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Anyone else having trouble moving the dividers that separate the preference panes? (See the image)
They worked properly in the old version.
Yes, I can confirm (on Mac version) that it snaps to the bottom. However, it's not too hard to reposition it back to the top. It's just little buggy.
I would say that manipulating and grouping objects in the scene tree is a whole lot better than before. What happened in the previous version is that it scroll back to the top etc. whenever you tried to organize things. So, so glad to see that's fixed now.
Naming materials inside the material palette used to cause a similar problem. So glad to see that has been fixed now.
Just tried this and its doing the same thing for me - Windows 10.
Thanks for the feedback. Apparently this happens in both Windows and Mac versions.
I'm using the Mac Version, and for me it's extremely hard to reposition the divider. Sometimes it works within two or three attempts, and sometimes I can try countless times without success. If I launch the version I can set the divider to where I want, then quit and reopen the new version. Not exactly a good workaround though.
The previous version of Hexagon was a trainwreck. So was the one before it. And the one before it. I been using Hexagon 1.21 (just for the modeling part of my projects) for 10+ years, hoping one day some greatness would happen with Hexagon. The BETA from last October was finally another working version of Hexagon. Someone at DAZ3D did the code update that was needed for Hexagon to make the next step soon. 64-bit.
I know what you mean. It was difficult to use at first, but once I fully learned it, I very rarely experience a crash, and when I do, I know exactly why. I've been using it for 4 or 5 years now, and it's pretty amazing what you can accomplish with it. You can pretty much do everything you can do with other modeling apps, but those cost a lot. I made a whole video course on Hexagon on Udemy, but ran out of time, and have yet to finish it. Someday.
I found a bug.
If you chamfer vertices and click apply, it will crash Hexagon. The reason why Hexagon crashes is that it is in Restricted Dynamic Geometry mode. To prevent the crash, make sure you have No DG or Full DG selected before operating.
Also, as a reminder, you'll need to flip the normals after the chamfering the object.
Bugs should be reported at with steps to replicate.
I get a crash also, but not every time. If I use the default chamfer values I can usually perform a successful chamfer. But if I increase the chamfer radius it usually will crash.
I get the crash on clicking Accept and not Apply. Also it doesn't seem to matter what DG Mode I am in. I get a crash in all three.
Mac version
(Version seems to work OK.)
Program Files (x86) version running in WIndows 10 Pro 64-bit would not crash on me doing that (defaulting to restricted DG mode). Was able to chamfer vertices just fine with any radius. But... Hexagon does crash on me if I try to do UNDO (CTRL+Z) after clicking the Accept button. But I would expect that kind of crash from any modeling app.
I can confirm these events on my Mac. Did you file a bug ticket? Is anyone from Daz reading this beta thread.?
The goal of this release was stability. Now that this build is the General Release, bugs and improvements will be dealt with. But bugs must be reported so that it is in the system.
Are you sure it's not restrictive only? Are you setting the DG mode before you start the chamfer? Setting it durring a chamfer oppration will cause a crash.
On another note -- Sadly, collapsing the DG will cause a crash too, after applying this type of chamfer(vertices). Edge chamfers are fine though.
Doctor Jellybean, I will report this bug, and the other, officially. No problem.
Interesting. Testing this...Undo doesn't cause a crash on the Mac version. In the previous version of Hexagon, points chamfer worked great aside from not orienting the normals correctly.
I just tested again in the “No DG” mode. I probably ran through the following steps around ten times.
Launch Hexagon.
Set DG Mode to “No DG”.
Create a sphere approximately 500 units in diameter.
Choose the “Select Points” tool and select a point on the sphere.
Choose the Chamfer tool and set Range=0, Radius=20.
Click “Apply” then “Accept”.
Usually the first chamfer is successful, but a second or third will cause a crash.
The crash is inconsistent, in that a various number of chamfers can be made before the crash occurs.
See image for my testing setup.
..maybe I'll stick with the .79 beta for a little longer until this gets ironed out.
DoctorJellybean, are you a DAZ Representative? (Just curious)
We used to be able to identify DAZ employees by the DAZ_xxxx user name format, but that doesn't seem to be consistently in use any longer.
Asks for activation code.
Nyet. Says saving is disabled..
what is this again??
What activation code? Hexagon requires a serial, which should be in your store account.
I'm guessing the beta is still not in production since there's both Hex 2.5 and the beta listed in the store?
The Beta is the latest version, and although it is not the latest General Release, it is a much improved version.
Can I have both the general release and the beta on my machine? Assuming yes, how do I control which version is used by the bridge out of Studio?
Yes. You can specify the version/path in Studio - Edit - Preferences - Bridges
Thank you.
how to get Hexagon BETA - version (64-bit) Public Build +BETA+ serial number?