Transferring Morphs from Genesis to G2M/G2F and from G2M/G2F to Genesis (Now with Clones!)

As currently I have no desire to buy G2F Morphs and with Genesis 2 offering such small functionality, comparatively to my morph collection of two years, I started to wonder if I can transfer Genesis morphs to Genesis 2 Female in order to give her some morphability.
Turned to be I can and although the result might be not 100% precise (I have no Gen-X utility to check that process on Gen 4-to-Genesis variation) and drastic morphs will need Bone Adjustment and ERC freeze it worked pretty well for basic human unisex morphs like Pear and Stocky.
ERC Freeze in DS 4.7: it looks like when you do ERC freeze after bone adjustment, you'd need to select 'Restore Figure Rigging' now (previously it had to be left unchecked)
Update: there are four more tutorials below that allow to transfer any morph (not only unisex) from Genesis to G2F but they are somewhat more complex.
Post 7: unlocking OriginalGenesis mesh
Post 8: transfer of any morphs and how to make bone adjustments and ERC Freeze in G2F
Post 35: making of simple G2F autofit clone for Genesis
Post 55: reverse-fitting MallenLane's V4 autofit to Genesis to get some better shoes and other things.
Post 376: Note about DS Property Editor changes in DS and up
Post 391: Make your own simple G2M clone for Genesis.
Post 392: How to make G2M morph for Genesis.
Post 397: Make your own simple V4 clone for G2M
Post 403: How To Transfer Morphs From G2F To G2M The Very Easy Way
Also this thread has a lot of useful information and problem solving from other users.
Post 629: Resummed version of morph transfer tutorial for G2F->G3F transfer
There are other tutorials:
Quickly unlock Genesis Original shape and transfer Genesis morphs in G2F by ben98120000
Steps to Get projection templates to work for your Custom Genesis 2 Figure by larsmidnatt
Sickleyield's Tutorial: Transferring Character Morphs from G1 to G2 (external site, clear presentation)
The transfer of scaled morphs addon by yellowviolent
For this I need Genesis 2Female Essential (free), DS 4.5 (free and probably the process will work in DS 4.6 too), My Genesis (i.e. Genesis 1, with those many morphs I have). I use a temporary intermediate figure to transfer morphs so I won't screw anything up in figures.
1. Load G2F, set it to Base Resolution and 0 Subdivision. Export as Obj (only Ignore Invisible Nodes are checked, everything else is unchecked). I used Hexagon scale (1 unit = 1 cm), on 100% scale. Scale of import and export should be consistent from now on, but I suspect it can be any scale.
I exported it as G2F Base LR.obj
2. Load My Genesis into DS 4.5. Dial Basic Female Morph 100% and several adjustment morphs to get the shape as close to G2F as you can (I used only Arms Length around -0.0026, Hands Propagation Scale L/R around -20% but it can be done better with hips and breast morphs). I did nothing with pose, leaving hands curled as they are.
My Genesis is then set to Base Resolution and 0 Subdivision.
Delete G2F figure.
3. Load G2F Base LR.obj with a proper scale.
4. Open Transfer Utility. Select My Genesis as a Source and Shape as 'Current' (it is important). Select G2F Base LR.obj as a target and Shape as 'Current' (don't know if it is important or not)
a) Projection Template None
b) Show Option: Leave everything checked as it is (don't know if it is important), but select Morph Targets.
c) Check Source Morphs (it is important) and uncheck Projection Template Morphs (don't know if it is important).
I also used Use Near Vertices about 500% but again, don't know if it is important.
d) Select Reverse Source Shape from Target (it is important)
Uncheck Fit to Source Figure for your comfort. Don't add smoothing modifier yet.
Click accept.
5. Wait until it is done. It might be a lengthy process, depending on how many morphs My Genesis has.
6. After it is done you should have a a lot of morphs in your newly made G2F Base LR figure. They are usually messy, with no proper Shape categories, so I used search selector to find Stocky morph and dial it 100%
Delete My Genesis from the scene or make it invisible so the only visible figure on your scene is G2F Base LR. Make sure it is Base Resolution and Subdivision 0, with no smoothing modifier.
7. Export Stocky shape as obj, on the same scale as it was comfortable for you before. I got G2F Stocky LR.obj
8. Load G2F back on scene.
9. Open Morph Loader Pro (in my DarkSide layout it and Morph Loader Advanced have the same icon, MLP located below MLA). Select G2F Stocky LR.obj as a loaded morph. The scale of import should be consistent with a scale of export before.
Name the morph as something nice, say G1 Stocky.
Under Property Group right click and Create new property group. Select Actor and in a line under type Actor/Gen 1 Universal/Real World. Later you can just select it as a already existing Property.
Make sure that Reverse Deformation is checked as 'yes'.
Leave everything else like it is.
Press ok.
10. Now you have a morph :) You can make it more organized with Property Editor but I'm yet to figure how to create groups in it.
Again, for drastic morphs you'll need to follow Bone Adjustment and ERC freeze tutorial (starting from step 9).
11. Repeat steps 6 to 10 for any morph you wish to transfer.
12. When you happy with organizing, Save new morphs as Morph assets and save modified G2F with all new fancy groups as Support Assets/Save Modified Assets (or as a separate figure through Figure/Prop Assets)
Some notes.
I have no DS 4.6 installed so I might not catch the subtle rigging differences between G2F in DS 4.5 and 4.6. Can anybody with DS 4.6 try that process and say if anything is messed up? I'm also not sure about fingers. They seem to curl and pose ok for me in DS 4.5 but I don't know how they supposed to be posed in DS 4.6.
With more additional steps and loops it might be possible to eliminate of Genesis 1 full body morphs influence on G2F face altogether in case if there is any.
For subtler morphs, like Finesse Details you might want to set morph value for export in step 6 as 150% of more to boost up the details a a bit, depending on what you want.
Expressions, pose controls and everything that affects inner mouth might not work properly.
This method works best for gender neutral morphs. For Gender specific morphs (like Victoria 4) the process will have to be modified a bit because otherwise you'd get a boobs too huge and waist too slim. I'm trying to figure the process but if anybody has any ideas, you are welcome to share. Male morphs, obviously, don't work as well at all for now but I think it is possible to make Genesis 2 Base morph because there is a Genesis autofit clone for G2F already, as I think.
Pictured is Genesis 2 Female with Finesse Details 100% (boosted as 150% from Genesis 1) and G1 Pear 75%.

Kattey, thanks much for this info. I will still buy updates to GenX, but with this method I can perhaps get a BIG headstart on things. Many thanks!
You are welcome :)
Can you try it (especially if you have DS 4.6) and tell me how it worked for you? Was everything understandable?
No need for drastic morphs with ERC freezes, for now, can you just transfer Pear or something?
Nice! Thanks for posting this!
I think if you start from Genesis 2 Androgynous you might be able to transfer gender based morphs, as well....
Wait, I missed it - is that a thing that already exist? Because right now I'm trying to do right that but I can't figure yet how to get base feminized shape for G2F as a G2F morph so I can deduct it and matching original Genesis genderless shape with G2F morphs is a bit of pain. It would be very easy to transfer all morphs if Androgynous already exist.
thank you so much can't wait to get home and try.
Haha! I found a way to make a G2F into gender neutral Genesis easily, perfect 100% match! :)
*runs back to 'Test and Figure Out Stuff' Lab, shouting "It is a clone, a clone!"*
G2F with original Genesis shape (and fingers).
Requires some meddling with text editor. It should be a sort of plain text editor that allows easy formatting of big files and doesn't add any junk from itself, so I think Notepad should be ok (I personally used small text editor called Bred3).
It is not as scary as it might look
1) Go to the data directory where you installed G2F
Should be something like
\data\DAZ 3D\Genesis 2\Female\Morphs\DAZ 3D\Base
Find there a file called CloneGenesis.dsf, it should be around 1 MB size.
2) In the folder \data\DAZ 3D\Genesis 2\Female\Morphs\ make your own folder, say, "Additional Morphs"
Copy CloneGenesis.dsf into that folder and rename it into OriginalGenesisTemp.dsf
This file is essential for next steps but you will delete it later.
3) Now the editing part.
Open OriginalGenesisTemp.dsf file in your text editor of choice.
Line 20: change "type" : "Modifier/Clone",
to "type" : "Modifier/Shape",
there and everywhere - mind the commas at the end of the line, they are important
Line 31 change "visible" : false,
"visible" : true,
Line 40: change
"group" : "/Hidden/Clones",
"region" : "Actor",
"group" : "/Universal/Real World",
it will add an extra line
instead of /Universal/Real World you can use your own hierarchy, say "group" : "/Legacy/Original Genesis",
Save your file.
You probably can clean it up further, modifying "asset_info" and such, but so far it worked pretty well for me.
4) Fixing crumpled fingers.
This method initially gives strange crumpled fingers when you pose your G2F.
Bone Adjustment and ERC Freeze as explained here, steps 9 to 18, will help with it. Follow it as written (only name your morph as something new, say, just OriginalGenesis instead of OriginalGenesisTemp).
The only thing to mind - when you do step 11 of this tutorial, select 'Adjust Orientation' too (it is unchecked by default).
Also, because I didn't clean all supportive Clone information out of my OriginalGenesisTemp.dsf you might see your morph as CloneGenesis instead of OriginalGenesisTemp.
After you done, rename it with Parameters settings for the morph, and save your new morph as OriginalGenesis. In your G2F it should be located in the group that you put it in on step 3 (in my case Universal/Real World). On your hard drive it should be OriginalGenesis.dsf in \data\DAZ 3D\Genesis 2\Female\Morphs\AdditionalMorphs folder.
Go back to folder \data\DAZ 3D\Genesis 2\Female\Morphs\DAZ 3D\Additional morph and delete OriginalGenesisTemp.dsf (the initial file), you don't need it anymore.
Here is a result. G2F in G2F clothes with G2F unmodified pose, with Genesis original morph and adjusted rigging.
Again, I have no idea if it works in DS 4.6 or does it look the same as in DS 4.6 or if it will have any problems with autofitted clothes or smart content. But it should make all morph transfer from Genesis to G2F much easier.
Again, any testing/questions/comments/new ideas are welcome.
Transferring Genesis Morphs to G2F (including gender-specific).
This is an updated version of the first tutorial. This tutorial presumes that you already have OriginalGenesis shape and adjusted rigging as explained in tutorial above (post #7 of this thread).
For this I need Genesis 2Female Essential (free), DS 4.5 (free and probably the process will work in DS 4.6 too), My Genesis (Genesis 1, with those many morphs I have).
I will be transferring Michael 4 morph which I got from Iconic Generation 4 shapes from Genesis.
1. Load G2F, set it to Base Resolution and 0 Subdivision
Dial Original Genesis morph (that you made before) 100%.
Export as Obj (only Ignore Invisible Nodes are checked, everything else is unchecked). I used Hexagon scale (1 unit = 1 cm), on 100% scale. Scale of import and export should be consistent from now on, but I suspect it can be any scale.
I exported it as G2F Original Base LR.obj
2. Load My Genesis into DS 4.5. Don't adjust anything.
My Genesis is then set to Base Resolution and 0 Subdivision.
Delete G2F figure.
3. Load G2F Original Base LR.obj with a proper scale.
4. Open Transfer Utility. Select My Genesis as a Source. You can leave Shape as Default or set it to Current.
Select G2F Original Base LR.obj as a target. You can leave Shape as Default or set it to Current.
a) Projection Template None
b) Show Option: Leave everything checked as it is (don’t know if it is important), but select Morph Targets.
c) With Morph Targets Selected, check Source Morphs (it is important) and uncheck Projection Template Morphs (don’t know if it is important).
This time I didn't use Use Near Vertices method. You can try with it.
d) You don't need to select 'Reverse Source Shape from Target' this time.
Uncheck Fit to Source Figure for your comfort. Don’t add smoothing modifier yet.
Click Accept.
5. Wait until it is done. It might be a lengthy process, depending on how many morphs My Genesis has.
6. After it is done you should have a a lot of morphs in your newly made G2F Original Base LR figure.
They are may be messy, with no proper Shape categories, so I used search selector to find Michael 4 morph and dial it 100%
Delete My Genesis from the scene or make it invisible so the only visible figure on your scene is G2F Original Base LR figure.
Make sure it is Base Resolution and Subdivision 0, with no smoothing modifier.
7. Export M4 adjustment shape as obj, on the same scale as it was comfortable for you before. I got G2F Original M4 LR. obj
8. Load G2F back on scene.
Dial OriginalGenesis morph to 100% (it is important)
9. Open Morph Loader Pro (in my DarkSide layout it and Morph Loader Advanced have the same icon, MLP located below MLA).
Select G2F Original M4 LR.obj as a loaded morph.
The scale of import should be consistent with a scale of export before.
Name the morph as something nice, say G1 M4
Under Property Group right click and Create new property group. Select Actor and in a line under type Actor/Male (or any other hierarchy you'd like). Later you can just select it as a already existing Property for all your male characters.
Make sure that Reverse Deformation is checked as ‘yes’.
Leave everything else like it is.
Press ok.
10. Now you have a morph :) but your job isn't yet done because it requires ERC freeze.
By itself G1 M4 morph doesn't look male because you need to have OriginalGenesis morph dialed 100% in conjunction with it for best likeness.
Also, original M4 on Genesis used 103.1% of default scale.
It is possible to make it same for G2F and also make new M4 morph like that but for simplicity sake I'll go with just 100% of M4 morph which would make this M4 a bit shorter initially (but we can easily fix it later).
Also it is possible to make M4 morph in G2F that that will work in automatical conjunction with Original Genesis morph but again, I'll omit it for simplicity here.
To make Bone Rigging adjustment and ERC Freeze do the following:
(thank you very much, niccipb, for making initial tutorial)
a) Dial down to 0% Original Genesis morph, so you'd have a very muscular G2F with G1 M4 morph set to 100%.
b) Select G2F in your Scene lab and right-click on the tab header 'Scene'. It should open an useful menu where you click
Edit -> Rigging -> Adjust Rigging to the Shape.
(For better visualization you can have Joint Editor selected to see bones in the figure).
After Adjust Rigging to Shape panel opens, you usually don't need to do anything but can click Accept (but sometimes you may use Adjust Orientation in case of some other morphs).
[For very drastic shapes (Brute, Infernal Behemoth) some manual bone adjustment via Joint Editor might be needed as well.]
c) Open Property Editor tab with your G2F still selected.
- In this tab find and select your G1 M4 morph (it is important)
- Right-click on Property Editor tab header, it should open a menu.
- Select ERC Freeze.
- Figure and Node are Genesis 2 Female (your figure)
- Property in our case G1 M4 (our adjusted morph)
Everything else should be already selected but you need to uncheck Restore Figure Rigging (it is important) and click Accept.
Now the bones should follow G1 M4 shape and don't mess with OriginalGenesis morph.
d) Dial down G1 M4 morph or Zero Figure, so you are back to initial G2F base shape and rigging.
11. When you are happy with how everything organized, save your morph as File -> Save As -> Support Asset -> Morph Asset(s)
For me it saves it into \data\DAZ 3D\Genesis 2\Female\Morphs\AdditionalMorphs folder on hard drive.
For other morphs, repeat steps 6 to 11.
12. To make full M4 likeness in G2F dial Original Genesis morph 100% and G1 M4 morph 100%, and set figure scale to 103.1%
I don't have any male textures that work with G2F in DS 4.5 by some reason so I painted them both gray and put purple bikini on G2F so proof that it isn't same Genesis :)
Some notes.
It is possible to make G2F morphs that automatically use conjunction with OriginalGenesis morph and scale/proportions through ERC freezes, but it requires a couple of more actions. I'm not entirely sure how to do it myself but I think you basically you dial/scale your M4 entirely with two morphs and scale, use ERC freeze and create new controlling properly in step 10.c instead of using existing one.
I don't DS 4.6 installed so I might not catch the subtle rigging differences between G2F in DS 4.5 and 4.6. I also have no idea how it poses in DS 4.6. Can anybody with DS 4.6 try that process and say if anything is messed up?
I’m still also not sure about fingers. They seem to curl and pose ok for me in DS 4.5 but I don’t know how they supposed to be posed in DS 4.6.
I'm also curious to see how Genesis/previous generation clothes would fit G2F in DS 4.6 (I can't do it in DS 4.5)
For subtler morphs, like Finesse Details you might want to set morph value for export in step 6 as 150% of more to boost up the details a a bit, depending on what you want.
Expressions, pose controls and everything that affects inner mouth might not work properly.
Pictured is Genesis with M4 Iconic Shape (left) and Genesis 2 Female with Original Genesis 100% and G1 M4 100%, scaled 103.1% (right). Same G2F pose and same Genesis gray preset applied to both although they rendered differently due to different default shaders.
*Evil Grin* I went the opposite way and made a G2 morph for Genesis, *points at pic* which one is which ? ROFL
still got a bit of rig fixing to do as the bones don't quite match up.
Hehe, Bejaymac, I was about to do the same :)
G2F on the left?
The one on the left looks better to my eye, the way the hips and legs bend mostly. I hope the left is the new figure lol. Thanks BTW for sharing the process, will be trying it out after supper if all goes to plan :D
Hey, Kattey! Thank you for sharing this. :-) Pity about the FHMs/MCMs. I guess one can do the extra work when one has time.
If I had a physical SickleYield Medal Of DIY In 3D to award you, I would!
Glad you found it useful :)
What is FHM/MCMs?
Yep the one on the left is G2F, in the T pose the two overlap each other perfectly, once I manually adjusted the joints and then ERC freeze them then the two will pose the same.
FHM is a head morph, some Genesis items come with a Full Body Morph (FBM) and a Full Head Morph, that way you can use the head and body separately.
MCM = Master Control Morph, similar to a pose control, you can use it to ERC link joints and morphs to one dial.
Well, it can be done, just a couple more steps to go through because V4 head morph is transferred too to intermediate figure. It is a matter of export, reimport and Bone adjustment/ERC Freeze, as I see it but I didn't try it yet. Currently trying to make V4 autofit clone.
This is fantastic! But it seems so complicated. English is not my native language and I'm afraid of doing something wrong and screw it up. Could some kind soul show the tutorial with pictures? I really want to transfer my character's head morph (That use v4+ v5 + purchased morphs) and other things.. =/
I'm too tired to make that many pictures but if you have difficulties with any process just tell me on which step you stuck, and I'll try to render some.
English isn't my first language either, by the way.
Except you won't have the improved weight mapping.
Except you won't have the improved weight mapping.
As you have original Genesis shape for G2F, I believe it is possible to transfer this improved weight mapping (which I so far don't really see) and rigging to Genesis from G2F and then transfer all morphs. Might require additional work in weight mapping but I believe it is possible.
Kattey, thank you so much for sharing and taking the time to explain!
Honestly I do not know what I would do on days like these without helpful forum users like you!
It usually surprises me when people say english is not their native language. Most times they speak better english than a lot of native english people I know lol.
linvanchene, you are very welcome, hope you'd find them useful
While tinkering with V4 and V5 mapping, I found that I indeed can transfer V4 maps to V5 mapping (and use it in G2F) via Genesis Map transfer utility in DS 4.5 but the result is quite crude.
Anybody knows if it is possible to apply V4 uvs to V4 shape (but not geometry) in any other way?
Is anybody willing to try it in DS 4.6 and see if there are any improvements?
I can write you a tutorial, it is a pretty simple process so far.
BRILLIANT Kattey. Now I think I may be able to get all of my Bruno and other morphs over! I guess I'll have to remove all the folder of other morphs first, load up Gene01 to keep the other morphs out and then do your tutorial. I don't really care too much about all the other morphs since I don't use them.
Thanks, RAMWolff :) Please tell me how it worked for you.
I don't see why you should remove other morphs.
When I transferred morphs I have them all transferred, after that I just save them one by one in a separate 'my' folder.
Assuming you use transfer of your morphs with OriginalGenesis as a basic (second and third tutorial), you should be getting pure deltas. Without end user having OriginalGenesis morph they will apply to G2F default female shape instead of OriginalGenesis shape.
Let me test it, but I hope I'm right.
I wish I could make OriginalGenesis shape sharable somehow even via RTEncoding but I can't figure out what to encode it against.
Thanks Kattey. I'm at work right now so I can't do anything but post. I won't know how it all turns out until tonight or tomorrow, day off work.
If you wanted to RTEncode it you could choose one of the main morphs in the data folder for Genesis. That MIGHT make it OK.
I usually prefer core file, as small morphs can be changed by end user - say, somebody moved this morph from one group to another and filesize was changed as a result - RTEncoding will fail then.
I've tested your LoveHandles morphs and it seems to work just like delta when I used third (and second) tutorials with Original Genesis.
First picture is G2F with OriginalGenesis morph + LoveHandles
Second morph is default G2F with LoveHandles.
Finger poses change because OriginalGenesis has (unsurprisingly) curled original Genesis fingers.
Hmmm, looks more like my "Hip Wide" morph as it's not up as high as it should be. I'll take a look when I get home. I'm curious. I'll be over the moon if my Bruno morphs make it over.
It could happened I transferred some other Love Handles morph. I have two, it turned to be ^^" Let me try it again.
Hm, it was your morph.
This is how it looked on original Genesis for me (dialed 100%)
Maybe I should've made a neutral pose ^^" Here hips are sort of angled.