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Do I have to uninstall Hexagon
Thanks for help
Yes, uninstall and install the Beta version instead. The Beta Content should then install.
Thank you.
Looks good so far....Working on this space cargo ship / freighter...
Thanks DAZ for this, it's gonna be my best Christmas gift this year (unless someone gives me a new 5 speed transmission for my '60 Corvette)... :-)
Kenmo that is an awesome spaceship. I'm very new to 3d modeling and want to create 3d ships so that I can describe them better for my sci-fi stories and maby make short movies in daz. I was wondering if you know of any specific tutorials that can help me make something as cool as your ship? Also, and forgive me if this sounds like a dumb question, but If you wanted to make the interior would that be a seperate model or could you do it all in one model?
Also I'm not sure what the terminology is, but once you are done modeling how do you paint it?
Thanks for taking the time to read my comment. I appreciate any advice you have to offer.
All the best,
A3DLover, I'm working on the Beta version now, it seems to be more stable - it has been tweaked here and there but no new features yet. Going by what I have read else where they are making it 64bit, but they keeping quiet about other features.
Is there a way to migrate my key-shortcuts and preferences to the Beta? I heavily customize the interface. I'm usin the Mac version on High Sierra OS.
Also, I noticed this part of the interface is missing (attached). Normally I find these tools when I choose Normal from the windows menu. I use these tools quite a bit, so I hope the plan is not to remove them.
I believe they've been moved elsewhere, but I don't know exactly where offhand.
2.5.X uses a different menu for those features now.
Thanks do you know where?
The type tool in Hexagon works well on the PC, but not as it should on the Mac. I hope they fix that. BTW, the Decimate utility causes a crash on this type of object— probably because of it's complexity and use of ngons.
Please open support tickets for these.
I can't tell you how pleased I am to see Hexagon once again recieving the love it deserves. So many 3D sculpting programs are either obscenely expensive (Lightwave, Maya, etc) or suffer from a user interface that drives me up a wall (I'm looking right at you, Blender!). Hexagon was my first experience with 3D modeling, and even after trying some other programs, it's still my go-to for sculpting. Hope to see some more tutorials for Hexagon in the future.
OMG Yes Yes Yes
Where is that "Kudos" button when you need it?
On a more personal note; I know I have been waiting a long time for DAZ to do something to improve upon Hexagon. It is finally going to happen and I am 100% looking forward to it!
I'm Happy that DAZ has taken over this fantastic modeler. This historical piece of modeling could not be allowed to die.
Thank you
At last I've had Hexagon on my screen for more than 10 miutes without a crash. I'm now running through a few tutorials and am happy to have another option to Blender (which I also enjoy). It will be so good to be able to use the bridge at last - that will make it much more convenient than Blender which requires a tiresome process of export/import/Morph-Loader.
I'm not far into the tutorials yet (by the way, many of the links in the Hexagon Tutorials sticky post at the top of this sub-forum are dead) but can someone confirm whether it is required to set the mesh to base resolution before using the bridge?
Not sure if its a must, but I've never changed the base resolution. But, nornmally I'm just making morphs for my own props.
Changing the base resolution with help if you have a slow machine.
I agree about the tutorials, we have asked that the dead ones be removed.
Taken over? They've had it for the last ten years.
Tried Hexagon Beta on 3 different machines now and no crashes so far - even with simple models.
Brilliant to have this back - I paid for Hex 2.5 - do I need to keep it on my computers to keep access to the Beta or whatever version comes after the Beta program?
I only see one way to report, via teh Contact Us Help Support area. Is that the best way to report Hexagon problems?
That's the one MaxHancock. Choose Technical Support in the "Contact Department" drop down box, it is a fairly painless process :)
Oh dear - just when I thought it was safe to use Hexagon ....
DAZ/Hexagon Team
I never forgot about you or your product that was just so perfect. I was quite upset when the updates stopped. Something told me to go back to Hexagon today. Thank you for returning with new future plans. I look forward to working with your team and your software. Much love, and please don't let us down.
Adam :)