Project Dogwaffle Howler



  • chickenmanchickenman Posts: 1,202

    I enjoy  a combination of Video and a PDF to back up wht the video does so you can use it as a ready reference when needed.

    so what ever is easiest for you as well.

    Thanks for taking the time and effort to do this.

  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,722

    So, video? pdf? combo? What is the preference?

    I like either - whichever works best for the author! ;)

  • Okay I have the first 2 videos done and am uploading them. I'll paste a link here when they actually manage to upload. (I have a very slow connection, dsl - 1.5MG...I know, right?) If there is a way to compress these without sacrificing too much quality, I would be happy to hear. Currently I'm just zipping the avi. Please excuse the ums, my mouth is going faster than my brain. If there are other things you would like to see explained more, just comment here. These are VERY basic to begin with, so hopefully people can build from there.

    I started with the differences between Howler 9 and Howler 10, then an overview of how to organize your work flow and what the general buttons are. The one I'm working on now is where to find all the various brushes. Howler is very brush-centric (it is a painting program!), so there are brushes hidden all over the place! lol. I have to do some editing on it, as I had a guest show up and my dog went crazy barking! lol.


  • Okay, tried several different ways to upload these, if someone has another idea, I'm open to them. So, This technically SHOULD work:

    So far there are 3 videos, very short and mostly to the point. Likely, what they cover you all already know, as it's really basic stuff. But, I wanted the full meal deal, for those who are coming from a different GUI or even very little digital paint program experience. They have another 1/2 hour to finish uploading, so don't get in a rush. (They are all zip files, and I was experimenting with various formats, so if these are really bad, then let me know, and I'll try to figure something else out.)

  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,722

    Ooops. It says that the folder is empty :(

    Another option would be to launch them to YouTube? Then run the video in YouTube, right-click in the playing video and choose: Copy video URL, and paste that into the forum post and the video will be playable from within, like the ones I did on the previous page.

  • chickenmanchickenman Posts: 1,202

    I just down loaded the RAR file and will try to have alook at it this weekend. Thanks alot for doing this.

  • Okay, they have finished uploading! there are 3, you should watch them in order.

    Dart, it took 5 hours for me to upload the zipped files, uploading the raw videos might take all night! lol. I might try on another day when the internet is working better here. (not often). (And I did try YouTube, but it kept timing out.)

    So, anyway, if people have questions and comments, post them here. And if you want something explained better that I have already gone over, I'll go back to that. The Particles Panel is next, but probably won't get to it till Monday. Sorry it's slow. Going to see my dad who is in the hospital this weekend. Family first.


  • chickenmanchickenman Posts: 1,202
    edited August 2016

    Take your time and do a job you are happy with I have had it for two years and haven't pushed it yet so a fe days is not going to break it for me.


    They only took a few minutes to download for me at 25 Mbs/s.

    Post edited by chickenman on
  • I stick my tongue out at you Chickenman! I hope the resolution is okay. I had to compress it to get it that small, the originals were filmed at full screen resolution, and were 100kMB to 200kMB. I was never going to get those to upload! Today was a day when I was uploading at 18-70kb, yes, that's kilobytes. :(

  • HeadwaxHeadwax Posts: 10,095

    wow thanks for that, that;s very kind, will check them out this weekend!

  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,722

    Very, very nice, Tiffanie! What a great way to introduce the software! 

    I can't wait to watch these progress! 

  • Yay! Well, I'm gone for the day. So, try not to watch them too fast! lol.

  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,722

    Yeah... really nice, comfortable sessions. you're a natural!

  • Aw, Thanks!

  • Okay, episode/lessions 4 and 5 are in the dropbox. (okay, 5 is still uploading) I need to know if the video quality is okay, especially on 4 and 5, as I've been playing around with different settings trying to get something that I can upload in less than 5 hours, but still have decent video. Again, if there is something that I've already gone over that you want more in depth, please let me know. I know there is a lot of blank buffers in most of these, so far, but since people were wanting to know where to find things, that's sort of a necessity. The interface is a little odd to begin with but gets more understandable as you go, it often has multiple ways of doing the same thing, so that it works with YOUR workflow, so once you find a way you like, you don't have to worry about the other ways.


    I've got one more brush basics video to do and then I'll work on the selection/alpha menu. That should get us to a point where I can show a project. Then can go back to basics for the next items, and so on,

  • chickenmanchickenman Posts: 1,202
    edited August 2016

    Just had a look at them and number 4 and 5 I cant read the menu at the top. or what icon you are clicking on.

    The others were very good quality for me.

    Post edited by chickenman on
  • Well, Piffle!

    I was trying to save at a lower rate, but looks like I need to go back and use the higher. I'm trying to get them uploaded at the full rate to YouTube, I have two up, so far (1 and 2) Have to see if I can find the Unsquished versions of 3, 4, 5. YouTube Channel is:

    I'll try to re-upload 4 and 5 to the dropbox.


  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,722

    Yeah... too bad it takes so long to upload. They're not big files by any means. Five must not be up fully yet as it doesn't download completely for me - at least at this time. But four is really a bit too low quality for something as visual needy as learning the Particles tab. Can't really read anything on your screen. 

    You do an excellent tutorial though. In the earlier ones, when you picked on yourself for saying "umm", I didn't even notice the umm until you brought it up - you're really quite smooth in your presentations.

    Something that I thought might have been skipped over too quickly was the "Allow Transforms in Custom" in the Brush Settings panel - which makes it so that the settings also work for Custom Brushes as well - which is good to know. But then again... like you said - these are so far just starter tutorials.

    Great job, Tiffanie!

  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,722

    Yeah... too bad it takes so long to upload. They're not big files by any means. Five must not be up fully yet as it doesn't download completely for me - at least at this time. But four is really a bit too low quality for something as visual needy as learning the Particles tab. Can't really read anything on your screen. 

    You do an excellent tutorial though. In the earlier ones, when you picked on yourself for saying "umm", I didn't even notice the umm until you brought it up - you're really quite smooth in your presentations.

    Something that I thought might have been skipped over too quickly was the "Allow Transforms in Custom" in the Brush Settings panel - which makes it so that the settings also work for Custom Brushes as well - which is good to know. But then again... like you said - these are so far just starter tutorials.

    Great job, Tiffanie!

  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,722

    Hey! It looks like I was your FIRST subscriber! Do I win a prize? :)

  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,722

    Very nice. The YouTube videos are very clear - even when not maximized. Sweet!

  • Thanks Dart! for the comments, I'm going back and re-editing 4 and 5 to higher quality, so hopefully that will be better.

    I'll make sure I go over the custom transform more thouroughly when I do a project. Good to know what leaves questions.

    You are indeed the first subscriber! Sure, I'll get you a prize. lol

    I'm uploading the YouTube videos at full meal deal, so they take a long time. Even longer than the Dropbox, but yeah, I hate it when you can't see what they are doing on the screen and you have to just guess.

    Well, I'm glad that I'm sounding at least a little professional, when I listen to myself on the edits, I always think that I sound like I'm 6yrs old! lol.

  • Here you go!

    1024 x 768 - 734K
  • All 5 videos are up on the YouTube channel, now. Should Iink them here?

  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,722

    All 5 videos are up on the YouTube channel, now. Should Iink them here?


    Make sure you all Subscribe to be sure you get new ones as they come!

    Thanks Tiffanie! These are really wonderful tutorials!

  • Episode 1 Basic overview and work flow (Same as the one I put in the dropbox)

    Episode 2 Brushes 1 (Same as the dropbox one)

    Episode 3 Brushes 2 (Same as the dropbox one)

    Episode (Lesson?) 4 Brushes 3 (Same as dropbox, but actually watchable)

    Episode 5 Overview of non-menu tools (Same as dropbox, but actually watchable)


    All further lessons will only be posted on YouTube, and I'll link here. Comments here are welcome, and/or comments on YouTube. Questions are also welcome, and I'll try to answer them, or get them answered.

    Tiffanie/Immortal Moments Art

  • chickenmanchickenman Posts: 1,202
    edited August 2016

    Thanks Tiffanie I will try to get them watched this week but youtube is good in that when it reencodes them it makes them at a good quality provided the original one was.

    Post edited by chickenman on
  • Number 6 is up on YouTube and the first project is loading as I write.

  • Arrggg!  They didn't post because they were too long, and then after I did the verify, they still didn't post! So, uploading again today. So, will be up sometime to day. Sorry for the delay.

  • chickenmanchickenman Posts: 1,202

    no problem I still need to find the time to watch all the others yet and play with it.

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