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How would I know which version I get with this DIM downloader? For the products from the last few months there's no readme in the zip nor a link to the readme online.
So I'm supposed to go online, search for the readme and then I know if and when something is updated? Or completely rely on a program and don't have any control over it?
Love, Jeanne
The DIM only knows what IT has installed. If any product that the DIM has installed is updated, it will appear at the very top of the list under Updated Products, is that what you mean?
You can rely on the program IMO, it has already updated products that I installed using it. The program can be set up the way that suits you best. The readme's have been updated recently, and you can view them online, but I am happy to rely on the DIM to inform me, it is a much better system than we ever had before.
Documentation Centre Readme's :
There's a link right from DIM that goes to the product's online readme, which contains the version number. Even the recent products have this link (and yes, it works, at least the ones I've tried)
So even if you're not using most of DIM's functionality, you can still use it to quickly find readmes.
Thanks Scott, I had completely missed that, it is a little 'Information' icon for each product. The DIM is an excellent piece of software for DAZ Studio users, and customers of DAZ 3D in general.
Thank you Jimmy and Scott for answering so quickly :)
Of course, it's that little "i" that always, at least most of the times, stands for "information" DUH! How could I have missed it.:red:
I never ever relied totally on a program without having any kind of control over it..... hmmmm, maybe I should go into therapy :lol:
But with all the glitches lately here I think I'll wait a little bit before surrendering. For now it does the downloads really fast and one big advantage is IMHO I don't have to reset the whole bundle to get me one item out of it. :)
Love, Jeanne
The thing is I only want one content folder and one runtime. If I have more I will never be able to find anything.
If I only had one runtime I would never find anything.
Same here and sometimes I still can't find what I'm looking for, usually because I get sidetracked by finding something else that I had forgotten about
Yeah, everyone is different. I am an old school user and that was all we had. SO I got used to that and stick with it. It is pretty much what I do with my general filing system at work too. It works for me. Not for all. But I really don't want to "Look here for new content because DAZ changed it all again" folder.
As I indicated in an earlier post I am not able to login to DIM. The pop up says ‘unable to login to the specified account’. I have double checked the email address and the password (which does not include any any non alpha-numeric characters).
I uninstalled DIM and reinstalled it but when I open the login screen the email address and the password now appears in the Account field. I imagine that this is the result of a registry entry not cleared during the uninstall process - does anyone know whereabouts in the registry (or User files) this info is liable to be lurking.
In Win7: C:\Users\Public\Documents\DAZ 3D\InstallManager\UserAccounts
Where is this link? I've looked hi and lo and I'm sure it's staring me right in the face but I cannot find it.
It's the circled letter 'i' next to the download button.
Just click the circled "i" icon towards the right side of the screen for the product you want.
Thanks, Murgatroyd & Coldrake - that was simple enough. How'd I miss that one!?
It's easy to do. :-) Usually whenever I get new software I click on everything to see what it does.
I have been downloading for 6.5 hours now and have only gotten 82 in my ready to install section and still have 480 to go. So far I have had 5 that say download failed. My question is on those downloads that fail do I just click the button and they will go back into the queue and download at the end as |I did click them but nothing happened.
Sometimes the files will install the second time, if you click on them in Ready to Install. If not, then you can right click and delete the installer. It will automatically go back in the Ready to Download list and you can redownload and try again.
Yes, I think they get added to the end of the queue, but haven't tried it.
And up to now you didn't hit the self-destruction button?
Okay, so i am going to redownload everything, 1282 files it says, but I have no idea what do i download? i see DS, Ps, Poser CF, Studio CF, and Legacy after file names and i am lost. Example, I have Air Bike, Air Bike DS, and Air Bike PoserCF and City Ruins Building 01 DS and City Ruins Building 01 Ps. I was just getting use to the core file names. I am using the current Daz 4.5 Pro. Can someone point me in the right direction?
Thank you.
*** Update, i think i figured it out......... under download filter, do i only select 4.5?
Yes :)
You really need to read the readme file, and also watch the YouTube videos for the DIM.
If you are only using DS4.5, then there is a little gear symbol at the top right hand side of the DIM, click on it, and go to Downloads as shown below. Just click on the files that you need, I have mine set to DS4.5
On your download tab, at the top, there's a button called 'download filters'. Click on it and presents a list of versions. Only check Studio 4.5 and the DIM will sort it out for you.
(Assuming you are installing everything into one place).
For example, if you select only Studio 4.5, it will present you with Air Bike DS and omit both Air Bike and Air Bike PoserCF.
Air Bike is the Studio Legacy file (works in 4.0 too), Air Bike DS is the DSON file (the choice for 4.5 users and one to import into Poser). Air Bike PoserCF is the companion file for Poser only that helps get the most out of the import (or something).
The installer sorts it out.
(Not that it can't make a mistake, but it's been pretty good about all this)
You shouldn't get the Poser Ccompanion Files if you only check to receive DS4.5, they are not needed.
Out of curiosity has anyone noticed download congestion as more and more people start downloading entire libraries? If not, then kudos to DAZ. But I suspect that it could sometimes be like sucking a Wendy's Frosty through a cocktail straw. 8-o
I think that effect is happening, but it's being diluted because so many products aren't available to DIM yet - so those doing careful "library-by-library" installs aren't downloading as much as they might, for example.
And there are different timezones ...
I left mine downloading allnight and still have 300+ files to go...does it make a difference if you are d/l to an external h/d?