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This remeber me some fantasy characters that i've purchased for V4 years ago, only for their skin texture whit freckles
Hmm... buying V4 characters solely for their skin textures, sound familiar.
Of course I wasn't even planing to use them on V4.
Texture Converter 2 and the A3 addon where very good purchases.
I have recently bought the 'V3 Generation 2' Character. Been trying to get it to work as a TriAx character, and have been struggling a bit to get the other V3 obj files in and work the morphs properly. Not sure why. Think I may have to write a little program to transfer the shaping morphs I want from a GV3 base obj file to a V3 base obj file. That way I'll be able to get the GV3 specific morphs to act as deltas on the V3 base without messing up other features. At the moment mixing two GV3 based morphs doubles up on the GV3 body morph, and it doesn't look good!
Anyway, for fun just got a TriAx GV3 image with a G8F cocktail dress. I bought SickelYield's G8F V3 clothing autofit clone and used Catherine's tutorial on G9-G8F clone creation to go create a G8F->V3 one that's a bit better than my V3 pose clone. That helps fit the dress more easily.
Yeah, 3DL doesn't do strand based hair too well.
I don't think I'm going to be done with TriAx GV3 for a while. Just need to deal with some of the less good joint rigging. However, in the meantime..
Having been caught by the current in her boat and dragged over a waterfall, Vicky needed a way out. Upstream, a waterfall impossible to climb, downstream another killer fall. With rains coming and a gorge too narrow for rescue, the best chance of survival was to climb the side of a slippery gorge without rope or backpack. No point in panicking, just climb. Take time to plant every foot, look and feel for each handhold. Must be careful, be cautious, be safe on this dangerous way out.
Joint issues are visible at the glutes and knee. Hair is Goldtassel's Dragonfly hair. Clothing is Fredel's freebie Retro Heroine set recoloured to be less black. Gorge by Andrey Prestriacov, and I forgot the origin of the boat.
Another using some older stuff I have that's been sorely under used:
TriAx GV3 with Jim Burton's Cheongsam for GV3, in the Wisteria tunnel. Been meaning to use this much more than I have. Hair is Linday's Classic Blowout hair.
I've been trying to make the character's hands and fingers rather more slender using yScale=zScale = 90%. However, when I do, the hands actually EXPAND, and contract when I use a scale of 110%, though the fingers expand as well with a scale > 100%. It's somewhat nuts. May have to try to create a 'Slender Hands' morph instead.
In the last days of the Mad March sales there were come very old V3 face material sets up for sale ( and ). Now, those old sets tend not to look good when the 3DL files are rendered in Iray, so I've gone through the lot and created a number of Iray material settings after simply plugging the textures into the correct surface materials in my Iray base V3 material. One or two of the 512x512px tip images actually came out rather well, as shown below with GV3 & Las Vegas Hair.
American Gothic Makeup:
Eyes Green:
If anyone has the sets in their correct Poser locations & would like a copy of my material settings and .duf.png/.tip.png images only, I'm happy to upload said material settings. I will say V3 has a HUGE number of surface material groups and it's a significant pain in the bottom to untick all the surfaces not being saved for each setting.
UltraScenery and a lovely sunny day. Definitely right for a Glamorous Victoria 3.
Once again I have the Millenium Dragon, but this time with two instances of my TriAx GV3. One on the dragon being flamboyant, the other racing away trying not to have a starring role in the Sunday roast...
Some lovely pictures. Ultrascene is such a nice product. You inspire us all to break out those old models.
Thank you, Dolly Girl. There is no real technical reason to stop old models looking as good as freshly minted models. It's usually a matter of new shaders.
However, with models as old as V3, something extra is needed to help. The amount of clothing available seems to be reducing as time goes by, so I do think it's worth taking the time to create a TriAx/General Weight mapped version with autofit clones to open access to a wider range of clothing.
The modern clothing is usually more detailed and fits well with the aid of smoothing modifiers, frequently better than the old stuff, and new hair is brilliant in comparison to the old. It's unfortunate that the new hair doesn't always work properly when auto-fitted to the old characters. However the older hairs are still polygonal hair, and good modern shaders for polygonal hair can be used to improve the old stuff where the shape, style and versatility warrants the effort. It's a matter of taking the best from the past and mixing it with modern stuff where appropriate.
UltraScenery is a game changer. Another really useful range of tools to have appeared over the years is the ability to use poses from other generations by way of a script. I tend to use my own, but there are other freebies and paid for ones. The poses found for G3 onwards seem to have had a great deal of care in their creation (which I often don't think was there with many of the earlier poses) and being able to use that care on the older generation figures helps a lot with getting the pose close to where you need it even with V3's rigging limitations. Having said that, today I have been using a few of Jim Burton's old V3 poses, and they were good enough to convert to G8 so I can make them more widely available to my characters. There are only a few, but they really impressed me.
On Golden Pond Stream.
An experiment with TriAx GV3, a G8F pose (which didn't really work as well as I'd hoped) and UltraScenery 2. Overall the image feels like it's at the end of a golden summer.
Well we can now use Genesis era clothes/hair on legacy figures. So what can we do about skin textures?
Probably have to model up the type of Geografts or geoshells produced by people like Cayman Studios to use G9 textures on G8F/M. The alternative UV's would have to be created too.
The greografts/shells would be non-shareable as they are derived works. However, if it could be done in a free modeller that keeps a full step-by-step session file, then that could be shared and simply re-run the session file. As it happens, I have written such a modeller, and an example severely shortened segment of a session file is:
The alternative UV's would be a problem.
Hmm. Maybe not so much if you have SY's V3/V4 clones for G8F/M, as the G8 could be morphed to the V3/V4 shape, export as obj. Then it should be possible to transfer those UV's to a V3/V4 shape. If there is no currently available program to do it, it wouldn't be impossible to write one. This bit couldn't be shared, but the instructions/program could be.
Yeah, programing not my thing.
It's too bad that Texture Converter and Texture Transformer are both gone. Too little demand and too many texture sets to stay on top of.
I guess I kinda did that 17-15 years ago when support for A3 fell off, not that I have a lot to show for it yet.
Warm weather means a little dip in the water, this means GV3 is getting wet.
My Aiko 3 interpretation of Dejah Thoris, which I described in detail here...
..suspiciously glances at her throne that comes from this package...
...which I modified. Basically, I gave some material zones a bit more of a copper hue and I hid the Egyptian styled sigil above the throne, positioning a sphere mapped with the infamous "canals" astromer Percival Lowell believed he saw upon Mars.