dForce Master - HairForce MEGA Thread [Commerical]



  • I'm using dForce just fine with hair that has Cap, Bangs, Top, Base, and Middle, not to mention the 30+ surfaces I create doing it like I illustrate in my YT videos, so it has to be a construction issue with the hair (fine tubes is a new one I've seen recently, the Roxanne hair, and it does not dForce well). It can't be an issue with how the laptop is trying to pass it to your external GPU, because I'm using a 1080ti in an Akitio external box for dForce sims.

  • wsgentrywsgentry Posts: 572

    Somehow, I don't think the author designed this product where users would have to go into such detail as you have done.  Not that I'm putting it down (Badoop, Badoop), but man, you have more patience than I.  I'm using G3 and G8 hair.  I don't mess with G2 stuff. 

  • wsgentrywsgentry Posts: 572

    Don't get me wrong, I've watched your videos and they're awesome.  I've subscribed to your channel.  You taking the time to do this is a service to the community.  I can't fathom experimenting to that level because I wouldn't know how to do it.  :)


  • LOL thanks. You should see the Mega Detail file I've got going on now. It's masochistic to say the least. If I ever finish it (it's up to about 75 surfaces) I should have nauseatingly fine control over every inch of it. And it will still explode lol


  • wsgentrywsgentry Posts: 572

    I don't know about that "M" stuff, but what you do is quite impressive.  I hope I have the patience as I'm going to work out some stuff tomorrow to see if what you do is possible with some hair products that don't work.   Have you tried playing with gravity and/or air resistance to make movements more subtle?  (Perhaps a new thread is in order.)

  • DkgooseDkgoose Posts: 1,451

    Does dforce take hours for anyone else to simulate? Maybe I did something wrong but I ended up canceling after almost 7 hours and only 60 some percent

  • wsgentry said:

    I don't know about that "M" stuff, but what you do is quite impressive.  I hope I have the patience as I'm going to work out some stuff tomorrow to see if what you do is possible with some hair products that don't work.   Have you tried playing with gravity and/or air resistance to make movements more subtle?  (Perhaps a new thread is in order.)

    Have not worked with Gravity. I tend to go for more realistic motion, so I simply tweak the Dynamics Strength to reduce movement. When I watch TV, I study how hair moves. Very few people go about without styling product or some other form of stay-put on their hair, so watching TV like the Weather Channel or the news is much easier than staring at someone IRL, which can get you arrested or shot around here lol

    I can see how the Gravity settings would work for like underwater or space hair, but for most scenes, I just adjust the Strength and Density.

  • dkgoose said:

    Does dforce take hours for anyone else to simulate? Maybe I did something wrong but I ended up canceling after almost 7 hours and only 60 some percent

    Depends on what you're simulating, but 7 hours and only ~60% seems excessive, unless you've got multiple objects being simmed at once. But hey, if it went 7 hours and nothing exploded, it's a win.

  • Followed directions from the manual on mapping weight nodes, but when I use the paint brush and the smoothing brush, it doesn't come up as gray and blue. It seems to be working nonetheless, but it helps to have a visual. Anyone happen to know if there's a setting I should be turning on to see the gray/blue colors for the brushes? Thanks very much.

  • Right-click in the Viewport with the Node Weight Map Brush tool and check the Weight Display sub-menu.

  • Right-click in the Viewport with the Node Weight Map Brush tool and check the Weight Display sub-menu.

    Thanks for this! But, I've tried Draw Weighted Vertices, Draw Weighted Surface, and Draw Surface with Weight, Show Children Weights, Don't Draw Weights, and none of these are showing the grey/blue for me. Tried different display modes also, such as Smooth Shaded, Wire Texture Shaded, Texture Shaded, etc., and those don't work for me either.

  • I don't know then, someone else had this but in their case the submenu did help.

  • I'm sooo dumb. I bought this but I don't understand how to use it. :D :D

    What do I do?

    Apply it to an existing hair?

  • TreyMTreyM Posts: 39

    I don't know. I just tried this product and seems like it's a lot of effort and D-force simulation time (~12 minutes compared with 2  minutes or so for simulating clothes) for so-so results with hair. For more convincing results a LOT of time is needed to tweak hair.

    I think a lot of the frustration is due to the fact that most Daz hair products were obviously created without D-Force in mind, so perhaps it's just easier for a vendor to create a hair product specifically for D-force, rather than making a hash of it on older hair products with a lot of trial and error?


  • fastbike1fastbike1 Posts: 4,075


    dForce isn't (at least at this time) intended for hair. dForce is a cloth simulation tool. Any other uses are happy coincidences. That's what's great about the Hairforce product. Product docs and the support thread are clear that it may not work on all hair products.

  • edited August 2018

    Hi guys! I just purchaed the dForce Master - Hair Simulation Presets for dForce Cloth Engine.

    Does anyone have any step by step instructions on how to use this?

    Post edited by Richard Haseltine on
  • Yes, purchased this also and some step by step instructions would be appriecated starting with how to apply to hair with no previous dforce.

    Thank you

  • twallingtwalling Posts: 241

    I can't find the "scalp" preset at all.  Can somebody point me out to where it is?

  • May be I am dumb... I still can't understand how to make it works..... I can dforce Clothes on object but Not understand how to use this dForce Master- Hairforce.

    I read someone said there is a PDF in the folder. but where? i can't find it.... any video tutorial? please help :(   Thanks

  • May be I am dumb... I still can't understand how to make it works..... I can dforce Clothes on object but Not understand how to use this dForce Master- Hairforce.

    I read someone said there is a PDF in the folder. but where? i can't find it.... any video tutorial? please help :(   Thanks

    There's a tutorial in the folder. I had to manually download the package and it's in the Read Me's section of the zipped file. 

  • mcpughmcpugh Posts: 96

    I'm probably going to ask for a refund if I can't get it to work at least on one hair.  Spent too much time trying.

  • ParadigmParadigm Posts: 421

    Might have to try this out! There are a ton of hairs out there but only a few have decent movement controls. I find myself using ponytails and pigtails in the majority of my renders where I need hair to be anywhere but the shoulders. Would be nice to not have to do that.

  • I bought this product a while ago and couldn't get it to work properly back then, I thought i would have another go at it, and still couldn't get it to work, DAZ freezes and I have to kill it if i try and cancel the simulation after waiting an incredibly long time. It is just not worth the effort.

  • benniewoodellbenniewoodell Posts: 1,939
    edited September 2020

    So I'm wondering if this has happened to anyone else...I put the dforce surface modifier on the yuzuru hair, did some weight painting because it said some hair needed weight painting to work correctly and the Ruo Xi hair I had did a second before started to come apart. Then applied the dforce master scalp thing, clicked on the wet preset and then simulate. I'm watching as Wu Fei began to completely deflate and I have no idea why. I just bought this product about an hour ago so I'm 100% sure it's a user error, but I just don't know what I did lol. 

    1001 x 1334 - 3M
    Post edited by benniewoodell on
  • PugwashPugwash Posts: 3

    benniewoodell said:

    So I'm wondering if this has happened to anyone else...I put the dforce surface modifier on the yuzuru hair, did some weight painting because it said some hair needed weight painting to work correctly and the Ruo Xi hair I had did a second before started to come apart. Then applied the dforce master scalp thing, clicked on the wet preset and then simulate. I'm watching as Wu Fei began to completely deflate and I have no idea why. I just bought this product about an hour ago so I'm 100% sure it's a user error, but I just don't know what I did lol. 

    I'm sorry but that made me chuckle. It looks like something from a horror film and I did the same myself once. You have applied a dforce modifier to the figure, instead of the hair. Remove it from the figure and apply to the hair instead.
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