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Well, patience has less stigma than the 's' word lol
DON'T say the s... word!
*goes to her knees and begs*
It's coming zoon!
LOL Zoon
OH yes it is. :) (Jack knows I am joking..I hope)lol.. yea, you're ok ;)
I'm ok..well that is a matter of opinion.:) As the Monty Python song goes (which was wriiten for me) "It's good to be an idiot"
lol.. yea, you're ok ;)
We are just responsible for stroking his ego ... for everything else he's got a wife.
lol.. yea, you're ok ;)
We are just responsible for stroking his ego ... for everything else he's got a wife.
lol!... you guys!
My guess is that FB is using Reality, not Luxus. The problem isn't with Luxrender, it's with how Luxus translates certain Daz materials into Luxrender materials.
However, "problem" is too strong a word, because I got it working!
For this one, I applied Luxrender matte to the entire mech and (the key) checked "Copy Studio Parameters". No idea why this step wasn't required with the Walled City, but at this point, I don't care! I suppose that after this test render is done I'll go in and change a few parts (cockpit window to glass, perhaps), but right now I'm thrilled!
I had tried this before, but I added the texture map to the "right hip" of the mech, and then rendered a close-up of the left hip. :red:
For this one, I applied Luxrender matte to the entire mech and (the key) checked "Copy Studio Parameters". No idea why this step wasn't required with the Walled City, but at this point, I don't care! I suppose that after this test render is done I'll go in and change a few parts (cockpit window to glass, perhaps), but right now I'm thrilled!
Glad to hear you got it working ok!
That test render looks pretty kick-ass.. I can't wait to see it when it's fully 'baked'.. :)
“Copy Studio Parameters”. will copy the texture and bump maps etc from the Daz Studio surface channels to the Luxus surface settings in the Surface Pane. Look toward the bottom of the surface pane and will see the maps have been transfered. :)
...how about a bridge over patient waters?
...hmm that might work for West Park... ;-)
Jack, is there an East Park version of Parkside High Recess? Some of the pictures on the Parkside High Poses page seem to indicate that there is, but I can't seem to find it.
I don't think there is Chris sadly, no..
Got to post an images every now and then,
Just make up your own story that goes with it! ^_-
...nice use of GIS. Have to get that sometime.
More into the "DataCrash Apocalypse" style of D-F than far futuristic. Though I'd love to have some of those sleek 1940s/50s rocket ships.
Jack, ever consider doing rocket ships?
Nice artwork Peter and nice to see you popping in more these days. Hope things are well for you and the family.
Thanks Pete, the family is well and I got a new job, crew manager in a small construction firm, mostly renovating old houses, very interesting work, but I have also discovered a lot of muscles I have never known! After years of administrative work it is hard to get used to the more physical part of earning some money! ^_^
Nice image Akhbour - and congrats on the new job :)
I think I did one years back.. might have to try digging it out!
...unfortunately, I have to remain a "data pusher" as my advancing arthritis makes many more "physical" tasks difficult at best.
Jack, I finally got round to installing the Platea bundle I picked up a couple of days ago and have one "problem" - the ReadMe for Platea Fallen has a dead link to an explanatory pdf, which is supposedly also inside the product downloads but is missing from the DSON Core zip downloaded through tbe DIM. Can the link in the online ReadMe be fixed please, or do you have an alternative source for the pdf? (The one for Platea itself is also missing from the DIM download, but luckily the link in the online ReadMe works so I got a copy there and found it very helpful).
Actually you've cost me a small fortune this week - I also picked up Kingdom of Marrakesh, Marrakesh Souks and Invetero - and I'm delighted (though poorer). If your store turns up in MM again (?) I might even have to cave in and pick up the last few I don't have! (Up to now I avoided your larger sets because I was working on a laptop with only 4GB memory and DS churns very slowly there, but I acquired a new desktop fairly recently and Platea and Invetero work very smoothly, so now Anderson Hall, The Library and Sacrament are on the cards too....) Keep up the great work, love your stuff, even if my bank balance is less keen. :)
1002 nights was yours (as RHS) wasn't it, Jack? Comes out quite nicely in LuxRender: http://fav.me/d5yqic0
My latest PCI entry -- used Jack's Modern Living 1, Indigites Dii (wearing Indigitamenta), and Classic Deco (wearing Upper East Side). DS4.5Pro render, postwork in GIMP. Larger version in my deviantART gallery here -- thanks, Jack!
Checking the Weather-App
...OK here it is. The first pic created and rendered on the new workstation. As simple test, but as it uses Jack's Shelter (and I haven't posted anything new on this thread for quite some time) I feel the first showing should be here.
Title: ooooohh its c-c-c-cold out here
I'm having trouble with the A.M.S. RT-05. The attachement below shows a spot render in Lux...as you can see, the textures aren't coming through. SphericLabs seems to think this is because the mech uses a custom shader that Luxus' auto translate isn't able to figure out.
As this is my first post here, in order to stick with the spirit of the thread I would like to say that this is a really great model...really hoping I can figure out how to make in work in Lux, I've got an idea for a really cool scene I'd like to do!
I've seen this and it is a bug in Luxus I think, with specularity sometimes. You need to turn it down to around 15% for items where you have a specularity map.
I've had this with some different items, but nothing that isn't easy to fix.
Really great piece of art!
Hey - thanks for the kind words. Welcome to the JAS too, be sure to post a render when you're ready :)
Not sure what happened to the readme, but here's a link for now until I can get DAZ to fix it: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/33068996/Platea_Fallen_Readme.pdf
Regarding my store coming up again - honestly, I have no idea. I hope so though, especially if there are still people like yourself eyeing up some content ;) so stay tuned!