NEW! Novica & Invited Guest Contributors Tips & Product Reviews Pt 6
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Jane DOA by TheAntfarm. It's a HD morph for the face, with LIE textures over it, so you can use it with any Genesis 2 Female caucasion skin texture. Now, on my machine, LIE stuff can take a bit to load. I have no idea if that is the norm, or it's just my machine. Probably under a minute tho, so it's not a case of going to make a coffee, wash the dishes, feed the cat, and then come back. LOL. But it's not instantaneous like a normal skin i said, maybe a minute or less.
I first tried it on an extreme case - Anemone. :) The crest on her head and the gills on her neck go over the LIE texture, but by the looks of it, it could be easily fixed in postwork. However, it wasn't designed for a case like that, but it's good to know you can fudge it in Photoshop (or Gimp etc).
This is postworked, but I haven't done anything to the LIE texture itself - IE i didn't smudge it or blend or anything like that. Just a general postwork on the entire picture. I'm LOVING Jane DOA.
Used the Belle 6 default skin texture.
Thanks! Would love to see it!
BTW, I installed Studio 4.9 and I must be doing something incredibly wrong or incredibly right. As I posted on one of the two 4.9 threads, it asked me for my email and password, never asked for my serial number, and after a minute, the studio went live and ALL MY INSTALLED CONTENT WAS THERE. (We're talking 4,160 products from DIM) In a minute! I'm posting screenshots here so you folks can see the process- but I swear, it was a minute and that's it. Both Smart Content and Content Library are totally populated, and the Store tab was working so yes, I was connected. Since ALL PRODUCTS metadata is downloaded when you first connect, how is that possible when I have a lot of products? (the ones in DIM aren't all of them.)
Anyone else who has installed 4.9, did you experience immediate populating of those? Did you have to do a serial number? And you installed the Public Build?
Don't quote me on this, but I THINK you are seeing the products you own, that they aren't actually downloaded as yet. Ah, something to do wiht this Cloud thingy? Where, the products are THERE, but until you use them, you don't d/l them or something?
Btw, I posted a pic using the Jane DOA product just above your post there :)
Let me go try and use them- but I thought that someone had posted the ones you have downloaded already have the cloud, and the ones you don't are grayed out? All mine show the cloud. But when I double clicked (Smart Content) I got the Readme. When I single clicked, I got the ReadMe too! ARRRGH. Well, that's why I am the guinea pig for my thread surfers
I can see why you love the DOA, she looks...well, DOA! (You need to post more renders here, hint hint)
No, change that- I clicked on Summer for Genesis 3 and she is out in my viewport, chastizing me for thinking she wouldn't show up! Got her from the Smart Content, with the cloud showing. So the ones that are grayed out aren't downloaded yet. Don't know where or how to get those using the Studio and not DIM though. I'll post screenshots for you folks so you can see what it looked like when I installed 4.9. This is where you find it in the store btw.
I'm still confused. I d/l the beta to check it out. Had bethany 7 loaded...couldn't for the life of me FIND her skin options. At all.
I'd be happy to, if you're fine with that. I kinda like doing [mini]reviews of products I get but I always figured this was a place for you to do your own reviews and renders. :)
OK, I did two iRay renders. Since there's a separate set of materials for iRay, I started with a fresh Above the Clouds prop using the default iRay settings. I then switched the prop's density to light. Test renders showed that was still pretty dense, so I lowered the SSS Amount in the Volume settings on the Surface tab to get something that more closely matched the density I was getting with 3DL.
I removed the AAL light I used for 3DL and just used the Dome and Scene environment mode. I reduced Environment Intensity to get a darker scene to more closely match what I did before. I also replaced the 3DL light in the lantern with an iRay point light with the geometry changed to sphere. The point light alone was not casting enough light and the sphere did, but it also made the render time a lot slower. I've also read that darker scenes in iRay take longer to render and may be grainer, so this daybreak lighting may not be the best test. Also note that I'm very much a beginner using iRay, so someone with more expertise may be able to do a better job balancing lights and fog density.
The first render is the same camera angle as the 3rd 3DL render I posted - looking down. The second render is a flatter camera angle and closer to the boat, which matches the 1st 3DL render I posted.
Hope this helps. I personally like the 3DL fog better as it has more variation and rendered much faster. The iRay versions also have a more hard edge look, but the 3DL versions has that in spots as well. I also think looking down is better than looking across, even more so with iRay.
Nope, opened it up to everyone a few weeks ago, all I ask is the renders show the products in a complementary way (no works in progress) RGcincy asked about that before he started posting (such a gentleman) and I assured him I wanted others to have fun posting their renders here too. so, have fun!
Well, guess what? I went to Smart Content to try and assist, and ALL my gals are gone except one! The studio dropped them all. Not under Products, not under files. When I went to People to begin with (In Smart Content) it had different options under it too, now there's none. Gotta go tell Spooky.
Cool renders, RGcincy!
The fog tool is tricky in Iray too. I hated everything I tried until I found a scene and HDR that worked - this is one of Dimension Theory's Iradience outdoor ones. I don't like the edges at all and they are there if anything is above the fog. It is a beautiful effect though, looking through it. Renders pretty slowly as it uses refraction.
Edit: while I was writing this almost a page posted including two more from RGcincy. I love how the light in the boat looks in the top view one. I will try something like that next. Yes, Iray likes light! Dark ones take too long usually ane can be grainy.
I like what you did! Very misty feel to it and the blue color makes it almost winter-like.
It would be nice if in the iRay version there was some way to add gradience to the material so the top fades away.
Thanks. I didn't want to but I returned it. It isn't worth the time doing a lot of postwork in Photoshop. It is easier to use Ron's Fog.
Heads up in Fast Grab- those bicycle poses can be used for other things, including wounded in combat (the ones where folks fell off the bikes.) Under $4
Novica, did you do a review on this set:
Am looking at it now and I was pretty sure you had done something before with it?
Some, but go ahead- there's a lot to it. We often do multiple renders of the same thing, as it's always different anyway
I just happened to see someone post on another thread about using their PC+ coupons. I totally forgot about one of them so thought I'd mention it here since today is the last day for October's coupons.
Yep, I picked up Arabella for about $10, I had already used the PA discount code. And sometimes they put the new code in before the day is out, but note the old code still works. (usually, till Daz midnight.)
And you know what I'm going to ask....VOTE VOTE VOTE!!!!! It's really close!
I voted the other day :) Can't wait to see the winners
M601 for Genesis 2 Male(s)
I bought this outfit because it looked good and I have M4 Harcore by Utilize which is really good. The product really is as good as the promos, maybe the best ever contempory menswear outfit.
It includes shirt, pants, tie, v-neck sweater, belt, turtleneck sweater, sunglasses and shoes.
The shirt has three colors and some very nice features:
1 The collar is high enough, not flattened out like most clothes. In order to do this it doesn't follow the neck pose like other clothes do. It works well though but sometimes causes poke-through in the collar area. It has many open poses and collar up poses.
2 Two Tuck-ins for shirt - a realistic one and a tighter one
3 Fits nicely -very tailored-with some poke through in the back shoulder area on some poses and no adjustments for this.
4 Cuffs have 4 different open positions.
The tie is Awesome as it is very flexible when you find the movement controls - Chest, tie base. Has an open morph and tighten one
Shoes look nice but seem a tad long.
The pants are nice dress pants with a hands-in-pocket pose (or one hand.) Leg bottons (shin area) not real attractive, can be widened but doesn't look good over shoes, maybe meant for boots.
The V-neck sweater fits over the shirt beautifully with an invisibility pose for shirt area covered by the sweater - works well. Tie also has invisibility feature too when worn with VNeck.
The belt is very nice looking, realistic
Sun Glasses are a bit large, have an adjustment to make smaller and an m6 fit, also temple adjustments. They do not autofit to the head, so don't get distorted by differnt face morphs. For this reason they take a little adjusting.
It comes with the four poses shown in the promos.
Auto follow works well for fat and thin, smaller and larger, but not for very muscular - Gianni didn't work well - has a lot of poke through. Lee's abs also makes the tie and shirt from rumbled.
I like that Luci45! I snapped that outfit up right away when it was released..
@Novica. The fog product is frustrating me. I'm getting some inconsistant results. And since you can't see it in the viewport before rendering it is really hard to see what the end result will look like.
Luci45- thanks for sharing so many renders, it really helps. I think the shoes look a bit longer because of the curve during mid-foot, then it slightly tilts back up near the tip? It gives it a very sleek look (which I frankly adore) but the streamlining may cause us to notice the shoes or it could be perception? Or the shoes are longer, lol. (Let's go with the keep it simple- if it looks like a duck and quacks...) Let's home vendors make more male clothing of quality! (Apparently a figure coming out is Britney, another female...I'm so glad I'm not a female character and dating available men, there'd be a lot of women competing for the few that are recent releases! Now that would be a fun contest to render, wouldn't it?)
SereneNight- I can't imagine how hard it is to compose a render when you can't see the effects prior to rendering! Are you doing 3DL?
I find it can be frustrating too but I do like the results I get in 3DL. I'm giving up on iRay - I don't like the way it looks and it really takes a long time to render.
For 3DL, the best thing I've found is to open up the Auxiliary viewport, make it small, set it to IPR and let it render. That way I can see the overall effects of changes in color, density and puff size and contrast. In the main viewport, I select wire texture shaded. The fog appears as a see through mesh but you can follow it when you translate or rotate it.
I'm thinking fog would be easier to postwork in at this point. For some reason I had no idea there would be no reasonable reference when trying to position or view the fog. The aux screen can help, but I'm finding results to be inconsistent.
Okay, my studio is down (has been for three days.) It started crashing when I downloaded the beta 4.9 studio, and although it may not be related, one other person cmomented their studio has also been wonky since installing 4.9. Anyone else had crashes with 4.8 that they didn't have previously, before installing 4.9 beta?
I posted this on the contest thread but wanted to do so here too- a friend of mine who owns the Pensacola pottery studio wants to buy my kiln (I had a brick and mortar Pottery Studio too) so I have to get a TON of things painted and fired in the next two weeks so I'll pop in and out. I don't have time to piddle with fixing the studio right now, so if you folks will carry on with the thread and post your product showcases, I'd appreciate it.
My studio crashed on saving a scene in 4.9. I uninstalled it. Had some trouble though. Had to then reinstall 4.8
I am so glad I haven't tried out 4.9. Hope you two get it sorted out. What a bummer!
I have another product to post so I will do it soon.
Extreme Closeup: High Fashion Makeup for Genesis 3 Females
WOW! This is going to be a mess of a review cos I am so blown away by these that instead of speaking articulately, all I can spout is gibberish. LOL.
Absolutely superb. Who needs to buy another character when you have something like this? (well ok, I probably will buy more characters cos I am addicted LOL) The possibilities with this pack is endless...seriously. You can layer them on top of each other, not just have to choose ONE eyeshadow etc. It uses the LIE system which in my mind is one of the greatest things to ever be invented, and I can never understand why more products aren't made with this. With the LIE, you are not limited to a particular skin with the default makeups - you can do ANYTHING.
It uses the Base Genesis 3 Female UV's so will work on ANY G3F skin - you're not locked into having to buy a DAZ base character just to use the UVs. Now, as I've mentioned before, the LIE takes a moment or two to work on my system. Under a minute, but when you're used to instantaneous results, it feels like FOREVER. LOL.
This is so far, going in my top 5 favourite products of the year. I will never have to desperately wish that someone would make a G3F that doesn't just contain the standard blue eyeshadow/red lipstick but contains different unique and awesome face paints - THIS does the trick.
I've attached a standard portrait render quickie that I did, just so I could get a feel for it, before diving in and playing in depth.
I used the Eva 7 base skin and eyes here on G3F - the face morph is from the G3F Morph Package by P3Design at Rendo. Rendered in 3delight - postwork in Photoshop (postwork consisted of stuff like levels, brightness/contrast etc - nothing special)
Very nicely rendered and I like this product. I admit, I have stopped buying gen 3 female ontent, but it is nice to know a makeup product looks good in 3delight. Sadly most of the content seems so Iray specific it is tough to see whether you'll get good results in 3delight too. It is sitting in my cart. =-)