MEC4D's celebration ( with freebies ) [commercial]



  • SkirikiSkiriki Posts: 4,976
    edited December 1969

    MEC4D said:
    The show was aired on 8pm Saturday what was not so late and I watched it on black and white TV lol in 1987 we got color TV

    Yeah, but in Finland, it was definitely late evening stuff, like past 10 pm. :lol:

  • MEC4DMEC4D Posts: 5,249
    edited December 1969

    I was only allowed on Christmas and New Year to past 10 pm...lucky you

    Skiriki said:
    MEC4D said:
    The show was aired on 8pm Saturday what was not so late and I watched it on black and white TV lol in 1987 we got color TV

    Yeah, but in Finland, it was definitely late evening stuff, like past 10 pm. :lol:

  • SkirikiSkiriki Posts: 4,976
    edited June 2015

    MEC4D said:
    I was only allowed on Christmas and New Year to past 10 pm...lucky you

    Like I said, that was pretty weird, but then again, I have always been late-nighter (as evidenced by the fact that right now it is 2 am), even as a kid. But I got up just fine in a morning, so I guess my folks didn't think of it as a too huge problem, and I guess they were also considering it as free English language education. :lol:

    Other shows that aired after 10 or so, and I was allowed to watch, weirdly enough:

    In the Heat of the Night
    Crime Story
    Friday the 13th (TV series, not the movies)

    These were mostly something I watched on my own, my folks weren't too interested and they were in Thursday's timeslot, past ten; they would occasionally watch Miami Vice, but not too often.

    However, Knight Rider and Street Hawk were in more popular slot (7:30 pm to 8:30 pm), and they would often watch that with me. Dallas, Dynasty, Falcon Crest -- yeah, saw those too.

    "V" (the original series) caused a bit of a moral panic over here, and some won't-somebody-think-of-the-children successfully demanded that showing it must be stopped, because it is so badly traumatizing kids. So the channel did that... only to show the rest in summer, in past ten time slot, when kids were able to watch it anyway, or have a friend tape it and then watch it at their place.

    The Cosby Show was ridiculously popular, but so was Married With Children, The Golden Girls, Moonlighting, Highway to Heaven, L. A. Law, Matlock, Roseanne etc. As you can see, we got lots of US TV over here.

    However, all this talk so far has forgotten the REAL, TRUE ruler of 1980s.

    I'm talking about HIM, of course.


    That mullethead probably shaped me more than anything. :lol:

    Post edited by Skiriki on
  • Llola LaneLlola Lane Posts: 9,439
    edited December 1969

    OMG Skiriki... you said the M... word... (faints)... Got a pocket knife and a roll of electrical tape... and he can fix.. ANYTHING! lol

    Got the first season of MacGyver on DVD... it's about time to watch it... again. Hubby won't mind.. he likes it too ;)

  • SkirikiSkiriki Posts: 4,976
    edited December 1969

    llolalane said:
    OMG Skiriki... you said the M... word... (faints)... Got a pocket knife and a roll of electrical tape... and he can fix.. ANYTHING! lol

    Got the first season of MacGyver on DVD... it's about time to watch it... again. Hubby won't mind.. he likes it too ;)

    I never went anywhere without my Swiss army pocket knife close by.

    Including school. And the teachers knew about it. Seriously. (Actually our chemistry teacher also had one on her as well, and once had to use in class, to get a stubborn rubber stopper out of some flask.)

    Ah. 1980s and early 1990s. Definitely different era.

    (Still got my knife within arm's reach, and it has my spare set of keys in it. Booyah!)

  • RAMWolffRAMWolff Posts: 10,240
    edited December 1969

    MEC4D said:
    Thank you very much
    actually finished modeling next freebie from 1984 , anybody guessing who was dressed in ?

    Yet another belated HBD... in the middle of convention season and it doesn't stop til after Comic Con, but wow, these are just fantastic!

    Me! *wink*

  • ToborTobor Posts: 2,300
    edited December 1969

    Let me add my congrats on your birthday.

    I bought you a little present -- actually, it was a present for myself, but you get the money. I'm jazzed by your new Iray materials set, which I got this afternoon -- emptied my PayPal account actually, leaving just 84 cents in it! Please keep up the good work. You set a good example for other vendors in the quality and thoroughness of your products.

  • SixDsSixDs Posts: 2,384
    edited December 1969

    Well, now I'm having trouble keeping up. Here's my meagre attempt with Birthday Freebie #2. I'm not a girl, but I had fun anyway. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

    930 x 1200 - 494K
  • Robert FreiseRobert Freise Posts: 4,481
    edited December 1969

    Ah shows that bring back fond memories

  • mjc1016mjc1016 Posts: 15,001
    edited December 1969

    Here's the perfect accessory for the suit...

    800 x 640 - 333K
  • SixDsSixDs Posts: 2,384
    edited July 2015

    Sure. When can I pick that up? Keys in it?

    Hey, wait a minute! Shouldn't that be a Testarosa?

    Post edited by SixDs on
  • mjc1016mjc1016 Posts: 15,001
    edited December 1969

    SixDs said:
    Sure. When can I pick that up? Keys in it?

    Hey, wait a minute! Shouldn't that be a Testarosa?

    Season 3 is when he got the Testarossa...they blew up the Daytona, in the opener. Seasons 1 and 2 it was a black, 1972, 365 Daytona Spyder (really it was a fake one built on a Corvette frame)...the Testarossa was real.

  • JoeQuickJoeQuick Posts: 1,719
    edited December 1969

    Your freebies are just too much fun, thank you.

    1200 x 1600 - 2M
  • 3dbug3dbug Posts: 67
    edited December 1969

    Miami Vice aired on the weekend, and I remember programming the VCR before heading out to the nightclub so that I could watch the show after I got home, or the next day. Those were the days. Before all the doom and gloom of the current era we find ourselves in.

  • Jeanne MJeanne M Posts: 652
    edited December 1969

    Thank you so much Cath for again a lovely freebie!

    And Happy 15th Anniversary!!

    Love, Jeanne :)

  • MEC4DMEC4D Posts: 5,249
    edited July 2015

    Skiriki said:

    MacGyver !!! YEAH !! lol

    Thank you very much !

    shebabath said:
    Let me add my congrats on your birthday.

    I bought you a little present -- actually, it was a present for myself, but you get the money. I'm jazzed by your new Iray materials set, which I got this afternoon -- emptied my PayPal account actually, leaving just 84 cents in it! Please keep up the good work. You set a good example for other vendors in the quality and thoroughness of your products.

    Oh that is cool ! thanks for sharing !

    SixDs said:
    Well, now I'm having trouble keeping up. Here's my meagre attempt with Birthday Freebie #2. I'm not a girl, but I had fun anyway. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

    Make sure it is ready and shiny for the Final countdown ;)
    Here's the perfect accessory for the suit...

    Very cool ! thanks for sharing
    Your freebies are just too much fun, thank you.

    Thank you very much Jeanne!
    Thank you so much Cath for again a lovely freebie!

    And Happy 15th Anniversary!!

    Love, Jeanne :)

    Post edited by MEC4D on
  • SkirikiSkiriki Posts: 4,976
    edited December 1969

    I just wanna add that may your every birthday be as fabulous as this one, and so filled with joy. :D This has been really great, and I totally plan to do something fun-cool with the outfits provided, something suitably genre-crossing. :D

  • MEC4DMEC4D Posts: 5,249
    edited December 1969

    Thank you, I have a wonderful time one of the best ever , looking forward to see what you cook with <3 <3</p>

    Skiriki said:
    I just wanna add that may your every birthday be as fabulous as this one, and so filled with joy. :D This has been really great, and I totally plan to do something fun-cool with the outfits provided, something suitably genre-crossing. :D
  • taniabtaniab Posts: 7
    edited December 1969

    Happy belated birthday and thank you very very much for these wonderful freebies!
    Unfortunately dropbox is having problems right now and I'm not able to download the latest (error 500), I hope they fix it before the link expires...

  • MEC4DMEC4D Posts: 5,249
    edited December 1969

    Thank you very much, if not I will keep it open 2 more days as well until they fix it so don't worry

    taniab said:
    Happy belated birthday and thank you very very much for these wonderful freebies!
    Unfortunately dropbox is having problems right now and I'm not able to download the latest (error 500), I hope they fix it before the link expires...
  • Kismet2012Kismet2012 Posts: 4,252
    edited December 1969

    As a thank you for the wonderful gift MEC4D.

    2000 x 1500 - 779K
  • MEC4DMEC4D Posts: 5,249
    edited December 1969

    Awww thank you ! Led Zeppelin come on my mind one of the first songs I learned to play on my guitar "Stairway To Heaven"

    may go nice with the render :)

    As a thank you for the wonderful gift MEC4D.
  • ModernWizardModernWizard Posts: 851
    edited December 1969

    Hi all, I just want to let everyone know that I'm working on 3Delight materials for the Girls... Hair and head band, so they should be available by tomorrow at the latest! I will post here with a link.


  • MEC4DMEC4D Posts: 5,249
    edited December 1969

    Great , thank you for your time !

    Hi all, I just want to let everyone know that I'm working on 3Delight materials for the Girls... Hair and head band, so they should be available by tomorrow at the latest! I will post here with a link.


  • D.RobinsonD.Robinson Posts: 283
    edited December 1969

    Just so you know Cath these outfits are gonna get alot of mileage by mixing and matching with other stuff. Thank you again this is a WIP of some starwars render i want to do.


    1920 x 1536 - 2M
  • MEC4DMEC4D Posts: 5,249
    edited December 1969

    It is always good to mix and match stuff for unique set ! Thank you for sharing ! very creative ! :)

    dubby30 said:
    Just so you know Cath these outfits are gonna get alot of mileage by mixing and matching with other stuff. Thank you again this is a WIP of some starwars render i want to do.


  • RCTSpankyRCTSpanky Posts: 850
    edited December 1969

    Thank you also very much again for the rew gift. This outfits are awesome.

  • scathascatha Posts: 756
    edited December 1969

    MEC4D said:
    Awww thank you ! Led Zeppelin come on my mind one of the first songs I learned to play on my guitar "Stairway To Heaven"

    may go nice with the render :)

    As a thank you for the wonderful gift MEC4D.

    Classic song indeed... though I would have picked the kennedy center tribute to Led Zeppelin, performed by Heart.
    Never expected to see grown men cry like that. ;)

  • AlexLOAlexLO Posts: 193
    edited December 1969

    MEC4D said:
    Thank you very much
    actually finished modeling next freebie from 1984 , anybody guessing who was dressed in ?

    Yet another belated HBD... in the middle of convention season and it doesn't stop til after Comic Con, but wow, these are just fantastic!

    Oh I loved Miami Vice! Frinday nights at 10pm, you knew where to find me LOL What really drew me to the show was not just the "MTV" style (and Edward James Olmos, Hello, "Bushido"?!? WOW), but the music by Jan Hammer. It was the first fully synth based TV score, at a time when I was immersed and obsessed with synthesizer & early sampling technology in music.

    I <3 the 80s (the cool parts...the avarice & politics...not so much)</p>

  • RedzRedz Posts: 1,459
    edited December 1969

    Well that's my ear worm sorted for today. I have very fond memories of Miami Vice from my teenage years. Truly Cath you are spoiling us with these wonderful freebies! Only sorry I'm abroad and can't play with them or your fabulous new shader set, which is sitting in my DIM awaiting download. When I get home I will do my best to repay you with a render or two. Thanks again xoxo

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