Back up the infinite staircase
Jack Tomalin said:
Are you going to make us some Escher buildings then?
Post edited by Chohole on
This discussion has been closed.
Oh we still split the threads in the new forums?
Whiskeys all round!
Whoo-hoo! Happy Hundred everybody!
But that's a good question -- fun as this is, why are topics still being restarted after 100 pages? I thought that was one of the issues that moving to the new store/forum software was supposed to fix.
Well, do you trust the new system to be robust enough to handle a multi-hundred page thread?
You don't want us to answer that one, do you Richard? ;)
We're in the danger-zone now.. brace yourselves peeps! lol
I saw a thread in this new forum hit 141 pages so look at it as a soccer game (or football as we call the real game here in Europe where we do play it with the feet), we're on overtime ;-)
Since the last thread ended with talking of drinking, why stop now? I'll take a Gimlet. And a Gimlet is gin and lime juice, don't let any bartenders tell you different!* And if they pour it in a tumbler over ice, instead of shaking it, then they are no bartender at all...
Mmm... Gimlets...
*Vodka has it's place, but it ain't in a gimlet.
Reminds me of a Barmaid I used to work with, her tipple was Gin. Gin with anything, but usually more gin.
She told us that when she passed on there would be no need to bury her, she was already so pickled she would last for ever and we could just stand her up in the corner and no one would notice the difference,
I actually don't drink that often, I just know what I like. :-)
Whoo-hoo! Happy Hundred everybody!
But that's a good question -- fun as this is, why are topics still being restarted after 100 pages? I thought that was one of the issues that moving to the new store/forum software was supposed to fix.
Well, do you trust the new system to be robust enough to handle a multi-hundred page thread?
Fair point. :shut:
So, here we are in the new topic, JACK TOMALIN APPRECIATION SOCIETY [JAS IV]. JAS IV? Hmmmm, good idea, right into the bloodstream -- mainline a pint of Jack. ;-P
Oh, don't get me wrong, she didn't drink often, only during working hours. She had a half pint glass permanently on the corner of the bar, and the level in it never varied much. :roll: The level in the gin optic did go down, but I mean to say, we were a pub, there were customers around, and I am sure some of them must have drunk Gin.
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaand here we are.
IV.. love it! Yea, right into the bloodstream, it's quicker that way...
something special about a thread with a IV in it i feel, My little green box thread is only on it's 2nd hundred, hmm i should probably pop in more often ;)
Congratulations *raises a glass* tho not of Gin :D
*raises glass*
I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I just want to celebrate . . . ~sorry folks I really do try to sing on key~
Another party is in order
Yea, we need a thread-warming party!
I have cookies, *hands round large plate of cookies*
I have a big turkey waiting to be cooked up. Sorry I'm all out of booze though.
you're all mad...stark raving bonkers...
I read that as Szark raving bonkers. Must need some glasses. :roll:
*noms cookies* (^.^)
Szark raving bonkers? ... oh noes, the secret is out! ;-) ;-) :P
Just wanted to jump in and say how much I love your stuff, Jack - just bought all the GIS models and the outfit as well. Really looking forward to trying them out. Thank you for all your hard work! :)
[Raises a virtual Newcastle Ale, and toasts.] :lol:
Yay to a new thread! When I opened the link to the previous JAS-thread, it was a "Couldn't find thread"-warning in red. Probably a newish post before the thread was surgically separated by le moderateur.
Ohhhh, any chocolate? Huh? Huh? I NEED MY CHOCOLATE FIX!!! :ahhh:
I think I can sort that with wifey's latest batch of chocolate brownies! :)
Yeah thanks cho and MFM for that...I was laughing so much yesterday I could think of a worthy riposte and I still can't. :P But yes it wouldn't be far from the truth...It is all Jack's fault. Before I meet Jack I was quite sane. ;)
Hide the chocolate
~GASP~ I always thought you were my friend Pete! Hide the chocolate indeed!! ~Hmmmph~
It's always my fault! ;)
~GASP~ I always thought you were my friend Pete! Hide the chocolate indeed!! ~Hmmmph~I am that is why I said hide them...I am saving you from yourself.....
...ok truth is want the chocs all to myself. :)
Could always hide the chocolate IN Miss B ;-).
I turn my attention to RL and you all go nuts!
Seeing Miss B chasing Pete across Jacks quiet little local pub screaming for chocolate is just too much.
Counting everyone in... 1.2.3 ....12.14!
Bartender give me 14 glasses of whiskey, they best whiskey you have!
(turning to you guys)
Now you can order ;-)