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The two characters on the left are creepy in the extreme.
I'm amazed you got the dork to look like anything. I tried a few times in P4 & simply gave up. I'm.. yes, 'amazed' is the right word.
Those two are still cute. They are not in their original textures may look better in them. I was going for a grey world look, asTim Burton did in The Nightmare before Christmas. Arduino did some awesome work with the early figures Posette, Victoria, Mike and Dork. This image of Ms Olympia is Micheal 2. She is based off of the real Ms. Olympia 2001, Juliette Bergman. His work and freebies are located here: Ms Olympia (
He did a good job.
I was going through this thread and Richard you used a set of textures on your V3 that you could no longer find. I found them. They are called The Monster's Mate by eyehole and are here: and here:
I just remember seeing them when I was looking for V2 stuff and a good guess on the name.
Thank you very much for the links. I'm looking forward to using them the next time I dust off V3.
Developing the dragonfire image a bit further - adding a little green skinny goblin (G9 Nala) and a nice flammable US Australia environment. I suspect I need to add a horde of Pixies for TriAx GV3 to be defending herself from with her blue swordfire.
In the latest sales/ freebies I managed to pick up V3 Rianne for $2.99. I wanted to see if I could add another V3 character morph to my TriAx GV3 model, and chose the one I thought looked interesting. Well, it came as a revelation as to how nice she was, and then I loaded the textures manually into my Iray/Uber material set (must find how to do it by script - there are a lot of material zones in V3). Then I added the morph to TriAx GV3, saved the base character and started to set up a scene.
Clothing from G3F (Ironman13 'Modern Cow Girl Outfit for G3F') and the A Frame Cabin an Advent Calendar $2.99 item. Scenery UltraScenery Britain and a volumetric cloud decorating the sky.
I absolutely adore the flexibility now available in clothing these old figures after going to the effort of adding the TriAx weight mapping.
I also manage to add the required pixies to the dragon image in my previous post. I added 5 pixies, then used two 2x2 linear arrays at different spacings to copy the group of five, ending up with 35 attacking the dragon & rider.
First snow.
Nice renders guys. Richard, your A-frame house reminds me of John117's childhood home in Halo. Really liked that series.
Had to look your reference up, never having heard of John-117 and only being peripherally aware of Halo. (Must admit, I'm not a gamer, with MS Minesweeper being the limit of what I have played) The back story that's been fleshed out.. Amazing. Regards, Richard.
I am not one either but having had a teen boy you get exposed and I do love my space opera stories so I watch all the Halo I can find. Been a sci-fi fan since I was a grade schooler. My first stories were by Arthur C Clark, Heinlien, De Camp and the like.
Here is Mil Baby 3.
Gnomette for Millineum Baby 3
@DollyGirl, your MilBaby Gnomette is.. somewhat disturbing, to say the least. Think I'd run screaming if I met something similar IRL.
My preferred reading did include Heinlein, always thought of EE 'Doc' Smith as a writer of romps, and loved Larry Niven, especially when teamed with Jerry Pournell. Arthur Clarke, hmm. liked some. Isaac Asimov, once again interesting ideas but the stories lacked depth or a satisfying texture (meat). Then in more recent times, David Brin's ideas & story telling have, for me, added the meat to the genre with good characterisation, ideas and self consistent & thought through world making. The most impressive one of his, to my view, was 'Glory Season' though 'The Practice Effect' was a wild & enjoyable romp. Finally, an author I have barely sampled, is Elizabeth Moon. For a military SF writer, I really love her work. Then going deeper (possibly too deep) into military SF is David Drake's 'Redliners', a kindle freebie I got a while back & have re-read many times since.
Futzing with the vintage DAZ "Gremlin" figure after wtching several "reaction" video about the 1984 horror comedy from Warner Bros..
Imagine seeing this fella' serving as the foreman for a construction crew!
another video with V3 and M3
Here is Victoria 3 with a Dreampaint character. This is Cho's Belva texture on the Morphing Fantasy Dress. The rest of her outfit are freebies. Her veil is a Scarf earring by Jancory. All done in iRay. I did convert the dress to weight mapped to fit the dress to Victoria's Dreampaint character.
That is alot of work Wendy. I admire your tenacity and patient. Oh my Redfern. He really looks cool. Richard, maybe, Baby started as Victoria 3. I am always amazed at the abilities of our freebie artists.
You can go to the Poser DAZ freebie site for the location of some of the freebies: Belva - Poser and Daz Studio Free Resources Wiki (
thanks Ethin!!!!!
nice render DollyGirl, thanks for the link
Someone is in a bit of a grump. If you're lucky, you might only be maimed..
TriAx GV3 with G3F hair & top. G8F shorts, bra and necklace. Wearing GV3 boots (not that they can be seen) and carrying the 'Sword of the Creator' in her left hand. HDRI from Polyhaven. Pose by me (Walking 25M), converted to GV3 from G8F by my G8FtoGV3 Transfer script.
Felt the need to play with an image after a lot of time clearing my dad's house.
Had an interesting 24 hrs. Needed to sit down & take my mind off everything.
GV3 and SloshWerks' cloister.
Michael 2 on the left as the grandfather's ghost.