[Interactive License available] Mesh To Volume... and back!

21 May 2022
Playlist updated with "MTV Fog Volumes" tutorial: 
Playlist link: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLzUOVK5mlH3oJA1TbeNPkIlOG1M_8n4YY
18 May 2022
Version 1.1 update released.
product folder structure reorganized
added feature: vertical blend
volume container boundaries are now calibrated correctly to match volume extents
nodes visibility settings now restored properly after the script run
performances improved of 15%
updated PDF guide manual
22 Apr 2022
Some of you asked how to make the tornado displayed in the promo. Easy peasy, check the playlist here:
21 Apr 2022
Installer has been updated, please update to fix the initial release issue. Thanks and apologies again for the problem. My bad.
19 Apr 2022
Two movies already available, more to come. Take a look...
Tutorial movie playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLzUOVK5mlH3oJA1TbeNPkIlOG1M_8n4YY
Hey guys, I already issued an update so expect to find it in your DIM very soon.
The fix is very simple (a file is missing in the installer), so if you don't want to wait here is how to do it:
simply download this file: www.alessandromastronardi.com/QA/tbb.zip
and unzip it in your: "My DAZ 3D Library\Scripts\Alessandro_AM\Mesh2Volume\Bin\"
Start Studio, and now all should work perfectly. Thanks, and apologies for the issue.
Mesh to Volume... and Back is a one-click tool to convert any mesh to a volume directly in Daz Studio.
It works quickly and efficiently with every figure, prop, or geometry you throw at it. And it comes with customizable noise effects and voxel sizes to allow infinite possibilities in your renders.
And back! That's right, you can even convert the volume back to geometry creating an incredible variety of particle effects, applying any shader you like.
It's a game-changer and the ultimate tool you need to fully experience Daz Studio 4.20+ volumetric features!
All volumes produced are openVDB compliant and can be used in other 3D applications like Blender, Houdini, Cinema 4D, Maya, and more.
Designed for Daz Studio 4.20+, Windows only.
For support please contact me directly at [email protected]

Good work, AM!
Should be a great companion with materia meshmaker to make clouds.
Woaahhhhh! That is mindblowing.
Looking forward to this alot!
Can't wait fot it !
To you think it will be released soon ?
This is Super!
If all goes as planned, in a matter of very few weeks. Cheers
Little teasers coming, one by one. In this iteration, I'm showing how to convert basic primitives into volumes in just one click, and how the volume can be affected and made more interesting by a noise map.
I'm even more impatient than before !
Let's hope these "very few weeks" will be very few !
Looks like my previous post was lost. Is there any update on this?
It's gonna be there soon...
It was removed as a bump.
Ah, I see. Thanks for the explanation. I really was looking for an update. I'm dying to get my hands on this!
Oh my gosh, and I thought materia was awesome!!! I'll definitely be in line for this Alessandro! You're always on the forefront of making things accessible!
Yes, please!
Looks good, Alessandro!
More examples while we wait.
It look so easy to use!
It is. I decided to make it a one click tool, so that is very simple to use. There are of course options to customize the result but nothing daunting.
I'll put something out tomorrow if isn't released yet.
Much respect. Thank you.
One of the reasons I keep coming back to the store every day to see what's new... we wants it precious, we wants it now!
It is out now. Unfortunately, I have to pass it, as it is Windows only
[bother]! I was so getting this until I noticed the final sentence in the description: Windows only.
Any chance that this gets ported?
Wow... what a good price!