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The installer can't finish updating the CMS. I've had this issue with the previous install and it took a hell lot of time to have it fixed.
SORRY, I can't remember, how it got fixed.
(sorry, really upset)
This screenshot of the install process is for about 20 minutes during cms update. I asume the installer has frozen.
Temporary solution:
cancelling the install process in the task manager. This won't roll back your installation.
DS seems to work. Let's see, if I will run into problems.
as far as I know, the CMS didn't get updated.
If it did, I didn't notice it.
Are you sure you need the 32bit version?
Do you already have the 64bit version installed?
You don't need both.
Wait, why 32bits? when I download and install DazStudio_win64.exe, why does it say 32 bit?
The "fix" (turning on "Enable Iray Matte" in the display properties, then setting the Opacity map to empty and Opacity value 0.01) actually works in 4.16 as well so it wouldn't break those products for people who use them in new scenes going forward.
The only difference is that in 4.16 the Luminance value can be left the same, while in 4.20 it needs to be multiplied x100 to compensate for the new Opacity influence to light output.
In any previously-made scenes, the ghostlights would have to be replaced by updated versions and the lighting tweaked again.
Not sure, but I would reboot the PC to make sure nothing Daz related is running then I would delete the download files for the CMS installer then try to install it.
Maybe a bad download or something.
How do you rollback?
It ain't easy, if you didn't save a copy of the version you want to roll back to. Finding it online can be tough. When I want to roll back, provided I have a copy of the version I want to roll back to, what I do is uninstall the current version using DIM. Then I delete the file in DIM downloads. Then copy the good version into DIM downloads, then run dim. It will install the version you want. Just avoid the temptation of updating DAZ until you're sure you want it. Based on what's going on with this latest update I can see I'll be using 4.16 for a while.
Did you save a backup copy of the DIM download files for Daz Studio and the Daz plugins before you updated? If you did, you can copy them to the DIM install folder and reinstall them to roll back.
Did you backup your whole computer before you updated Daz Studio? If so, maybe a restore there is an option.
If you didn't bother to make a backup, you will have to submit a help request and beg customer service for an older version. They are under no obligation to preserve or distribute old versions, so that request may not be granted.
It would be illegal for anyone other than Daz 3D to give you the files.
The lesson is, always make a backup before installing a new version.
Thanks. That sounds promising, so probably just an inconvenience I guess.
What I'm more troubled by is the report that OutOfTouch hair doesn't work. I know the reason now, but knowing why it's broken doesn't help.
It can't really be that bad can it? Surely the forum would be alight with complaints if one of the top vendor's products have been "rendered" useless? I've spent a fortune on that hair, I have pretty much all of it, and other than an occasional go with Windfield hair, I don't ever use anything else.
I'm in no rush to upgrade, so I'll wait until everything stabilises I think..
I haven't run across any OOT hair that is broken in 4.20. For example, "OOT Top Updo" hair is not broken in 4.20. "2021-16 Hair" is not broken. "2021-13 Hair" is not broken. If someone thinks any OOT hair is broken, I'd like to know which one it is.
I rolled back to 4.15, and I'm happy to see that the ROG products look good again. I'll give 4.2 a go again once a few things get straightened out.
Same here - no problem found so far. I tried Classic Bob and 2021-02 Hair. Both worked perfectly as far as I can see.
DS, Nvidia Studio Driver 511.17, Windows 10, RTX graphics card, HDRI lighting
My test renders are attached.
I simply installed the 4.16
Thanks, and thanks too to @barbult, that looks great!
It makes sense to me. Ghost lights don't work, and lots of people talk about it, but not much about this one made me wonder.
I'm still worried about the upgrade though, not because of this, and not because of ghost lights, I just worry
Stop just worrying and do something about it!
Thanks! I guess the beta would be easier, I didn't think of that!
I'll try after work. I will now start worrying about the beta breaking my content (as reported in "The Commons" the other day) and whether I can mix DIM and DC installations. Those are not questions BTW, that's just how my mind works. I'm a software developer, we tend to anticipate issues, it kind of goes with the job...
If you've never used the DS beta before, you will first need to "purchase" it for $0 in the store, to get it added to your product library. Then you can download and install it with DIM. Release and beta can use the same content library. Just map to the same library in the Content Manager.
Well, I'm pleased to say that 3DL shaders like PWToon still work just fine.
Awful update... a render that used to take 30 seconds now is taking more than 3 minutes and counting (a simple small portrait of a character with and HDRI background/light, no clothes and the lightest hair available; 540x720p)... Is Daz trying to destroy itself? I was thinking about spending a lot during this Presidential sale but now I'll withhold to see if they'll fix the issues and the software we'll still be useful... or maybe I'll try Poser or Blender. A lesson in how to shoot your own feet... And the render ended by now while I was writing... I think it took more than four minutes. And it's not because my computer is crap because, as I said, the same thing would take less than a minute with the same setup; between half a minute and a minute depending on the character and skin... In fact, I had another setup a lil more complicated (with 2 ghost lights) and with clothes and heavier hair, in the worst scenario, it would take what took now with this pathetic bare-minimum setup.
Thanks, I "bought" it yesterday. I'll probably stick it on my laptop as that uses DIM exclusively and it's not so important.
There are some overlay geoshell products I want to test...
It's probably dropped to CPU because your GPU driver is too old - update and it is likely to be about the same speed as before.
I've reached out to the support at Daz3D and haven't recieved any reply regarding why this is happening, I can not determine what is causing it, I thought it was an issue of case sensitivity but that is solving the issue, so unfortunately until someone gets back to me, I am at a loss. However, I have seen these messages regarding SASE products and we are trying to find a solution.
The products load correctly despite the message, even the texture that the error claims it can not find, is in the right place when it loads.
According to the DAZ Studio log, this is the error message:
Could not resolve: /textures/SASE/Marina/SASEMarinaEyesB_1007.jpg
It seems that it is referring to /textures/.... instead of Runtime/ textures/....
So maybe your code is missing Runtime?
I just had a look at the main, all maps, file for SASE Jazz For Sahira 8, which shows the issue. In the .duf file there ar several lines where the path strts with two slashes isntead of 1
and fixing those allows the file to open without error.
I was just coming to update this, cause I found that two slash issue just a few minutes ago, myself. It is weird that JSON validators and none of the previous versions of Daz|Studio had any issues loading it, but I am going to be issuing updates to every product with this error at Renderosity.
Thank you both for your help on this too. I wasn't checking back here, but I do appreciate it very much! <3
Since upgrading, the render progress window no longer reports whether it's using the GPU or falling back to CPU.
@Sabby After seeing @Richard Haseltine's post (above), I manually went through the SASE Jazz for Sahira 8 files too.
I can confirm that the file: Jazz All Maps.duf has 3 instances of the //Runtime (double slash) mistake (opened in Notepad to verify).
All 10 eye color materials have the //Runtime mistake twice in each of the 10 .duf files.
Also, if you manually try and extract the file, there is 1 unspecified error in extracting this duf file: Jazz LIE 00 Options.duf
I would suspect the last is a 0-byte empty file to make an informational thumbnail appear in the cotnent library. Some zip tools don't like those.