"Brace yourself, my dear wallet! There's always another Sale - and Glitches!"



  • BruganBrugan Posts: 365

    Just dropping in to say I'm verry dissapointed to see that the "hypothetical" orange banner "might" not be giving the "imaginary" discount to https://www.daz3d.com/bijou-for-genesis-2-female-s even though she qualifies as a DO which "would" be the banner target..., that is if such a banner existed. wink

  • Charlie JudgeCharlie Judge Posts: 12,551
    edited April 2017
    Brugan said:

    Just dropping in to say I'm verry dissapointed to see that the "hypothetical" orange banner "might" not be giving the "imaginary" discount to https://www.daz3d.com/bijou-for-genesis-2-female-s even though she qualifies as a DO which "would" be the banner target..., that is if such a banner existed. wink


    Post edited by Charlie Judge on
  • tj_1ca9500btj_1ca9500b Posts: 2,048
    Brugan said:

    Just dropping in to say I'm verry dissapointed to see that the "hypothetical" orange banner "might" not be giving the "imaginary" discount to https://www.daz3d.com/bijou-for-genesis-2-female-s even though she qualifies as a DO which "would" be the banner target..., that is if such a banner existed. wink

    It is marked as 'New'. Does the hypothetical coupon include new items?

    If it's the same "Make It Rain' thingie as mine, new releases are excluded.  Here's the fine print:

    Offer valid for intended recipient only. Discount excludes new releases, gift cards, and memberships. Discount applies in Shopping Cart. Expires April 28, 2017 11:59PM MST (UTC-7).

    That being said, it would have been an even more awesome coupon if had applied to new releases!

  • BruganBrugan Posts: 365
    Brugan said:

    Just dropping in to say I'm verry dissapointed to see that the "hypothetical" orange banner "might" not be giving the "imaginary" discount to https://www.daz3d.com/bijou-for-genesis-2-female-s even though she qualifies as a DO which "would" be the banner target..., that is if such a banner existed. wink

    It is marked as 'New'. Does the hypothetical coupon include new items?

    I did not notice that. o_O

  • IldanachIldanach Posts: 217
    Brugan said:

    Just dropping in to say I'm verry dissapointed to see that the "hypothetical" orange banner "might" not be giving the "imaginary" discount to https://www.daz3d.com/bijou-for-genesis-2-female-s even though she qualifies as a DO which "would" be the banner target..., that is if such a banner existed. wink

    $349.95 for one figure? What the hell?

  • bytescapesbytescapes Posts: 1,826
    edited April 2017
    Ildanach said:
    Brugan said:

    Just dropping in to say I'm verry dissapointed to see that the "hypothetical" orange banner "might" not be giving the "imaginary" discount to https://www.daz3d.com/bijou-for-genesis-2-female-s even though she qualifies as a DO which "would" be the banner target..., that is if such a banner existed. wink

    $349.95 for one figure? What the hell?

    This comes up periodically. That figure is a 'special' that DAZ sometimes offers users for free as a birthday present. The high price is intended to keep it 'exclusive' by making it unlikely that anyone would buy it.

    Incidentally, there's some debate about what exactly you have to do to be offered the figure, with many people saying that they've never been offered it. The best guess is that you need to have your birthday entered as part of your account profile ... but the current version of the DAZ site software doesn't appear to offer any way to enter your birthday (as far as I can tell). So you'd need to be a long-time DAZ user who shared the date of their birthday on some previous version of the site.

    Post edited by bytescapes on
  • OdaaOdaa Posts: 1,548

    The two gift card discounts appear to stack.

  • Charlie JudgeCharlie Judge Posts: 12,551
    edited April 2017
    Odaa said:

    The two gift card discounts appear to stack..


    Post edited by Charlie Judge on
  • OdaaOdaa Posts: 1,548
    edited April 2017
    Odaa said:

    The two gift card discounts appear to stack.

    Yep; for the purchase of 4 new releases, two from each sale.

    That is the rub; basically I can get the western saloon bundle and the waterfall water (both of which I want), plus the shadow jester outfit and textures (which I find interesting but don't feel passionately about), plus a $100 gift card for ~$133. With PC member discount, shadow jester stuff (cheapest new items from yesterday's sale) comes to ~$15, so basically I'm spending $15 on DO items I don't strongly want in order to save $15.34 on gift cards...or I'm getting the stuff I don't strongly want as a freebie for spending $133. Not sure I will pull the trigger, but if you're interested in items from both sales, it's useful to know.

    Post edited by Odaa on
  • FSMCDesignsFSMCDesigns Posts: 12,682

    I'm just happy to see that finally got an exclusive offer in the 'exclusive offer' subeection of my account section.  I've been clicking on that button for a couple of months now, and it's always been empty, until this week anyways...

    I've been buying a LOT of stuff on sale lately, so I'm wondering if sales volume has anything to do with how the Daz team picks who gets which offers when.

    Who knows, I didn't get it this time around, but that's fine for me, after some heafty bills this month and the 50% off sale at rendo I am tapped out on 3D spending for a bit.

  • donovancolbertdonovancolbert Posts: 1,421
    L'Adair said:

    Uh. looks like a kind if meh sales day. .....for a mere 8% off a gift card = NO SALE for me

    I know the original poster removed his/her post, but I'd like to comment on this anyway, because I think it's a valid feeling/opinion and one DAZ should, (and does,) pay attention to. That's marketing 101: find out what your target market wants and give it to them. (Why do you think female skimpwear is so prevalent in the store? Because it sells! lol) And what your target market considers "meh" is equally important.

    When I bought my first content product for Daz Studio, it was toward the end of a PA Festival, followed immediately by the PC Anniversary, and then the end of the year holiday sales. When January came around, I was surprised to find the "ordinary" sales promos came out every other day. For whatever reasons, for the last year or so, DAZ has been coming out with a new sales promo almost every single day, including Saturday and Sunday. In my opinion, these daily sales are what led to the amazing stacking discounts we customers all know and love; Stacking discounts I'm pretty sure were not intentional. DAZ is getting better at not having the same artists featured in multiple running promos where stacking discounts could occur. And as we've seen these past couple of days, quick to remove items from special categories when stacking does happen.

    As disappointing as it is, I can't really blame DAZ for plugging the leaks. They are a business and underneath it all, businesses are all about making money. I suspect promos with two or three purchases required to trigger discounts, or extra discounts, is part of their effort to curb the unintentional stacking. If you have to buy four new releases at a mere 30% discount to trigger an 83% discount on an older product, will you do it? I won't, not unless I'm flush with cash and I really, really want all four of those new releases!

    I also think every single sales promo is testing the market. Where is the sweet spot for the customer base as a whole? Will they buy two new releases to get an 8% discount on gift cards? Will they buy a new release to get an extra 10% discount on flash sales? (As this seems to be the standard these days, I think the answer to that question was yes...) Which offer works better: Buy X new release(s) and get an extra 20%, (DAZ Maths,) discount; or Buy X new release(s) and get 60% discount, rather than 50% without the new release(s) purchase? And so on.

    Of course, the customer base is always changing: New people discovering Daz Studio who need just about everything; veteran users who have thousands of products who are more discriminating in what they'll buy, because they already have multiple versions of "everything;" and every body in between. Not to mention we all have such varied needs and tastes. Which brings me back the "meh" comment.

    If DAZ wants to require multiple purchases to trigger the higher/additional discounts for related items and/or featured artists' catalogs, they really should include more items into the promos. I'd like to see them go back to an every other day promo schedule, and essentially combine the new releases that would otherwise require two daily promos. If they create a themed promo for half of the products, then add a section titled Additional New Releases, they could include items that don't have anything to do with that theme. It would take some pressure off the marketing department to come up with a theme for disparate items that need to be released, and allow them to include items that round out the genres, making it less likely that a large protion of the customer base will think the sale is "meh." And it would condition the customer base to check out all the promos whether or not the theme appealed to them because something in the Additional New Releases could be that "something" one was looking for.

    To be honest, I don't think it will happen. DAZ has the sales figures to back up their marketing decisions. With daily sales promos happening for more than a year now, I suspect the data shows DAZ makes more money with daily sales in spite of those who think one sale or another is "meh."

    P.S. Sorry about the tome. I am a writer, after all...

    I've said more or less the same thing. I haven't checked in here for days, though - because the sales just aren't doing it for me. Too many high-ticket items that are not interesting to me required in order to get at deep discounts on items that ARE interesting to me, lately. It seems like they want your basket to be a minimum of around $25 on every purchase. I understand their desire to drive that - but I'm a guy who wants an overflowing basket for $5-$10. 

    Interestingly, I've seen a slowdown on ShareCG content too. Maybe it is seasonal. Maybe I've just got so much content now there isn't much that I really want. 

    Probably a little bit of all of these factors. 

  • WonderlandWonderland Posts: 6,780

    I think working in the marketing department at Daz would be a fascinating thing (I love marketing) and each day is a new test and they can measure results. And there is such a mixture of customers from newbies to old-timers to those in the middle who may use or prefer different generations of characters and different genres of content. It's all one big test market experiment every single day! I think that's why they have done so well, they don't stick to one marketing plan but keep it flexible and creative...

  • tj_1ca9500btj_1ca9500b Posts: 2,048
    edited April 2017

    This has been a painful week for my wallet!

    Hongyu's stuff appearing in Fast Grab was a pleasant surprise as well.

    I have a western saloon now.  I'll probably configure it diffeently (it needs more rooms upstairs) but I think I can put it to good use.

    I managed to get TerraDome 3 for less than $9 after min-maxing discounts (let it rain let it rain let it rain, plus maximizing some of the other sales).  The previous versions were also looking attractive price wise, but you have to draw a line somewhere!

    I now have a spiffy crossbow too.   Definitely an Impulse buy, it tied in with one of the sales.  It'll allow me to change some things up/not use handguns all the time, but I really didn't need it.  It was pretty and it sucked me in.

    There was a bunch of PC+ Daz Originals that I could have snagged for $1.20 (letting it rain some more), but they weren't that important to me at the moment.  Moonshine's diner adds up after you add in all of the expansions, but I won't have use for it for a bit...

    That Cheyenne Bundle, though, couldn't say no to that!  If you have any need whatsoever for Native American tribal stuff for whatever you are doing (with a Cheyenne theme), seriously, look at that pack!  Even at $1.99 (PC+ price, w/o Letting It Rain) it's a steal!

    Post edited by tj_1ca9500b on
  • L'AdairL'Adair Posts: 9,479
    edited April 2017

    Regardless of what the sales figures are telling DAZ, I'm only wishlisting items I want from the most recent sales. I simply cannot afford to purchase two items from one promo in order to get the better discounts on the older content... or gift cards. If this is the new norm, DAZ will see even less money from me; And probably the same from a lot of other customers whose circumstances don't allow for a $50+ purchase once, let alone every single day. (I've spent just over $38 this month, with all the rest of my purchases covered by store credit left over from MM!)

    ETA: Now, had I been rained on via Daz, instead of mother nature, I might have found a way to spend a bit more money this month!

    Post edited by L'Adair on
  • nicsttnicstt Posts: 11,715
    L'Adair said:

    Regardless of what the sales figures are telling DAZ, I'm only wishlisting items I want from the most recent sales. I simply cannot afford to purchase two items from one promo in order to get the better discounts on the older content... or gift cards. If this is the new norm, DAZ will see even less money from me; And probably the same from a lot of other customers whose circumstances don't allow for a $50+ purchase once, let alone every single day. (I've spent just over $38 this month, with all the rest of my purchases covered by store credit left over from MM!)

    ETA: Now, had I been rained on via Daz, instead of mother nature, I might have found a way to spend a bit more money this month!

    Sales figures are data; the problem with data, it depends on how its analysed.

  • SpottedKittySpottedKitty Posts: 7,232
    L'Adair said:

    If this is the new norm, DAZ will see even less money from me; And probably the same from a lot of other customers whose circumstances don't allow for a $50+ purchase once, let alone every single day.

    Ditto here; apart from annual PC renewals, my biggest single cart purchase in a very long time was the (intro discounted) MICK bundle a couple of weeks ago. I usually try to keep my cart under $30, and only buy goodies once a week.

  • GreybroGreybro Posts: 2,490

    There is NO %80 off on gift cards with 2 Old West Newbies. More like %10.

  • AtiAti Posts: 9,112
    Greybro said:

    There is NO %80 off on gift cards with 2 Old West Newbies. More like %10.

    That's 8%, not 80%. :)

  • Ati said:
    Greybro said:

    There is NO %80 off on gift cards with 2 Old West Newbies. More like %10.

    That's 8%, not 80%. :)

    I saw 80% at first too. Scanning across 20, then 30, then 52, then 80!!!! Wait, nope. That's just my mind hoping and playing tricks.

  • WonderlandWonderland Posts: 6,780
    L'Adair said:

    Regardless of what the sales figures are telling DAZ, I'm only wishlisting items I want from the most recent sales. I simply cannot afford to purchase two items from one promo in order to get the better discounts on the older content... or gift cards. If this is the new norm, DAZ will see even less money from me; And probably the same from a lot of other customers whose circumstances don't allow for a $50+ purchase once, let alone every single day. (I've spent just over $38 this month, with all the rest of my purchases covered by store credit left over from MM!)

    ETA: Now, had I been rained on via Daz, instead of mother nature, I might have found a way to spend a bit more money this month!

    Well, I spent a LOT for the Poser sale and combined it with the orange banner when I could and only bought a new item because it triggered the 80% off, although it was something I really wanted but would have waited for it to go on steeper sale otherwise. And I somehow managed to get the Centaur Pro bundle for free combined with a gift card and on sale G2 items, but would have wishlisted it otherwise. (It was actually $27 in my cart, but the discounts it triggered in other things and the discounts those things triggered made it actually more than free.) So we all shop in ways that work for us and Daz will have to look at the final numbers to see what works best for them financially. 

    I don't think the PAs would be happy releasing their new products for under 30% off so Daz has to figure out incentives to get us to purchase those. But if there were a wider choice of new items to choose from and they bumped up the gift card to 20% off, I'm sure there would be a surge in sales, but they're probably looking for the sweet spot where they can make the most money and they are constantly monitoring and testing our shopping habits.. There wasn't two things from each category I wanted enough to trigger either of the 8% off gift card offers but if they had said ANY 2 new items with a green banner and 20% off gift cards I would have gone for it, and I'm sure a lot more people would have too.

    Daz is very creative with their marketing, but we are also getting very creative as shoppers LOL.

  • The nice thing about the "poser" sale (I'd call it the generation 4 sale personally) was that there are Darkseal items that not only trigger the 80% they also qualified for the 80% at the same time.

  • GreybroGreybro Posts: 2,490
    Ati said:
    Greybro said:

    There is NO %80 off on gift cards with 2 Old West Newbies. More like %10.

    That's 8%, not 80%. :)

    Wow! That's so leading to the point where your eyes see what they expect!

  • WonderlandWonderland Posts: 6,780

    The nice thing about the "poser" sale (I'd call it the generation 4 sale personally) was that there are Darkseal items that not only trigger the 80% they also qualified for the 80% at the same time.

    Yeah, I noticed that too LOL. I kept the other new thing though because I did really need it and knew it would probably be a long time before it was in any sale again.

  • GreybroGreybro Posts: 2,490

    The nice thing about the "poser" sale (I'd call it the generation 4 sale personally) was that there are Darkseal items that not only trigger the 80% they also qualified for the 80% at the same time.

    Yeah, I noticed that too LOL. I kept the other new thing though because I did really need it and knew it would probably be a long time before it was in any sale again.

    Oh, THAT kind of disaapointment was a cart clearer for me. Sigh.

  • WonderlandWonderland Posts: 6,780

    But if you get 3 Darkseal items PLUS any new item, you get $15 off Daz Originals. And it seems they added new things to the Poser sale. First there were over 4,000 items, went down to around 3,200 items now up to 3,694 items. The combination of the 3 offers plus orange banner can work out really well! But PC items don't seem to count for the freebies.

  • mtl1mtl1 Posts: 1,501

    But if you get 3 Darkseal items PLUS any new item, you get $15 off Daz Originals. And it seems they added new things to the Poser sale. First there were over 4,000 items, went down to around 3,200 items now up to 3,694 items. The combination of the 3 offers plus orange banner can work out really well! But PC items don't seem to count for the freebies.

    Does anyone know what they added? I don't want to check through the entire list again :(
  • GreybroGreybro Posts: 2,490

    But if you get 3 Darkseal items PLUS any new item, you get $15 off Daz Originals. And it seems they added new things to the Poser sale. First there were over 4,000 items, went down to around 3,200 items now up to 3,694 items. The combination of the 3 offers plus orange banner can work out really well! But PC items don't seem to count for the freebies.

    Thanks for the tip, or rather, Why'd ya have to make me aware of that?

  • What happened to the Saloon Bundle? It's still in my cart but only 20% off. It's gone from the promo page and the detail page shows a 404? High Noon?

  • dragotxdragotx Posts: 1,135

    What happened to the Saloon Bundle? It's still in my cart but only 20% off. It's gone from the promo page and the detail page shows a 404? High Noon?

    ALL of the items from the Saloon bundle are gone for me for some reason

  • Apologies all, we had to disable the Saloon itesm that released today.  Enjoy the rest of the items on sale :) 

This discussion has been closed.