Garibaldi Express: Hair and Fur Plugin [Commercial]



  • MJWMJW Posts: 517
    Mattymanx said:
    smaker1 said:


    couldn't found the info: can I export the hair (obj format) from Daz for rendering in Octane for example (without the plug in)  


    You can export the Garibaldi Hair from the Garibaldi window to OBJ.  The option is in the upper left of the window

    That's what I have been doing, but I don't know what Octane takes. Mind Garibaldi can be very frustrating. I keep struggling and work on the basis that happy accidents often work better than trying to manage the program! 

  • smaker1smaker1 Posts: 275
    MJW said:
    Mattymanx said:
    smaker1 said:


    couldn't found the info: can I export the hair (obj format) from Daz for rendering in Octane for example (without the plug in)  


    You can export the Garibaldi Hair from the Garibaldi window to OBJ.  The option is in the upper left of the window

    That's what I have been doing, but I don't know what Octane takes. Mind Garibaldi can be very frustrating. I keep struggling and work on the basis that happy accidents often work better than trying to manage the program! 


    It's often happen to me that accident have better results than something under control! :-)


  • MattymanxMattymanx Posts: 6,883

    I dont use Octane so I dont know what to tell you after the OBJ export.  As for using GH itself, I had to spend some time in it recently to get reaquainted with it.

    I would post links to other stuff in the thread but my book marks dont work since the forum is different

  • MattymanxMattymanx Posts: 6,883
    edited August 2015

    My latest fun with the plugin... (and yes, its where my new avatar comes from)


    Full size in the gallery here -


    Post edited by Richard Haseltine on
  • Sal UKSal UK Posts: 432

    Man this guy is lazy over 2 years and still the manual is far from complete.

  • MattymanxMattymanx Posts: 6,883
    edited August 2015
    Sal UK said:

    Man this guy is lazy over 2 years and still the manual is far from complete.

    I think real life got in the way of him completing it.  PAs fall away from this place due to real life

    Post edited by Mattymanx on
  • I want to know it is possible to Mirror Sections of hair in Style Mood For the commerica version of Garibaldi Express, So when you cut or move hair etc on 1 side it will be done also done on the other side as well 
  • SpyroRueSpyroRue Posts: 5,020
    I want to know it is possible to Mirror Sections of hair in Style Mood For the commerica version of Garibaldi Express, So when you cut or move hair etc on 1 side it will be done also done on the other side as well 

    In Garibaldi, no you cannot mirror the Styling curves in either the commercial version from Daz, or the last beta version. The mirroring ability was only given to the "Paint" tab, for use when painting density textures and so on, it was to my knowledge added only to the beta version which supasses the version Daz has, which on the Garibaldi forum

  • MattymanxMattymanx Posts: 6,883

    DAZ now has the same version as the GH forum does.

  • SpyroRueSpyroRue Posts: 5,020
    Mattymanx said:

    DAZ now has the same version as the GH forum does.

    Ah well I am behind in the times LOL! Thanks for the clarification smiley 

  • Aussie ArtistAussie Artist Posts: 84
    edited August 2015

    Sad to hear they did not do put in  mirror function for styling hair as it would make it easy for users of this product to make matching hair styles as in both sides being the same., I feel..  sad






    Post edited by Aussie Artist on
  • GoneGone Posts: 833

    Depends on what action you want to mirror. All styling functions apply evenly to the whole node, or only to the selected hairs. The comb only applies to the hair it touches --- just like a real comb.

    As an example, when you first enter the styling pane, you can use the curl tool to curl all the hair down evenly around the head. In a few seconds, you can mimic the Jim Carrie hair style from Dumb and Dumber. A few minutes with the comb and you will have a credible Vulcan hair style.

    Similarly, if you select only the first two rows of hair above each ear, then they will be the only hairs affected by the curl, scale, or surface attract tools - thus providing a mirror function.

  • Aussie ArtistAussie Artist Posts: 84
    edited August 2015

    as to mirroring i was thinkin got cutting or trimming hair vertices/ folices as in cutting on left side and it;s automatically done the right if there was a mirror function do this..


    Post edited by Aussie Artist on
  • GoneGone Posts: 833

    Cutting would not be my first choice for shortening hair. Scale or extrde will give better control and, as previously mentioned, these  tools can be applied to selected hair guides without affecting any other hair.

    If you really need to use the scissors, then you can orient the model so that you have both sides of the head lined up, turn off the "hidden" radio button and any cut you make will be made on both sides of the head. I wouldn't recommend this, though, because if you don't have the head precicely aligned you will cut hair on the opposte side that you did not intend.

  • SpyroRueSpyroRue Posts: 5,020
    edited August 2015

    Hey Gone, Long time no see mate! 

    Have you been having issues with Garibaldi post DS 4.8? Ive had numerous Graphics driver crashes, GH failing to synchronize in DS viewport and also the failed sync leads to DS viewport freezing an no longer function until I close DS. A few days ago I had attempted to work on a hairstyle and when I left GH suddenly Genesis surfaces broke, I had to just close cos I feared would break my scene/figure.

    Moments ago I finally attempted to retry again after several days break, and within 10 mins its crashed DS. I am finding it unstable now crying I have reinstalled it already and DS and all content was clean installed recently aswell. I know you cant fix, but I am wondering if you have had similar problems at all?

    Also on positive note, do you have DA account?

    Post edited by SpyroRue on
  • GoneGone Posts: 833

    Garibaldi has been perfectly stable for me. The only issue is that G3 figures need to have the distribution maps painted externally.

    Do you have LAMH? What you are describing sounds a lot like a GH/LAMH conflict. Unlike Garibaldi, LAMH does not close when you start a new scene. It will only close when you shut down DS so it will conflict with Garibaldi in a subsequent scene even though it is not being used. Garibaldi plays nice.

    I do have a DA account under a different alias but I don't post to it.

  • SpyroRueSpyroRue Posts: 5,020

    I did pick up LAMH, but morso because of this problem. Knowing they dont play together, I make sure never to open either during the same session with DS.  I have gotten away with rendering with existing hairstyles I made before 4.8, but problems are occuring when I make edits of any hair, quite spontaneously. Has been very frustrating sad 

    I guess maybe its just not getting along with my PC since I got the thing built not long before 4.8

    Thanks mate :)

    And no worries about the DA, some folks like it others not so much... I was sure had asked you once before but didnt have you on there haha


  • XadeXade Posts: 236
    edited August 2015

    I'm sorry, I am not going to read all of this monster sized thread. I posted this a few days ago on the beta forum but only had the occasional spider investigating it, ready to weave a cobweb over it so I came over here to get some answers..

    1.) Can I use another shader? Are there plans to include other shader support? The way I understand it from skimming the mountain of a thread, in order to make it work with a different shader, say, pwtoon, I would have to export it as obj then apply the shader to it. It would be really nice if you could change the shader within daz studio. Plug in a shader preset, for example. That would be awesome

    2.) Can you change the style and return? The reason I ask this is that I have a webcomic in the making that has a character who can literally control his hair and make it do anything, including change lengths, grab things and he can even walk with it. Is there a workaround to do this? Say two systems, one "prop" and one normal, and able to hide the one not in use? Previously I used zed hair but that didn't match up with his default hair very well. You could tell that there was two hairs. (I'm condering just using zed at this point so it looks better and I can move it without using magnets.) I'm thinking something similar to Tangled in a way. I'm sure they had something quite similar to this system.

    3.) How would the fur work as an obj? would it need rigged or what?


    I've been recently playing with it, since I have time, and it reminds me of Blender's hair tool, so it's not unfamiliar to me. I really like how the cut tool works, really innovative. Overall, I've done a simple shoulder length, that resembles my own hair, but it's kinda blowing in the wind at the moment. Can anyone send me give me some pointers on it?



    Post edited by Xade on
  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,825

    ...this is really sad if something in the 4.8 update is causing conflicts. Changes in 4.7 already crippled AoA's Graphic Art Camera (which doesn't work at all unless you are a wizard with the Shader Builder) , Fog Camera (Colour and Vignette settings),  Advanced Lights (Flagging when using SSS), and as I understand most recently 4.8 seems to have crippled the Toony Cam.

    This is getting a bit frustrating that very useful plugins are being affected by changes to the Daz software. It's really hard for people like myself who are on a tight budget to feel we have thrown away good money for utilities that are broken by the parent software.

  • SpyroRueSpyroRue Posts: 5,020

    I'm sorry, I am not going to read all of this monster sized thread. I posted this a few days ago on the beta forum but only had the occasional spider investigating it, ready to weave a cobweb over it so I came over here to get some answers..

    1.) Can I use another shader? Are there plans to include other shader support? The way I understand it from skimming the mountain of a thread, in order to make it work with a different shader, say, pwtoon, I would have to export it as obj then apply the shader to it. It would be really nice if you could change the shader within daz studio. Plug in a shader preset, for example. That would be awesome

    2.) Can you change the style and return? The reason I ask this is that I have a webcomic in the making that has a character who can literally control his hair and make it do anything, including change lengths, grab things and he can even walk with it. Is there a workaround to do this? Say two systems, one "prop" and one normal, and able to hide the one not in use? Previously I used zed hair but that didn't match up with his default hair very well. You could tell that there was two hairs. (I'm condering just using zed at this point so it looks better and I can move it without using magnets.) I'm thinking something similar to Tangled in a way. I'm sure they had something quite similar to this system.

    3.) How would the fur work as an obj? would it need rigged or what?


    I've been recently playing with it, since I have time, and it reminds me of Blender's hair tool, so it's not unfamiliar to me. I really like how the cut tool works, really innovative. Overall, I've done a simple shoulder length, that resembles my own hair, but it's kinda blowing in the wind at the moment. Can anyone send me give me some pointers on it?



    1) Yes you can apply any other shaders to the hair, you select the styling curves in the daz viewport in the surfaces tab select the surface and then apply any shader you desire. Eg AoA Subsurface, UberSurface, UberSurface2, any of them should work as they usually do. Of course results will vary depending on what you do just like fibermesh hair.

    2) Changing a style is easy done, with all the tools in garibaldi. But reverting those changes is not possible. Undo will only go back so far and I dont think it will remember what was changed if leave the GH window. But a solution would be select the hair and save it as either a Wearable Preset or Scene Subset, then you can load the asset at anytime, exactly how it was when you saved it. To make it easier when making them if you want them all in the same scene, you can use the Edit>Duplicate Node feature which will clone the object, so you can edit it without affecting the original.

    3) I have used the Export to OBJ feature allot for use in Iray, it is heavy on hardware, I wouldnt recomend it for full animal fur, but with careful optimization such as low density and low intopolation (Segment Length) which is the OBJ vert count, your computer will be able to handle it better. I do not like OBJ as its very intensive on resources. But for Iray its just the only way. As such Daz doesnt cope very well at all in rigging Fibermesh hair, I advise you pose you character or creature update the hair in the Setup tab then export the hair. That OBJ will match the figures geometry perfectly, so long as you dont move the figure.


    Hope that helps you :)

  • SpyroRueSpyroRue Posts: 5,020
    edited August 2015
    kyoto kid said:

    ...this is really sad if something in the 4.8 update is causing conflicts. Changes in 4.7 already crippled AoA's Graphic Art Camera (which doesn't work at all unless you are a wizard with the Shader Builder) , Fog Camera (Colour and Vignette settings),  Advanced Lights (Flagging when using SSS), and as I understand most recently 4.8 seems to have crippled the Toony Cam.

    This is getting a bit frustrating that very useful plugins are being affected by changes to the Daz software. It's really hard for people like myself who are on a tight budget to feel we have thrown away good money for utilities that are broken by the parent software.

    It is very frustrating indeed. But I also understand Daz Studio as an application cannot put its development on hold, it needs to evolve and expand, if it doesn't it dies and we get no improvements, no bug fixes and no cool new features. It is up to the PAs of their content or Daz if they own it to keep the content functional. And I am sure most of them work their butts of to do it with all the updates, and are probably frustrated themselves. PAs like AoA he has shown in the past he is very dedicated to supporting his content, but I am certain many things are a lot more complicated and sometimes things may not be as fixable as we would like. We just need to hope and give praise to those who do see it through when they do, even when they try but fail smiley for there are a few who don't at all.


    Edited to mention: As for my situation, I think it is my GPU (GTX 980) or simply my new computer build as this was never a issue for me in the past. My computer far exceeds Garibaldi and Daz's requirements, so is strange, but its aweful lot of driver crashes. I am of the impression, for most, Garibaldi is stable on 4.8.

    Post edited by SpyroRue on
  • XadeXade Posts: 236

    Oh yes, SpyroRue, that helps a lot. Thank you. So happy that they included different shaders, and I think I will make the duplicate node, since one scene will lead to the next in the comic. I did notice that only the object is shown, so I might have some minor trouble with that unless I figure out a way to interact with say another character in the scene. Example, grabbing someone with the hair. Would a special prop that has the hair color as a fur work out? I could use that, if I pose it, then adjust the node. I still haven't tested it with pwtoon, which uses the material tab, I've been styling it first.

    I've been playing with it a lot and really like the results so far. It's far from done but I really love the selection. I'll be eventually updating my picture, once I am done with my testing character, which is my avatar. PWtoon might not like the fur, it's very picky when it comes to fine detail (bumps/displacement maps are a huge no) so I will have to test that. Speaking of fur, how can I add the texture? Does/Can it take from the objects texture? My character has a map on her that is supposed to be her fur markings.

  • SpyroRueSpyroRue Posts: 5,020

    You can import colour textures like say the Figures Diffuse textures, but there is some manual work that needs to be done:

    • All textures must be together in its own dedicated folder on your computer
    • Must be in .png format
    • They must be 1024x1024 px
    • You will need to have a texture for each surface that has fur, and they must be named the surface name on the figure. So hips on genesis would be named "2_SkinHip.png"

    To import, within the paint tab of Garibaldi, you hit "Import", locate the folder with the textures, you will be prompt to name it and and you'll need to set the New Item Type to Colour. Then in distribute tab, you apply that texture set to the Base and Tip in Colour Settings smiley

  • XadeXade Posts: 236

    Umm, ok. I thought he would have done something much easier, such as "inherit parent object's texture." (that's a blender setting, actually) That would have made it much easier instead of having to chop up the texture like that and make them 1024 square. I mean, that is a lot of work. He's streamlined so much, surely he can streamline this. How does stripes and stuff work with that system? If I understand correctly, I have to literally chop the texture in pieces, resize, rename and then tell Garibaldi where it is. Here's a test render that I made, Id like to know how the strands came in front of her face. Nothing is in front of her face, and yet there they are. How would I keep her markings in a Garibaldi fur system?

    Xade Garibaldi test 1.png
    891 x 845 - 779K
  • mjc1016mjc1016 Posts: 15,001
    SpyroRue said:

    Edited to mention: As for my situation, I think it is my GPU (GTX 980) or simply my new computer build as this was never a issue for me in the past. My computer far exceeds Garibaldi and Daz's requirements, so is strange, but its aweful lot of driver crashes. I am of the impression, for most, Garibaldi is stable on 4.8.

    It could be a driver version issue...

    Try going back a couple of versions.  Sometims, some of the new features/tweaks will cause problems with some software.

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,825
    SpyroRue said:
    kyoto kid said:

    ...this is really sad if something in the 4.8 update is causing conflicts. Changes in 4.7 already crippled AoA's Graphic Art Camera (which doesn't work at all unless you are a wizard with the Shader Builder) , Fog Camera (Colour and Vignette settings),  Advanced Lights (Flagging when using SSS), and as I understand most recently 4.8 seems to have crippled the Toony Cam.

    This is getting a bit frustrating that very useful plugins are being affected by changes to the Daz software. It's really hard for people like myself who are on a tight budget to feel we have thrown away good money for utilities that are broken by the parent software.

    It is very frustrating indeed. But I also understand Daz Studio as an application cannot put its development on hold, it needs to evolve and expand, if it doesn't it dies and we get no improvements, no bug fixes and no cool new features. It is up to the PAs of their content or Daz if they own it to keep the content functional. And I am sure most of them work their butts of to do it with all the updates, and are probably frustrated themselves. PAs like AoA he has shown in the past he is very dedicated to supporting his content, but I am certain many things are a lot more complicated and sometimes things may not be as fixable as we would like. We just need to hope and give praise to those who do see it through when they do, even when they try but fail smiley for there are a few who don't at all.


    Edited to mention: As for my situation, I think it is my GPU (GTX 980) or simply my new computer build as this was never a issue for me in the past. My computer far exceeds Garibaldi and Daz's requirements, so is strange, but its aweful lot of driver crashes. I am of the impression, for most, Garibaldi is stable on 4.8.

    ...the whole issue with a the lights & cameras has pretty much pushed me to consider abandoning 3DL as well since they are all very important tools for creating different effects.  Sadly 4.6 is the one installer I don't have backed up (thanks to everything going to the DIM) and is no longer available. The one downside of software that involves so many "micro updates" is that the PAs/plugin developers also have to constantly keep updating their products to keep them compatible. When you have other irons in the fire or as not in the best of health (as I understand has been the case with AoA) it's difficult to stay on top of what development does, and be just as "left in the dark" as users are when something is crippled or broken by changes in the main software.

  • XadeXade Posts: 236

    I did some tweaking on my fox girl, she looks a lot better, but I think I might not be able to use my toon shader with this. Without the outline it looks like a blob, but with the outline wet to slightly darker and thinner than normal it looks ok. I'm stil going to toy with it today and see what I can come up with. I still dont know where that strand in front of her face came from

    Xade Garibaldi test 2.jpg
    891 x 845 - 101K
  • Gone said:

    Cutting would not be my first choice for shortening hair. Scale or extrde will give better control and, as previously mentioned, these  tools can be applied to selected hair guides without affecting any other hair.

    If you really need to use the scissors, then you can orient the model so that you have both sides of the head lined up, turn off the "hidden" radio button and any cut you make will be made on both sides of the head. I wouldn't recommend this, though, because if you don't have the head precicely aligned you will cut hair on the opposte side that you did not intend.

    Thankjs for this further information


  • larsmidnattlarsmidnatt Posts: 4,511
    edited August 2015

    sorry not to read the backlog, I think i Saw G3F referenced. And it works? Not working to paint density maps for me. I was able to paint density maps for other items however, any ideas?


    if I delete, then fill area it crashes on me :(

    Post edited by larsmidnatt on
  • mjc1016mjc1016 Posts: 15,001

    Gone posted a set of prepainted G3F maps upthread...but yes, it's a known problem...and related to the UV changes.  As a matter of fact it's probably the same problem that was early in the beta, with some really old content and the horrid UV maps.  Basically it's the way the maps are laid out that's causing the problem...GE is not finding the maps to the other parts of the head. 

    You can always paint the density maps in something that does understand the new UVs (some of the 3D paint programs should...).

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