31st Daz3D Bryce Render challenge ~~~ Beyond the Horizon ~~~

31st Daz3D Bryce Render challenge
Now Sponsored by Daz 3D
Theme for this challenge is ~~~ "Beyond the Horizon" ~~~
Another theme with so many different interpretations
I saw the title in the list of themes and immediately thought of the Bob Dylan song with that name. It's also a book, a film, a play, TV series, a Documentary featuring Stephen Hawkins. I am sure there are loads more. as always, the more different interpretations the merrier
The Choice is yours
Your imagination is the only limit
This thread is the WIP thread, so you can post here to show us how things are coming along before the render is transferred to the actual Contest thread for judging. You don't have to do that.we collect up all the finished ones and make the thread, with each render given a number and title, but no artist name shown, so it's a blind judging thread for the judging panel.
Please don't post your entry renders anywhere else until after the Challenge is judged, as judging is done in a blind judging thread, so the Judges don't know who has done which image.
Challenge ends Sept 30th 2018:- Midnight DAZ 3D time.
DAZ 3D Sponsorship, in the form of Store credit
Ist place $30 2nd place $20 3rd place $15
In addition DAZ 3D Store Credit will be given to the people whose renders are selected as the Honourable mentions,
$10 for each of 3 honorable mentions
We will also be offering a special prize for the render judged the best from a Bryce New User. DAZ 3D will add $10.
Judged by a poll which will be set up at closure of the challenge.
By entering this contest, you agree to allow DAZ3D to use any artwork you submit in any promotional materials they may choose.
Great Theme...
I just finished this image yesterday... I actually started it during the "Reflection" challenge but ran out of time... Although the image is more immediately appropriate for that theme, I checked the Thesaurus for "Horizon" and saw that this image would apply... So...here it is. There was a small "poke through" on his jacket that I touched up in Photoshop. I took my inspiration from the MC Escher drawing.
Title: Inspired by M.C.
items used... Steampunk Office--Renderosity...
Genesis 8 male, wise wizard character... Mid Victorian outfit for Genesis 8 male... Reading Corner....Vaulted Hall...Treasury of Books... DAZ
Wow, very fast and beautiful, mtnmen.
Oh my, that is super, mtnmen...I recall viewing that Escher sphere image at one time.
I wonder, and please don't see this as a criticism, but would positioning more fingers (the pinky, the ring...etc.,) everso slight on the edge of the sphere create additional 3d-ishy-ness?
Escher's sphere looks like some kind of silver-reflected one - don't really know? Hmm, wonder what would it look like if the sphere was slightly transparent, without loosing the wonderful reflection attributes, of course?
Anyways, mtnmen...'you the man' ...great creativity of mind...great render
Nice vintage environment. Works fine with that escheresque sphere.
mtnmen - that's a super idea. I remember the "original".
Mtnmen- beautiful start to the challenge. Thanks Jay for posting the link to the original.
Beyond the Horizon for me anyways, it has got to be the Moon.
Take a look at this wonderful YouTube video just over 3 mins long (real reactions by people viewing the Moon for the first time). It will cheer you up - I promise.
Nice Theme.
@ mtnmen: Very fast and a very cool Image.
Hey thanks for all the great comments...
Jay... I think I'll play with this some more and I agree there could be more 3d-ishness with the finger placement more like the original... I had originally had the sphere quite transparent... and it was distracting I thought... Perhaps somethng in the middle might be a nice effect... We'll see... but thanks for the suggestions.. and also for posting a link to the original... I should have done that... You the man!
mtnmen: very cool - _quite original
My first entry:
To the black hole horizon.
I used an HDRI from the Deep Space Set by David and Horo. These two Tori and a Sphere with Glasmats with high distortion. The black hole itself is two spheres, one completely black and one with Nebelmat for the ring of light around it.
Michael as an astronaut and some stones and freebie spaceship parts for the debris.
mtnmen : Outstanding render, original idea.
drachenlords : wonderful image.
Drachenlords – very dynamic render
I’ve been experimenting with the camera and was working with Horo’s Transcript_FOVcompTool Pdf and set up this scene, which I think fits this challenge.
The model is Serpentine City-Herminio Nieves, the space ships freebies. The lighting is from David and Horo’s Hdri4Fun
Looking to the Future
drachenlords - excellent idea and superbly done.
mermaid - very nice entry. I still have no idea ...
drachenlords: Very well done
mermaid: pretty good
mermaid : Very good !
@ drachenlords: attractive picture
@ mermaid010: manhattanesque skyline. Maybe a zoom and a lower camera ?
Thanks for the nice comments.
@ Mermaid: Very good work.
Here is my second entry:
Beyond the Horizon
drachenlords - yes, I see why that what the monk sees is beyond his horizon. Superbly done.
My first entry.
Title: Tele View.
The scene is as if photographed with a (18 mm) wide angle lens and not much of the horizon is visible. A tele lens (400 mm) made with two 2D-Disks brings the mountain into view.
Drachenlords: You keep them great renders coming! Both are wonderful. Very nice to see you use the cracks in the sky and the fourth dimension.
Horo: Nice work. I would probably have liked it better if the part outside the zoom-lens was vague and the part in the zoom lens was sharp.
I have a possible submission, but I want to check with Chohole, whether it fits the rules. I put it up anyway. The issue is, that the render is new, but it uses largely a rather recently made scene, with different sky and texture on the sphere around it (and on the plane). There is an alien shadow. Don't be afraid: she is not naked. Just a bikini or something, but in this view, you won't see the difference.
So here it is: "Alien horizon".
Thank you Horo and Hansmar for the comments.
@ Horo: Great idea and well done. I agree with Hansmar - within the zoom sharply would be even better, I think.
@ Hansmar: Cool picture. Reminds me a little of a blacklight poster. I like it.
Drachenlords - spacie works...omg (Alien Nation still works as is). The Beyond the Horizon work is ...mind-blowing.
Mermaid...pheww...I don't know what it is, but I like themes in general that have, ironically, light versus dark themes (perhaps, despair versus hope, etc.,...don't really know...or is it that I'm just 'Looking to the Future').
Know what you're trying to put across, Horo...a camera in hand. Have a wondeful Canon DSLR with other zoom lenses. Tried to enrol in a related camera course once, but the number of people applied resulted in cancellation (missed out, I bet).
Mermaid, Excellent atmosphere and mood! Nice colors
Horo, that's a very clever idea, and its nice to see that Bryce allows such optical effects. I'm kinda wondering how you did it but I'm sure the time for explanation will come.
Drachenlords, Wow and Wow again. Singularity was my idea but you've pretty much shown me what mine would have looked like if I'd gotten it right so I wont even be attempting that.
My jaw fell open when I first saw this second entry!! Appraisal as follows: Idea.... amazing, execution.... amazing, even the gust of wind...affecting the clothing of the monk...darned incredible. The cracks in reality itself.... the fact that a Monk is the one who sees reality for the farce that it is...I just don't have words for this. Technicals: The lighting, the colors, the sense of scale and depth.. Easily one of the very best and technically/artistically proficient Bryce images I've ever seen. You truly are gifted as I've stated many times. You've created a spiritual moment for me. I need to go collect myself. Wow. Wow!
a very nice theme
mtnmen: super idea and beautiful.
drachenlord: your pictures are wonderful, waow
mermaid010: very nice
Horo: Horo: Nice work
Hansmar: cool idea and well done
My entry: romantic view over the sea
@ FirePhoenix: romantic indeed. Nice sunset.
@ Drachenlords: great job
@ Horo: interesting idea
@ Hansmar: makes me think of some kind of video game. Also reminds me of some Escher patterns.
Hansmar - thank you. I see what you mean though for me, things beyond the horizon are always a bit blurred.
The idea of an alien horizon is very neat.
drachenlords - thank you. I see what you mean (see comment above).
Jamahoney - thank you Jay. Pity the course was canceled. Happens here often, that's why I read books.
Rashad - thank you. In Bryce, transparency with a higher refraction index than 1 (100) results in a magnification. I stacked two disks at refraction 225, which magnifies about 8-fold. The problem is that the light through them gets considerably dimmed. So I used a 2D-face with only 40% transparency and cut a round hole with a cylinder in it, which I aligned with the disks and then cranked up the light. The frame, by the way, is just a torus.
FirePhoenix - thank you. The romantic view over the see looks beautifully romantic.
Henryhor - thank you.
drachenlords : another wow from me !
Horo : cool render, original idea.
Hansmar : very well done.
FirePhoenix : nice romantic render.
WOW, nice Entries... very well done
FirePhoenix...very nice...love the warm atmospheric feel to the scene, and the somewhat anonymity of the couple.
Thanks for all the nice Comments.
@ FirePhoenix:Very warm, very romantic - very good.
Your picture shows how versatile this topic can be.