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how cool is that!
I just bought (I hope) Carrara 8.5-- I've lost my previous versions of Carrara a long time ago, so it's not an upgrade; it's a New. I also lost the Download Mgr., so I had to download that one first. It shows nothing to download . I think something in the DAZ order gerbil is picking up an old account I had--So Is there any way in the world just to buy Carrara? I want the modeler... I'm not sure it took my order, I didn't receive confirmation (but I didn't receive confirmation of a new account, pswd, etc--) I would be wretchedly grateful for any advice here.......
Your prvious version will be in your account, if you bought it from Daz. Install Manager will use the account you log-in with - if it's empty, and you are logged in, then try clicking Show Hidden in the ready To Downlaod tab and if that fails click the Download Filters button and make sure it's set to show software for your platform.
could chec your order history, if is recent should be easy to find
here is a direct link to it in Product Library downloads, you don't need a download manager, just right click, save as
Carrara 8.5 Pro
This product is a bundle that contains the following product...
if you have Carrara 7 Pro *digital download
This product is a bundle that contains the following product...
ran this thru fontsquirrel, couldnt' name it
Mebbe change the name to ray dream X
PipedreamZ more like it
damn without changing anything adding any extensions Carrara release build has started closing after the splashscreen
my beta still working
the future is dire
I haven't had it as bad as that, but I have had occasional errors when I go to the render room.
a DIM update of a plugin possibly broke it
I do recall something when I allowed plugins for DS
it is terrifying that one day Carrara will just stop working and life will change forever
my Windows 7 PC may be my only hope
Only if you keep it offline so MS can't cripple it to death
it is Fenric's ERC
removing that from extensions fixed it
but I never updated it
I bought it when it was available at DAZ and nothing has been changed since using Carrara earlier today
graphic drivers havent changed?
iirc somewheer is a setting to use software other than open gl or it was open cl
domrtimrd the preferences files gets messed up and needs to be deleted and reset.
this is what it sounds like when doves cry
carrara X
pronounced Cara Rocks! ?
not Carr Arax? thought was a new DC comic hero
sometimes hitting 0 doesnt zoom to object. don't understnd why that happens.
playing with the spectral clouds scene in native content.
i dropped in a cube, sent it to origin, hit 0, nothing happened ??
the nitty gritty of carrara weight mapping?
for oen, is it single axis or each axis?
vaguely remember something about carrara auto weights importing, after carrara 7?
what data is lost when converting vertex to wavefront obj?
looks like vertex has an extra column of numbers.
some of the native poser figures, don't have a normals section. Sydney obj doesn't ?
does carrara automatically figure out the normals?
i dont see the flipped normals artifacts, so i guessing it does.
life, the universe, and thanks for the fish, don't panic, mostly harmless.
what the big diff tween fast mips and sampling ?
is t worth the level of effort to change all the fast mips?
single in 8.1 triax in 8.5
kewl, native triaxing
mip maps reduce in resolution at distance so use less resources rendering
only reason to change to sampling is earlier versions of Carrara than 8.5 don't support them so you don't get a map rendering just black, if only using C8.5 it's unimportant
thanks! wasn't looking forward to all the efforting to change em
thought od a new feature for carrara x. a Storm generator. lightning, rain, but no soonamies is too scary
are the carrara developers back yet??
why do we see the bones posing? whats the secret to attaching general bones to the mesh.?
what the qwikest way to save a goto pose?
to also use on things doesnt have a hip bone
Carrara 8.5 Pro has become buggy
- have noticed an increase in problems. For example, the vertex modeler tools sometimes become wacky (technical term?). The selection tools like loop and ring might be temporarily grayed out in the right side properties tray, but still be functional from the top menu. Or, the extrude tool's menu will not appear in the properties tray. Both of those are examples of "sometimes" problems. Here I assembled a scene entirely with content from the Daz store. It consists of the G2F Keiko character, G2F Victory outfit, G2F fashion hair, toon Santa, and the mustang from the ADR roadster collection. I got a runtime error after I loaded the mustang.
I am going to submit a ticket but I don't hold out much hope of a response.