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I have been testing out the DIM for a few days now, just downloading and installing small batches at a time, such as F5 pro Bundle, Young Teens Pro Bundle, etc, by matching the files to be downloaded with my previously dloaded and sorted backups. I am impressed with the speed of both dloads and installs. Only had two failed downloads so far, out of nearly 400, so that can't be bad! :)
I decided to go the 'uninstall existing files' route and to install to the new default directory (but bit by bit, as I identified what files I would use the DIM for next) and had to reinstall a lot of them first via the old method in order to get uninstallers, since I don't normally allow the installers to create them. This process worked okay physically, not really taking too much extra time, and meant I could check exactly what I was doing (still like to be somewhat in control!) I like to see what is happening in DS after installs and uninstalls, so regularly open up the program in between.
The only thing I find (very) irritating is the fact that the Content Database process doesn't seem to automatically remove links in Smart Content when a product is uninstalled, so I get lots of yellow exclamation marks which link to deleted directories. Checking the box to clear orphaned links in the Content Database Management usually doesn't seem to work, even when repeated several times. Removing 'My Library' (where the majority of my newer DS content is installed) from mapped content and then adding it back works in a limited way for some things but not others, even after the products have been reinstalled by the DIM (to the new default directory). Sometimes, if I 're-categorize' a wrongly linked reinstalled item back to the original category it will appear properly in Smart Content, but not always.
The only procedure that seems to be reliable is to reset the database and then re-import metadata (after exporting user data first), but obviously this is time-consuming if, like me, you like to do things gradually so you can check whether things have in fact installed correctly, and where they have been installed to. I had hoped that I would not have to follow this procedure every time I reinstall previously installed content (and with nearly 5000 items still available to dload that is a lot of irritation and frustration!)
I am using DS 4.5 Pro, not the latest release, but, on WinVista 64bit. Is anyone else experiencing this problem? Has the Content Manager service become more reliable in the version, by any chance? Can anyone suggest any other work-arounds (other than doing it in one big lump!)? I really like how the DIM works and would like to use it to manage at least most of my newer content, but I have several very large runtimes containing content from many sources which I have organized myself over the years. I realise that Smart Content can be much more convenient and means that you don't necessarily need to physically reorganize files, and I love it when it works properly - I would just like the process to be a bit more accurate for uninstalled files. ;)
Hope I've explained things well enough and would be grateful for any helpful suggestions.
There has been a bug report done on the clear orphan. Myself and another mod were testing something and came across it. You have to use the right click on it and select clear orphan. As far as the failed downloads. You just need to download again. Occasionally one will fail when your doing a bunch at once and as some as you try again it goes through normally. I just did 640 the other night all at once and didn't have a failure. I have however had failures before. DAZ had stated that you need to reset your database before adding the new location to your library.
I admit I have only just heard of DIM, so forgive me if I have this wrong.
As far as I understand it, instead of us just having all our old installer files kept somewhere, this DIM will connect up with the DAZ store, re-download all your purchased content, put it in the right places and keep track of it.
But surely most (if not all of us) buy content from many sources. The DAZ shop is only one. So what will happen to all the content that isn't from DAZ?
The DAZ Install Manager is only intended to download and install DAZ content.
DAZ have already explained that it cannot be done for other stores.
You have to install zips from other store the way you would normally install the zips. DIM does not support outside brokerage zips. There is different information included with and in the zips that make it work with DIM.
It was explained somewhere why it will not work. DIM works from your itemised order History, can you see other stores giving DAZ 3D that sort of access to their customers order history ?
Sertorial, since DIM won't touch your third-party content, you can continue using it just as you have been up to now. Alternatively, as some people have chosen to do, if you're using DIM to reinstall your DAZ content, you can take the opportunity to (manually) reinstall third-party content too, and/or move it from its current location to the install location DIM is using.
Ok, thanks. Sorry for the dual post there (I found this thread after I had posted there).
To be honest, my runtime is a right mess. Much of the content doesn't work or is installed to the wrong directory, or both. never did figure out where stuff is meant to go. I know it's in My Library\Runtime.. but below that there seems to be a mass of directories some named after manufacturers, some called geometries, some called textures. I get loads of errors when I try to load content. Usually it doesn't work.
Well then you should like DIM. It installs everything exactly where it's meant to go.
Yeah, but only with content purchased from DAZ :(
So IF you decide to use DIM, you have a choice:
1. Set up separate runtimes for DAZ and non-DAZ content (not fact this is what would happen by default, since DIM installs stuff to a new location). You'll have a cleaned-up runtime for DAZ content, and a messy-but-familiar runtime for non-DAZ content. This is what I have chosen to do, at least for now.
2. Let DIM do its thing, and then do some organizing of your other content, to get everything neatly structured within the same place.
There is a third choice...have DIM install stuff to the content location you're already using--but it's not recommended.
Yeah, but only with content purchased from DAZ :(
If the other stuff bought from othere store doesn't work, I'd be tempted to treat that as a lesson in itself ;)
Thanks, but I don't think I'll bother with DIM
I think it could. Many external drives are not as fast as an internal drive. It would also depend on the transport method. For example, USB 3 is faster than USB 2. But this is normal computer stuff, nothing to do with DIM (I haven't touched it yet).
I wouldn't do that. I seem to remember even DAZ advises to keep the new DIM-installed content in its own folder structure for best results.
Why give yourself more headaches?
Thanks for the quick reply, Frank! :)
I'm sure I tried right clicking on a number of orphans in smart content tab, but there didn't seem to be a 'clear orphan' option, nor anything else relating to the database. Do you mean right click somewhere else? Yes, I did re-download them, the next day, since they didn't work several times in the first session. I have reset the database several times now, each time I've installed another batch of products with DIM - I was hoping that I wouldn't have to keep doing it (can't remember if I reset it before adding the new location). I don't like to download and install hundreds of files at one time, since I can't then easily check whether they've installed correctly. Also I like to keep the installers and organise them into their own folder categories, by content type, before archiving them for back-up, though I know you can just tell DIM to delete them now.
In Win7: C:\Users\Public\Documents\DAZ 3D\InstallManager\UserAccounts
Many thanks. Entry found and deleted and am now able to login without problems.
Look at my Hair plugin is not showing up in my downloads for the dim.
Thanks for the quick reply, Frank! :)
I'm sure I tried right clicking on a number of orphans in smart content tab, but there didn't seem to be a 'clear orphan' option, nor anything else relating to the database. Do you mean right click somewhere else? Yes, I did re-download them, the next day, since they didn't work several times in the first session. I have reset the database several times now, each time I've installed another batch of products with DIM - I was hoping that I wouldn't have to keep doing it (can't remember if I reset it before adding the new location). I don't like to download and install hundreds of files at one time, since I can't then easily check whether they've installed correctly. Also I like to keep the installers and organise them into their own folder categories, by content type, before archiving them for back-up, though I know you can just tell DIM to delete them now.
Are you trying to remove the orphan from within the smart content panel or the actual content library. It needs to be from the content library if I'm not mistaken.
Wow 75%? I've found some bad metadata, but only about 4%.
I've found a number of products (vehicles) that have the pilot poses only in the Poser version, which I've been reporting.
Thanks for the quick reply, Frank! :)
I'm sure I tried right clicking on a number of orphans in smart content tab, but there didn't seem to be a 'clear orphan' option, nor anything else relating to the database. Do you mean right click somewhere else? Yes, I did re-download them, the next day, since they didn't work several times in the first session. I have reset the database several times now, each time I've installed another batch of products with DIM - I was hoping that I wouldn't have to keep doing it (can't remember if I reset it before adding the new location). I don't like to download and install hundreds of files at one time, since I can't then easily check whether they've installed correctly. Also I like to keep the installers and organise them into their own folder categories, by content type, before archiving them for back-up, though I know you can just tell DIM to delete them now.
I do the same, archiving the zips in separate folders after installing.
"Remove Orphaned References" is in the Content Library options menu under "Content DB Maintenance".
Most plugins aren't in the DIM downloads yet.
I suspect that we are beta testing the content as much as we're beta testing the program. If it all pulls together and DAZ don't drop the ball, then based on my (fairly minimal) experience with it so far, it should be wonderful when it's finished :D
Are you trying to remove the orphan from within the smart content panel or the actual content library. It needs to be from the content library if I'm not mistaken.
I've been using the remove orphans option in the context menu for the actual content library. There are no product icons there for me to right-click on, since they have been uninstalled, so I was confused about what you were right-clicking on.....thought you might have meant the icons in the smart content panel. I'm still not sure what you are right-clicking, Frank, sorry for the confusion. Not very good at explaining myself. :)
I hope user who want to use same folda which content have been installed for DIM,
not see many trouble ^^;
even though I unisntall one by one items by ds uninstaller
after that install only 4.5 items by DIM on same directory,,(
I find many duplciate product , and orphan files.
it is because I made many original meta-data for items which daz have not offered yet.
and DIM make some wrong meta-data , or only make catgory not meta-data.
I know there must be more safety and simple way to keep meta-data ,
and not merge new prodcut data by DIm, but I missed it.
so that manually corrected each orphan files (need to use "remove orhpah files"
on each product ) and about some product,
remove meta-data,, then improt meta-data again,,,
I know DAZ recommend to use new directory for DIM .
so if use DIM with same HD (not daz recommend default location),,
I recommend make another folda for DIM in HD (or volume)
eg Mylibrary and newlibrary ,then install items newlibrary by DIM
and change user default directory to newliblrary in ds.
after that uninstall items which you need not any more by uninstaller
one by one ^^;
I do the same, archiving the zips in separate folders after installing.
"Remove Orphaned References" is in the Content Library options menu under "Content DB Maintenance".
Thanks Mike. Yes, I know it is there and have been using that. Was just wondering if there was another way to do this, since Frank mentions right-clicking on something and choosing clear orphans - couldn't find where it was possible to do that. Didn't explain myself very well, lol! that remove orphaned references option doesn't seem to work very well most of the time, and that was the reason for my original query. Seems the only way to completely clear the orphans is to reset the database and re-import metadata - I've had to do this several times already, since I am uninstalling small batches of files at a time, then reinstalling with the DIM. Makes the whole process more time-consuming than it should be.