Daz Studio 4.9.4 Pro, General Release!



  • tomasballtomasball Posts: 81

    I double checked, and I have the right version of Dynamic Cloth Controller installed.


  • tomasballtomasball Posts: 81

    I seem to have solved the problem by deleting and reinstalling DIM, then doing the Dynamic Cloth Controller install again.

  • tomasballtomasball Posts: 81

    However, I'm still getting the pesky PostgreSQL connection error message.  


  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,488
    tomasball said:

    However, I'm still getting the pesky PostgreSQL connection error message. 

    What OS and security software?

  • atozedatozed Posts: 77
    3Ddreamer said:

    In my experence, catagorising in 4.8 with 4.9 Beta installed on the same pc, the folder appears but not the file - to get it to appear you have to export in 4.8 and import in 4.9, and I'm seeing duplicate entries in 4.9 from the entries that imported from the 4.8 database and the ones imported. To sort that you have to reset the database and import again - and then stand duplicated in 4.8. So I usualy can't be bothered and just use 4.8 unless something needs 4.9...

    Thanks for your response. That's my experience as well. They should really update their MISLEADING notes. I was worried that it would be difficult to find new content with the blue highlight being gone and all. But I noticed that new content now gets put in the Default -> Scan Results category (instead of the old abandoned Default -> Unassigned category), so that's good enough for me. It looks like Studio 4.9 is pretty stable for the stuff I do, so I'll probably just switch over to it (the export-import-reset-import trick looks too like way too much work).

  • 3Ddreamer3Ddreamer Posts: 1,312

    Thanks atozed I'll have to investigate the Default - Scan Results when I get home from work. I never found the Unassigned useful.

  • Oso3DOso3D Posts: 15,042

    Holy smoke... the functionality of editing metadata and setting root category?? BLESS YOU

    Used to be 'try to select one of these bazillion items,' and now it's a sensible drilldown.

  • TY3DArtTY3DArt Posts: 154

    I am not sure what the issue is.  But I am always having problems with getting the updates.  My DIM is updated, but I am still on 9.3, I try to download it from the download page and I click the download and nothing happens.  When I click on manuel download I get directed to my product library.  This is really a pain, why isn't this just automatic or there isn't a "check for update" (for DS) on the DIM?  or in DS?  Why is this always a chore?  This shouldn't be a complicated thing.  Kind of sad it can be a lot more user friendly on the DS GUI for updates.  You added a connect app in DS, why not a "check for update" SMH..  angryno

  • Silver DolphinSilver Dolphin Posts: 1,617

    I think I found a bug in latest version of Daz 4.9.4 >>>I was showing my niece how to use geoshells with genesis 3 female and tried to zoom in using camera controls and all the camera controls stopped working. Had to restart the program I guess everytime they add something to the program they break something.

  • kitakoredazkitakoredaz Posts: 3,526
    edited June 2017

    I think daz still break  meta-data,,,which I installed by DIM.  This is one clear example, which I can not correct meta-data.

    2214 The King Chamber.dsx  

    "Pedestal.duf" already categorized as Architecture,, but  categorized "Unassgined" too.

    Untill DAZ offer DAZ connect,  I could manage it easy.. I just modify the dsx, (remove Unassgined from category of the asset),  then re-import the dsx, from support directory. it is all. simple enough.

    Then if DAZ up-date meta-data correctly,, it will overwite. (though daz often up-date meata-data, and wrong again,, this process continue, untill daz actually offer right one)

    But after DAZ push DAZ connect, then said,, DAZ connect offer newest correct meta-data, then sometimes, DIM meta-data not up-dated, I use DAZ connect just for get new meta-data and overwrite old DIM one.

    then everytime I "log in" daz connect, to get new meta-data, about other products,  wrong meta-data overwrite the King chamber  product ,which I modifed and imported.

    I have no idea to correct those DAZ prodcut meta-data,  parmanently..  Without I never log-in daz connect.  

    I try to modify it by categorize, (then plan to export as user-data,, then user-data may not overwritten by DAZ connect,,)

     ,I could check OFF,   "un-assgined" category,  in Category view.  but even though I re-flesh smart content , the asset still show as un-assgined.

     if there is correct way, tell me please.

    1263 x 604 - 99K
    Post edited by kitakoredaz on
  • MBuschMBusch Posts: 547

    First, do not use connect if you want preserve your custom or corrected metadata. Everytime you connect, DS will download current metadata be right or wrong which doesn't match.

    Second, immediately after you fix or improve and save any product's metadata, delete the current entry and re-import the product metadata.

    These steps have been working to me. I hope it could help you.

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,488
    MBusch said:

    First, do not use connect if you want preserve your custom or corrected metadata. Everytime you connect, DS will download current metadata be right or wrong which doesn't match.

    Second, immediately after you fix or improve and save any product's metadata, delete the current entry and re-import the product metadata.

    These steps have been working to me. I hope it could help you.

    The current version will not overwrite hidden Vendor data, that's why deleting vendor categorisations now hides them - it allows the system to see that they are not wanted, and so not restore them.

  • kitakoredazkitakoredaz Posts: 3,526
    edited June 2017

    Thanks MBush, Yes if I do not log in DAZ cloud, it not change anything. then I can keep my correted meta-data (product)

    (and actually I do same step,, delete once, (which Cloud offered) product, then re-import my modifed one., then as you said, when I log-in,daz connect up-date it, then add "un-assgin" again.)

     but I  know there is case, daz up-date meta-data only about cloud, but not DIM. (And daz do not offer any confirm , DIM meta-data will be up-dated ,when DAZ cloud meta-data are up-dated.  I hered so, from daz man,,   when DAZ push DAZ cloud  and talk DAZ cloud merit, demerit. 

      I hope to get official meta-data, when  it is up-dated from cloud.  Then,,  after all,, without stop to connect DAZ cloud,  can I remove wrong "unassign" category, form those daz offer  product meta-data?  (those are wrong about both  DIM and DAZ cloud)

    it is not matter, I choose "hide vendor category" , it not work about un-assgin category, for me.  simply I can not remove un-assgin category.  Is there way to remove Unassgin category form daz product asset which actually categorized already?

    I reported about those products, almost one yeas before,, but DAZ still not correct them.   I believe it is simple enough, just DAZ need to correct meta-data then offer right one,  which remove un-assgin category, for DAZ cloud and DIM.  

    DAZ Correct those as soon as you can. (DAZ,, why those un-assgin product still increase?  may better not depend much your proud librarian )

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    Post edited by kitakoredaz on
  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,488

    but I  know there is case, daz up-date meta-data only about cloud, but not DIM. (And daz do not offer any confirm , DIM meta-data will be up-dated ,when DAZ cloud meta-data are up-dated.  I hered so, from daz man,,   when DAZ push DAZ cloud  and talk DAZ cloud merit, demerit. 

      I hope to get official meta-data, when  it is up-dated from cloud.  Then,,  after all,, without stop to connect DAZ cloud,  can I remove wrong "unassign" category, form those daz offer  product meta-data?  (those are wrong about both  DIM and DAZ cloud)

    What one or two daz people have said was that they would not (necessarily) do a metadata-only update via DIM, though i imagioen that woudl depend on how siginifcant the update was. If there's an update to the content too then the DIM version should be getting the updated metadata.

  • kitakoredazkitakoredaz Posts: 3,526

    After all, ,DAZ push DAZ connect, what user get?  I think there is really a few merits .  DAZ push and almost force user, to use DAZ connect, even though user never hope to get DAZ connect items,  they said, get new meta-data is one of merit to use DAZ connect.  then I do not care,, how daz encrypt or how daz use colud to CM.

    but at least,, DAZ prouod cloud to offer correct meta-data,, Just Finish work. why I need to keep same problem almost one year,, then just DAZ leave it off?

    then I said, DAZ id not unreliable. they offer good service, when they get money.  but complex thing, or Boring work,  not show Professional mind.

  • kitakoredazkitakoredaz Posts: 3,526
    edited June 2017


     if I check all meta-data,, which installed by DIM,, and DAZ connect offer are perfectly same?  if not, DAZ do not offer same meta-data, between DIM user and DAZ connect user (include user, how  just log in and up-date only)  Yes or NO.  


    Post edited by Chohole on
  • kitakoredazkitakoredaz Posts: 3,526

    1. there are products, DAZ offer correct meta-data for cloud only. (I think so, and I heared so)

    2. then I need to log in DAZ connect, I actually hate cloud, but  just to get new correct meta-data for product which I have bought from daz. 

    3  But if I log in, daz cloud overwrite my modify meta-data ,(which is daz wrong meta-data,, Customer manually modify wrong data,  instead of daz.

    really good cusotmer I think.

    4  Then I ask, is there way to log in daz connect, but keep my modify, (eg option to stop overwrite)   I do not hope to modify or not hope to make original products, but just remove wrong meta-data and which caused by DAZ careless miss, or DAZ proud librarian offered for new cloud and old DIM long time.

    5  I already  have send bug report one years before , then I often have seen, these product up-date, without clear reason,,,  but still keep same un-assgin category, in meta-data.

    6  then I ask is there way to Push daz correct it, or way to correct by my self.  it is really sutpid question because,, daz said me to log in to get correct meta-data, but it remove my modify.

    Is there  way to protect modify, untiill, I stop to log in  daz connect.  Yes or No.  if NO,,   why daz can say DAZ connect is smart or stable? then another user may recommend not use daz connect, is it wrong? 

  • pkappeteinpkappetein Posts: 506

    I've had that since day 1.

    I used to import everything through the DIM,  but  often the Meta Data was not right, and ended up with tons of empty icons.

    So I cleaned everything and only using Connect, and I have all my icons.

    Except the few that are not on Connect,  I have to use DIM for that,  and  missing some of those icons.

    I had openeded several tickets, and till today,  it never got fixed.

    So DIM is maybe 60% upto date to me.. Esp. the older items.  


  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,488

    The current versions of Daz Studio should not reset User-modifications to the Vendor data.

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,488

    The current versions of Daz Studio should not reset User-modifications to the Vendor data.

    I've been corrected - categorisation will not be overwritten, and user-data such as tags/keywords will not be removed, but there are other segments of the data which belong to the vendor and which would be updated if there had been a change by the User (not sure which those are, I imagine the initial comaptibility might well be one example).

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,488

    The current versions of Daz Studio should not reset User-modifications to the Vendor data.

    I've been corrected - categorisation will not be overwritten, and user-data such as tags/keywords will not be removed, but there are other segments of the data which belong to the vendor and which would be updated if there had been a change by the User (not sure which those are, I imagine the initial comaptibility might well be one example).

  • MBuschMBusch Posts: 547

    That's it how it been working to me, and the reason why I recommended delete the original metadata and re-import it if you want keep your changes.

  • kitakoredazkitakoredaz Posts: 3,526

     Yes, that is what I have seen,, and say DS still break meta-data Dim offered.. but I usually not use user-data as possible as I can.

    , but directly change product-data, or make user original product-data. It is not daz recommend way.  then I hoped confirm if there is another way, MBusch suggested

    and I already said.  

    If I need to stop log in, daz connect, it simply stop some user to use daz connect.   if DAZ hope so, It is OK. but if DAZ really hope user to use DAZ connect, at first

    correct this problem.  

  • kitakoredazkitakoredaz Posts: 3,526

    See those step, I can clear, see when I re-import my modify meta-data with off line it work. but re-log in daz connect, it auto-overwrite my meta-data then reset Un-assgined category. In this case i test with "set" wihici is not default category, but even though I use default category, DS always add "unassgin" about those product.

    Then I requested, add option, stop auto- up-date meta data about each product.


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  • kitakoredazkitakoredaz Posts: 3,526

    Richard have said again and again, "categorisation will not be overwritten, and user-data such as tags/keywords will not be removed"

    I have seen, you said so, when I ask it in each version daz studio topic,,  about this problem , then suggest to add option, or simply correct meta-data. 

    but to remove "Un-assgin", then set correct one is not include "Categorisation"?   why need to treat as exception.  actually it overwrite user modify.

    or If My step is still have problem,then  I ask show your way.  MBush confirmed what I have seen.  but you not confirm. then I hope you actually do same test.

    without it, please do not say "categorisation will not be overwritten"  or add exceptiona case. "User can not correct un-assgine meta-data"

  • kitakoredazkitakoredaz Posts: 3,526
    edited June 2017

    The best case I hope yours (who think DAZ already offer IK) try, make one hand  push up animation with three or 4 keys. . left hand are set side of face keep bending..If I use blender, even though I am reall foolish man,, I can make it. with 3 miniutes .(at least I get simple one set animation for more future tweaking)

    if I use daz studio,,  I must need to check all frame,, to translate hip and adjust position again, (if I use terrible but DAZ offer active pose  pin or pose tool pin with daz IK)

    I usually stop working untill finish make animation, I can not take long time just for test DAZ studio fool pin and special IK .

    I reall feel sad, when someone need to guide other user about pose tool , they after all only can say "try active pose and pin", then guide those usage,,, But active pose pin is actually almost rubish for animation  with set keys,. though we need to use it   ,,, but user who get answer,  say" thanks!! active pose pin work well !! "

    then after few hours,  they understand what is wrong.   but they are good kind user, not complain daz.  (I complain in spite of yours)

    1354 x 890 - 191K
    Post edited by kitakoredaz on
  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,488

    See those step, I can clear, see when I re-import my modify meta-data with off line it work. but re-log in daz connect, it auto-overwrite my meta-data then reset Un-assgined category. In this case i test with "set" wihici is not default category, but even though I use default category, DS always add "unassgin" about those product.

    Then I requested, add option, stop auto- up-date meta data about each product.


    The problem is that you are replacing the vendor data entirely, so yes when you update by connecting to Daz it has no way of knowing that the vendor categorisation should remain hidden. If you actively break the existing structure, as you are here, then it cannot function corerctly and your custom settings will be overwritten. Work with the categorise dialogue, with the grain of the system, and you can I think achieve your aims without having them reset by updates.

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,488

    The current versions of Daz Studio should not reset User-modifications to the Vendor data.

    I've been corrected - categorisation will not be overwritten, and user-data such as tags/keywords will not be removed, but there are other segments of the data which belong to the vendor and which would be updated if there had been a change by the User (not sure which those are, I imagine the initial comaptibility might well be one example).

    The compatibility iss et by the vendor (which is what I was trying to say), additional compatibilities can be added as User data (unless the vendor data is updated to add the same compatibility, in which case it will take over from the user assignment). In general settings made by the Vendor can be added to, where relevant, but if the vendor data later makes the same addition it will become Vendor data.

  • kitakoredazkitakoredaz Posts: 3,526
    edited June 2017

    Richard,, actually I can not remove un-assgin,from Catgory about thoe products from Categorize, Have not said you so, again and again?

      even though I try to remove un-ussignn from categorize,, once I close categorize window, Un-assgin still remain there. it means data base not up-dated.

    untill you said I actively break the existing structure.

    I remove un-assgin from category. but it not up-dated even though I reflesh . 

    then I do same 

     I have said already, then I needed  to modify vendor product data. Did you try to remove un-assgine category, about those product? 

    then I asked If you said it work,, show how you remove un-assgin category about same products please withotu it you just said it work. but it not work for me.

    pease show your recommend step to remove un-assgin, from category window. eg I need to category from content library ,smart content categorize not remove un-assgin etc.

    951 x 677 - 69K
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    Post edited by kitakoredaz on
  • kitakoredazkitakoredaz Posts: 3,526
    edited June 2017

    I try to remove same thing in "file" of smart content  too (not pordcut pane), serch this item in un-assgin category, then r-click categorize, set correct category, then remove

    (un-check un assgin), but it never up-date data base correctly. what is bad in my step?

    and just to confirm, I delete product from data base (meta-data), then un-install this package, delete downloaded package too.

    then downlaod same package, from DIM and re-install it. now it still offer wrong un-assgin category.

    then I open ds, then try to categorize, without connect DAZ (I afraid it cause problem), but after all I can not remove un-assgin,

    I set category (prop>architecture) .  I could in category window, (set category and un-check Un-assgin, but it not up-dated when I return smart content.  that means I can not epxort modify. or it export nothing (no modify)

    If I re-try same thing, about Content lbirary category section, it will work?  

    I can not remove reference from content lbirary>category>unassgined about those product assets. too. (I just install product from DIM)

    it work for my scene or my saved scene. but not work product meta which daz offered by DIM.  I still not connect daz. 

    and I do not modify exprot product meta-data about new installed package. then how you remove un-assgin? 

    Richard,, I seriously wait your reply, to confrim,, and understand what I made mistake. even though it not work,, I do not blame any one.

    but if you teach me clear, what is wrong, I just try..   but just reply "you do wrong",  then leave it off is not good for my health.

    789 x 594 - 80K
    Post edited by kitakoredaz on
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