Garibaldi Express: Hair and Fur Plugin [Commercial]



  • larsmidnattlarsmidnatt Posts: 4,511
    mjc1016 said:

    Gone posted a set of prepainted G3F maps upthread...but yes, it's a known problem...and related to the UV changes.  As a matter of fact it's probably the same problem that was early in the beta, with some really old content and the horrid UV maps.  Basically it's the way the maps are laid out that's causing the problem...GE is not finding the maps to the other parts of the head. 

    You can always paint the density maps in something that does understand the new UVs (some of the 3D paint programs should...).

    Ahhh, I kinda remember that issue from beta actually. Sadly the tool I use for 3D paint does not like the new style of UV :( I guess I'll have to learn how to make it work. But for tonight, I was able to use the workaround I mentioned which is tolerable for now.

    Thanks for the info.

  • mjc1016mjc1016 Posts: 15,001
    edited August 2015

    Here's Gone's maps...

    He also posted a brow map, a couple of posts after that.

    I've still got the density maps I painted for the old Daz/Poser skunk floating around somewhere.  That was one of the first things I used Blender's 3D painting on...because that was one of the problem items.  That skunk's UV mapping stinks...

    Post edited by mjc1016 on
  • larsmidnattlarsmidnatt Posts: 4,511
    edited August 2015


    I needed maps for something else though...*wink* I'm good for now..need to go t sleep..


    Post edited by larsmidnatt on
  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,825
    edited August 2015

    ...I'm just staying with Gen4, Genesis, and G2. Don't have wads of cash to invest in G3.

    Post edited by kyoto kid on
  • larsmidnattlarsmidnatt Posts: 4,511

    meant to add i did get this to work by exporting as obj and collapsing uv.

  • Mustakettu85Mustakettu85 Posts: 2,933
    mjc1016 said:

    You can always paint the density maps in something that does understand the new UVs (some of the 3D paint programs should...).


    Out of the more affordable ones, Substance Painter doesn't yet. Been forever on the roadmap. But hey, it's still a great program.

    You can cheat in, say, Blacksmith3D - when you import the OBJ, it will ask you to "fix" the UV ranges, and if you let it do it, it will paint just fine. I guess it's what larsmidnatt finally did.

  • MattymanxMattymanx Posts: 6,883

    I had no problem painting the G3F UVs in Paint Shop Pro 9

  • mjc1016mjc1016 Posts: 15,001

    For things like this collapsing the UVs works fine.

  • Hello.  I am looking at GHE because with the new rev up sale, I could get this for a very nice discount.

    But the vendor's home page gives 404 error, page not found.  If I buy, I want to be sure that this tool will still be supported.

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,825
    edited September 2015

    ...interesting, I'm able to pull up the home page from the link on the product page.

    Post edited by kyoto kid on
  • Subtropic PixelSubtropic Pixel Posts: 2,378
    edited September 2015

    I can't find the home page on the product page.  I find a link to the Garibaldi "features" page on the product page, yes.  Then from "features" page, I click on the "home" tab in the banner and I get this.  Error happens with both IE and Firefox, so it ain't me.  angel


    Garibaldi Home Page.jpg
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  • mjc1016mjc1016 Posts: 15,001

    Cut the index.html from the URL... is all you need.

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,825

    ..thanks was just about to suggest that.

  • Hah, bad link on their own page.  So they are still "current" then. 

    Was still having some doubts because it seemed that the front door was locked during business hours.  wink

  • FollyFolly Posts: 13
    edited October 2015

    I'm attempting to use Garibaldi with Iray via the export/import method, but I'm getting some large white spots in render. After importing, all I've done is applied the default iray shader and the color map from the skin.


    Any advice?

    Post edited by Chohole on
  • mjc1016mjc1016 Posts: 15,001

    They almost look like the guides...they seem to be 'larger' than the rest of the hairs.

    Check to see if there isn't another surface/materail either 'rinse and repeat' for the shader application or 'make invisible'.

  • FollyFolly Posts: 13
    edited October 2015

    I can see how they do look somewhat like guides...but I did some testing which seems to disprove that theory. Rather it seems to be an issue with the UV's not allowing the texture in my base color map to extend to the ends of some hairs. I'm not sure what to do about this yet...


    Edit: Okay, further testing showed it was not in fact the UV's, but just some glossy settings performing in unexpected ways. I should be able to get it under control. Thanks for the assist!

    Post edited by Folly on
  • I need some technical support for Garibaldi Express, and the only method of contact I can find is an email address [email protected].  I have sent email to this address and had no response so far.  Can anyone please confirm that is the correct way to obtain support?  With it being the weekend I am prepared to give a bit longer, but if there's no response in a couple more working days I will have to return the product as I have an issue that means it's not usable.

  • MattymanxMattymanx Posts: 6,883

    I need some technical support for Garibaldi Express, and the only method of contact I can find is an email address [email protected].  I have sent email to this address and had no response so far.  Can anyone please confirm that is the correct way to obtain support?  With it being the weekend I am prepared to give a bit longer, but if there's no response in a couple more working days I will have to return the product as I have an issue that means it's not usable.

    Submit a ticket to DAZ via the contact us link at the bottom of the page.  Also, feel free to post the issue here as well as we might be able to help depending on the issue.

  • andya_b341b7c5f5andya_b341b7c5f5 Posts: 694
    edited November 2015

    I did not log a ticket with Daz support because I assumed that they would respond as they did when I logged a support request with them regarding Reality 4.1 that rendered it (no pun intended!) useless - i.e. politely, not our product and we don't suppport it (even though it's sold in the Daz store), go bother the vendor.  (And the Reality vendor got no further than saying 'reinstall', which did nothing!).  But, I can try Daz with this one too.

    Anyway, I am trying to follow the introduction tutorial video on the home page at  However, after selecting a Genesis 2 figure, and creating a new garibaldi node, there is no Edit Garibaldi Hair item in the Edit menu, so I am dead in the water at that point.  Maybe the Edit option is somewhere else, because the video is based on an earlier version of DS?

    See the attached screenshots. 

    I have uninstalled and re-installed to no effect.  I am using DS on Windows 8.1.

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    Post edited by andya_b341b7c5f5 on
  • KeryaKerya Posts: 10,943

    I lost the Edit Garibaldi hair menu entry before ... but it is some time ago ... it was somewhere in Window / Workspace / Customize

  • GoneGone Posts: 833

    As Kerya says, this looks more like a DS issue that occurs from time to time.

    You can manually add the item to the edit menu using the customize method or you can switch workspace layouts and then switch back. That will often restore errant menu items.

    The main thing is that the garibaldi plugin and shader files are located properly in the plugin and shader folders. Since you can access the create menu item, this would appear to be the case so it is just a matter of getting DS to show it properly.

    The occassional lose of menu items isn't unique to Garibaldi.

  • Thanks Kerya and Gone, I found the Edit Garibaldi Hair in the Customize area as you said.  I had tried the switching layouts but it hadn't worked, as I had picked that up somwwhere to get the Create Garibaldi Hair menu item to appear but it hadn't worked for Edit.  Pity the DS menus are prone to losing items like this.  I'd have liked to see things like that fixed by Daz before pushing out new beta versions, oh well...

  • MattymanxMattymanx Posts: 6,883

    Reality tech support is not handled by Daz3D because Daz is just a reseller where as Garibaldi is sold exclusively here and thus tech support is handled here.  NOt something thats easy to see on the surface though.

  • Hi guys,

    I recently got my paws on garibaldi and love it immensely but after browsing through this thread I've come across a curiousity that I was hoping someone can explain to me in a fashion an idiot could understand. I've felt I needed to have multiple layers in garibaldi to really get the most out of it but I can't figure out how to 'layer' it the way that is described. If I make a new texture layer and run that through to the end of tweaking, it seems to sort of vanish on the style panel and I'm left with exactly what I started with and maybe some different fuz on the clumping because the layer has an option there.

    I've been through the step-by-step on the Garibaldi website, and I kid you not, I've spent days reading the tuts and discussions on this thread, but I feel like I am missing something fundamental. Would anyone be kind to an idiot and show me perhaps a screenshot of how you make your layers? Unless of course, what I'm missing is that there are two or three hair objects just on the heads? (A screenshot of this layering process would really make me feel better)

    Thank you to anyone willing to explain to an idiot (me)!

  • GoneGone Posts: 833

    If I understand what you are asking, layering is simply a set of individual hair nodes that you work seperately. I've attached some screen shots of a lion fur I did. There are 8 seperate hair nodes that I created a DS group for. It isn't required - I just do that to keep all the nodes together.

    Depending on what you are trying to do, there are a couple of other ways to "layer". One is to use the selection list method. This is done by using the selection tool to grab some of the hair guides and saving them in a named selection list. You can then quickly reselect those areas by clicking on the saved name in the list.

    The other method is to create seperate masks to use in the distribution pane as well as a mask for the full hair node. By setting the sub-mask in the distribution pane, you can hide all the hair except the section you are working on. When you are ready to see the whole node, just select the mask for the whole node in the distibution pane.

    Keep in mind, that both these methods will have influence on the unselected sections when you style. If you need to avoid cross influencing, you have to use seperate hair nodes.

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  • Thanks Gone, that is exactly what I needed to know. That lion is perfect tutorial!

  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    I started working on figuring out how to use this last night. Still confused but starting to maybe figure it out lol. I'm new to the whole 3d thing anyway and sometimes i think my brain is just overloading with new information.  Couple of questions if I may.  When the figure shows in my window pane after my edits, it shows the hair in a neon green or blue.  Should it be doing that or am I missing a step.  also, can't figure out how to make the hair longer.  I can get short scruffy hair but nothing else.  Again, I will be going over the tutorials again and practicing some more as well.  My other issue is that it keeps crashing on me.  I have loads of memory on my computer its less than 6 months old and has the newest nvidea card in it.  64 bit windows 7.  I'm at work and that's all i remember offhand but if more is needed I can add it tonight.  i'm really excited about this product and am sure that once i figure it out I will be using it often


  • GoneGone Posts: 833

    The blue "hair" in the preview window is unselected while the green is selected hair guides. It shows the general shape of the hair when it is rendered. In my last post, the first image is the preview of the  lion with hair guides. The last image is the rendered hair.

    In the Garibaldi window, style pane, bottom row of buttons, the first 2 are for scale and extrude. Drag the slider left to shorten the hair and right t lengthen the hair. You can do multiple drag and release actions until you get the length you want or you can type a number in the number box beside the slider to get there faster. I would recommend using the slider until you get used to it. There are limits to how large a number you can enter and the jump could be rather dramatic in any case.

    No idea why it would be crashing. It may be related to drivers. All I can tell you is that it has been one of the most stable plugins I own with no more than half a dozen crashes and I've been using it daily since the first beta release.

  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548
    Gone said:

    The blue "hair" in the preview window is unselected while the green is selected hair guides. It shows the general shape of the hair when it is rendered. In my last post, the first image is the preview of the  lion with hair guides. The last image is the rendered hair.

    In the Garibaldi window, style pane, bottom row of buttons, the first 2 are for scale and extrude. Drag the slider left to shorten the hair and right t lengthen the hair. You can do multiple drag and release actions until you get the length you want or you can type a number in the number box beside the slider to get there faster. I would recommend using the slider until you get used to it. There are limits to how large a number you can enter and the jump could be rather dramatic in any case.

    No idea why it would be crashing. It may be related to drivers. All I can tell you is that it has been one of the most stable plugins I own with no more than half a dozen crashes and I've been using it daily since the first beta release.

    I"m pretty sure its user error that's making it crash to be honest lol. I will make sure everything is updated.  And it may have been Daz crashing and not your program, occaisionally is seems to just spaz out completely.  Mostly when I am trying to do too many things too quickly.  And thank you that will be most helpful.  I appreciate the help.

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