Novica & Invited Guest Contributors Tips & Product Reviews Pt 4

Welcome to thread 4! Thread 3 just ended on March 5th, 2014, with over 35,000 active posts and views- we hope you are enjoying the products and discussions as much as we are! Thread 3 started on December 18th and didn't take us long to zip right along with all the wonderful talent helping to showcase and discuss the products used in their renders. About 2 1/2 months- wow.
I'm so glad to have the assistance of the Invited Guest Contributors because they do beautiful work! Appreciate you all very much. They post as time permits because they are very busy individuals.
I will be carrying the product list forward so it's easy to find, and continue to add the links from the previous threads. It's a lot of work and will never be current (rendering comes first) so be sure and peruse the threads to see all the products used.
To skip the links to the products we've covered, and go right to the current posts, start here: (you know the links to the products already covered are on this first page and can find them easily when there's a sale and you want to see a product/discussion about it.)
To date, the three threads have the following activity/views as of May 26th, 2014: In case you can't find the threads (as they get buried due to the activity in Art Studio) here's the links: (and if you're curious to see how they're doing)
Thread 1 is HERE (43,989 views)
Thread 2 is HERE (38,128 views)
Thread 3 is HERE (41,552 views)
Thread 4: 21,498
Total views/activity: As of June 16, 2014, total is 145,167. Thanks for your support and we hope you are enjoying the thread and tips!
Curious as to the views throughout the threads? A week later, June 23rd, 2014
Thread 1 46,006
Thread 2 40,393
Thread 3 43,892
Thread 4 23,600
Total: 153, 891. There were +8,724 views. Thanks for surfing in!
Useful Reference Links: Best Tips And How-To's!
Lighting Reviews From World Center
NEW! From start to finish, my thread in The Commons on how to install your studio and setup the DIM to a different drive, other than the default. This is handy if your C drive is full. Thanks to Jaderail, Fixmypcmike, and mjc1016!
I am organizing the product reviews for you- these are links to the first 20 pages of products from thread 3. I am now integrating some of the best ones from threads 1 and 2. Update March 7, 2014: Thread 1 now almost done.
These are listed alphabetically by product name.
3D Universe's Toon Baby (3D Universe)
3D Universe's Toon Baby (Bear) (3D Universe)
3D Universe Toon Chicken (3D Universe)
3D Universe Toon Chicken (Review #2) (3D Universe)
3D Universe Toon Chicken (Review #3) (3D Universe)
3D Universe-Toon Dragon (3D Universe)
3D Universe Toon Giraffe (3D Universe)
3D Universe Toon Snake (3D Universe)
A Kid's World Poses for Genesis Child (DAZ 3D / Jgreenlees)
Action Men Poses for Freak 5 and M5 (Muscleman)
Adventure Lord For Genesis (Valandar)
Air Bike (DAZ3D / Petipet)
Air Car Jumper (DAZ3D / Petipet)
Air-Worlds (Magix 101)
Alanna Hair (DAZ3D / Neftis3D)
Aldora Hair (DAZ3D / Propschick )* READ!!!
Alien Cave (Flipmode)
Alruna (DAZ 3D / Bobbie25 /Umblefugly)
Amun Raw-The Mummy (RawArt )
Amun Raw-The Mummy (Review #2) (RawArt )
Ariadne For V6 (Raiya)
Ariadne For V6 (Second Review) (Raiya)
Ariadne For V6 (Third Review) (Raiya)
Atmospheric Effects Cameras For DAZ Studio (Age of Armour)
Atmospheric Effects Cameras For DAZ Studio (Fog) (Age of Armour)
Atmospheric Effects Cameras For DAZ Studio (Fog Summary) (Age of Armour)
Atmospheric Effects Cameras For DAZ Studio (2nd Review) (Age of Armour)
Axel International M5 (ForbiddenWhispers / JSGraphics /Male-M3dia)
Baby For Genesis (AdamThwaites)
Backdrops Made Easy (blondie9999)
Bad Guy for Genesis (Smay)
Barn Yard (DAZ 3D / ARTCollaborations)
Caleb for M4 and Genesis M5 (Phoenix1966)
CandeeCurlz HairStyle (Neftis3D)
Capses M6 Pack 1 (Capsces Digital Ink)
Casual Jeans and T-Shirt for Genesis and Genesis 2 Female(s) (DAZ3D / Ravenhair)
Casual Sexy Poses for Genesis 2 Female(s) (DAZ 3D/ Elliandra)
Charlize for Genesis 2 Female Accessories (3D Universe)
Clothing Textures For Charlize (SilvaAnt3d)
Cold Blooded (DAZ3D / IgnisSerpentus )
Cool Sports For Genesis (DAZ 3D / Cute3D)
Creature Creator for Genesis 2 Female(s) (DAZ3D)
Cuffed Tail 2 (DAZ 3D AprilYSH)
Curator Aquarum (DAZ 3D / Jack Tomalin )
Cyclorama: Portrait Paper Backdrops (DAZ 3D)
Dark Matter for V4/A4 (Elliandra / IgnisSerpentus)
Dea Araneam Hair ( IgnisSerpentus)
Deacon For Michael 5 (vyktohria)
Dead Corn (Gareee)
Deep Space For Daz Studio (Oskarsson)
Defiant For Genesis (and expansions) (DAZ 3D / Ravenhair)
Defiant For Genesis (Review #2) (DAZ 3D / Ravenhair)
Desert Outpost (Stonemason)
Desert Outpost (Review #2) (Stonemason)
DMs Mixed Fantasy (DAZ 3D / Danie /marforno)
Dream Home: The Study (DAZ3D)
Dynamic American Flag (DAZ 3D / xenic101)
Dynamic Tablecloth (OptiTex)
HELPFUL: Dynamic Clothing Tips/Tutorial (Szark)
Effortless Cool For Genesis Male (DAZ 3D / Ravenhair)
End of Summer Hair For Genesis And Genesis 2 Females (DAZ3D / Goldtassel)
Evening Gown For Genesis 2 Females (DAZ 3D / Ravenhair)
Evening Gown For Genesis 2 Females (Review #2) (DAZ 3D / Ravenhair)
Fair Corsair Outfit For Genesis 2 Female(s) (DAZ3D Bobbie25 / Sarsa)
Fantasy Basic Wear For Genesis (DAZ 3D)
Fantasy Scenes And Lights (Predatron /Diane)
Fern Lea Cottage (Magix 101)
Filippa Hair (DAZ3D / SWAM)
Frosty Boots for Genesis 2 Female(s) (Karth / Shox-Design)
Frosty Boots for Genesis 2 Female(s) (Review #2) (Karth / Shox-Design)
FW Diana (skin) (DAZ3D / FWArt)
FWEJ Sayuri (EmmaAndJordi / FWArt)
Furify Fur Shaders ( 3DLust / Marieah)
Furify:Fur Shaders (Review #2) (3DLust / Marieah)
Future WIlderness (Luthbel)
Geek For Genesis 2 Female(s) (Outoftouch)
Genesis 2 Male Morphs Bundle (DAZ3D )
Gentleman's Wardrobe (Aave Nainen)
Glyn Hair (DAZ 3D AprilYSH)
Growing Up For Genesis (Zev0)
Growing Up For Genesis (Review #2) (Zev0)
Growing Up for Genesis2 Female(s) and V6 (Zev0)
Halloween Pumpkin (FWDesign / ForbiddenWhispers)
HDR Pro Sets Urban Recreation (Dimension Theory)
Hexxus- The Sword of Chaos (IgnisSerpentus)
His EarStuff (Karth)
I Will Protect You (Muscleman)
Ibrahim for M4 and Genesis M5 (Phoenix 1966)
Infiltrator (Elele)*
Jack Of Hearts For Genesis (Luthbel)
Jai Hair (DAZ3D / AprilYSH)
Jasmin for Genesis (Clothing and Accessories) (3D Universe)
Jepe’s Nathan for Michael 6 (Jepe)
Jepes Nathan For Michael 6 (Review #2) (Jepe)
Killzones: The Pipes (The AntFarm)
Leatherize (Marieah)
Luxurystar (Kibarreto)
Luxus (Spheric Labs)
M4 for Genesis 2 Male (Slosh)
Malvada For V4 ( DAZ 3D / Ravenhair)
Mantiraptor (And Expansion) (Orestes Graphics)
Maple Tree Pack 1 (DAZ 3D / Bluebird 3d)
Marja Hair (3Dream / Mairy)
Marja Hair (Showing "Float" for underwater scenes) (3Dream / Mairy)
Medieval Docks (Faveral)
Medieval Docks (Review #2) (Faveral)
Merlin's Oak, Plants and Props Set (Merlin Studios)
Micah Hair (DAZ 3D / AprilYSH )
Milen Hair (AprilYSH)
Mitsu Hair For Genesis (Showing "Float" for underwater scenes) (DAZ 3D / Xenic101)
Modern Ninja Poses for Genesis 2 Male(s) and Michael 6 (Smay / Velemudr)
Monster Classics- The Hunchback (Rawart)
Morphing Python (DAZ3D)
Nature- Plants Pack 1 (Andrey Pestryakov)
Nature- Plants Pack 1 (Review #2) (Andrey Pestryakov)
Nidale (DAZ 3D / Countess / Silver)
Noggin’s Dragonfly (DAZ3D / Noggin)
Noggin’s Dragonfly Review #2 (DAZ3D / Noggin)
Noggin’s Dragonfly Review #3(DAZ3D / Noggin)
Noodle The Toon Cat (3D Universe)
Olympia (DAZ3D)
OOT Styles for Rogue Sci-Fi Outfit (Out Of Touch)
Order Of The Wolf (DAZ3D / Valandar)
Order of the Wolf (Review #2) (DAZ3D Valandar)
Persephone Hair for Genesis 2 Female(s) (DAZ3D)
Plantz (DAZ 3D / Ravnheart)
Pure Hair Crazy (DAZ 3D/Bobbie25/Sarsa/Discobob/Lobo75/Lourdes/Morris)
Pyrit Hair (DAZ3D / Swam)
Queen Of Ages (Zigraphix / OptiTex)
Regina Malorum Hair (IgnisSerpentus)
Riley For Stephanie 5 (DAZ 3D / vyktohria)
Rocks N Drops Fantasy Scene Kit (Diane / Predatron)
Rocks N Drops Fantasy Scene Kit (Review #2)(Diane / Predatron)
Rogue Sci-fi Suit for V6 (StreetWear)
Rogue Sci-Fi Suit For V6 (Review #2) (StreetWear)
Ron’s Angel Dust (Deviney)
Ron’s Edge Grunge (Deviney)
Rons Sci-Fi Optical Flares (Deviney)
Sci-Fi Corridor 2013 (Stonemason)
Science Fiction Pistols (DAZ 3D / Valandar)
Set The Mood (Oskarsson)
Shaw For M4 (Phoenix1966)
Silas M4 (GypsyAngel)
Simple Veins HD (Sickleyield) Temporary Freebie
Sisters For Zev0s Growing Up Pack (ForbiddenWhispers / JSGraphics)
Skin Overlay Bundle (Zev0 / Draagonstorm)
Smoke And Flames Tool (Nerd3D)
Steam Cowboy (DAZ 3D / Arien / Bobbie25)
Steel Framed Specs (Dogz)
Stone Accents- Fences (DAZ 3D blondie9999)
Subsurface Toolbox (Dimension Theory)
Summer Trees By Merlin (Merlin Studios)
Super Hero Equipment For Genesis 2 Male (Smay / Velemudr)
Swimwear V6 (MindVision G.D.S.)
Sylvanna for Genesis (Orion1167)
Tangien Courtyard (DAZ 3D / ForbiddenWhispers / FWDesign) FUN WATER TUTORIAL!
Tangien Portico (DAZ3D / FWDesign / ForbiddenWhispers)
Tatiana Hair (3Dream / Mairy)
Tatiana Hair (Showing "Float" for underwater scenes) (Review #2) (3Dream / Mairy)
Taylor Hair (Swam)
Tech Staves (DAZ 3D / Valandar)
Terrors Of The Deep: Jellyfish (IgnusSerpentus)
Thalia Hair (DAZ3D)
Thalia Hair (Review #2) (DAZ3D)
The Briefing Room (V3Digitimes)
The Executioner for Genesis (Age Of Armour)
The Girl 6 (DAZ3D)
The Fabricator (Marieah)* (Many posts)
The Fabricator (Review #2) (Marieah)
The Gatehouse (Predatron)
Throne Of The Wolfking (DAZ3d)
Totally Baazar (Marieah / Teresa Tyllo)
Toulouse Hair (Not Listed)
Toulouse Hair (Not Listed)
Udane Hair (DAZ 3D / AprilYSH)
Under The Sea ( Digiport /mnartist / Syndaryl)
Waiting In Line Too (FeralFey)
Warrior Outfit (DAZ 3D / Sarsa / Val3dart)
Woodland Realm Playset One (DAZ3D )
Xenia Hair (Showing "Float" for underwater scenes) (3Dream / Mairy)
Tangien Courtyard Water: (Novica)
Dasani: Ice Garden: (Novica)
Free Ivy Generator (Totte)
Render The Vendor- Vendor Spotlights- And One Post With All Of That Vendor's Showcased Products
These links will take you to the vendor summaries- you'll have one post with links to the reviews of just that vendor (done by the ICG's and Novica), which makes it fast for you to see products quickly during Flash Sales / regular sales. These summary posts will be scattered throughout the thread, so I put this on the first page so you can find the vendors quickly. :) It is always a work in progress, there WILL be more products in the thread/previous thread than what are listed. The threads are really busy!
Numerical / A
3D Lust
3D Universe
Aave Nainen
Age Of Armour
Andrey Pestryakov
Artemis 3D
Bluebird 3d
Capsces Digital Ink
Cute 3D
Dimension Theory
Vendor: Esha
First Bastion
Forbidden Whispers
FW Design
Jack Tomalin
Magix 101
MindVision G.D.S.
Orestes Graphics
Vendor: Petipet
Vendor: Phoenix1966
Vendor: Powerage
Vendor: Predatron
Vendor: Propschick
Vendor: Raiya
Vendor: Ravenhair
Vendor: Ravnheart
Vendor: Rosetta
Vendor: RawArt
Vendor: Sarsa
Vendor: Shox-Design
Vendor: Sickleyield
Vendor: SilvaAnt3D
Vendor: Silver
Vendor: Slosh
Vendor: Smay
Vendor: SoulessEmpathy
Vendor: Spheric Labs
Vendor: Stonemason
Vendor: Streetwear
Vendor: Surreality
Vendor: Swam
Vendor: Teresa Tyllo
Vendor: The 3dZone
Vendor: The AntFarm
Vendor: Umblefugly
Vendor: V3Digitimes
Vendor: Val3dArt
Vendor: Valandar
Vendor: Velemudr
Vendor: Vyktohria
Vendor: Xenic101
Vendor: Zev0
Vendor: Zigraphix
post reserved for vendor products listed alphabetically
The product discussions/renders listed by vendor:
Numerical / A:
Vendor: 3Dream
Gregoria Hair (3Dream / Mairy)
Vendor: 3D Lust
Furify Fur Shaders ( 3DLust / Marieah)
Furify:Fur Shaders (Review #2) (3DLust / Marieah)
Vendor: 3D SublimeProductions
DAZ Studio Environment Shaders 2 (DAZ 3D / 3DSublimeProductions)
Vendor: 3D Universe
3D Universe's Toon Baby (3D Universe)
3D Universe's Toon Baby (Bear) (3D Universe)
3D Universe Toon Chicken (3D Universe)
3D Universe Toon Chicken (Review #2) (3D Universe)
3D Universe Toon Chicken (Review #3) (3D Universe)
3D Universe-Toon Dragon (3D Universe)
3D Universe Toon Giraffe (3D Universe)
3D Universe Toon Snake (3D Universe)
Charlize for Genesis 2 Female Accessories (3D Universe)
Jasmin for Genesis (Clothing and Accessories) (3D Universe)
Noodle The Toon Cat (3D Universe)
Vendor: 3Dream
Marja Hair (3Dream / Mairy)
Marja Hair ("Float" for underwater scenes) (3Dream / Mairy)
Tatiana Hair (3Dream / Mairy)
Tatiana Hair ("Float" for underwater scenes) (Review #2) (3Dream / Mairy)
Vendor: Aave Nainen
Gentleman's Wardrobe (Aave Nainen)
Vendor: Adam Thwaites
Baby For Genesis (AdamThwaites)
Vendor: Age Of Armour
Atmospheric Effects Cameras For DAZ Studio (Age of Armour)
Atmospheric Effects Cameras For DAZ Studio (Fog) (Age of Armour)
Atmospheric Effects Cameras For DAZ Studio (Fog Summary) (Age of Armour)
Atmospheric Effects Cameras For DAZ Studio (2nd Review) (Age of Armour)
The Executioner for Genesis (Age Of Armour)
Vendor:Andrey Pestryakov
Nature- Plants Pack 1 (Andrey Pestryakov)
Nature- Plants Pack 1 (Review #2) (Andrey Pestryakov)
Vendor: AprilYSH
Cuffed Tail 2 (DAZ 3D AprilYSH)
Glyn Hair (DAZ 3D AprilYSH)
Jai Hair (DAZ3D / AprilYSH)
Micah Hair (DAZ 3D / AprilYSH )
Milen Hair (AprilYSH)
Udane Hair (DAZ 3D / AprilYSH)
Vendor: Arien
Steam Cowboy (DAZ 3D / Arien / Bobbie25)
Vendor: ARTCollaborations
Barn Yard (DAZ 3D / ARTCollaborations)
Vendor: Artemis 3D
Sofia For V4.2 And Genesis (Artemis 3D)
YAAAAAAAAY!!!!! New thread!!! Marja Hair is a great hair. Styled right, and it's nearly identical to Tommie's hair as I 've always depicted it in my drawings; significantly more so than either Erato Hair or the free August Hair from ShareCG. The blonde texture is a little mousy, but add a little yellow and it works. It's very poseable too, and takes the Hat Head Deformers very well with some work.
Looks good- and nice job with getting a hat on it- that's good to know :) (And fun render, although someone in the render doesn't seem too impressed!)
The product discussions/renders listed by vendor:
Vendor: Blondie9999
Backdrops Made Easy (blondie9999)
Stone Accents- Fences (DAZ 3D blondie9999)
Vendor: Bluebird 3d
Maple Tree Pack 1 (DAZ 3D / Bluebird 3d)
Vendor: Bobbie 25
Alruna (DAZ 3D / Bobbie25 /Umblefugly)
Fair Corsair Outfit For Genesis 2 Female(s) (DAZ3D Bobbie25 / Sarsa)
Pure Hair Crazy (DAZ 3D/ Bobbie25/ Sarsa/ Discobob/ Lobo75/ Lourdes/ Morris)
Steam Cowboy (DAZ 3D / Arien / Bobbie25)
Vendor: Capsces Digital Ink
Capses M6 Pack 1 (Capsces Digital Ink)
Vendor: Countess
Nidale (DAZ 3D / Countess / Silver)
Vendor: Cute 3D
Cool Sports For Genesis (DAZ 3D / Cute3D)
The product discussions/renders listed by vendor:
Vendor: Danie
DMs Mixed Fantasy (DAZ 3D / Danie / Marforno)
Ron’s Angel Dust (Deviney)
Ron’s Edge Grunge (Deviney)
Rons Sci-Fi Optical Flares (Deviney)
Vendor: Diane
Fantasy Scenes And Lights (Predatron /Diane)
Rocks N Drops Fantasy Scene Kit (Diane / Predatron)
Rocks N Drops Fantasy Scene Kit (Review #2)(Diane / Predatron)
Vendor: Digiport
Under The Sea ( Digiport /mnartist / Syndaryl)
Vendor:Dimension Theory
HDR Pro Sets Urban Recreation (Dimension Theory)
Subsurface Toolbox (Dimension Theory)
Steel Framed Specs (Dogz)
Skin Overlay Bundle (Zev0 / Draagonstorm)
The product discussions/renders listed by vendor:
Vendor: Elele
Infiltrator (Elele)
Vendor: Elliandra
Casual Sexy Poses for Genesis 2 Female(s) (DAZ 3D/ Elliandra)
Dark Matter for V4/A4 (Elliandra / IgnisSerpentus)
Vendor: Faveral
Medieval Docks (Faveral)
Medieval Docks (Review #2) (Faveral)
Vendor: FeralFey
Waiting In Line Too (FeralFey)
Vendor: Flipmode
Alien Cave (Flipmode)
Vendor: Forbidden Whispers
Axel International M5 (ForbiddenWhispers / JSGraphics /Male-M3dia)
Halloween Pumpkin (FWDesign / ForbiddenWhispers)*
Tangien Courtyard (DAZ 3D / ForbiddenWhispers / FWDesign)
Tangien Portico (DAZ3D / FWDesign / ForbiddenWhispers)
Vendor: FWArt
FW Diana (skin) (DAZ3D / FWArt)
FWEJ Sayuri (EmmaAndJordi / FWArt)
Vendor: FW Design
Halloween Pumpkin (FWDesign / ForbiddenWhispers)
Tangien Courtyard (DAZ 3D / ForbiddenWhispers / FWDesign)
Tangien Portico (DAZ3D / FWDesign / ForbiddenWhispers)
The product discussions/renders listed by vendor:
Vendor: Gareee
Dead Corn (Gareee)
Vendor: Goldtassel
End of Summer Hair For Genesis And Genesis 2 Females (DAZ3D / Goldtassel)
Vendor: GypsyAngel
Silas M4 (GypsyAngel)
Vendor: IgnisSerpentus
Cold Blooded (DAZ3D / IgnisSerpentus )
Dark Matter for V4/A4 (Elliandra / IgnisSerpentus)
Dea Araneam Hair ( IgnisSerpentus)
Hexxus- The Sword of Chaos (IgnisSerpentus)
Regina Malorum Hair (IgnisSerpentus)
Terrors Of The Deep: Jellyfish (IgnusSerpentus)
The product discussions/renders listed by vendor:
Vendor: Jack Tomalin
BRC Empathy (DAZ3D / Jack Tomalin)
BRC Empathy (DAZ3D / Jack Tomalin)
Curator Aquarum (DAZ 3D / Jack Tomalin )
Native Cheyenne Village (DAZ3D / Jack Tomalin)
Vendor: Jepe
Jepe’s Nathan for Michael 6 (Jepe)
Jepes Nathan For Michael 6 (Review #2) (Jepe)
Vendor: Jgreenlees
A Kid's World Poses for Genesis Child (DAZ 3D / Jgreenlees)
Vendor: JSGraphics
Axel International M5 (ForbiddenWhispers / JSGraphics /Male-M3dia)
Vendor: Karth
Frosty Boots for Genesis 2 Female(s) (Karth / Shox-Design)
Frosty Boots for Genesis 2 Female(s) (Review #2) (Karth / Shox-Design)
His EarStuff (Karth)
Vendor: Kibarreto
Luxurystar (Kibarreto)
Vendor: Lobo
Pure Hair Crazy (DAZ 3D/Bobbie25/Sarsa/Discobob/Lobo75/Lourdes/Morris)
Vendor: Lourdes
Pure Hair Crazy (DAZ 3D/Bobbie25/Sarsa/Discobob/Lobo75/Lourdes/Morris)
Vendor: Luthbel
Future WIlderness (Luthbel)
Jack Of Hearts For Genesis (Luthbel)
The product discussions/renders listed by vendor:
Vendor: Magix 101
Air-Worlds (Magix 101)
Fern Lea Cottage (Magix 101)
Marja Hair (3Dream / Mairy)
Marja Hair (Showing "Float" for underwater scenes) (3Dream / Mairy)
Tatiana Hair (3Dream / Mairy)
Tatiana Hair (Showing "Float" for underwater scenes) (Review #2) (3Dream / Mairy)
Xenia Hair (Showing "Float" for underwater scenes) (3Dream / Mairy)
Vendor: Male-M3dia
Axel International M5 (ForbiddenWhispers / JSGraphics /Male-M3dia)M
Vendor: Marforno
DMs Mixed Fantasy (DAZ 3D / Danie /marforno)
Vendor: Marieah
Furify Fur Shaders ( 3DLust / Marieah)
Furify:Fur Shaders (Review #2) (3DLust / Marieah)
Leatherize (Marieah)
The Fabricator (Marieah)* (Many posts)
The Fabricator (Review #2) (Marieah)
Totally Baazar (Marieah / Teresa Tyllo)
Vendor: Merlin
Merlin's Oak, Plants and Props Set (Merlin Studios)
Summer Trees By Merlin (Merlin Studios)
Vendor: MindVision G.D.S.
Swimwear V6 (MindVision G.D.S.)
Vendor: Morris
Pure Hair Crazy (DAZ 3D/Bobbie25/Sarsa/Discobob/Lobo75/Lourdes/Morris)
Vendor: Muscleman
Action Men Poses for Freak 5 and M5 (Muscleman)
I Will Protect You (Muscleman)
Vendor: Neftis3D
Alanna Hair (DAZ3D / Neftis3D)
CandeeCurlz HairStyle (Neftis3D)
Vendor: Nerd3D
Smoke And Flames Tool (Nerd3D)
Vendor: Noggin
Noggin’s Dragonfly (DAZ3D / Noggin)
Noggin’s Dragonfly Review #2 (DAZ3D / Noggin)
Noggin’s Dragonfly Review #3(DAZ3D / Noggin)
Vendor: OptiTex
Dynamic Tablecloth (OptiTex)
Queen Of Ages (Zigraphix / OptiTex)
Vendor: Orestes Graphics
Mantiraptor (And Expansion) (Orestes Graphics)
Vendor: Orion
Sylvanna for Genesis (Orion1167)
Vendor: Oskarsson
Deep Space For Daz Studio (Oskarsson)
Set The Mood (Oskarsson)
Vendor: Outoftouch
Geek For Genesis 2 Female(s) (Outoftouch)
OOT Styles for Rogue Sci-Fi Outfit (Outoftouch)
do you guys really buy all this stuff ?
Yep :)
A lot of it is Platinum Club, a lot of it was stacking discounts and really good sales. Just have to have patience and wait- but remember Christmas a year ago with all those overlapping sales? You could get 40% off a 70% price, or 40% off a 60%, etc. Some were short lived boo boos obviously.
My sister is a teacher and I do things for the kids, so a wide variety gives me the options to create different word scenes for her. I'm happy to putz and play in my "old age" and do some projects for me too- not anywhere near ready to publish yet, but that's a goal. I'm sloooooow.
As for the Marja hair, the only real issue with using it with Hat Head is the scalp mat zone can poke through the hair where the deformers press the hair against the head if you don't turn off the opacity on it. I turned it back on for this shot because I needed it since her hair was tucked behind her ear in this shot and the angle of the shot hides the "bad" area. If the angle of the shot or hat hides that, and the hair pose requires the scalp turned on, leave it on, otherwise, turn the opacity of the scalp mat zone to 0 when using Hat Head with Marja Hair.
One thing I am finding with the Perfect V4 is that regardless of having clothing parented, nothing will stay with the figure. I've tried many outfits and the clothes do not move with the figure. I'm going to test the same outfits on a regular V4.
EDIT: Tested the Annabelle Outfit on the regular V4 and it appears it is either the outfit or the "General V4 Poses" which are at fault. That outfit is not sticking to the figure even when parented.
Coming up-
I've never used the full Opus Magnum set, nor tested it with the lights which are included. It's rendering now- and the candles are really neat, the mirror has a reflection. This first render coming shortly will be "out of the box." It's at 33% and 28 minutes, so give it about half an hour or more as the character hasn't even been rendered which is in the scene.
Invited Guest Contributor
As promised, I looked out some renders I did a short while ago of Ivory for V4. The renders are nothing special, I'm afraid: just quickies I did to try out the texture and some of the other items that appear in them.
The first picture is the base Ivory character by Virtual_World (applied to V4) and the second shows one of the make-up options. If I re-did these now, I think I'd adjust the expressions a bit as she looks scarily starey-eyed!
In both of these she is wearing the top from the Aussie Girl Outfit by DAZ3D/Mada/Thorne. Her hair is Pure Hair: Darling by Valea. The jewellery is a freebie set. The background is from InaneGlory's Photo Studio 2 but the lighting is a single Advanced Ambient light by Age of Armour.
The third picture shows the Ivory texture applied to a Genesis-based child figure. Her hair is Pure Hair: Sweet by DAZ3D/Valea, her dress is a freebie from Wilmap at ShareCG, her shoes are from the Ballerina Assembly Kit by Dogz. The room setting is from Classic Deco: Eclectic 1 by DAZ3D/Jack Tomalin and the backdrop is the skybox from Easy Environments Greenlands by Flipmode.
Invited Guest Contributor
Mara For Victoria 4 and Genesis by Artemis3d
Both images are Mara for Genesis.
Also used in first image:
Sultry Hair for Genesis and Genesis 2 Females by DAZ 3D, goldtassel
Short Sleeve Mini Dress for Genesis 2 Female(s) by Trendy Renders
A Cozy Studio by Bluebird 3d (Living Room)
Sexy Silky For Genesis by DAZ 3D, Bobbie25 (shoes)
Also used in second image:
Victoria 5 Elite Ponytail Hair by DAZ 3D, etujedi-Yannek-Debra Ross
Dark Moods for Genesis by DAZ 3D, Ravenhair
Yamaki FDR2 Fusion by DAZ 3D, Ravnheart
Motorcycle Helmets for Genesis by DAZ 3D, Valandar
HDR ProSets Yosemite Pack Two by DAZ 3D, DimensionTheory
I just wanted to mention that the Mini Dress is not a great fit for Genesis 1, but it works OK with the Genesis 2 Female clothing Autofit if you say "none" for the clothing type. The Sultry Hair is a great up-do, although I don't see what's particularly "sultry" about it. :)
Opus Magnum (Faveral)
Hawthorn Hair
Alayeh For V4
Anabelle Outfit
Showing the lightset that comes with Opus Magnum, the first is without postwork, the second is simply adjusting the light and intensity, no lights added. The Anabelle Outfit is interesting, can go into several time periods/fantasy.
EDIT: BTW, you'd like the shoes that come with this outfit. There is a foot fix that will make the heels behave. So if you are looking for high heeled shoes that behave, consider this outfit.
Melanie- thanks!
When I installed the new DIM version, something's gone funky. The products show up in Content Library in the lists, but nothing shows up. Ivory and those other two I listed (in the other thread) are in that category of "no shows." So thanks for covering her :)
I know what you mean about the eyes, I have to apply poses to get V4 to look good. Do you have this? I'll do a closeup of Alayeh in this scene and you can see the eyes. (Even if you do, I'll show it for other folks to see.)
I like the shiny Short Sleeve Mini Dress. Thanks for posting the render.
Edit: I did not know that Sexy Silky comes with shoes. I will go look for them in my content pane.
tjohn- I really like the motorcyle render- nice touch with the helmet on back.
I didn't get the mini dress, but it seems like it does better than usual with the clingwrap breast look- the top portion seems more fluid.
Nice job on both renders.
Just in case you haven't seen it, the spend $50 and get $10 off is active. You can use those cheap items to get two qualifying items in your cart for the 50%, plus if you bought Vikings or Steph6 Pro, an additional 10% (makes it 55% I believe, it's not 60%) then when you go over 50.00 it's 10.00 off the total. These three for example:
Sultry Hair goes to .67
Mara is $4.35
Glamorous Riva Bundle 24.53.
All three total 29.55 (It's 102.85 full price - 73.30)
(EDIT: Shows as 52.73 when you view shopping cart before you click on the cart. So over $50 When I take the Riva out, the Sultry goes to .90 and the Mara to 5.82 as it's not over 50.00)
Tested- without Mara, the total would only be 44.96 and the Riva bundle was 32.83 and Sultry was .89 JUST THOSE TWO CAME TO 33.72 so adding that Mara drops it to 29.55! Three items for cheaper!
The Sultry Hairs are currently $1.19 (if you're a PC Member) in the Store before any further discounts in the Cart. I don't know why.
Here's a closeup of the Anabelle Outfit and the eyes which seem more natural IMO, using
I left the spotlight a bit bright and didn't tweak to the "best" that I could, just wanted you to see the eyes really well. I like the expressions in that product, they are relaxed and seem pretty natural. Quite a variety offered too.
@Novica like that expression and face a lot, in the closeup shot. She doesn't have that empty, staring into space look so many promo images and pictures have. Her eyes have a convincing feel.
@TJohn: I agree with Novica, the chest of that dress looks quite fitted. I like the shape there. That is a believable set of wrinkles wish more PA's added such details to tops that are supposed to be skin tight.
@Sasje: I like your sci-fi render wtih Artemis X. She looks good sitting on one of those ubiquitous sci-fi crates. =-)
I'm afraid they always offer coupons in the afternoon. When will I learn? I'm due for some more men things! Load me up!
I know, it's always a burn when you buy things like the Vikings or a bundle which are higher priced, then they offer that $10 off deal. I didn't buy the Viking bundle until the second day, was waiting on a special deal, but didnt happen. Wouldn't have gotten the Riva bundle today if it wasn't an additional $10 off.
BTW, you can get Carrara 8.5 Pro for about $28 right now- just add one of the cheap qualifying items for that second item. You only have a few minutes though, the cheapies are on Day 2 so will be removed shortly. Like this one: