Darwins' Schtuff
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Thank you very much!
Sooo...since Llynara asked- here is Parker's morphs with Lucian dialed out, and Gianni dialed in 100%:
Holy Wow.....
That works for me lol. I don't really like Lucien but I like the way this guy looks both with the regular Gen3 Male and most definitely with Gianni.
humina humina I am so drooling after I see Parker with Gianni dialed into him!!!!!!!
So chizeled so hunky mmmmmmmmmm ............. I think I have to go shower now OMG
WOW. Get Parker's booty into the store. Thanks for showing Gen3M and Gianni.
Apparently he looks good with anything. Now find a mix that doesn't look good. I dare ya!
lol- well, I coooould mix him with Ivan. Hm.
while I'm mixing and matching while working on texture seams- here's the start of the second eyebrow set. I rendered this before I started tweaking the skins.:
Ok-I'm amused. I'm not adding Kimo because..wow...bad at 100 percent, and I've got work to do. So, here my morph and skins are with Ivan at 100% and HD, and M7 at 100%. Now, I go back to work. ;)
OMG, Darwin! You're going to give me a heart attack. Wow, he looks amazing with Gianni dialed in. He really looks great with just about any combination. Except maybe Ivan, but Ivan is what he is. I'm too scared to ask what he might look like with George blended in, LOL.
But seriously, you really outdid yourself on Parker. Great job! Can't wait to take him home too. I think I have most of your guys now. They're all having a party in my runtime. LOL
PS The second brow set looks nice. Adds some interesting character to him.
Aw, thank you!!
I'm testing out brow two atm with updated maps. I'll post that in the morning before work. I'm glad you're having fun with them..don't let'em cause too much trouble! ;)
I may have to work those brows a bit more, but there's the tester:
gonna toss him into a new scene and different lights- time to see how his skin reacts to different settings. I'll be working on his nails, those second brows, and the third set while tweaking the normal maps, his bumps and such after adding the veins. Then, seam checking and junk work (anatomical elements) before moving on. I probably won't be on too much after tonight but here and there to possibly answer questions or toss in test renders. ;) family things to do as well this weekend!
Eyebrows are looking good! I know how it is trying to balance creative time, work and family time.
Take care, and looking forward to seeing these guys in the store!
Last one for a while- Same skin, different lighting.
Beautiful, in the most masculine way. I have Jepe's new bedding all ready for him whenever he decides to move into my runtime, LOL
*fans self and goes off to render some other hotties*
Well, glad I could inspire. ;)
Actually get to work on him tonight- so I'm adding veins and tweaking those nails of his, and added a thrid brow set. Gonna see how this looks before fiddling with the second brow option a bit more.
Teaser of the third eyebrow options, updated skin shaders and fixed normal/bump maps so his beard and brows aren't imbedded. Oh-different lighting, too. Still rendering this one out before moving on.
Your attention to detail is amazing. He is so lifelike and the eyebrows look well done. Do you use a lot of photo references? I don't know how you do it. But I know how I am with words, I just get in there and keep tweaking. I'm guessing it's similar with creating 3D models. It's really fun to see how your figures change and evolve as they get closer to completion. Thanks for giving us a window into your creative process. ;)
Ah, thank you. I have merchant resources, which use photo resources, as well as my own photo resources. I paint details onto maps as well (diffuse, bump, displacement sometimes). My goal is eventually see how a entirely painted texture would look--when I can get to that point.
I wasn't so sure people were gonna stop in and visit, but I am glad you are enjoying! I appreciate that.
Oh- finished render. Time to get to work on his anatomical stuff. No previews for those...;)
Wow his skin looks great and I love the eyebrows. Great work!
I really like that last set of eyebrows.
Thank you. I like 1 and 3 the best, but leaning towards 1 for the base selection. Maybe because it was the one I started off with. lol
Rendering tattoos atm. ;)
This is one of the chest tattoos (there is a choice of color or b/w) that I made. This one is special to me. My baby brother was born this month, and passed in December by way of suicide at 27. I survived my attempt in high school, he made sure he wouldn't. This isn't political, or religious. It is what it is. A tribute that I'm putting on Parker.
One arm tat- need to work this one more (placement and such)
So very sorry to hear that! What a beautiful tribute to your brother. Glad you stuck around :)
BTW- My first novel, Crazy in the Heart, is about a suicide survivor. He is the hero of my entire Midwest romantic comedy series and is based on Job. He's actually why I am here in 3D land. Couldn't find any pictures for the book cover, so had to make him instead! He's too special to just use a stock photo! A friend created the first cover and I'm redoing it in preparation for the print release next month.
PS Both tats are interesting. The reflected trees are very neat. Looks like a guitar from a distance. Gotta love that!
One of those heart-stopping, OMG he's so hot type of renders! :) I love that the one brow has a slight imperfection and they aren't symmetrical. They look great and very realistic.
As for the anatomical bits, you do a great job there. I'm sorely tempted to see how they look on G2M now that I have the script to do that because G2M's anatomical bits are so much better as far as geometry and posing go than G3M's bits.
Thank you. I actually got into this as well trying to get characters from stories that I and my s/o wrote together envisioned. lol
You got the idea- the trees and reflections make a guitar. I'm going to make it a bit smaller and angle it better along the arm. That was the first tester. This other one; I'm not sure I like the color splash behind it so I'll test out just the tat without.
Thank you! I have no idea how they'd look, honestly. Don't have that script.