.jpg
    199 x 687 - 55K
    moon 04.jpg
    202 x 609 - 44K
    Post edited by dracorn on
  • Eva1Eva1 Posts: 1,249

    I haven't used this shader for a while but from what I can see it looks like you need to adjust one or both of these settings:

    Specular Strength



  • Oso3DOso3D Posts: 14,907

    Yeah, Glossiness 100% basically means it's like polished metal.

    For that surface I'd probably go with Glossiness and Specular Strength at about 20%, and possibly much lower.



  • dracorn said:

    This is driving me crazy!

    OK, so I picked up TerraLuna and converted the materials to 3Delight using AoA's Subsurface shader.  I then played around with the colors and rotated the texture for alien moons.  But for the life of me, I can't get rid of the stupid white dot.  It shows up whether I have a distant light or a headlamp.

    The surface settings are identical on all three moons except for the colors.


    Are you by any chance using the Advanced Ambient light as well? It casts specular by default causing this sort of dots on anything that catches specular.

    PS If you want the render time not to be throttled when using AoA Subsurface, you need to disconnect the opacity image map in the shader mixer from the general surface opacity in all your materials. Otherwise DS tells the renderer to always run the full shader whenever a ray hits it, even if it's a shadow ray.

  • dracorndracorn Posts: 2,333

    Sorry, I've been busy with beta testing and haven't been here in a while.  Thanks for your suggestions.

    Question: I thought Glossiness responded in the opposite direction, with higher gloss for the lower numbers.  That's why I set it to 100, thinking that this would turn it off.  Please correct me if I am wrong.

    Mustakettu85 ​ I'm not sure how to disconnect the opacity image map in the shader mixer.  I may be thinking too simplistically, but I see that the image map (the moon on the diffuse) is visible in my screen prints above, so I am assuming that I would just remove the image map by setting it to none.  However, I don't see an image map for Opacity Color - so I'm not sure what you mean.

  • dracorn said:

    Sorry, I've been busy with beta testing and haven't been here in a while.  Thanks for your suggestions.

    Question: I thought Glossiness responded in the opposite direction, with higher gloss for the lower numbers.  That's why I set it to 100, thinking that this would turn it off.  Please correct me if I am wrong.

    Mustakettu85 ​ I'm not sure how to disconnect the opacity image map in the shader mixer.  I may be thinking too simplistically, but I see that the image map (the moon on the diffuse) is visible in my screen prints above, so I am assuming that I would just remove the image map by setting it to none.  However, I don't see an image map for Opacity Color - so I'm not sure what you mean.

    No, Glossiness controls how glossy the surface is - the higher the value the glossier. This controls the size of the highlights - less glossy surfaces have larger highlights, more glossy smaller (until at 100% only a point remains, which probably won't be visible). The strength of those highlights is controlled by Specular Strength - generally as the highlights get larger the strength should go down as less light is reflected in any given direction, if you aren't adjusting both that may explain why you perceive glossibess as working in the opposite direction since l9owering it with a constant strength gives "more highlight".

  • Mustakettu85Mustakettu85 Posts: 2,933
    dracorn said:
    Mustakettu85 ​ I'm not sure how to disconnect the opacity image map in the shader mixer.  I may be thinking too simplistically, but I see that the image map (the moon on the diffuse) is visible in my screen prints above, so I am assuming that I would just remove the image map by setting it to none.  However, I don't see an image map for Opacity Color - so I'm not sure what you mean.

    Removing the map from the dropdown in the surface tab is unfortunately not enough. You need to break the connection in the shader mixer, otherwise DS still thinks you are using an opacity map. It's one of the problems that the shader mixer plugin has when it comes to 3Delight shaders (the "RSL" bricks).

    1. Select the offending material in the Surfaces tab.

    2. Open the Shader Mixer tab.

    3. Tell it to import the AoA SSS network (menu "File - Import from Scene").

    4. Zoom in to 100% and move the view with the sliders until you see the top left (or right, depending on how yours is set up) corner. You should see the brick called "Surface" that all the network feeds into.

    5. Find the "Opacity" input and kill that line (right-click and "disconnect").

    6. Rename the material ("Edit - Shader Name") to something like AoA_Solid

    7. Click the "Apply" button at the bottom.


    You can save out the fixed network as a new shader preset and use it whenever you do not need mapped transparency in a surface.


    788 x 656 - 40K
  • dvyddvyd Posts: 33

    Hi. This is my first post in the 3Delight Shader Laboratory. I'm new to DAZ and to using and building shaders. To give you an idea of my level, I've just found how to add the Shader Builder and Shader Mixer tabs to the interface. I see in the Shader Mixer that DAZ comes with a set of shaders that look like the default ones (skin, glass, etc.) described in this page about 3Delight for Maya:


    Are there any free or commercial Toon or NPR Shaders that would be visible for inspection in the Shader Mixer or Shader Builder panels? For example, the Mosaic SL shaders? If so, how do I add the shader folder from that package to DAZ's library? Can you point me to any recommended reading or books?

    Thank you,

    d. vyd



  • Mustakettu85Mustakettu85 Posts: 2,933


    Shader Mixer is basically for "comping" - creating networks from pre-existing "bricks" ("black box" code snippets; the user has no control over the source). To add new RSL code you need to run it through Shader _Builder_ first anyway.

    There is a network called "Orange Toon" in ShaderMixer IIRC. You can import it in the tab using the method I outlined above for Dracorn and see what a hopeless "spaghetti mess" most more or less complicated networks are =)

    The "skin" and "glass" networks are not NPR but "realistic". They were great for 2010, when they were introduced. 3Delight has gone waaaaaaaaaaay ahead since then when it comes to PBS. Shader Mixer doesn´t really support most of those advances.

    Importing RSL into Shader Builder, on the other hand, is relatively straightforward - you are not limited in what shadeops you use as long as 3Delight supports them. You retain full control over the source code and DS rendertime scripts. There will be quirks, but unless your shader is RSL2.0 or uses arrays for input params, it should be okay.

    I have a number of ShaderBuilder tutorials up - they aren't specifically for importing toon shaders, but once you get the hang of how shader builder works, you can import just about anything (as long as you have the .sl source, of course).

    The first one is about importing Envlight2, an environment light shader: http://www.sharecg.com/v/75671/gallery/3/PDF-Tutorial/Alternative-Image-Based-Lighting-in-DAZ-Studio - it's the most detailed one. You should try it first.

    Importing a surface shader: https://mustakettu85.wordpress.com/2015/03/19/importing-larry-gritzs-lens-flare-shader-into-daz-studio/

    Importing a directional light shader: https://mustakettu85.wordpress.com/2015/04/15/3delights-physical-sun-into-daz-studio-a-yet-another-shader-builder-mini-tutorial/


    Keep us posted =)

  • MarshianMarshian Posts: 1,460
    edited March 2017

    Hi! Linwelly just pointed me towards this thread. I heard some people almost missed my product release for 3DL so I thought I'd post here> Reflective Radiance is still on sale. Click my banner or go here for the commercial post. This set calculates bounce light, has 23 presets (exterior, portrait, interior), and emissive shaders. I still use 3DL and moving forward will only be using this light set. The ability to have bounce light in 3DL raises your renders to the quality of light you see in Iray.


    Post edited by Marshian on
  • Mustakettu85Mustakettu85 Posts: 2,933
    Marshian said:

    Hi! The ability to have bounce light in 3DL raises your renders to the quality of light you see in Iray.

    Congratulations on the release! This must come in very helpful for those people who prefer using premade shaders.

    Could I ask why are you not pushing linear workflow in your documentation? Is it implied, or did you specifically tune your light presets for no gamma correction?

  • MarshianMarshian Posts: 1,460
    edited March 2017

    Hi Kettu. Thank You!

    I had to look into linear workflow which is to say I wasn't aware of it. I sometimes use gamma after my lights are set up to lighten or darken a whole scene in general, as a slight final adjustment. My route for creating these lights (all products really) was rigorous testing in a wide variety of scenes, while rendering promos, and making notes about what I encounter along the way. If the notes get long enough they go into a PDF with screencaps and renders.

    I'd like to know more. Can you post a link? I found this https://renderman.pixar.com/view/LinearWorkflow


    Post edited by Marshian on
  • Mustakettu85Mustakettu85 Posts: 2,933

    Certainly. The general explanation I like best is the one by John Hable:


    Millighost has a concise and still relevant DS-specific explanation here:


    And then your fellow PA known as Parris has a thread (unfortunately forum software broke some multi-level quotes, but most still readable):


    When I understood John Hable's explanation, I was still using DS3 but I started using linear workflow regardless, manually de-gamma'ing colour maps - which was a chore but so much worth it. Even with simple AO, linear workflow was making a huge difference.


  • dvyddvyd Posts: 33

    Hi folks. I posted a question about 3Delight on the main DAZ Studio forum. Maybe someone on this thread might be able to answer?



    -d. vyd

  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,813

    As my question in my thread seems not to have reached people who actually can help me with that I will try here:

    Linwelly said:

     I stumbled over a strange problem. I finally got Stonemasons dirtshader https://www.daz3d.com/daz-studio-dirt-shaders, but I'm missing the dirt or rather the last step of progressive rendring ( all this is 3delight) will wash all the dirt clean again..? I stopped a render in the middle of the last turn for progressive where you can see the finished part on top and the lover part still in progress. So everything nice and dirty gets cleaned up in the last turn...how come?

    Out of a whim I tried to turn off progressive next and loo and behold, the box stays dirty.. I'm baffeld.

    Now I haven't used 3delight without progressive in like forever and once in a while I try something I have the impression that progressive gets more detail and renders faster, so I#d rather have my progressive back but a dirty box as well, any ideas, all the brilliant technical people here?

    thanks for all ideas and help

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