Show Us Your Bryce Renders!
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In the words of Homer Simpson "Doh!"
You know, we had this info available since page 36 and post #534. In that post I included a composit of the four tabs of the Skylab and there it shows the shadows set at 1. I'm a little irritated with myself for missing that too since that was the first thing you suggested.
I would not be too harsh on the BCF author, they will have been used to dealing with DS rather than Bryce I imagine, which in turn means they wouldn't really grasp the implications of their choices as far as Bryce's render engine is concerned. This choice allows for a fast render but relies rather heavily on the texturing of the imported objects, rather than the lighting capabilities of the render engine. An understandable choice for a DS user I would suggest, where many of the models I've seen have lighting information embedded within the textures through one form or another of texture baking.
Well keep in mind alot of these BCF's were hobbled together fairly quickly when Daz first aquired Bryce. At the time there were very few if any regulars in the Daz community that knew anything about Bryce, let alone how to optimize it. Also the BCF's were created to attract poser and studio users who had zero exposure experience with Bryce and so they were made such that the user mostly just had to import the model in question and change it's attribute setting to the ones listed in the BCF. If that setting does speed up render time then that was probably the deciding factor for setting it that way so as to not discourage potential new Bryce enthusiasts by making them have to sit thru too long a render.
It's a shame they didn't tap you for the BCF team Pam since you were probably here at Daz back then judging by things you've said in the past.
You know, I was the same way and mostly still am. Pretty much the only thing I use Studio for is as a model importer for Bryce. If it's not Bryce related then I use Poser because I'm more familiar with how to do things in Poser whereas with studio I have to look around and try to figure things out still since it's so different from Poser. I did try to import from Poser in the past but that made for so much work in the material lab since the export/import process would almost never get the materials right. That's what was so nice about using the Studio bridge. How it looked in studio is usually how it looked in Bryce when using the bridge.
I think that very much depends on what the other thing you were wrong about was... for example, I was only wrong once on the week I drove into the side of a red Citroen, but it turned out to be a critical error on my part. I thought no one would be stupid enough to pull out in front of a motorcycle at a cross roads where I had right of way, my headlights on, a loud exhaust and brightly coloured fibreglass lid - and yet... I was wrong. Painfully, breathtakingly wrong.
I thought I was wrong once, turns out I was mistaken. :)
I would be soooooooo impressed if that was a 100% Bryce mock up. But it isn' I'm not. :)
That's what I've been hearing to although me personally I've been using the latest build of Studio 3 Advanced for my importing and so far everything has imported flawlessly. Even things that used to not import flawlessly like the AMS RT-05 Mech which used to import with the cockpit part missing. Of course that means I can't import anything Genesis but hey since I spent all that money buying Gen 3 and Gen 4 stuff over the past 10 years I'd rather make use of that anyway.
In the words of Homer Simpson "Doh!"
You know, we had this info available since page 36 and post #534. In that post I included a composit of the four tabs of the Skylab and there it shows the shadows set at 1. I'm a little irritated with myself for missing that too since that was the first thing you suggested.
Not to worry, hopefully it will stick in your mind now and in future you will know where to look if your shadows go missing again.
Asside - I'm thinking you heard Pam say something happens to your status once you reach 2500 posts?
"Solve" or get it back to working as badly as it did before it was broken entirely?
OK, thanks for the tip, I will see if I can get hold of a DS DL.
I'm not holding out much hope though.
Well unless you really have a need for importing Genesis I would suggest you try that latest version of Studio 3 either the 32 or 64 bit although I use 32 bit because Bryce is 32 bit and I don't want to chance having something coming from a 64 bit studio into a 32 bit Bryce and causing trouble.
Not to worry, hopefully it will stick in your mind now and in future you will know where to look if your shadows go missing again.
Asside - I'm thinking you heard Pam say something happens to your status once you reach 2500 posts?
Huh? Oh you're refering to this starting to look like the LHD thread? Well I got a long way to go at just a bit over 100 so you better hope that's not my motivation. Actually it's just the way I do forums. I've never been very good about replying to multiple people in a single post because I start where I left off in a thread and then read thru each post in chronological order and reply to each post I reply to right after I read it rather then read every post I've missed since the last time I visited a thread and then trying to remember everything I wanted to respond to.
@LordHardDriven - righto. Though I do have Studio 4, I usually launch Studio 3 from Bryce 7 because 3 is a bit less bewildering to operate. I mostly use Studo for props anyway, having such a hard time to put cloths on characters and then pose them without tearing the cloths.
You would be amazed at how many of the figures I use in my renders are actually a set of clothes with head hands and feet only, I routinely turn off everything that doesn't show in the figure before I xport it from poser, makes for less polys. And it does make posing easier, cos mostly you can get rid of the bits that "tear the clothes" Only time it doesn't work is if you are using dynamic clothes, cos you need the body bits for the dynamics to work against.
Not so much that, but that you were working your way up to "addict".
I was worried this thread was getting a bit "wordy" so I've made a picture. The floor pattern came from Genetica 3.6 Pro and I processed it using PSP8 and Crazybump to give me a heightmap derived bump pattern. The scene is lit with Bryce sun, and a green radial and a magenta radial, the purpose being to emphasise the pattern on one side and then the other. Graham provided me with Mr Stanford Dragon esquire - who I understand came originally from the Stanford repository of scanned objects. The material on the dragon is something Horo and I have cooked up for a future product of 50 "special" metals. Premium effect DOF and TA applied (not that the TA is worked very hard here).
Not so much that, but that you were working your way up to "addict".
Well you all better hope not because that's a long way off even if I continue to post at a consistently high rate like today. :)
It's been a while since I played around with Bryce, guess I got frustrated with my progress. This thread has some might fine renders, and the tutorials I've watched are great. Just need to find my patience again.
Anywho, I did a few images just playing around with Bryce 5, tried a bit of this and a bit of that, just to see the results. And the following image was the result. Now that I have Bryce 7 Pro I may have to lean in other directions other than landscapes, which are just bare bones.
The two large mountains and the short one, The Valley Floor is another example of playing around. I've done a few playing with water, but they are again bare bones. Think it might be time to sit down and think up a complete scene and put it together.
A few more of my renders.
Not sure if I've got everything right, but I like them.
Two more.
good ones - keep it up
@David: Thanks a lot for your grass tutorial. It inspired me to a little garden scene... (post notice: Pardon, for starting a new thread,... actually this post was planned for "Show us your Bryce Renders". But I was a bit clumsy. Maybe an administrator can transfer it.
No sooner said than done. :coolsmirk:
@Wilmap, nice renders, I like them too. :)
@electro-elvis, great job on making use of David's grass tutorial.
Yes, that reminds me, I meant to say well done Wendy, those are looking good. Really impressed with the way you are getting a handle on Bryce.
and electro-elvis well done followinfg David's tutorial THey are fun aren't they.
I think if Electro-elvis, has used my tutorial to make that grass, then he has surpassed my abilities by a wide margin!
Edit. a little bit of experimenting with mapping, object cubic, and world cubic would not give me what I wanted, so I resorted to using the Spherical Mapper - possibly my favourite tool Horo and I have made so far.
@Wendy - good renders. I like the one with the swans best of the four.
@electro-elvis - great grass indeed, good watered considering the colour.
@David - pattern looks cool, like a metamorphosing one from M. C. Escher.
I think if Electro-elvis, has used my tutorial to make that grass, then he has surpassed my abilities by a wide margin!
Ah my mistake then I thought that when he said your tutorial inspired him he meant that he liked the results of your tutorial snd made it into that scene.
Well I got a new scene and of course with it came a new problem. This one is based off of the model called Trinity Atrium. I added a couple of characters to give it some life. The first one is with the light setup already predefined in the BCF. The Second one is an HDRI version which I like best. The third one is of course the TA version and that's where the new problem is. It looked like it was doing fine as it progressed but in the end it looked it was one pass short of being complete, or kind of grainy but that's 100%. Took almost 2 days too which kind of frustrates me. Any ideas on what messed me up? I did have boost light on as I thought it only had a problem wirh dimly lit scenes and this scene looked fairly well lit. There is one other thing. Not being certain what the TA optimization slider in the light editor does I turned it all the way up for all the lights in the scene. Thinking the highest setting meant fully optimized.
These are a few of my early tries using mounds and water. Basically playing around to see how things would turn out.
The one looking like a burned out hulk was my learning about more trees provided with Bryce 7.1, trees that do not show up unless you hold down Ctrl while clicking on the tree in the Create palette. Again, playing around with settings to see what would happen. The result is a tree that looks as though it was the last bastion from a long ago time, sitting in a craggy hillside or barren mountain. Anyway, I likeed the look and kept it for future use.
The very first ones.
Ah my mistake then I thought that when he said your tutorial inspired him he meant that he liked the results of your tutorial snd made it into that scene.
Well I got a new scene and of course with it came a new problem. This one is based off of the model called Trinity Atrium. I added a couple of characters to give it some life. The first one is with the light setup already predefined in the BCF. The Second one is an HDRI version which I like best. The third one is of course the TA version and that's where the new problem is. It looked like it was doing fine as it progressed but in the end it looked it was one pass short of being complete, or kind of grainy but that's 100%. Took almost 2 days too which kind of frustrates me. Any ideas on what messed me up? I did have boost light on as I thought it only had a problem wirh dimly lit scenes and this scene looked fairly well lit. There is one other thing. Not being certain what the TA optimization slider in the light editor does I turned it all the way up for all the lights in the scene. Thinking the highest setting meant fully optimized.
The TA version is looking good in terms of statistical light coverage. The grain is disappointing and so is the render time. This is why the 3D Fill lights are so useful because you can get a result very similar to that of the TA version but with no noise and 1/10th the render time. Where are these BCF Files located because I will pull up the scene and throw a 3D Fill at it and show you how well it works. If they came with Bryce5 then I am screwed because that hasnt been on my system in over 5 years. Any ideas?
If I remember correctly, BCFs came with a Studio prop. You purchased a prop and sometimes a BCF was included.
Not just studio props. THey came with sets that were in the store, mostly PC items and the BCFs were included. Mostly quite old products.
I don't use DS but I do have a few sets with BCFs. I set them up in poser and transfer themn that way. Poser and DS are only plugins for Bryce after all