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Renaissance Male Clothing for Genesis is listed as 1.2 on the first page of the thread (main list), but I downloaded 14068_RenaissanceMaleClothing_1.3_trx.exe in December.
I just updated that on the main list with the current version and indicated it has DSON files.
You can add:
Town Girl for Genesis v1.0 (DSON)
Total Aggression Poses v1.0 (DSON)
thanks Dogz,
i got those added into the main list.
DAZ just updated Young Teens 5 Pro Bundle (sku: 15518) so it now has the 1.1 version of Real Feel Pullover Genesis in it..
I just checked and made sure all the 1.1 version links were working before posting this.
How would I know which version I get with this DIM downloader? There's no readme in the zip nor a link to the readme online.
I'll ask for this in the DIM thread also but wanted to know if you maybe have an answer to that Jay?
Love, Jeanne
So, with the DAZ Install Manager automatically updating all Genesis and non-Genesis products alike, does this pretty much conclude the purpose of this thread?
:) I'm sorry I was not clear enough. I meant for the products and everything Jay has so carefully gathered in this thread.
I asked about it here in this thread and I got an answer. I'll have to think about using the DIM further.
Love, Jeanne
Some of us are not happy with and will not use the Install Manager as it is a the moment.
Some are not interested in using it in principle, even if the matters preventing some of us from using it as it is currently are addressed.
So, no.
Some of us are not happy with and will not use the Install Manager as it is a the moment.
Some are not interested in using it in principle, even if the matters preventing some of us from using it as it is currently are addressed.
So, no.
Certainly not! I agree with David on this one. I tested it and I really don't know if I would like to use it further. Although there are certain advantages by using the DIM I'm rather happy with the way I get my content -and install it- now.
So i really hope this tread will exist at least for the time being.
Love, Jeanne
The Mac Poser Companion file link in Wolf King for Genesis Male (sku: 15672) downloads the PC Poser Companion file instead of the Mac one.
The PC Poser Companion file link is correctly downloading the PC one.
Also, no Legacy installers are in Wolf King for Genesis Male, but the texture expansion product for it, Lord of the Wolves sku: (15793) has Legacy installers.
I contacted support about those things, and will make a post when support fixes those 2 things.
Both products mentioned are at 1.0 and have DSON files.
They have been added to the main list.
Updated 2-15-2013
Cuban Diabolo for Genesis (1.6)
Fantasy Wrap for Genesis (1.4)
Future Cop For Genesis (1.3)
Marauders for Genesis (1.5)
Mitsu Hair for Genesis (1.4)
Radiant Jaguar Hair for Genesis (1.3)
Roxana Yaroslavna, Vampire Lady For Genesis (1.6)
SciFi Boots Female for Genesis (1.4)
SciFi Boots Male for Genesis (1.4)
Sovereign for Dragon Queen (1.0) (DSON)
I also fixed some stuff that wasn't in alphabetical order on the main list.
The Classics Bundle for Genesis has been updated with the new versions of those products. The Mac download link for Fantasy Wrap for Genesis is downloading the PC file in that bundle. Support has been informed of this and I'll make a post when it is fixed.
Support has fixed the Mac Poser Companion File link in Wolf King for Genesis Male.
The Legacy installers have now been removed from Lord of the Wolves.
DAZ has fixed the Mac link for Fantasy Wrap for Genesis in the Classics Bundle for Genesis (sku: 13519).
The same problem was also in the with the Mac link in the separate Fantasy Wrap for Genesis (sku: 13522) product.. DAZ fixed that also.
According to the installer file, Radiant Jaguar Hair for Genesis is now up to 1.4; readme says it was purely a metadata update done yesterday. It's also the only part of the former Classics Bundle for Genesis not currently available via DIM.
Mine was downloaded by DIM and is dated 02/06/2013.
Thanks vwrangler.
I just updated that on the main list.
Also the Fantasy Wrap for Genesis installers are about 127 MB for PC & 130 MB for Mac. The PC file download links were downloading a broken smaller sized installer before DAZ fixed the problem with the Mac download problems for the installer on Friday evening.
According to the product readme, Tre, SKU 15482, has been updated to 1.1: "2013-02-20 - 1.1 - Updated folder structure, updated Metadata." However, I am unable to download to verify.
the Tre links aren't working in the Young Teens 5 Pro Bundle too. I just filed a bug report. So it ought to get fixed sometime soon.
Thanks, Jay. I submitted a help request, but I just got a canned response to reset my downloads and try again. I had ALREADY told them in the original request that I had reset it and tried to download several times. Sigh.... Maybe your bug report will get more attention to the problem.
FYI... the Cuban Diabolo for Genesis (1.6) Shoes are NOT fixed...the Diabolo shoes are missing and there are some strange Anubis files in the folders too... I just reinstalled them.. and the Diabolo shoes are still not there. Please let me know when fixed.. the INSTALL MANAGER doesn't show an update either.
FYI... the Cuban Diabolo for Genesis (1.6) Shoes are NOT fixed...the Diabolo shoes are missing and there are some strange Anubis files in the folders too... I just reinstalled them.. and the Diabolo shoes are still not there. Please let me know when fixed.. the INSTALL MANAGER doesn't show an update either.
I just got an e-mail from DAZ.. they are working on the problem.. (crosses fingers)
Added 2-25-2012
Aiko 5 (1.0) (DSON)
Aiko 5 Pro Bundle (See separate entries for each product in the bundle.)
Aiko 5 Starter Bundle (See separate entries for each product in the bundle.)
Azumi for Aiko (1.0) (DSON)
Bow Dress and Boots (1.0) (DSON)
Bow Dress and Boots Textures (1.0) (DSON)
Fantasy Poses for Aiko 5 (1.0) (DSON)
Forever Fantasy Poses (1.0) (DSON)
Making Faces for Aiko 5 (1.0) (DSON)
Momotsuki (Pink Moon) Hair (1.0) (DSON)
Osaka Hair (1.0) (DSON)
Pale Shadows (1.0) (DSON)
Pure Hair: Sweet (1.0) (DSON)
Pure Hair: Timeless (1.0) (DSON)
Rave Girl for Aiko 5 (1.0) (DSON)
SciFi Candy (1.0) (DSON)
SciFi Candy Textures (1.0) (DSON)
Tsukiko for Aiko 5 (1.0) (DSON)
(Duplicate Post Removed)
DAZ says that Mitsu Hair for Genesis has been updated, but the version number was not incremented (still 1.4)
This change was made because of bug report 49448 that reported metadata errors in both Mitsu and Radiant Jaguar hairs for Genesis.
"Sorry, there were some crossed wires there, the products were updated by 2-26 however the version number was not advanced. Both are still version 1.4. "
I don't know if they got bundles updated or not. Without a version number change, it gets hard to tell.
Old 13521_MitsuHairforGenesis_1.4_trx.exe file size 25,611,508.
New 13521_MitsuHairforGenesis_1.4_trx.exe file size 25,611,522.
Thanks Barbult,
I just put a note next to them on the main list indicating that thy were updated, but the version numbers wasn't changed.
The download links for Tre (1.1) are working in the Young Teens Pro Bundle. I just tried them. Not sure if the individual product links are working now. My support request never got answered, I just checked them the bundle links on the off chance they were fixed.
Tre 1.1 link is also fixed in the Young Teens Starter Bundle. My support request was finally answered by CS writing a Mantis bug report. That bug was fixed and the report was closed today.
While Jasmin has been updated, the Jasmin Bundle has not been updated to reflect the change and still gives 1.0 file versions when reset. DAZ really needs to fix their bundle linking so this stuff is automatic...