I Forgot What My Complaint Was - Complaint Thread



  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    Sigh walked all the way to pond to take hdr pictures. Iphone hdr seems ti be bogus. 

  • Mystarra said:

    Sigh walked all the way to pond to take hdr pictures. Iphone hdr seems ti be bogus. 

    To get real HDRI you need multiple exposures at different exposures (real differences due to shutter speed, not different ISOs, presumably), which rather implies using a tripod. If it's making "HDRI" from a single image it's just changing the look, not finding real data.

  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 25,852

    I noticed the HDR setting in iPad and iPhone but never understood it.

  • starionwolfstarionwolf Posts: 3,667

    I'm trying to plan my trip to Washington, D.C. during the subway shutdown.  Google maps isn't working correctly.  I guess I need to use a compeditor's website instead.

  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,294
    edited June 2019

    I was into Spherical photography back in the early '90s.  Everything was manual.  I used a Nikon Coolpix995 with the simple Nikon 183 degree fisheye lens that was available back then.  Camera resolution wasn't great but it made tolerably good images if you didn't want to zoom into them.  I graduated into HDRI photography and combined it with the spherical photography in the early 2000s.  I got a rock solid massive tripod and with much effort and time (everything was manual) I made some decent spherical HDRI images and  squooshed the dynamic range down well enough to get some nice prints. 

    For much higher resolution I started using a wide angle lens instead of a fisheye.  It took about 10 images to cover a circle panorama and 32 to do a full sphere instead of just 2 using the fisheye.  HDRI added at least 3 exposures at each position.

    The image below is from the botonical garden at my college (Florida Institute of Technology).  I was a student there in the '60s and '70s and tried many times to photograph the ambience of that plaza at the pond, but without success until I returned in the 2000s armed with technology that didn't exist when I was a student.  All earlier attempts were either way overexposed in the sunlit spots of way too dark for anything in the shadow.  But this image has the blue of the sky, the white of the clouds, the gray of the bricks, the shine on the water, and the stuff in the shadows under the plants.  I love this photo. I've always wanted to try to make it an HDRI background for Carrara or DAZ Studio. (Note: this image is reduced from the original resolution in order to comply with forum limitations)

    Note:  If you look carefully you can see the tips of the three tripod legs just above the blacked out area at the bottom because I was too lazy to merge in the bottom image which requires extra work to remove the tripod head and legs, I just left the bottom image blank . blush  And if you look really really carefully you can make out the turtle submerged at the left-bottom of the pond.  And you might also notice the blue "Bork Prints" on the bricks.  The "Bork" was the legendary creature that lived in the swamp who was responsible for the disappearance of half of the freshman class that didn't return after the first semester.laugh

    Note:  The picture looks so comfortably cool, but believe me it was hot, and humid and I was sweating like a pig taking the 96 photos required for the shot. 10 positions around the equator, 10 positions at 45 degrees up, 10 positions at 45 degrees down, 1 top, 1 bottom then multipy that all by 3 for the bare minimum of differing exposures for high dynamic range at each position.  Then the hours getting crosseyed merging all those images even with the expensive software that I had at the time.  A lot of it can now be done by totally automatic, motorized tripod heads coupled to an automatic HDRI camera and better software but, back in the day, we had to sweat for a good HDRI photo.  I haven't done any HDRI work for at least 8 years.

    1800 x 900 - 313K
    Post edited by LeatherGryphon on
  • Subtropic PixelSubtropic Pixel Posts: 2,378

    Hey Gryphon, I just bought a set of four cast iron fry pans.  They should arrive in the coming week sometime.  I'll season them with oil for use on the grill, stovetop, and in the oven.  Proper seasoning includes rubbing them down with oil, THEN baking them in an oven at a fairly low temperature for a length of time, to make the oil form a barrier to the iron, and it (supposedly) keeps the iron from developing a patina of rust.  Due to the extra maintenance, they probably won't be my "daily pans", and of course you can't use tomato-based or other highly-acidic foods in them unless you're willing to reseason them after each cooking session.

    I found out something else too, about the ceramic and teflon-type nonstick types.  That brownish goo that forms over years may be partly due to some of the oils you're using in your cooking.  According to what I've read, "PAM" is one of the worst for this.  I've switched back to using only canola oil, olive oil, and real butter.  The goo on my daily driver nonstick pan seems to have stopped getting worse.  It's only been 6 months or so, so more time is needed before I'll know for sure if this is right.

  • starionwolfstarionwolf Posts: 3,667
    edited June 2019

    No wonder I am having issues with Google Maps today. Here is an article about the outage: Google outage takes down YouTube, Gmail, and Snapchat in parts of US

    Google status webpage: https://status.cloud.google.com/incident/compute/19003

    Post edited by starionwolf on
  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    anything glows is glowing now

    watching ant man and wasp, they up to the school scene

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    they at a drive in watching the old ant movie

    drive ins still exist?

  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,294
    edited June 2019

    Hey Gryphon, I just bought a set of four cast iron fry pans.  They should arrive in the coming week sometime.  I'll season them with oil for use on the grill, stovetop, and in the oven.  Proper seasoning includes rubbing them down with oil, THEN baking them in an oven at a fairly low temperature for a length of time, to make the oil form a barrier to the iron, and it (supposedly) keeps the iron from developing a patina of rust.  Due to the extra maintenance, they probably won't be my "daily pans", and of course you can't use tomato-based or other highly-acidic foods in them unless you're willing to reseason them after each cooking session.

    I found out something else too, about the ceramic and teflon-type nonstick types.  That brownish goo that forms over years may be partly due to some of the oils you're using in your cooking.  According to what I've read, "PAM" is one of the worst for this.  I've switched back to using only canola oil, olive oil, and real butter.  The goo on my daily driver nonstick pan seems to have stopped getting worse.  It's only been 6 months or so, so more time is needed before I'll know for sure if this is right.

    I've also switched to olive oil in the form of "Olivio" instead of using my usual liquid oil.  That's what I use on my small fry pan when I make toasted cheese sandwiches and that pan has remained slick for a long time.  Unfortunately, my problem with my small pan is that I  murdered the previous one by leaving the fire on after removing the food and walking away and sitting in front of the computer for an hour or so.  Bad LG, bad!angry  Baked the slick right out of it. crying

    I have to make my new pans last because the kitchen supply store in the mall that handled my brand has gone the way of the Dodo. (The local mall is more and more like a ghost town.)indecision

    (Yes, I could switch to another brand of pan but I have a beautiful matched set of pans and being a neurotic about orderliness and symmetry I loathe the idea of having a rogue pan design in the lineup.)

    Post edited by LeatherGryphon on
  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,294
    Mystarra said:

    they at a drive in watching the old ant movie

    drive ins still exist?

    I believe they're all gone in this area.  But there was one still here about two years ago.surprise

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    Drive ins and phone booths. Not much left of our culture. Bowling alleys still exist. The skating rinks are closed. Used to be we could go rollerskating thengoi to jans next doorbforban ice cream sundae called the kitchen sink

  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 25,852

    I went to Chick-Fil-A today to order a sandwich.  The picture of the sandwich did not include a tomato.  Also whenever I had the sandwich before it had no tomato.  I have problems with tomatoes for its acid content.  Too much acidic foods tends to give me heartburn in the past.  Well I opened my sandwich and it had two tomato slices.  I went back to the Chick-Fil-A counter and asked if it normally comes with tomato.  They said no it does not and offered to remake it.  I said yes since I did not want something else other than what I ordered.  I know I could take the tomato off but I was just wondering for future reference if it came with tomato.

  • McGyverMcGyver Posts: 7,021
    edited June 2019

    Happy Walk-Right-The-Hell-In-Front-Of-Someone-Without-Looking Day!

    Apparently that’s what today is... that or I’m wearing my T-shirt & Jeans of Invisibility... (these were the lesser known fourth and fifth Deathly Hollows)...

    So yeah... Happy WRTHIFOSWL Day everyone!


    Post edited by McGyver on
  • TJohnTJohn Posts: 11,052
    McGyver said:

    Happy Walk-Right-The-Hell-In-Front-Of-Someone-Without-Looking Day!

    Apparently that’s what today is... that or I’m wearing my T-shirt & Jeans of Invisibility... (these were the lesser known fourth and fifth Deathly Hollows)...

    So yeah... Happy WRTHIFOSWL Day.... 


    The same thing happens with a cane and a limp. I do get a lot of doors opened though, so guess it averages out.

  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,294
    edited June 2019
    Tjohn said:
    McGyver said:

    Happy Walk-Right-The-Hell-In-Front-Of-Someone-Without-Looking Day!

    Apparently that’s what today is... that or I’m wearing my T-shirt & Jeans of Invisibility... (these were the lesser known fourth and fifth Deathly Hollows)...

    So yeah... Happy WRTHIFOSWL Day.... 


    The same thing happens with a cane and a limp. I do get a lot of doors opened though, so guess it averages out.

    Yeah, getting doors held for you.  Happens to me too, but sometimes they see me coming and hold the door long before I get there. at which point in time I feel obligated to hurry which isn't in the cards these days.frown  Sometimes I can get away with telling them "don't wait for me, your hand will get tired" but most times I just get there when I get there and say "thank you" like I should.  There should be a "Reddit" category for old people with canes stories.laugh

    And having a cane is tempting to think how one could use it when confronted with a warm body totally unaware of your presence and nearly run you over.  A frequent thought is to use the head of the cane to knock the $#%@$%# device out of their hand. devil  Of course I don't, but the adrenalin rush of thinking about it is reward enough.yes

    Post edited by LeatherGryphon on
  • McGyverMcGyver Posts: 7,021
    Tjohn said:
    McGyver said:

    Happy Walk-Right-The-Hell-In-Front-Of-Someone-Without-Looking Day!

    Apparently that’s what today is... that or I’m wearing my T-shirt & Jeans of Invisibility... (these were the lesser known fourth and fifth Deathly Hollows)...

    So yeah... Happy WRTHIFOSWL Day.... 


    The same thing happens with a cane and a limp. I do get a lot of doors opened though, so guess it averages out.

    Well, actually that’s my problem today, sans cane... it’s very painful to constantly be dodging other people... I’m walking okayish and then someone looks right through me and steps in front of me and I’ve got to move out of the way... the evasive maneuver results in a sharp pain, like someone jabbed me in the lower back with a nail... it’s making me very... “disgruntled”.

    Is anyone ever gruntled?... combobulated?... embowled?


  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 25,852
    edited June 2019

    I am trying to catfish a catfish but all I ended up is stirring up the aquarium. edit or is it the fish?  either way the fish are not amused.

    Post edited by Sfariah D on
  • WinterMoonWinterMoon Posts: 1,893
    edited June 2019

    Complaint: TigerAnne is short, and her jean-pockets are the exact same height as the door handle. Pocket catches door handle, and slams door in TigerAnne's face. TigerAnne is experiencing domestic violence from her own furniture. Edit: It may have been the belt hoop that caught the handle. The door also failed to give me a black eye, since my shoulder was in the way.


    Post edited by WinterMoon on
  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,294
    McGyver said:
    Tjohn said:
    McGyver said:

    Happy Walk-Right-The-Hell-In-Front-Of-Someone-Without-Looking Day!

    Apparently that’s what today is... that or I’m wearing my T-shirt & Jeans of Invisibility... (these were the lesser known fourth and fifth Deathly Hollows)...

    So yeah... Happy WRTHIFOSWL Day.... 


    The same thing happens with a cane and a limp. I do get a lot of doors opened though, so guess it averages out.

    Well, actually that’s my problem today, sans cane... it’s very painful to constantly be dodging other people... I’m walking okayish and then someone looks right through me and steps in front of me and I’ve got to move out of the way... the evasive maneuver results in a sharp pain, like someone jabbed me in the lower back with a nail... it’s making me very... “disgruntled”.

    Is anyone ever gruntled?... combobulated?... embowled?


    I was gruntled once.  Didn't like it.

  • valis_cf78772845valis_cf78772845 Posts: 48
    edited June 2019

    My complaint is that I feel so completely lost with the new Daz and the Installer, and if any of my old beloved items will still work. O_O

    I'm so lost. surprise


    Post edited by valis_cf78772845 on
  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 25,852

    In a particular game I am trying to steal cake from a bakery stand. The guards k  It ieep attacking me but I keep killing them.  They are combat level 18 but I think I am combat level 83!  The only way they can kill me is if I am unarmed and not trying.  I think that I will try to see what happens if I try to steal cake from the bakery stand unarmed.  They keep attacking me but I am keep killing them.

    148 x 140 - 37K
  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 25,852

    I do not know what to watch.  I have a lot of stuff I could watch but I do not know which one to watch.  I am confused about why it is so hard to choose.

  • McGyverMcGyver Posts: 7,021

    In a particular game I am trying to steal cake from a bakery stand. The guards k  It ieep attacking me but I keep killing them.  They are combat level 18 but I think I am combat level 83!  The only way they can kill me is if I am unarmed and not trying.  I think that I will try to see what happens if I try to steal cake from the bakery stand unarmed.  They keep attacking me but I am keep killing them.

    What kind of cake is it that it needs guards?... It hope it’s good cake... maybe they are trying to prevent you from obtaining the cake because they know it’s a lie?

  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 25,852
    edited June 2019
    McGyver said:

    In a particular game I am trying to steal cake from a bakery stand. The guards k  It ieep attacking me but I keep killing them.  They are combat level 18 but I think I am combat level 83!  The only way they can kill me is if I am unarmed and not trying.  I think that I will try to see what happens if I try to steal cake from the bakery stand unarmed.  They keep attacking me but I am keep killing them.

    What kind of cake is it that it needs guards?... It hope it’s good cake... maybe they are trying to prevent you from obtaining the cake because they know it’s a lie?

    Maybe it is because the cake is a lie as it only takes 3 bites to finish the cake.

    edit but then a lobster can be finished with one bite too.

    Post edited by Sfariah D on
  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,294

    My complaint is that I feel so completely lost with the new Daz and the Installer, and if any of my old beloved items will still work. O_O

    I'm so lost. surprise

    Will your old files work?  Probably, if you haven't moved them or don't change the installation directory.  But after installation make sure your old directory is listed in the places that Studio looks.

    Personally, I don't use the DIM  installer and download & install everything manually.  Like in the old days.

  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,294
    edited June 2019

    Complaint:  Bills.  I thought I was going to get ahead this month.  But the arrival of several expected but forgotten bills blew that joy right out of the water.frown  And it's just the beginning of my spending season. sad

    Non-complaint:  Poking through my music library I found this frantic piece again.  If you're DAZing slowly, then try this music for inspiration.

    George Enescu:  Romanian Rhapsody #1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ikZLcG52xLQ  Begins with simple dance rhythms but about half way through at 6:00, it begins to speed up and there are noticable increases in frantic activity at about 7:00, 8:00 and 9:00  Lots of fun.  (Unfortunately, although this is a good recording capturing the spirit of the piece it doesn't capture the extreme high notes of the violin in the places where they are important to the music.  A proper recording from CD or some of the YouTube videos recorded in a concert hall instead of an open air amphitheater brings them out more clearly.)

    Post edited by LeatherGryphon on
  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604

    Complaint:  Bills.  I thought I was going to get ahead this month.  But the arrival of several expected but forgotten bills blew that joy right out of the water.frown  And it's just the beginning of my spending season. sad

    Non-complaint:  Poking through my music library I found this frantic piece again.  If you're DAZing slowly, then try this music for inspiration.

    George Enescu:  Romanian Rhapsody #1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ikZLcG52xLQ  Begins with simple dance rhythms but about half way through at 6:00, it begins to speed up and there are noticable increases in frantic activity at about 7:00, 8:00 and 9:00  Lots of fun.  (Unfortunately, although this is a good recording capturing the spirit of the piece it doesn't capture the extreme high notes of the violin in the places where they are important to the music.  A proper recording from CD or some of the YouTube videos recorded in a concert hall instead of an open air amphitheater brings them out more clearly.)

    I enjoyed that.   Thank you for linking it.    (and I could see what you meant about the violins)

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    My complaint is that I feel so completely lost with the new Daz and the Installer, and if any of my old beloved items will still work. O_O

    I'm so lost. surprise


    Manual downloads are still there for most stuff

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    did Phil Collins ever find Billy?

    billy lost his number.

This discussion has been closed.