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I can't get my head around the fact that Cho said she could change in ten minutes! You are an exceptional woman, Cho. (But there - we knew that.)
BTW, with your knowledge of the ACW, the South and all that, you might be able to settle an old puzzle for me. What is the derivation of the word, "antebellum"? "Ante" usually means "post" or "after", but after what? On my several visits to the US, I have asked many people, but they all looked blank. You could see them thinking, "What's this goddam Limey asking stoopid questions for?"
Thank you, Robert. There's a lot to do, I fear.
Antebellum actualy means Before a war, and does tend to be used most for the period before the ACW. We tend to say Prewar.
Antebellum was firrst used in aorund 1862, ie a year after the ACW started, so you will find references like " the antebellum plantations of Georgia" many of which were razed byt the infamous "March through Georgia" which was incidently written about in song by a British songwriter, recored in ENgland, although there were some American C&W stars on the concept album that was released, including Waylon Jennings
Yup, ante means before: am, ante meridian = before noon; antedeluvian = before the flood. I have always taken antebellum to refer, in particular, to prior to the US Civil War.
Thank you. I stand corrected. So we have "before" and not "after". So does "bellum" mean "war"? Is that what you are saying? Is it Latin?
BTW, the West wall of the suite has been rebuilt and inserted.
Yes, sorry Skipper, yes bellum equals war, and yes it is latin,. So when the Southereners, in particualr and the Americans in general refer to antebellum they are referring to the halycon days in the Southern States, before the Yankees, sorry the Northern States gradually grew to dominate politics and tried to impose change on the previously dominant Southern States.
In the same way as people of our age will refer to "The War" and "before the war", meaning WW2, so do Americans refer to Antebellum as being before the ACW, which was the only war fought on "Sovereign" American territory.
The war of Independance cannot be considered as such, because prior the the war of Independance, there was no Sovereign American territory.
Now I am going to stop derailing your thread, and Come back to this great model that you are refurbishing.. It is looking really good, of course, but I am not certain about that I would want to stay in a room with a trap door, right inside the main door, nasty.
But think how handy that could be for your fast changes ... ;)
Please do not apologise. Speaking for myself, I enjoy chat as long as it does not degenerate into a flame war. Besides, I did ask you and am very glad to have an old puzzle laid to rest. Thank you.
I have placed a rebuilt wardrobe in the corner and although it looks as if there might be reversed normals there, so far I have not found them. Mmmmmm. You get a glimpse of the sliding panel in the back; I'll place that tomorrow - plus the doors - and see how it looks then.
When Jimmy Saville was busy, I wrote saying that I wanted to stay the night in a haunted house, but nothing came of it. :cheese:
I nearly forgot - some idiot has been busy again at ShareCG and I have answered him. Get over there and take a look. It might give you a laugh.
Good one Skipper
I think I was too late - can only see your response.
Yes - they've been clearing his posts for weeks now. It was nothing important - just an idiot seeking attention. I have asked ShareCG to clear it all.
(Later) He's back again, the poor lost soul. And - oooh, he does smell!
(Later still) You would have to be quick because ShareCG have cleared him again. I feel sorry for them - it gives them an awful lot of work.
Work continues along the west wall. The doors have been added, a dressing table with mirror and a blanket chest. (More texture by Tylo, TY.) In the second pic it will be seen how the doors open, while the wardrobe back has been slid partly open. Any poor girl fixing her makeup will find her seat sinking and taking her into the cellar with it. The chest lid is open, showing that there is enough room inside for a body or skeleton, or perhaps a lurking assassin - it's your story!
I should add that the mirror is a one-way so that the occupants of the room are under scrutiny from outside. I will probably add ordinary mirrors to the wardrobe doors.
Oh this is such fun.
Thank you. I agree entirely.:lol:
I have added mirrors to the wardrobe doors and laughed my socks off with the Dracula picture on the wall above the chest. One may make him open and close his eyes (independently) or make them swivel to look at anything or nothing in particular.
Isn't that more Frankenstein's creature than Dracula? :)
Incredible work. I can hardly wait to see how it all turns out.
Simon - it's actually a photo of Boris Karloff made up for the movies, but I am not entirely sure what role he was supposed to be playing. He's got a bolt through his neck, so I assumed it was Dracula. Oh - wait - I see what you're getting at. Count Dracula was the creator, wasn't he????
Bela Lagosi played Dracula, Boris played the Monster created by Dr. Victor Frankenstein. The bolts are for connecting the dead body to a high voltage source in order to jump start the nervous system.
Dracula was the vampire, as immortalised (pun intended) by Bram Stoker
The creature was the construct made by Viktor Frankenstein from pieces of various corpses and written of by Mary Shelley
Odd how one's memory gets jumbled up with these things. Thanks guys - but I don't suppose that I'll remember!
I do know that Whitby has adopted the story - and has lots of museums and shops selling stuff - because somebody or other connected with it landed there from the Continent.
Indeed, in the book Dracula, the ship taking the vampire to England was blown into Whitby with the crew all dead.
Probably influenced by the real-life story of the Marie Celeste, I suppose.
Now that is a good question ... personally with nothing more than gut-feeling I'd put the Marie Celeste incident after the writing of Dracula. Hmmm, time to flex my Google-fu ... ;)
Let's see ... Mary Celeste lost in 1872. Dracula published 1897. I thought the Celeste was a bit later than that, but ... having a vampire trying to eat your face off is as good a reason as any to abandon ship ... ;)
LOL. Darn good reason!!! Thanks for the info. The author might have been influenced, then.
Back at the Bridal Suite, on the other side of the party wall I have erected a stairwell. It was a very complex build and I hope to get on quicker now that it's done.
Looks great, Skipper!... and I have all your fantastic freebies! :)
Thank YOU, Teresa. As you can see, I still have yours. They're lovely.
LOL. I guess that you clicked on the wrong space,! Don't worry about it - we've all been there. got turned into Spam fritters. I like spam fritters, but not in the bridal suite
Hrrrmmmm.... I thought it was Karloff from "The Black Cat".
As always Skipper, beautiful work. Will this be an addition to the bridal suite or a replacement?
I loved the one already finished and can hardly await the release of the "update"
Again thankye mate.