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I previously posted this question but didn't get an answer: how to bypass this message after clicking over More Information in a third party product which has the Store ID and Product Token defined?
I followed the instructions and copied the default.dsa script renaming it to the defined store. The message still shows but refering to Renderosity.dsa Clicking "Product URL" opens the product page at the Store, but I would like to bypass this dialog window getting the product's store page directly. Someone can help me?
Anyone having trouble with GOZ exporting back to DS 4.9? The transfer to ZBrush seems to be fine. After working on models I can't get the app to send back to Daz. I've tried reinstalling the GOZ plugin and even resetting it in Zbrush. I've tried the plugin in ZBrush 4.7 version 4R8. Neither will export anymore. Please let me know if you have this issue or a workaround short of resizing the obj mesh for export.
So far no issues with GoZ on my end.
Ok, I'll admit that I didn't read any of the previous responses to this thread, but instead of making a new topic for this issue, I figured I'd post it here.
Is anyone else noticing a memory leak with the latest version of studio? I've got 32 gigs of ram, but even with only studio open, I've run out of memory seemingly out of nowhere for the past several days. It doesn't happen unless I've left studio open for a long time, whether I've got several figures loaded or just one.
I've never noticed behavior like this in any previous version of studio, so I'm thinking it's a new bug.
Should've been less lazy... It was just one page back. Still, not sure what the exact issue is, but it seems to have something to do with LAMH? Will test.
If you have the Iray Catalyzer for LAMH installed, that indeed was causing problems with lagging etc when working on non- LAMH scenes. Alessandro has updated it tho, version 1.3 is current I believe, and we haven't experienced that lagging at all once we installed the update. I believe the update has been rolled out via DIM, but he's also posted it in his commercial thread. here
Hmm, I don't have Catalyzer, but I did have a LAMH pane in the background, and I haven't noticed any issues with memory ever since I removed it. Perhaps it wasn't just Catalyzer that was causing the problem?
That's why, in my humble opinion, DAZ should buy and maintain important plugins like this so they can really suss out compatibility and code issues as they arise. Since removing Catalyzer my DS is stable again! LAMH doesn't seem to cause me any issues but then again I stopped using it because I'm waiting for LAMH 2.0 for various reasons.
You're going to have to modify your Renderosity.dsa script to do what you want. First, you need to comment out the entire block of code that deals with the message box and the response. Do this by placing the open comment delimiter /* in the function begin () on the line above the following code. Place the close comment delimiter */ below the end of the switch statement as shown below:
Now scroll down to find the switch statement:
Now add the following line of code above or below the commented out section:
Thank you for taking time to looking this. Unfortunately, it doesn't work. After editing the script following the instructions nothing happens. The script just not work. No error messages or any dialog box. Something is missing.
I'm not sure what other directions you followed, but in order for the changes I provided to work you'll also need to ensure:
That's exactly what I made when adding stores to my database. This worked until 4.8.x and if I use the store script without any modification, when clicking on "Product URL" it will take me to the product's page. If you look my previous screenshot you will see the script recognizes the storeID and the product's token. I double checked the edits in the modified script looking for some mistake from my side and can't found anyone.
Deleting the block of code that deals with the message box instead to comment made the trick. So I checked my edits again and found the offending command. I made a mistake putting /* instead */ to closing the block's comment. A subtle difference which makes all difference.
Thank you so much Garyh. I am really glad to get this solved.
Made a custom toolbar for the needed back and forths for iRAY, 3DL and 3DL SSS. I tried to dock it when it was done, won't. Then I undocked my other toolbars to test something out ... namely to see if broke. It broke. The toolbars are now undockable. Is there a switch somewhere to tell DS to dock toolbars? This is sort of annoying!
Hello guys, I want update but I'm fear that it won't work once updated (I mean.. after reading all the posts in previous pages in this topic)..
I want know..
How I can backup perfectly all my DAZStudio Previous installation ?
(Just DAZ Studio setup and all plugins that it come with base installation).
I have actually:
If I ask this, it is because if things goes bad or some features I liked that will be missing.. able to rollback in those case (restore previous installation that was manually backup)
I thank you so much for any efficient answers ! :)
There is only one way that I know of to completely back up an installed application under Windows, and that is to do a complete backup of your boot or C: drive (assuming that you have DAZ Studio installed completely to your boot drive, content excepted). The reason for this is that there are multiple files in multiple locations, including system files, that are installed with the application, not just those that appear in your DAZ Studio folder. Then there are the registry entries. You would need to know all of this to perform an application-only backup, collecting all the pieces bit-by-bit, then putting them all back in the same way to restore the old version. On the plus side, its not a bad idea to back up your C: drive from time to time anyway.
The best backup in such a case would be a backup copy of the original DAZ Studio version in its original installation executable, but that is something that you need to have done when you first installed it, as DAZ does not provide copies of older versions. With that installation file you could then uninstall the newer version and re-install the older one.
@SixDs Hey! Thanks for answer..
But.. I need Much Important Files Backup not exactly a Full Backup of its previous installation registry entries.
In fact, I'll be more clear now, since my question was way so unclear:
- How to backup efficiently PostgreSQL DAZ Studio Database ? -- In case of if I need to restore old datas with new PostgreSQL database of newer installation furthermore.
- How to backup efficiently CoreFiles (characters/poses/plugins etc that come with previous installation) of DAZ Studio? -- In case of if I need to restore old CoreFiles with new CoreFiles (like G8F) of newer installation furthermore.
- How to backup efficiently but just as refering capabilities the Program Files DAZ Studio installation directory ? -- In case of if I need to merge old settings with new settings of newer installation furthermore.
The left things like registry entries and system files in Windows are not important to backup (at least for what I need).
Hope this is much more clear now, thanks!
I brought up this very issue since version 4.9.2, as it's a low priority and it won't be fixed anytime soon (If at all) The best solution I found is that you're going to have to reset the theme itself...It's pretty infuriating when Daz studio UI/menu item placements and other locations are continually shulffled around...We're stuck with it unfortunately, as it won't be fixed unless more people bring up the issue!
The menu reset script is a hotfix that will not work for me, but you can give it a go, if not then you're stuck with it, as it will not replace the pleasure of snapping the UI elements as it's pretty much a lost feature at this point due to the devs screwing it up for the 4k users.
I won't think so negatively. I think eventually it will be fixed. In the mean time I did get things MOSTLY to how I need them to be and then locked the tool bars so I'm good to go again
Sorry, but even with meds, depression is an ever present threat that darkens even the most joyous of people, thanks for pointing it out however, and I'm glad that it's working for you!
I'm sorry your going through that. No fun. An old friend gave me some valuable advice once... "fake it till you make it" which is personal psychology of being able to turn the brain around to more positive thinking. Doesn't always work but most of the time it does for me. I suffer with depression too....
Thanks for that bit of advice, I'll have to give it a go and yeah, as well as ADHD, (The root cause of my depression) too many cynics think it's bollocks, but we know better, let us rejoice in the fact that we have our artistic and creative expression to allow us to have something to look forward to, it's my own philosophy; no matter how trivial or insignificant, always find/have something to look forward to for tomorrow!
Stay positive Takezo. HUGS
Need an advise, please. the content library tab drives me crazy, recently. the content just dissapears out of the range of the horizonzal slider. the displayed content seems to be far offset. clicking little arrows don't help. as soon as clicking a content item, the library is offsett again. In order to avoid DS is storing these anwanted setting, I have to shoot it down with the task manager. Is this a bug? Is there anything else I can do?
Please post screenshots to show the issue.
thank you, Richard. here are some screenshots. Please take a look at the horizonatal slider in the content library tab. 1) It is far on the right and there for cannot display the rest of the folder hirachy anymore. 2) Moving that slider left displays only empty space. 3) Tis is the correct way, the content Library should be. The slider is on the left and the Tab shows the root of the content hirachy.
I have not been able to reproduce, how this occasionaly happens. The only way out seems to shut down DS in the Task manager to avoid this setting is saved, when closing Studio the regular way.
I've a recollection of someone else, or even someseveral else, having an issue like that a while back. I can't recall if theer was a fix or workaround. Have you opened a support ticket?
...didn't read through al the thread as it is late where I am so please bear with me.
I just installed and there was a message that flashed up on the screen about not being able to connect to the Postgre CMS. After I closed that, a window popped up that looked like it was updating the CMS however even after closing and restarting the programme afterwards, nothing in the content pane has the usual blue background like it did in 4.8. which pretty much says to me the CMS and programme aren't talking to each other.
I think the easiest indication that the CMS is or isn't talking to D|S is by looking at the Options menu on the Content Library pane. If the Stop/Start CMS menu choices are greyed out, it's likely that something in the Postgres installation has gone <clunk>.
The CMS needs access to an internal port on your machine, you can find which one under Preferences/CMS. Your Firewall or virus software might be blocking it. You will need to tell them to allow Postgres CMS access to it, this is not Studio as they are two separate programmes.
It isn't actually accessing the internet, though - just using the internet protocol for local communication.
...the odd thing is my internal firewall never blocked it before in 4.8 so why would it do so now? I have not changed any firewall settings since ver. 4.7