Updated Genesis & Genesis 2 Products List & Thing To Be Aware Of

Jay_NOLAJay_NOLA Posts: 1,145
edited October 2014 in The Commons

This is a list of Genesis products along with the current version numbers and some notes of things to be aware of when updating.

If a product has a Genesis version and other version it is indicate in most cases. If the version numbers between the Genesis and other version are different that is indicated. If just one version number is given an no distinction is given, the version number is the same for the Genesis and other version.

Products that have DSON specific files using the DSON Importer are indicated. Some products can be used with the DSON Importer but do not require having installed DSON specific files for them.

This list is not finished and more items need to be added to it and items all ready on it may get new versions if they are updated again.

The main list became so large that it is currently split up into multiple parts.

Part 1 is in this post and a link to the post that has Part 2 is after Part 2., etc.

Last updated refers to when I last updated the list not just one part of it.

Mike maintains the Non-Genesis Content with Metadata thread which lists what has been updated and the version number for those products.

That thread can be found at this links.


A current listing of what is in the various bundles can be found at:


The current bundle listing thread is at:


Important thing to be aware of when updating:

1.) Some of the older uninstaller may not remove all files for the product you are removing. The older Read Me files will still be left most of the time.

2.) If you start getting errors, can't start Studio, or get told when installing an item Genesis can't be located , you need to reinstall Studio. One or more of the older uninstallers will remove some of the Genesis files and some Studio 4 files that it wasn't supposed to I discovered a few days ago when I couldn't launch Studio with out error messages after doing updates.

3.) Installing lots of content at once may cause Studio to have a problem when it goes to import the MetaData and crash. Periodically during your installs run Studio so the new MetaData can be imported in batches and not all at one, if you have several gigs to install. If you have to re-import all MetaData for Studio because of this or another problem, restart your computer first.

4.) Newer installers do not create a Read Me, which can make it difficult to determine what version you have of a product installed. Its even more difficult if you have any older Read Me files too that didn't get removed.

5.) If you bought the Genesis Evolution Morphs when they were first made available and they included as a free bonus the Genesis Evolution Expressions, you need to reset the Genesis Evolution Expressions product for them, as they are not part of the Genesis Evolution Morphs Bundle now. If you did buy them and they included the Expressions when you bought them and you don't see a Genesis Evolution Expressions product in you order history, you need to contact Daz's support.

6.) If you mouse over the uninstaller for a product it will in some cases will let you know what version you have installed if the Read Me files are of no help Uninstallers will be in were you installed the content.. The uninstallers for most people can be found in:

/DAZ 3D/Studio/My Libary /Unistallers


/DAZ 3D/Studio3/Content/Uinstallers

7.) Some other items haven't been updated but the separate MetaData installer isn't in the reset as it isn't needed. The main installers are supposed to install MetaData.

The separate MetaData installers were made in the hopes that a future version of Poser would be able to read MetaData.

8.) If you have problems with MetaData after updating, like exclamation points on items, duplicate MeatData items, the graphics for some items not showing up etc. You will need to do this.

A.) Go into Content Database Maintenance and Reset the the Database by choosing Reset Database and hitting Accept. This will remove all MetaData from the database and it will take several minutes to do. When the reset is finished go to Step B.

B.) Go into Content Database Maintenance and chose Re-Import MetaData and hit Accept. This will take several minutes for all the MetaData to be re imported. It can be over an hour depending on how much content you have. When the MetaData is has finished being re-imported go to step C.

C.) Check to see if this fixed your problems with the MetaData. If it did your finished and have nothing else to do. If it didn't go to step D.

D.) Uninstall and re-instal the items that have problems. Make sure the troubled items are fully uninstalled. Make sure you are installing them into the correct folder as this can be the cause of the problem. Repeat Steps A through C now. If it fixed it your finished. If it didn't go to Step E.

E.) Contact Daz support and tell them what is going on and what you have done to try and fix it. They can help you at this point.

These problems can occur with any product that has MetaData and not just Genesis specific ones.

9.) If you purchased a bundle and it doesn't have the latest version of a product that it includes in it when you go to download the newer version contact Daz support and tell them the product that needs to be updated in the bundle and the name of the files in the bundle that aren't current.

Support can take up to a few minutes to a week to get this fixed.

10.) If you get an error message when you try to download a file or your having the wrong file downloaded contact support so they can fix it.

11.) If you have Taiga for Genesis, Thorne has created a set of hair fit presets and posted some information on fitting hair if you are using that shape.

The hair fit presets are at:


The information on fitting hair to Taiga that Thorne posted can be found in this this thread:


12.) These bundles had a name change to an item in them:

A)In the Victoria 5 Pro Bundle & Victoria 5 3D Model Pro Suite the Victoria 5 Geo-Grafted Genitalia has been replaced with the Genesis Female Genitalia.

B)In Michael 5 Pro Bundle & Michael 5 3D Model Pro Suite the Michael 5 Genitalia has been replaced with the Genesis Male Geniality.

13.) Richard Haseltine has written a script to fix the files that files that throw Duplicate IDs error in DAZ Studio 4.5.

The thread with information on it and links to download it is at:


14.) Taozen has a DAZ History Manager to help with seeing what has been updated. It now checks to see if product pages indicates DSON files with your history. The link to the tread that deals with the DAZ History Manager, that contains a download link for it is at.


15.) Newer updates can contain DSON Core,Poser Companion, & Legacy Files depending on what program(s) you use determines what to install.

DAZ Studio 4 users install the Legacy files.

DAZ Studio 4.5 users install the DSON Core files.

Poser users install the DSON Core & Poser Companion files.

16.) Genesis Starter essentials has its' own listing on the update list. Genesis Starter Essentials is included in the download files for Studio 4.5 and DSON Importer for Poser download files.

17.) Merc4D has DSON Poser Companion files for several products that can be gotten for free at the link below.


18.) Smay has sever free add-ons and fits for several products that can be gotten at smay3d.com. See the link.


19.) Karth has a free download for His Easy Ear Stuff that has a Fix Position Morph for the Loop Adds and an instructional PDF. See the link.


20.) Some uninstallers may not have obvious names and finding them can be difficult.

For example, the uninstaller for one version for Eastern Riding Wear was called B25RH.

If you can't find and uninstaller for a product in the uninstaller folder of your My Library or other folder your uninstaller is is in, look for the product in your start menu programs folders for the product and run the uninstaller from that when you find it that way.

21.) If space is available I've indicated if a product is for Genesis, Genesis 2 Males, Genesis 2 Females, and/or other figures.

If no indication of what a product is for is then it is for Genesis most likely.

22.) Some products only have a Download Install Manager (DIM) version and those are indicated in most cases by having DIM where a version number would be. The date of the last update of the DIM files is given when it is known.

23.) DAZ has removed all the installers version of products and just has DIM version now. Not everything has been updated and you only need to update products that have gotten updated since the older installer version was updated.

Thanx to Cypherfox for putting the initial list in order and catching some duplicates on the old list. Mike, Kendall, vwrangler, MickyBel, and everyone else for adding stuff and making comments.


UPDATED 9-24-2014

3 in 1 Skinny Outfit (1.1) (DSON)
3Drama Xpress (DIM) (Genesis) (Notes: DIM files last updated on 9-27-2013.)
3DS Real Woman Stephanie 6 Bodies DIM) (Genesis 2 Females) (DSON) (Notes: DIM Files last updated on 1-27-2014)
17 Chic (1.0) (DSON)
30 Poses for Ironstar (DIM) (Genesis) (DSON) (Notes: DIM files last updated on 9-17-2013.)
A Bit Boho (DIM) (Genesis 2 Females) (DSON) (Note: DIM files last updated on 9-08-2014.)
A Kid's World Poses for Genesis Child (DIM) (Genesis) (DSON) (Notes: DIM files last updated on 4-15-2013.)
A3 and H3 Shapes for Genesis (1.1)
A4 and H4 for Genesis (1.2)
Aaron for Genesis Young Teen Justin (DIM) (DSON) (Note: DIM files updated: 6-26-2013 for DSON Core and Legacy / 3-21-2013 for CF.)
Abby for V4 and Genesis (DIM) (Genesis / V4) (Note: DIM files updated: 1-7-2014.)
Abigail for V4 and Genesis (Genesis / V4) (1.2) (DSON)
Abominable (1.0)
Action Kicker Boots (DIM) (Genesis) (DSON) (Notes: DIM files last updated on 5-6-2013.)
Actual Eyes 3 (1.0)
Actual Eyes 4 (DIM) (Genesis 2 F / Genesis 2 M) Notes: Update reported on 6-7-2014)
Actual Hair 2 Bundle (DIM) (Genesis / Genesis 2 Females / V4) (DSON) (Notes: DIM Files updated last on 11-11-2013.)
Add On for Zombie (DIM) (Genesis) (DSON)
Addison (DIM) (Genesis / V4) (DSON) (Notes DIM files updated on 6-26-2013 for Genesis , Legacy, & V4 and on 1-29-2013 for CF.)
Adrenaline Rush for Wicked Bolero (1.0)
Adrianna for Victoria 6 (DIM) (Genesis 2 Females) (DSON) (Note: DIM files last updated on 8-2-2013.)
Adventure Hero (1.0) (DSON)
Adventure Hero Textures (1.0) (DSON)
Adarian (1.0) (DSON)
Adarian Textures (1.0) (DSON)
Adventure Land Outfit (1.0) (DSON)
Adventure Land Outfit Textures (1.0) (DSON)
Adventure Lord (1.1)
Adventurer for Genesis Male (Genesis) (DSON) (Notes: DIM files updated: 11-25-2013.)
Adventurer for Genesis 2 Male(s) (DIM) (Genesis 2 Males) (DSON) (Notes: DIM files updated: 11-16-2013.)
Affection Poses (Genesis 2 Females / Genesis 2 Males) (DSON) (Notes: DIM files updated: 4-8-2014.)
Afternoon Heat Outfit for Genesis 2 Female(s) (DIM) (Genesis 2 Females) (DSON) (Notes: DIM files last updated on 10-14-2013.)
Afternoon Heat Textures (DIM) (Genesis 2 Females) (DSON) (Notes: DIM files last updated on 10-14-2013.)
Afternoon Tea for Frivolous Forties (DIM) (Genesis 2 Females) (DSON) (Note: DIM files last updated on 6-24-2013.)
Adorable Aiko 6 (DIM) (Genesis 2 Females) (DSON)
Advanced Texture for Bot Armor (DIM) (Genesis 2 Females) (DSON) (Notes: DIM files updated: 12-16-2013 DSON Core / 12-9-2013 CF.)
After School 2 for Genesis 2 Female(s) and V4 (DIM) (Genesis 2 Females / V4) (DSON)
Afternoon Trippin (DIM) (Genesis) (DSON) (Note: DIM files last updated on 3-6-2013.)
Aging Details HD for Genesis Aging Morphs (DIM) (Genesis) (DSON) (Notes: DIM files last updated on 7-2-2014.)
Aiden for M5 (1.0)
Aiko 5 (DIM) (DSON) (Note: DIM files were last updated on 6-27-2013 for DSON Core and 3-6-2013 for Poser CF.)
Aiko 5 Premier Add-on Bundle (see separate entries for each product in the bundle)
Aiko 5 Pro Bundle (See separate entries for each product in the bundle.)
Aiko 5 Starter Bundle (See separate entries for each product in the bundle.)
Aiko 6 (DIM) (Genesis 2) (DSON) (Notes: DIM files last updated on 6-15-2014.)
Aiko 6 Battle Girl (DIM) (Genesis 2 Females) (DSON) (Note: DIM Files updated on 6-16-2014.)
Aiko 6 Booster Pack Bundle (See separate entries for each product in the bundle.)
Aiko 6 Face Morph Resource Kit (DIM) (Genesis 2 Females) (DSON) (Notes: DIM Files last updated on 7-30-2014)
Aiko 6: Manga Poses & Expressions (DIM) (Genesis 2 Females) (DSON)
Aiko 6 Pro Bundle (See separate entries for each product in the bundle.)
Aiko 6 Starter Bundle (See separate entries for each product in the bundle.)
Aiko Loves Freak (1.2) (DSON)
Ailell (DIM) (Genesis) (DSON) (Notes: DIM files last updated on 10-20-2014.)
Aim & Shoot for Victoria 6 and Olympia 6 (DIM) (Genesis 2 Females) (DSON) (Note: DIM files last updated on 3-3-2014.)
Air Bike (1.0) (DSON) (Note: Product is a vehicle with Genesis and M4 driver poses.)
Aircraft Colo (DIM) (Notes: Vehicle with Genesis and M4 driver poses. DIM files updated: 8-5-2013 Ps /11-12-2013 DS / 1-22-2014 Temps.)
Aircraft Spidi (DIM) (Notes: Product is a vehicle with Genesis and M4 driver poses. DIM files last updated on 9-4-2013.)
Airisu Outfit for Genesis 2 Female(s) (DIM) (Genesis 2 Females) (DSON) (Note: DIM files last updated on 7-28-2014.)
Airisu Outfit Textures (DIM) (Genesis 2 Females) (DSON) (Note: DIM files last updated on 7-25-2014.)
Alanna Hair (DIM) (Genesis 2 Females) (DSON) (Notes: DIM files updated on 6-24-2014.)
Allessa Hair (DIM) (Genesis 2 Females / V4) (DSON) (Notes: DIM files updated on: 8-28-2014 DSON, CF, & V4 / 8-26-2014 Temps.)
Alexios Hair (1.1) (Genesis / Poser)
Alibi Suit for Genesis 2 Female(s) and Victoria 4 (DIM) (Genesis 2 Females / V4) (DSON)
Alice Redemption (1.0) (DSON)
Alora for The Girl 6 (DIM) (Genesis 2 Females) (DSON) (Notes: DIM Files Updated on 1-22-2014.)
Alruna (DIM) (DSON) (Notes: DIM files updated on 12-5-2012 for DSON Core & Legacy / 12-10-2012 for CF.)
Alruna Treasure (1.0)
Amaterasu (1.0) (Genesis / V4)
Ambie (DIM) (Genesis 2 Females) (DSON) (Notes: DIM files last updated on 7-9-2013.)
Amethyst Fantasy for Genesis (1.2)
Amras (1.0)
Anabelle (DIM) (Genesis / V4) (DSON) (Notes: DIM Files Updated on 6-26-2014)
Anastasiya for A5 (DIM) (DSON) (Note: DIM files last updated on 6-28-2013.)
Ancient Combat Hair for Genesis 2 Male(s) (DIM) (Genesis 2 M) (DSON) (Notes: Updated: 4-8-2014 DSON Core & CF / 2-2-2014 Temps.)
And Love Flowers Poses (1.0) (DSON)
Andrea for Genesis Young Teen Julie (DIM) (DSON) (Note: DIM files updated: 6-26-2013 for DSON Core and Legacy / 3-21-2013 for CF.)
Andrei for Freak 5 (DIM) (DSON) (Note: DIM files last updated on 6-27-2013 for DSON Core and 2-25-2013 for Poser CF.)
Andrew Flip Hair for Genesis 2 Male(s) (DIM) (Genesis 2 Males) (DSON) (Notes: Updated on 1-28-2014 DSON Core & CF / 1-27-2014 Temps.)
Andromedas Legend for Genesis (1.0)
Anime Dress for Genesis (1.4)
Anime Dress for Genesis Textures (1.2)
Anime Nurse Textures (1.1)
Anime Nurse Uniform for Genesis (1.2)
Anime School Girl Textures (1.1)
Anime School Girl Uniform (1.3)
Anubis (1.8)
Anwyn for V4 & Genesis (DIM) (Genesis / V4) (DSON) (Notes: DIM files last updated on 11-11-2013.)
Ape World 2 - Chimp HD (DIM) (Genesis 2 Males) (DSON) (Notes: DIM Files last updated on 7-31-2014)
Ape World 2 - Gorilla HD (DIM) (Genesis 2 Males) (DSON) (Notes: DIM Files last updated on 8-28-2014)
Ape World 2 - Poses (DIM) (Genesis 2 Males) (DSON) (Notes: DIM Files last updated on 8-24-2014)
Apprentice Mage in the Tower (DIM) (Genesis) (DSON) (Notes: DIM files last updated on 10-16-2013.)
April Showers for Genesis Female (DIM) (Genesis) (DSON) (Notes: DIM files updated: 7-30-2013 DSON Core & CF. 1-22-2014 Temps.)
April Showers Poses for Genesis Female (DIM) (Genesis) (DSON) (Notes: DIM files last updated on 4-10-2013.)
Arachlace (DIM) (Genisis / Gensis 2 Females / Gensis 2 Males / V4) (DSON) (DIM files updated: 11-19-2013. Has no CF.)
Aranmenel (DIM) (Genesis) (DSON) (Notes: DIM files updated on 10-20-2014.)
Arashi for Hiro 5 (DIM) (DSON) (Note: DIM files updated on 6-28-2013 for DSON Core and Legacy and on 6-26-2013 for Poser CF.)
Arcane Wands (DIM) (Genesis 2 Males) (DSON) (Notes: DIM files last updated on 5-13-2014.)
Archery for Gia (DIM) (Genesis 2 Females) (DSON) (Notes: DIM files last updated 7-11-2013.)
Arena Ruins Bundle (See separate entries for each product in the bundle.)
Arena Spectacle Outfit For Genesis 2 Female(s) (DIM) (Genesis 2 F) (DSON) (Updated: 12-23-2013 DSON Core & CF / 12-27-2013 Temps.)
Aria for Genesis 2 Female(s) (DIM) (Genesis 2 Females) (DSON) (Notes: DIM files updated on 9-10-2014.)
Aristocracies for Frivolous Forties (DIM) (Genesis 2 Females) (DSON) (Notes: DIM files last updated on 6-24-2013.)
Arrowhead for Genesis 2 Female(s) (DIM) (Genesis 2 Females) (DSON) (Notes: DIM files last updated on 6-3-2014.)
ArtemisX for Genesis (1.1)
Arwen (DIM) (Genesis) (DSON) (Notes: DIM files updated on 10-20-2014.)
Asgard Cleric for Genesis 2 Male(s) (DIM) (Genesis 2 M) (DSON) (Notes: Updated: 12-8-2013 DSON Core & CF / 12-6-2013 Temps.)
Asgard Cleric Textures (DIM) (Genesis 2 Males) (DSON) (Notes: DIM files last updated on 12-6-2013.)
Ashiki for Aiko 5 (DIM)
Asian Faces (1.0) (DSON)
Asian Lady's Accessories (DIM) (Genesis 2 Females) (DSON) (Notes: Updated: 4-21-2014 DSON Core & CF / 4-11-2014 Temps.)
Asian Prop Set (DIM) (Genesis 2 Females) (DSON) (Notes: Updated: 6-1-2014 DSON Core / 5-24-2014 CF 5-22-2014 Temps.)
Aslaug (DIM) (Genesis 2 Females) (DSON) (Notes: DIM files last updated on 7-30-2014 DSON Core / 8-7-2014 CF.)
Asobi (DIM Asobi & ToXic Toon Amy Hair Textures) (Notes: DIM files last updated on 12-13-2012.)
Asobi Bundle (See separate entries for each product in the bundle.)
Asobi Outfit ((DIM) (Notes: DIM files last updated on 3-20-2013.)
Aspen for Gia (DIM) (Genesis 2 Females) (DSON) (Notes: DIM files updated on 10-28-2013.)
Astral for GIS (DIM) (Genesis) (DSON) (Notes: DIM files updated on 1-28-2014.)
Athlantya for Genesis (1.0) (DSON)
Atticus for Gianni 6 (DIM) (Genesis 2 Males) (DSON) (Notes: DIM files last updated on 6-23-2014.)
Atticus Warrior Bundle (See separate entries for each product in the bundle.)
Attilus Marauder for Genesis 2 Male(s) (DIM) (Genesis 2 M) (DSON) (Notes: Updated: 3-13-2014 DSON Core & CF / 2-18-2014 Temps.)
Attilus Marauder Textures (DIM) (Genesis 2 Males) (DSON) (Notes: DIM files updated on 4-15-2014.)
Audacious for Defiant (1.0)
Augur for Priestess (1.1) (DSON)
Autumn Afternoon Outfit for Genesis 2 Female(s) (DIM) (Genesis 2 Females) (DSON)
Autumn Afternoon Textures (DIM) (Genesis 2 Females) (DSON)
Autumn for Genesis 2 Female(s) (DIM) (Genesis 2 Females) (DSON)
Avast Matey Poses for Genesis 2 Male(s) (DIM) (Genesis 2 Males) (DSON) (Notes DIM files last u[dated on 8-7-2014.)
Aven Clothing for Genesis (1.3)
Aven for Genesis Bundle (1.3)
Aven for Genesis (Character) (1.3)
Aven Hair for Genesis (1.3)
Awesome Eyes (DIM) (Genesis 2 F) (DSON) (Updated: 4-9-2014 Core / 3-24-2014 CF. Works in Genesis 2 M too, but not optimized for.)
Awesome Fantasy Eyes (DIM) (Genesis 2 F) (DSON) (Updated: 4-4-2014. Works in Genesis 2 M too, but not optimized for.)
Azumi for Aiko (DIM) (DSON) (Note: DIM files last updated on 1-30-2013.)
B-Movie Short Order Cook (DIM) (Genesis) (Note: DIM files updated on 8-7-2013.)
B-Movie Waitress (Genesis) (Notes: DIM files last updated on 7-9-2013.)
Ballerina Assembly Kit (1.4 Genesis / 1.0 V4 & Laura) (DSON)
Ballerina Bundle (see separate entries for each product in the bundle)
Ballerina Outfit for Genesis 2 Female(s) (DIM) (Genesis 2 Females) (DSON) (Note: DIM Files last updated on 8-1-2014.)
Ballerina Outfit Textures for Genesis 2 Female(s) (DIM) (Genesis 2 Females) (DSON) (Note: DIM Files last updated on 7-31-2014.)
Ballet Bun (DIM) (Genesis 2 Females) (DSON) (Note: DIM Files last updated on 4-11-2014 DSON Core & CF / 4-11-2014 Temps.)
Baby for Genesis (1.1)
Bad Guy for Genesis (1.1)
Ball Joint Doll for Genesis (DIM) (Genesis) (DSON) (Note: DIM files last updated on 10-10-2013. Has no CF.)
Ball Joint Doll for Genesis 2 Female(s) (DIM) (Genesis 2 Females) (DSON) (Note: DIM files last updated on 10-10-2013. Has no CF.)
Bambi (DIM) (Genesis 2 Females) (DSON) (Note: DIM files last updated on 5-2-2014 DSON Core & CF / 3-26-2014 Temps.)
Barbarian Boots for Genesis (1.0) (DSON) (Previous older version had the same1.0 designation the newer version has.)
Barbarian Warlord for Genesis (1.0) (DSON)
Bartender for Tavern Keeper (0.9)
Basic Cool Poses for Teen Jayden 6 (DIM) (Genesis 2 Males) (DSON) (Notes: DIM files last updated on 12-30-2013.)
Basic Hair (DIM) (Genesis 2 Males) (DSON) (Notes: DIM files updated: 10-30-2013.)
Basic Underwear for Genesis 2 Female(s) (DIM) (Genesis 2) (DSON)
Be Pacific (DIM) (Genesis 2 Females) (DSON) (Notes: DIM files last updated on 5-27-2013.)
Beach Bunny (DIM) (Genesis 2 Males) (DSON) Notes: DIM files last updated on 5-28-2013.)
Bear Clan - Regenesis (DIM) (Genesis) (Notes: DIM files last updated on 5-13-2014.)
Beasts and Brutes (1.01) (A very older version had the same1.01 designation the newer version has)
Beau for Stephanie 6 (DIM) (Genesis 2 Females) (DSON) (Notes: DIM files last updated on 2-17-2014 DSON Core. / 2-14-2014 CF.)
Beautiful Bends for Genesis 2 Female(s) (DIM) (Genesis 2 Females) (DSON) (Notes: DIM files last updated on 10-8-2014.)
Beautiful Fingers for Genesis (1.0)
Bella Hair (DIM) (Genesis / V4) (DSON) (Notes: Updated: 12-18-2013 DSON Core / 12-6-2013 V4 / 1-30-2012 Legacy & CF. V4 has no CF.)
Belle Textures for Bellissima (DIM) (Genesis 2 Females) (DSON) (DIM Files updated on: 6-4-2014.)
Bellissima for Genesis 2 Female(s) (DIM) (Genesis 2 Females) (DSON) (DIM Files updated on: 6-4-2014.)
Belly Control for Genesis (DIM) (Genesis) (DSON)
Belly Control for Genesis 2 Female(s) and V6 (DIM) (Genesis 2 Females) (DSON) (Notes: DIM files last updated on 8-2-2013)
Belly Control For Genesis 2 Male(s) (DIM) (Genesis 2 Males) (DSON) (Notes: DIM files last updated on 12-6-2013)
Benjamin for M5 (DIM) (DSON) (Notes: DIM files last updated: 12-14-2012 DSON Core / 12-6-2012 Legacy & CF.)
Berlin City Spirit Fashion for Genesis 2 Male(s) (DIM) (Genesis 2 Males) (DSON)
Berlin City Spirit XPansion (DIM) (Genesis 2 Males) (DSON)
Bewitching for Genesis (DIM) (Genesis) (DSON) (Notes: DIM files last updated on 11-3-2012.)
Big Bill Truck (DIM) (Note: Product is a vehicle with Genesis and M4 driver poses. DIM files last updated 6-7-2013 Ps / 12-4-2013 DS.)
Bike Eleo (DIM) (Note: Product is a vehicle with Genesis and M4 driver poses. DIM files last updated on 9-26-2013.)
Black Dragon Clothing Set (DIM) (Genesis) (Notes: DIM files last updated on 7-23-2013.)
Black Light for Genesis 2 Female(s) (DIM) (Genesis 2 Females) (DSON) (Notes: Updated:12-14-2013 DSON Core & CF / 12-13-2013 Temps.)
Blake for Victoria 6 (DIM) (Genesis 2 Females) (DSON) (Notes: DIM files last updated on 6-16-2014.)
Blood Lust for Morphing Fantasy Dress (DIM) (Gen 3 / Gen 4 / Genesis / Genesis 2 Femles) (Notes: DIM files updated on 2-12-2014.)
Blood Queen for Mistress Lilith (DIM) (Genesis 2 Females) (DSO) (Notes: DIM files last updated on 7-28-2014.)
Bloomingwood Hair (DIM) (Genesis 2 Females) (DSON) (Notes: Updated: 3-21-2014 DSON Core / 4-30-2014 CF / 2-21-2014 Temps.)
Bluemoon Poses for Stephanie 6 (DIM) (Genesis 2 Females) (DSON) (Notes: DIM files last updated on 2-7-2014.)
Boardwalk Outfit for Genesis 2 Female(s) (DIM) (Genesis 2 Females) (DSON) (Notes: DIM files last updated on 10-14-2013.)
Boardwalk Textures (DIM) (Genesis 2 Females) (DSON) (Notes: DIM files last updated on 10-14-2013.)
Bobby Soxer (1.1)
Bold Hair (DIM) (Genesis 2 Males) (DSON) (Notes: DIM files updated last on : 3-2-2014 DSON Core & CF / 2-26-2014 Temps.)
Bold for Adventurer (DIM) (Genesis 2 Males) (DSON) (Notes: DIM files updated: 11-18-2013.)
Boots and Belt for SuperSuit (1.2)
Boots for Genesis (1.0) (DSON)
Bot Genesis (1.3) (DSON)
Boudoir Bliss for Genesis Female (1.2 DSON Core / 1.1 Poser CF) (DSON)
Boudoir Photo Shoot Poses for Genesis 2 Female(s) (Note: DIM Files last updated on 8-2-2014)
Boudoir Poses for Olympia 6 (DIM) (Genesis 2 Females) (DSON) (DIM files last updated on 11-19-2013.)
Bow Dress and Boots (1.0) (DSON)
Bow Dress and Boots Textures (1.0) (DSON)
Bow Skirt For Genesis 2 Female(s) (DIM) (Genesis 2 F) (DSON) (Updated: 5-1-2014 DSON Core / 4-3-2014 CF / 4-2-2014 Temps.)
BR Skirt for Genesis (1.1)
Brandon (DIM) (Genesis 2 Males) (DSON) (Notes: DIM files updated: 12-7-2013.)
BraxtonM5 (1.1)
Breast Control for Genesis 2 Female(s) (DIM) (Genesis 2 Females) (DSON) (Note: DIM files last updated on 9-17-2014.)
Breezy (1.2)
Brennan for Genesis (1.2)
Briar for Rose Thorn (DIM) (Genesis 2 Females) (DSON) (Notes: DIM files last updated on 10-31-2013.)
Briar Princess For Genesis 2 Female(s) (DIM) (Genesis 2 Females) (DSON) (Note: DIM files updated: 1-8-2014 / 12-11-2013 Temps.)
Briar Princess Textures (DIM) (Genesis 2 Females) (DSON) (Note: DIM files last updated on 12-13-2013.)
Bridal Dress Design Kit for the MFD (DIM) (Gen 3 / Gen 4 / Genesis / Genesis 2 Females) (Notes: Updated: 2-5-2014 CF / 2-12-2014 DS.)
Brit Hair for Genesis 2 Male(s) (DIM) (Genesis 2 Males) (DSON) (Notes: DIM files last updated: 12-9-2013 Core & CF / 12-8-2013 Temps.)
Brothers for Growing Up (DIM) (Genesis 2 Males) (DSON) (Note: DIM Files Updated on 12-30-2013)
Brutes Bruisers Thugs and Tough Guys for Freak 5 (1.0) (DSON)
Brynhildr (DIM) (Genesis / Genesis 2 Females) (DSON) (Notes: DIM files last updated on 7-15-2014.)
Bryonia (DIM) (Genesis 2 Females) (DSON)
Bubble Dreams Poses & Props for Josie (DIM) (Genesis 2 Females) (Note: DIM Files updated on 2-5-2014.)
Buccaneer Basic for Genesis (1.5) (DSON)
Buccaneer Basic Textures (1.2)
Bugbear for Genesis (1.0)
BunnyGirl for Genesis (1.0) (DSON)
Buried Treasure for Piratess (DIM) (Geneses / Genesis 2 Females) (DSON) (Notes: DIM files last updated on 6-5-2014.)
Burlap Dolly Genesis and Genesis 2 Female (DIM) (Genesis / Genesis 2 Females) (Note: DIM Files updated on 12-27-2013.)
Bus Maxis (1.1) (DSON) (Note: Product is a vehicle with Genesis and M4 driver poses.)
Bus Rex (DIM) (DSON) (Notes: Vehicle with Genesis and M4 driver poses. DIM files updated: 2-19-2014 DS & Ps / 8-23-2014 Temps.)
BWC Centerfold - Poses for Genesis 2 Female and Lilith 6 (DIM) (Genesis 2 Females) (DSON) (Notes: DIM files updated: 7-02-2014.)
BWC Cool Teen Jayden 6 (DIM) (Genesis 2 Males) (DSON) (Notes: Updated on 2-4-2014 (DIM gives as 2-5-2014) DSON Core / 12-6-2013 CF .)
BWC Cool Teen Josie Poses (DIM) (Genesis 2 Females) (DSON) (Note: DIM Files updated on 11-25-2013.)
BWC Cute Aiko - Poses for Aiko 6 (DIM) (Genesis 2 Females) (DSON) (Note: DIM Files updated on 5-28-2014.)
BWC Girl 6 Essential PinUp Poses (DIM) (Genesis 2 Females) (DSON) (Notes: DIM Files Updated on 7-15-2014.)
BWC Let's Dance (DIM) (Genesis 2 Females) (Note: DIM Files updated on 2-5-2014.)
BWC - Look at me (DIM) (Genesis 2 Females) (DSON)
BWC Native American Poses (DIM) (Genesis 2 Females) (DSON)
BWC Olympia 6 Floor Poses (DIM) (Genesis 2 Females) (DSON)
BWC Olympia 6 Laying Poses (DIM) (Genesis 2 Females) (DSON)
BWC Sitting Vicky for Victoria 6 (DIM) (Genesis 2 Females) (DSON) (Note: DIM Files updated on 12-20-2013.)

PART 2 Link:


Post edited by Jay_NOLA on


  • FSMCDesignsFSMCDesigns Posts: 12,779
    edited December 1969

    Question, what prompted you to even think of checking to see if they were updated? Any idea why they all seemed to be updated based off your list? I can't find any sticky that mentions anything changing.

  • Jay_NOLAJay_NOLA Posts: 1,145
    edited July 2012

    A lot of the older items had some duplicate files that cause a problem with the 4.5 RC from a post I read & some of the items got updated for other reasons.

    I got promoted to check everything after readings some posts that seemed to indicate that just about all of the older Genesis items had gotten updated, but had no idea of exactly which ones except for a few.

    The list came out of desire to prevent others from having to try and figure out what needs to be reset and in the hopes of having a Genesis update thread like the non-Genesis MetaData one will get created and maintained. Also , some of the few update threads I did find didn't have the most current version of a few items listed I discovered after doing a reset..

    Post edited by Jay_NOLA on
  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,818
    edited December 1969

    Thanks for taking the time to make this list and the warnings. There are two things the upset me (and many others, I'd guess) about the DAZ product update approach. They don't tell you that an update is available, and once you find it on your own, you still aren't told what changed. Just venting....

  • CypherFOXCypherFOX Posts: 3,401
    edited July 2012

    Duplicate M5 Elite Hair, Genesis Baby, and Tassel Loafers removed, and sorted. Cleared out as list moved up to the top.

    Thanks for this!

    -- Morgan

    Post edited by CypherFOX on
  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,603
    edited December 1969

    Thanks for the list -- I've been working on one as well, so I'll compare the two and let you know if I have any additions/changes.

    For those who were asking, most of the updates were in March or April.

  • vwranglervwrangler Posts: 4,901
    edited December 1969

    A few other items include in this other thread.

  • Jay_NOLAJay_NOLA Posts: 1,145
    edited July 2012

    Thanks for catching the duplicates and putting them in order. I updated the main list and added a few more products to it. More will be added in the next day or two.

    These have been added and are in correct order on the main list.

    Defiant for Genesis (1.5)
    Gossip for Genesis (1.2)
    MS-Lycan (1.2)
    Brennan for Genesis (1.1)
    Elven Warrior for Genesis (1.1)
    Finger Wave Bob for Genesis (1.1)
    Boots and Belt for SuperSuit (1.2)
    Ethnicity for Genesis Bundle (1.1)
    Genesis Creature Creator Bundle (1.2)
    Genesis Bracers (1.2)
    Just Jokin' V5 (1.4)(Genesis/V4)
    Genesis Evolution Expressions (1.4)
    Genesis Evolution Morph Bundle (1.3 Body / 1.4 Head)

    I need to check the version number on a few items not currently on it like Outland Marauder for Genesis, before I add them.

    Post edited by Jay_NOLA on
  • Zev0Zev0 Posts: 7,096
    edited December 1969

    What exactly does it mean when the duplicate msg comes up? What does it do, what is the issue? I just click ok and my product still works like it should? I'm not going through all this effort to update when all I can do is click ok on the error msg and continue working just fine.

  • KickAir 8PKickAir 8P Posts: 1,865
    edited December 1969

    Thanks for the list!

  • atticanneatticanne Posts: 3,009
    edited December 1969

    Thanks for the list. Just skimming through I can see that I have a lot of resetting to do. Guess I'll print out the list(s) and check them off as I update.

  • Kendall SearsKendall Sears Posts: 2,995
    edited December 1969

    13302 Day Dreamer for Genesis is at 1.3 now


  • Joe CotterJoe Cotter Posts: 3,259
    edited December 1969

    Where do you see the version number of your item in inventory, or of the current one online?

  • Kendall SearsKendall Sears Posts: 2,995
    edited December 1969

    In my case, I reset "Day Dreamer for Genesis" and as of 12-Jul-2012 14:49EDT the filename I was given was:


    So, according to the filename the version is "1.3"

    That's what I'm working from.


  • Jay_NOLAJay_NOLA Posts: 1,145
    edited July 2012

    Thanks Kendall for the addition.


    Boots and Belt for SuperSuit (1.2) so it is in order on the main list now.

    Removed duplicate of Genesis Bikini that had a different version number. It got updated twice. The current version is 1.2.


    Anime School Girl Uniform (1.3)
    Beasts and Brutes (1.0) (The old version was 1.01 for some odd reason)
    Day Dreamer for Genesis (1.3)
    Evan Hair (1.2)
    Hitomi 3D Anime Girl for Genesis (1.4)
    Hitomi's Day Out (1.2)
    Medieval Female Peasant Clothing for Genesis (1.2)
    Outland Marauder for Genesis (1.6)
    Pyrit Hair (1.2) (Genesis/V4)
    Sexy Silky For Genesis (1.1)
    Starla Hair (1.1) (Genesis/V4)
    Victoria 5 Geo-Grafted Genitalia (1.3)

    Added some more notes.

    Some other comments:

    A script was made to deals with the duplicate formula warnings that 4.5 RC gives that you could run so everything didn't need to be uninstalled and reinstalled I'm trying to find the post that was made on it. and put a link to it in the notes.

    If some one happens to rest the V5, M5, Hitomi, or Classics Bundle please post the files that got updated and I'll add them in since I didn't type them up and only gt a few of the current ones from other threads. One of the hair styles in the V5 bundle has a different version number for the Genesis and Gen4 version of it if I remember correctly.

    Post edited by Jay_NOLA on
  • Joe CotterJoe Cotter Posts: 3,259
    edited July 2012

    In my case, I reset "Day Dreamer for Genesis" and as of 12-Jul-2012 14:49EDT the filename I was given was:


    So, according to the filename the version is "1.3"

    That's what I'm working from.


    Hehe, thanks Kendall. It's surprising how easy it is to miss something right in front of our face but I have that problem in spades at times ;)

    Post edited by Joe Cotter on
  • Kendall SearsKendall Sears Posts: 2,995
    edited December 1969

    Gedd said:
    In my case, I reset "Day Dreamer for Genesis" and as of 12-Jul-2012 14:49EDT the filename I was given was:


    So, according to the filename the version is "1.3"

    That's what I'm working from.


    Hehe, thanks Kendall. It's surprising how easy it is to miss something right in front of our face but I have that problem in spades at times ;)

    Unfortunately, with some of the older content it isn't so straight forward. That's one of the reasons I wan't metadata in all of the content. That way I can check the DB or Metadata file for the version info.


  • Jay_NOLAJay_NOLA Posts: 1,145
    edited July 2012


    A4 and H4 for Genesis (1.1)
    Alruna (1.2)
    Classics Bundle for Genesis (see seperate entries for each product in the bundle)
    Cuban Diabolo for Genesis (1.4)
    Epic Wings (1.4)
    Fantasy Wrap for Genesis (1.2)
    Future Cop For Genesis (1.1)
    G4 and F4 for Genesis (1.2)
    Magna Hart for Genesis (1.4)
    Marauders for Genesis (1.4)
    MFD for Genesis Expansion Pack 1 (1.1)
    MFD for Genesis Expansion Pack 2 (1.1)
    Mitsu Hair for Genesis (1.3)
    Morphing Fantasy Dress for Genesis (1.3)
    Morphing Fantasy Dress Unimesh Fit (1.1 Gen 4 MFD Unimesh Fits / 1.3 MFD Genesis)
    Radiant Jaguar Hair for Genesis (1.2)
    Reby Sky for Genesis (1.1)
    Sport Trainer Shoe Pack for Genesis (1.2)
    Stephanie 4 for Genesis (1.2)
    Tavern Keeper (1.2)
    Town and Country for Genesis (1.3)
    V4 and M4 Shapes for Genesis (1.2)
    Victoria 5 Elite Ponytail (1.2)

    Also, added separate entries for the products in the Evolution: Morph Bundle and Ethnicity for Genesis Bundle.

    All items in Classics Bundle for Genesis are now on the list.

    All items in the V5 & M5 Bundles still haven't been added. If you do a rest please post the file version as I forgot to to record them when I reset them.

    Made some edits to the list notes

    These items are supposed to have been updated. Can someone confirm and give version numbers for them so I can add them to the list?

    G-Suit, Bodysuit for Genesis
    Highlander: Wildenlander for Genesis
    Lone Wolf for Genesis
    Raw Cyclops
    Reptillian for Genesis
    The Medolian

    Post edited by Jay_NOLA on
  • Kendall SearsKendall Sears Posts: 2,995
    edited July 2012

    Item item # Version Last Date Downloaded

    EleBeast 13934 1.1 07/03/2012
    Reptillian for Genesis 14045 1.1 07/13/2012

    Anyone interested in an online database of items and version numbers?


    Post edited by Kendall Sears on
  • Jay_NOLAJay_NOLA Posts: 1,145
    edited December 1969

    Thanks Kendall, just added them in.


    EleBeast (1.1)
    Reptillian for Genesis (1.1)

    Anded in separate lines for products in Genesis Creature Creator Bundle & Aven Bundle.

  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,603
    edited December 1969

    Here's a list of ones I have that aren't on your list, including the separate elements of the M5 Pro Bundle. For ones I own I've included the date of my last download reset. Also, one item on your list has been updated: SciFi Boots Female for Genesis (1.3) 2-Jul

    A3 and H3 Shapes for Genesis (1.0) 22-Jun
    Abominable (1.0) 25-Jun
    Adventure Lord (1.1) unknown
    Aiden for M5 (1.0) 1-Jul
    Alruna Treasure (1.0) 25-Jun
    Aranmenel (1.0) 2-Jul
    Audacious for Defiant (1.0) 2-Jul
    Bartender for Tavern Keeper (0.9) 25-Jun
    Benjamin for M5 (1.1) 20-Jun
    Buccaneer Basic for Genesis (1.3) 25-Jun
    Buccaneer Basic Textures (1.2) 25-Jun
    Cape for Supersuit (1.0) 2-Jul
    Casual Afternoon for Genesis (1.1) 3-Jul
    Casual Afternoon Textures (1.0) 3-Jul
    Chelsea Hair (1.3) 18-Mar
    Clothing Cleavage Modifier (1.2) 24-Jun
    Dark Priest Poses for M5 (1.0) 20-Jun
    David 3 for Genesis (1.0) 24-Jun
    Denver Hair (1.1) unknown
    Dragon Slayers (1.0) 2-Jul
    DragonLord for Genesis (1.2) 20-Jun
    Eastern Riding Wear (1.2) 23-Jun
    Easy Going Poses for Michael 5 (1.1) 20-Jun
    Enamore Mage for Genesis (1.0) 23-Jun
    Epic Wings X-pansion (1.0) 23-Jun
    Expressive for Genesis (1.0) 23-Jun
    Fantasy Basic Wear for Genesis (1.2) 7-Jun
    Fantasy Basic Wear Textures (1.0) 7-Jun
    Fantasy Warrior Poses (1.0) 7-Jun
    Feminine Touch for Genesis (1.1) 23-Jun
    Forest Scout (1.1) 7-Jun
    Full & Feathered Hair for Genesis (1.0) 2-Jul
    Gabi for V5 (1.1) unknown
    Gen 3 Iconic Shapes for Genesis (1.0) 22-Jun
    Gen 4 Iconic Shapes for Genesis (1.2/1.1) 22-Jun
    Genesis Basic Wear for Women (1.2) unknown
    Genesis Evolution: Muscularity (1.0) 22-Jun
    Genesis Ranger (1.2) 20-Jun
    Genesis Ranger Textures (1.1) 22-Jun
    G-Suit, Bodysuit for Genesis (1.1) unknown
    Highlander: Wildenlander for Genesis (1.2) unknown
    HomeslipperZZ for Genesis (1.2) unknown
    Hooded Cloak for Genesis (1.0) 2-Jul
    Iolanthe Dress (1.1) unknown
    James for M5 (1.1) 20-Jun
    Jeweled Finery (1.2) 21-Jun
    Kameez Textures (1.0) 17-Jun
    Lone Wolf for Genesis (1.2) unknown
    Luminous Casual Hair (1.0) 21-Jun
    M5 Casual Male (1.3) 20-Jun
    M5 Photographic Poses (1.1) 20-Jun
    Manly Men M5 (1.2) 20-Jun
    Medieval Male Peasant Clothing for Genesis (1.1) 21-Jun
    Michael 5 (1.0) 20-Jun
    Michael 5 Genitalia (1.1) 20-Jun
    Moonsong Hair for Genesis (1.2) unknown
    Night Guardians (1.1) 20-Jun
    Outland Marauder Textures (1.0) 20-Jun
    Pharaohs of the Sun for Genesis Female (1.0) 2-Jul
    Pharaohs of the Sun for Genesis Male (1.1) 2-Jul
    Preppy for Genesis (1.2) 20-Jun
    Pretty Basics Ballerina Flats for Genesis (1.2) unknown
    Pure Hair Bubblegum (1.1) 28-Mar
    Pure Hair Casual (1.1) 12-Jun
    Pure Hair Classic (1.2) 20-Jun
    Pure Hair Darling (1.1) unknown
    Pure Hair: Sleek (1.1) 20-Jun
    Qamra Hair (1.1) unknown
    Raw Cyclops (1.1) unknown
    Renaissance Male Clothing for Genesis (1.2) 20-Jun
    Riley (1.0) 19-Jun
    Sci Fi Bunny (1.3) 28-Mar
    Short Beard for Genesis (1.2) unknown
    SilverMoon Colors (1.0) 19-Jun
    Sports Time For Genesis (1.2) 19-Jun
    Stephanie 3 and FREAK Shapes for Genesis (1.0) 22-Jun
    Street Mage For Genesis (1.1) 19-Jun
    Street Mage Textures (1.0) 19-Jun
    Supersuit Fantasy Pack (1.0) 7-Jun
    Supersuit for Genesis (1.0) 7-Jun
    Supersuit Hero Pack (1.0) 7-Jun
    Supersuit Pro Bundle (1.0) 7-Jun
    Supersuit SciFi Pack (1.0) 7-Jun
    Supersuit Troopers (1.0) 7-Jun
    Svana for Genesis (1.1) 19-Jun
    Tatiana Hair (1.1) unknown
    The Medolian (1.2) unknown
    The Rhinoman (1.0) 17-Jun
    Timeless Fantasy (1.1) unknown
    Unshaven Bundle for Genesis (1.0) 2-Jul
    V3 and M3 Shapes for Genesis (1.0) 22-Jun
    V5 Elite Skin Texture Valerie (1.0) 13-Jun
    V5 Fantasy Poses (1.0) 13-Jun
    Valorous for Defiant (1.1) 2-Jul
    Victoria 5 (1.0) 12-Jun
    Vida Hair (1.1) unknown
    WM Sneakers (1.1) unknown
    Woodland Warriors (1.0) 2-Jul
    Xenia Hair (1.1) unknown
    Zac Hair (1.2) 20-Jun

  • Kendall SearsKendall Sears Posts: 2,995
    edited December 1969

    Taiga for Genesis (1.0) 04-Jul


  • RCDescheneRCDeschene Posts: 2,801
    edited July 2012

    Well Goddamn! If all of these constant updates are going to do stuff like THAT to my DS, I might as well just completely rid my system of every single thing that has "DAZ 3D" on it and reinstall everything from scratch! :grrr:

    Post edited by RCDeschene on
  • Joe CotterJoe Cotter Posts: 3,259
    edited July 2012

    New Member = 0
    Member = 25
    Active Member = 250
    Power Member = 1000

    Ohhh, this refers to 'forum members', I thought mebbe it referred to some other type of member ;)

    Post edited by Joe Cotter on
  • Jay_NOLAJay_NOLA Posts: 1,145
    edited July 2012

    Thanks Kendall and Mike I'll got a new list up and still have things to add in the next few days.

    The list is going to change it looks like to a list of what the current version of all Genesis products are, even if they haven't been updated.

    RCDeschene if you see a 1.0 next to an item it most likely hasn't been updated.

    Abominable was at 1.0 when first released and still is at 1.0. One item Catgirl Genesis that I added to the updated list that will be up in a day or two was at 1.2 when I first bought it months ago and it still is at 1.2 as of just a few hours ago.

    Most of of the 1.0 items Mike posted and I added in the newest version are texture expansions and they haven't been update. DAZ did remove the separate MetaData installers for some expansion items that haven't been updated. Many of the hair expansions had this done to them.

    Hope that helps so you don't have to remove everything and just start installing DAZ stuff from the ground up.

    Keeping up wit all the Genesis and MetaData updates for non-Genesis stuff can be a major headache. I had well over 100 gigs of newer installers for products I had installed during the first week of June and now managed to get it to 8, and more items were getting added in those weeks. I'm currently burnt out from updating and haven't been able to finish the last few gigs because of that.

    Trying to remember what was a genesis item and what wasn't was another.

    Daz is going to have an updater from what I understand in a newer version of Studio that can auto update products.

    Found 2 more things to be aware of when updating.

    I noticed this last night about Read Me files.

    Roxana Yaroslavna, Vampire Lady For Genesis is currently at 1.5.

    The version I had in before updating to 1.5 was 1.3.

    In my Read Me files I have a 1.4 Read Me for the product, but I never installed 1.4.

    So some updates might have been very minor that Daz didn't update the Read Me file for them it looks like.

    Noticed this when during downloads.

    I had a download link product listed as 1.0 and some others give no version number. When downloading I discovered that they had been updated .. The 1.0 item was actually a 1.2 item. This is also something to be aware of if you are looking at the order for a product to see what files it includes.

    Update Again:

    Added a few items that I forgot to put in earlier.

    Post edited by Jay_NOLA on
  • Jay_NOLAJay_NOLA Posts: 1,145
    edited July 2012

    Update 7-13-2012


    Danties for Boudoir Bliss (1.0)
    Heracles for Genesis (1.1)
    Legion for Genesis (1.4)
    Legion for Genesis Textures (1.1)
    Percy for Genesis (1.1)
    Pretorian for Genesis (1.1)
    Genesis Battle Ready Bundle (see separate entries for each product in the bundle)
    Green and Gold Onyx (1.0)
    Onyx for Genesis Female (1.0)
    Katya (1.0)

    Post edited by Jay_NOLA on
  • Jay_NOLAJay_NOLA Posts: 1,145
    edited December 1969

    UPDATE 7-18-2012


    Extreme Heroes AXS (1.0)
    Extreme Heroes Ultimate Poses (1.0)
    Hero vs. Anti-Hero (1.0)
    WORN-TORN for the Genesis Supersuit (1.1)

  • RCDescheneRCDeschene Posts: 2,801
    edited December 1969

    Gedd said:
    New Member = 0
    Member = 25
    Active Member = 250
    Power Member = 1000

    Ohhh, this refers to 'forum members', I thought mebbe it referred to some other type of member ;)
    Yes, indeedy! :)

  • Jay_NOLAJay_NOLA Posts: 1,145
    edited December 1969


    A3 and H3 Shapes for Genesis (1.1)
    A4 and H4 for Genesis (1.2)
    Anubis (1.8)
    Creation Engineer (Updated to work in DS 4 and extras added to the DS4 and DS4.5 versions)
    G4 and F4 for Genesis (1.3)
    Genesis Creature Creator Bodies (1.3)
    Genesis Creature Creator Bundle (1.3)
    Genesis Creature Creator Heads (1.3)
    Genesis Evolution: Body Morphs (1.4)
    Genesis Evolution Morph Bundle (1.4)
    Gen 3 Iconic Shapes for Genesis (1.1 A3 and H3, Stephanie 3 and Freak / 1.0 V3 and M3
    Gen 4 Iconic Shapes for Genesis (1.3 G4 and F4 / 1.2 A4 and H4)
    Gorilla for Genesis (1.2)
    Stephanie 3 and FREAK Shapes for Genesis (1.1)
    Troll for Genesis (1.5)


    Amras (1.0)
    Sandy Hair for Genesis (1.0)
    Taylor Hair (1.1) (Genesis/V4)
    Timeless Male Hair for Genesis (1.0)
    Toxic Taylor (1.1) (Genesis/V4)


    If you had trouble with any of the Gen 3 shapes for Genesis links earlier today the links have been fixed and you need to do a reset of the product.

  • ValandarValandar Posts: 1,417
    edited December 1969

    Then there's :

    Bugbear for Genesis


    Minotaur for Genesis.

    As far as I know the files are 1.0, and I'm the creator. :D

  • Jay_NOLAJay_NOLA Posts: 1,145
    edited December 1969

    Thanks Valandar,

    I just added them to the master list

    Valandar said:
    Then there's :

    Bugbear for Genesis


    Minotaur for Genesis.

    As far as I know the files are 1.0, and I'm the creator. :D

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