Show Us Your Bryce Renders! Part 2
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@ Jamahoney OMG these are to die for what exceptional works these are, I feel like a real novice, i would love to do something like this, it so beautiful to view, thanks for viewing Flickr i don't expect you to view them all LOL thanks for your support
Question did you buy the tree's or use the Bryce stock in the program?
@Jamahoney: Both pictures look fantastic. Brillant use of Bryce trees.
@silverdali: Very interesting picture (pity that it was removed) and very well done. A bit "daliesque" (but who wonders with that nickname ;-)
Thankyou for understanding our predicament.
cheers chohole, i live to fight another day LOL here is something a little more tasty
Silver...many thanks. As to your tree query, yes, most are Bryce with the odd one or two brought in from outside. Love your new replaced exotic. Off now to check out your Flickr ones as just in the door.
Elector-elvis...cheers also for the kind comments. A work with too many trees in it, with too many leaves also, can get very busy and so leads to confusion. Autumn, where the latter are less was a great excuse to produce sparse-looking trees, allowing more sky to come through, too.
Chohole...ah yes, I understand the reasons concerning the nude’s issue, as I’m sure decisions aren’t/weren’t made initially from a ‘prudish’ perspective. We could be forever talking as to the whys and wherefores on this topic, so, I’m letting dead dogs lie.
Cheers all
Thanks David, well the best way is to explain when i did my last image Frac-man the background reflected the sky on my black background plan so i did not get a pure black background but did not want to change the sky setting as that changed the effect of the image and i thought maybe a mask may do the trick........having said that i have no clue how to do that or what's evolved, gosh I hope this all makes sense.
Now how i got round this........... i put flat black mat spheres behind the objs, it did the trick but that to me is a lot of work when there could be and easer way around it ..........please take your time no hurry
Does this shed any light on the issue?
Bryce "Nuts and Bolts" - masking and using masks - a 20 minute tutorial by David Brinnen
@ David I looked at your tut on masks YES that's what I was looking for, very informative and helpful thanks heaps
The poor folks over in the east coast of America are currently watching Hurricane Sandy – preparing for the worst over the next few days.
As NASA/NOAA recently released a b/w image of the hurricane, and it happened to look like a digital elevation model (it’s not really), I though treating it as if so in Bryce one could get a somewhat 3D perspective on it. The Bryce render below may not have any scientific value to it, but what is certain is that this is a monster awoken – I wish those all in its path safety.
Image credits (top): NASA/NOAA (click for larger view which shows the outline of the coast, islands and surrounds, and how these relate to the bottom render).
Heh, I like that, what a novel idea.
Edited to add, you could always post it in this thread
Thanks for that link Chohole (didn't know there was a discussion going on about it). Have just put the image up now.
Horo has kindly provided an addition to this tutorial for users of Photoshop and HDRShop. The solution offered for HDRShop is particularly elegant. Using Photoshop or HDRShop to use Masks - Appendix to "making and using masks" - by Horo Wernli
Thanks, first a death in the family, then my wife breaks her hip and now most of the models for the hurricane place it coming onshore and rolling right over my town near the Maryland/Delaware boarder, this just isn't shaping up to be a great fall for me. On the bright side though hopefully most of the leaves in my yard will be blown somewhere else and I won't have to rake them up. :)
Cool idea. I once played that game with the weather data from one year. I collect several sensors each half hour. And they can also be converted to grey scale and be used as terrain.
@David - thanks for publishing that addition to your masking video on such short notice.
Thanks for the nice comments my abstract renders.
@ Silver – Frac-man is a very interesting render. Just browsed your flickr account, your work is amazing. I love the abstract effect you have in almost all your renders. Are they all Bryce renders or other programs as well?
@ Jamahoney – lovely renders. The trees look awesome.
I enjoyed doing both following David’s Panoramic Caverns and optical illusion. I don’t see any illusion in my image ~~sad~~
Does anyone see any illusion?????
Lord...mann...will it ever be over – you probably saw this YouTube vid the other day, it is so dramatic. On the leaves issue, if they don’t blow away on you naturally, I saw advice given by Phil PLatt (aka The Bad Astronomer) – QUOTE:”I heard an interesting piece of advice that seems sound to me: rake your leaves! Leaves get clogged in drains and can aid flooding. By getting leaves up out of your yard, it lowers the odds of flooding – though by how much I couldn’t say. Still, it sounds like something that can’t hurt, especially given some of the predictions I’ve seen for more than 20 centimeters (8-10 inches) of rain!”END-QUOTE
Horo...that sounds also interesting using the weather data that way.
Mermaid...many thanks. Yeah, like with David’s illusion, yours works too – the movement of the dots for my eyes anyway are counter-clockwise (right to left), and it seems also to work better when just a single image of the illusion is on its own (looking at a general area in the bottom right quadrant sector of the image helps aid in the illusion, too). But, it’s probably different for other people.
David...great vids on sky and sunsets...I’ve so much to learn still. How does that saying go: “When the student calls, the master appears.”
I haven't noticed those before. Both are two very lovely renders.
Horo...thanks on that. Bryce trees worked okay, and setup originally is a small island, plonked with 50 or so trees - small to large - on it.
Found, by mistake, that if one offset’s one of the conical lights (four in all giving the rays, effectively, in second work) ever so slightly at the camera, ones ends up with a kind of small ‘lens flare’ effect (I know lens flares aren’t a fav.,, however, they work when not that so pronounced, I guess).
Cheers again
@mermaid010, thanks for the visit to my Flickr page, to answer your question yes they are all Bryce, except where i have imported some of my images and use them for backgrounds
I am always impressed with what I see going on in this thread. This is my contribution to the thread. Having some fun with my Volcanic Archipelago project before the next phase when i tear it apart again and start over from scratch with better ideas. That;s why I cannot ever complete anything. Ah well.
Thanks all for your time. Feedback is appreciated.
@Rashad Carter i feel i could dive in there no problems what an amazing image the lighting on the water is spectacular
This is all Bryce no post manipulation......used mats to get the desired effect with reflections
wow outstanding work - keep it up
Amazing render!
Your archipelago "world" always amazes me. Though there always detail that can be improved, I think the shot is very near to photo realistic.
Actually I had already raked the leaves in my yard, the comment I made was in jest, it was all I could come up with at the moment as far as trying to find a bright side to going thru a hurricane. :) A good thing I raked them too, it's been non stop rain all day yesterday and today and the hurricane isn't due here until tonight, ugh. When it's all over they're saying we'll have gotten 6-9 inches of rain, maybe more?
I can't imagine anything making it so much better as to be worth starting over from scratch. Although you could add some touches to it to improve the render such as disturbance of the water where the male figure is and if possible something like footprints in the sandy areas behind both figure's paths.
Good to see this thread rolling forwards with such a wide selection of interesting images.
Silverdali's being just as outstanding as Rashad's on this page, and yet so markedly different. To me they both look excellent, but I can only really offer any criticism to Rashad's since I know his aim is photorealism.
Caustics under the waters edge and vegetation are outstanding. To my jaded English eyes, the colours seem entirely too vibrant to be realistic. Then again, I've never been anywhere like the place depicted in the scene so I may be wrong in saying that that makes it unrealistic. All I can say is, I live by the sea and the predominant colours are brown (the sea, vegetation) and grey (everything else, the sky, people's complexions, rain and mist and so forth).
My own contribution to this every expanding thread is more abstract and experimental.
Using export HDR options in Bryce and importing back into Bryce IBL to add postwork effects. A similar process to those explored here.
Bryce 25 minute scene project - wings3D to render to postworks - a video by David Brinnen
But this time including the use of the Spherical Mapper to overcome limitations in Bryce's HDRI export capability.
Model in Wings3D. Gamma adjustments and layer combinations in PSP8.
I've watched the video and I must say this final result looks smashing!
@Silver: As usual, that's a stunning render.
Very silver and quite Dali... Great work of art!