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You could link the image from your gallery as I did bellow
thanks for sharing ! it is not my best freebie work as I do it so quick and it could be better especially the weight maps .. but glad you like it
My 25 years old daughter is totally in love with the 80s , she got some artistic skills as well free spirit ;) in short me
Thank you for the wishes !
I tried to link the image from my gallery, but it just put in the link and not the image. How do I get the image to display instead of just the link?
Click the add Image command and put the URL inside the first tab and add title and OK , don't put the url in the second tab or you get just a link
but before that you need to copy the Image URL from the gallery , just go to the gallery and right click open image in new window, then copy the URL of the image and use it
what you did was putting the URL to your gallery submission page
Happy anniversary Cath!
And thank you very much for the outfits, looking forward to see the 'Miami' suits!
Speaking of Miami, for all the tinkerers out there: here's a link to a rather nice Ferrari Daytona RagTop on 3dwarehouse (.skp SketchUp format) by B. Panyawat
Unfortunately it has been treated rather badly by its last owner, so it needs a bit of tender loving care to look right again.
Give it a new set of wheels, put the steering back to where it belongs, take off the added exhaust pipes, and get rid of the silenced .45 stashed in the boot.
Quite a bit of work, but it really is a nice car that's worth putting some effort in for some nice vice scenes : )
I tried to fix my attached gallery image to show the picture, but now it is HUGE and has a bunch of garbage text after it. I guess I still need more advice.
OK, I found out how to resize it smaller and got rid of the garbage text. The garbage came from having Greasemonkey enabled.
The garbage text appears to be your signature - what is emant to be there?
I don't have a signature. I believe the "garbage" text was inserted by Greasemonkey. I guess I accidently enabled it when I meant to click on another icon. As soon as I disabled it, the problem went away.
I passed on that did look like too much work. Plus it didn't want to export cleanly for me, there was more than average clean up.
Glad I was able to find you in these new forums.
What happened to the suit?
still work in progress , busy with other stuff right now .. I may go back to it in the weekend
Ah here you are ! :) nice ! stay tuned !
I absolutely love this hair! It renders so nicely!
Thank you again!
Cool one ! thanks for sharing !
Amazing outfits and hair. Thank you so much, and Happy (Belated) Birthday!
Thank you very much @sapat
Do I just put these files alone into the DIM download folder or is there supposed to be 2 files for each item? All the files I have in my download folder have both a zip and a dsx file
The files get put in the Runtime> Support folder.
Now I am more confused...the info I quoted says put in DIM download folder, I want to know if those files include both metadata and the actual product or if I need the original products I downloaded already. Now you are saying put them in runtime/ support folder...which is it? I assumed they should show up in DIM as new purchases as if I jsut bought them by putting in the download folder
That are just metadata , put it in the DIM zip of the products you downloaded
the last underwater hair freebie have it all complete
In the DIM download folder...or as I did, ADD another folder to the DIM's list of download folders (in this case I named it Mec4d, but it could be nonstore or something like that). You just need to add that folder to the list, using the Options.
Ok got it figured out, you have to copy both the metadata zip and the product zip to the download folder then they both show up in DIM ready to install, altho now it shows as 2 zips and 2 dsx files in my DIM download folder, 2 for the product and 2 for the metadata. Oh well I may not understand how it works as long as it works :)
Just put them on your DIM downloads folder if you use DIM to install your products. Install them with DIM exactly as you usually do with any product. DIM will create the dsx file automatically. If you don't use DIM just extract the content and move it to /Your DAZ Content/Runtime/Support
I'm new to Daz Studio, and I wanted to thank you for the gifts. Happy Birthday
Ahh I thought this post had disappeared! Glad I found it!!
Yes I did that, but you have to copy both files to DIM Downloads eg: and so you get the product and metadata installed with DIM. That;s the part I was asking about and wasn't comprehending the different answers.
I made it through the wilderness.....
I made a rudimentary belt plaque prop in Hexagon. If anyone wants it, you can download the Daz Studio scene file from my gallery upload. You'll need to scale it and parent it.
Nice work, Tim. :)
Cath, you're most welcome, young lady. (even though it's just by a few years) :D
I enjoyed this thread a lot and will stay tuned.