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Good find!
A walking snake ;-)
I hadn't seen it before, but this dog run was spectacular.
Why an eggplant is called that:
I did not know that about egg plants lol
Talk about a mad hare!
Ouch! Definitely wouldn't want to be trying to cope with those two on my own.
This one may be of interest to those still shopping with cash in a certain country:
{going by the comments, this may or may not be true}
And here's an idea for 'new shoes' ;-)
The disclaimer is: do NOT do this at home ... but gee it looks like fun, making Purple Gold, yes!!!
And here's a little special knowledge for what to put inside all those cavemen rattles :-)
Coming up on the suggestions for some reason, are a number of dance shorts which are very funny. From the comments I gather that possibly this is a group of dads who somehow got involved into dancing because of their daughters. They do not always keep a straight face esp when dressed in tutus etc. Purpose of the channel is for amusement, bringing laughter ... dance, a universal language.
LOL I've seen them before, they are fun to watch.
I have "no" idea "why" one would want to, but this is how to nail a hole into a mug.
LOL would be great as a joke on someone lol
Well, it was useful near Monkey Island.
In case you run out of small flowerpots and have excess mugs.
Hmm I didn't think of that, good tip
Island of Monkeys -- not a game I'm familiar with.
For use as a planter, has possibilities.
For those with "boxers" ... here's how to wrap a hand:
btw -- "just in case" the powers that be in here have noticed that I'm not spending anywhere near the amount of money I normally might ... I have a little dog. She is now 10 years old. So the vet wanted to do some blood work, fix the ever popping up ear infection and she got her full house of vaccinations. That delightful trip, on the hottest day of the year so far, with taxes, Canadian money, came to nearly $1400. And we are not finished, nope. Vet needs a follow-up in a couple weeks. Then there are the helpful people telling me how they are done with vets, next trip they're putting down their pets. For some reason this attitude upsets me. Putting down an animal just because the vet bills are too high?! Oh please people, if you're in such a situation, it is OKAY to rehome animals. At any rate, my budget was blown, badly, so hopefully, if we should all live so long, in a few months we could have a super duper sale at Daz3D with everything at ridiculously low prices so I can catch up on all these goodies, hehehe, thank you.
Vets are outragious here in the states too.Just the office visit without anything, jsut for the appointment to see the Dr is $200 then everything else is on top of that which can run another $400-$500 and you have to pay the full bill that day. We have a place here called Angels for Animals and we jsut take the pets there cause they are 75% cheaper
Here [Ottawa] so many vets either closed or left the city. Sarah's fav vet left the city. I'm not aware of any established clinic that is like Angels for Animals ... some with vehicles take their pets across the border into Quebec. The vets there have habitually been working at more affordable prices.
We're also expected to pay the bill in full on the same day services are rendered.
Discovering Mr. Sunbeam :-)
Now I know how to wrap a hand for boxing and other types of fighting, I had no idea how that was done.
A childhood fav game for many ... and even a few high ranking folks with decorations on their coats ;-)
Now we can all make paper airplanes and have lots of inexpensive fun [as long as it's legal where we all are]. -- and maybe go around afterwards and pick up all the planes, not to be littering ;-)
2 different links:
An entertaining introduction to some dogs:
Be careful whose "safe" gets unlocked lol ...
Now that's a paper airplane lol damn it went far.
Love the dog introductions lol
This is one of the most precious moments:
New type of car doors :-)
Late to the show but I did discover that $2 flash sale
Thanks to whoever :-)
When adopting a pet, remember it's a lifetime committment to "love and cherish them" "no matter what" [sure glad he's not coming home in my car lol ...]
This one is more a "community service" type thing ... I didn't know what that "looks like crazy driving" meant either: