"Brace yourself, my dear wallet! There's always another Sale - and Glitches!"

This discussion was created from comments split from: Keep Calm : There's always another Sale (Daily Sale Talk).
Post edited by Chohole on
This discussion has been closed.
They started doing that years ago after we almost broke the old forum with a thread which had more than 3000 pages ;)
Looks like we're spilling over already. Woohoo!
LOL, can't believe the mods allowed the "glitches" part. If anything my wallet would be relieved there are other sales and glitches, LOL
I feel like they're not giving us any rest. My credit card does't go in my wallet lately, it just sits next to my monitor in wait. I thought they were supposed to take it easy on us after MM. My spending is not really slowing. 4 items just from fast grab today and out of store credit.
There really have been some incredible products released lately. I don't think I could keep up even if I won the lottery!
Okay. I'm going to say this once, and then forever keep my mouth shut, (or fingers from typing it, to be more exact...)

The writer in me cringes every time I read title of this new thread! Grammatically, it should read "there're always more sales and glitches." "Another" is singular, but the rest of the sentence is plural. Alternatively, it could still say, "There's always another sale," and then add something about glitches in parentheses following it, if the goal is keeping the "another sale" snippet the same from one thread to another...
Phew! got that off my chest. I shall keep mum on this title from here on out.
(And I can't believe how fast we blew through the previous iteration of the topic! I think we managed 3K+ messages in about half the time it took to revive and overwhelm the original!)
Humms...."Now the glitch is gone, I can see it in my cart, now the glitch is gone..."
New topic already, hehe. :)
Is there a way to see the forum notification (like I did when I was OP on the old thread) without getting emails? If I just bookmark the thread then I get both the notification and an unwanted email
How do you have your notification preferences set?
Don't know, but such a thing would be marvelous.
Notification Preferences
Thanks, Chohole. It took me a bit to even find my notification preferences but when I did I changed " Notify me when people comment on my bookmarked discussions." to popup only. So, that may fix things
I know, right? 100 pages. Wow indeed. And March Madness got me pretty good. Then the MM 2016 flashback - that got me a bit too.
And then Faveral had to go release that Medieval Construction Kit!!! I had to buy the whole bundle.
It makes sense for them to encourage glitch talk. They read it and report back to DAZ HQ.
So with that and the atrocious grammar, I'm going to ruthlessly exploit glitches from now on - even the ones that allow me to grab most of the store for nowt. Yeah, that'll show 'em. Don't come bitchin' about the glitchin', etc. ;-)
Maybe they put the glitches comment in the ticket system, which means they'll get right on it in a year or two...
Hey, what happens in the shopping cart, stays in the shopping cart!
Love it!!!! :D
Edit: Hmm... that didn't come out the way I meant it. Was thinking of the griping I'd been doing about the glitching and/or change of sale.
The speed with which we blew through the last thread indicates good things for DAZ. Their Facebook and other targeted marketing campaigns have reached the intended audience, and there has been an uptick in activity in the forums - and probably in sales too. The PAs probably have a feel for this too, even if they don't have the exact metrics.
And last year's MEGA glitches coincided with this aggressive social media advertising push - I know, because that is what got me here. They brought a lot of new people in, and then they had these unprecedented sales that were "mistakes," that encouraged people like myself who refused to buy to start buying.
Now, I feel like the March Madness wasn't all that mad at all - but the sales AFTERWARDS seem pretty decent - if you're looking for particular items. I've bought more Fastgrab items since Feburary than I bought all through 2016. Which, if I were in DAZ marketing... rather than having eveyrone waiting for several HUGE events all year long... I'd rather have them making purchases throughout the year that made it harder to really evaluate how deep the discounts are.
I think DAZ is probably finding a pretty good balance on generating a consistent, predictible revenue stream right about now.
How long does the introductory 30% offer last on new products?
2 weeks
I've got my eye on that too. There are a few things I really want before they lose that discount.
Just Zev0's product.
I agree, the fast grabs have been great, much more rotation, more fast grabs on the weekend, this is where my money has been going lately.
Wow, i'm surprised the last word in the thread title hasn't been changed to something like 'gifts' or 'gift cards' or something more politically correct than 'glitches'.
And so the debate in my head continues -- are glitches intentional or not?
It reminds me of when I watched wrestling in the 80's as a kid. We argued for hours about whether it was real or fake.
Wait...is wrestling real?
uhm, there's no 'Add to Cart' button for the DarkSeal items.
[edit to add]: I mean on the individual item's page of course.
If you use the quick add button on the list page they add to the cart correctly
ok, wasn't sure about that or not. I did edit my post before to state no button on the individual items page. I was just going to see if they still worked properly with the quick add button.
I've confirmed on individual pages and reported.