Product Library dissappearing



  • Jan19Jan19 Posts: 1,109
    DAZ_Rawb said:

    It's not quite restoring in a direct oldest to newest order but it seems to be favoring older products. A large collection of them are back over but there are still some to go. Sorry for the inconvenience but we are getting close to having everything back up and ready to download. 

    Thank you, that is good news!


  • RogerbeeRogerbee Posts: 4,460

    Ok, that's odd, the Olympia 6 HD Add On went straight into my Product Library, and yet the product I bought this morning isn't in there yet. Go figure!


  • AtiAti Posts: 9,097
    Novica said:

    Hopefully people will now backup the purchases on their computer or an external harddrive.

    It's not just a question of backing it up. When buying new stuff, the site lists what is required for the product to work. With the product library in place, the site knows what I have, and immediately tells me if I have the requirements. With the product library gone... I might THINK I have something, when in fact it's just something with a similar name. It's inconvenient for everyone. For me because I bought a product that I cannot use, for Daz because I need a refund. So the product library should work.

    But it's the 21st century, we can all expect glitches every now and then. We just need to be patient, and hopefully everything will be sorted out soon. :)

  • DAZ_RawbDAZ_Rawb Posts: 817

    Just to clear some things up, the database that knows what you do/don't own and any part of the store isn't having any difficulty, so the "hide items I own" filter on the store for example is working without problems. Making a purchase will still go through without any problems and the product will be added to your account. The only part that is missing is some of the files for the products aren't available to download right now and I will let everyone know when everything is available again.

  • RogerbeeRogerbee Posts: 4,460

    Thanks for clearing that up.

    When I bought Olympia's HD add on earlier, the site went down as I left PayPal so the email from Daz to say I'd bought her wasn't generated and yet I got the receipt from PayPal, will I get one from Daz when things are sorted? Other than that, all I need now are download links for Sheppard for M6 and I'll be happy.


  • AtiAti Posts: 9,097
    DAZ_Rawb said:

    The only part that is missing is some of the files for the products aren't available to download right now

    And the missing items from the product library. I mean, I hope it's not fixed yet, because I'm still missing over half of the products from there. (I don't need them now, so for me personally, it is not an urgent issue.)

  • Yes I still only have half of my product library as well so far.

  • shadowhawk1shadowhawk1 Posts: 2,189

    Well you have more than I do right now. angry


  • DAZ_RawbDAZ_Rawb Posts: 817

    Sorry I was unclear. The product library won't show purchased products that don't have associated files because it doesn't want to show any products it can't generate a download lilnk for. So as products become available to the download system they will show up over there as well.

  • AtiAti Posts: 9,097
    DAZ_Rawb said:

    Sorry I was unclear. The product library won't show purchased products that don't have associated files because it doesn't want to show any products it can't generate a download lilnk for. So as products become available to the download system they will show up over there as well.

    Oh, I understand. That'll be perfect! :) Thank you!

  • KA1KA1 Posts: 1,012

    I just got Wonderland Alice Unimesh Fits and Alexia textures for Wonderland Alice, unfortunately even though it has a download link in my product library it wont yet let me download the base Wonderland Alice outfit - not a big issue right now tbh just funny it's gone that way round!!

  • namffuaknamffuak Posts: 4,080

    I'm up to 84 pages of 160 - still wuite a way to go.

  • MattymanxMattymanx Posts: 6,881

    Thank you Rob.


    I trust DAZ to get it all in place

  • specta3specta3 Posts: 32

    Same here got quite a few items today most not in my libary for download .Note also cant install DAZ are the install manager either i get the folowing error

    "Exception printing is disabled by default for security reasons".

    Any word on when we are going to be able to access are stuff ?  

    And the clothing flash sale one minute before checkout it ends . To busy trying to get the content i already got working so missed the flash

    Any chance the sale can go back up ? compensate for all the wasted time trying to content working



  • Chohole said:

    If you bookmark it you will get updates

    Providing you have also checked that your Notification Preferences in your profile are set to recieve emails.

    Thanks for that.

    It seems to me that helping my little brother move-in was the right thing to do today. Now the items I was waiting on are available. YAY!

  • DAZ_RawbDAZ_Rawb Posts: 817

    Just an update to everyone, we are definitely getting closer. The backup has finished restoring at the datacenter and we are working on getting all of those zips pulled in to the database that drives DIM. After this there is still a little bit more while we re-sync anything that was added/updated at the office since that backup was taken, which should be a lot faster than loading up the other 20,000 products.


    Thank you everyone for your patience, the good news is that we are coming up on the finishing stretch here.

  • SpottedKittySpottedKitty Posts: 7,232
    DAZ_Rawb said:

    The backup has finished restoring at the datacenter and we are working on getting all of those zips pulled in to the database that drives DIM.

    What does this mean in terms of things reappearing in our Product Library pages? I can't remember exactly how many pages worth I had before last night, but it's back over 100 and I seem to have at least most (I think) of everything accessible again. Except I'm still missing a lot of my last few weeks' purchases.

  • DaWaterRatDaWaterRat Posts: 2,882

    I just check my order from earlier today occasionally.  I figure once both of them have the DIM button, the library will be back enough for my purposes. :)

  • IvyIvy Posts: 7,159
    DAZ_Rawb said:

    The backup has finished restoring at the datacenter and we are working on getting all of those zips pulled in to the database that drives DIM.

    What does this mean in terms of things reappearing in our Product Library pages? I can't remember exactly how many pages worth I had before last night, but it's back over 100 and I seem to have at least most (I think) of everything accessible again. Except I'm still missing a lot of my last few weeks' purchases.

    At leasts was smart enough to put all my  content downloads on a 3TB extrenal HHD storage drive, so all the old content downloads are organized  easy to find because i have them indexed .so  I can just get out my storage drive when i need a reload.. But the new stuff I want to play with  its driving me crazy  its like knowing what you got for Christmas under the tree but you have to wait until morinng to play with it.. angry

  • namffuaknamffuak Posts: 4,080
    DAZ_Rawb said:

    The backup has finished restoring at the datacenter and we are working on getting all of those zips pulled in to the database that drives DIM.

    What does this mean in terms of things reappearing in our Product Library pages? I can't remember exactly how many pages worth I had before last night, but it's back over 100 and I seem to have at least most (I think) of everything accessible again. Except I'm still missing a lot of my last few weeks' purchases.

    Everything is back on the servers and they are now re-populating the database that drives DIM and the product library. I see I am up to 115 pages of my 160, so they have a while to go yet.

  • IvyIvy Posts: 7,159
    edited August 2015

    Well I give up,  You win!  I'am going to bed its here now and still no download buttons for the things i got the last couple of day  so hopefully they will be fix tommrow .  G-nite

    Post edited by Ivy on
  • RogerbeeRogerbee Posts: 4,460
    edited August 2015

    Yay! Got what I wanted! Thanks for fixing this guys!




    Just bought Dental Plan 2 HD, and it's not in there! Hey ho....

    Post edited by Rogerbee on
  • barbultbarbult Posts: 23,376

    I'm still not able to download the Install Manager. I want to install  it on a new computer. I hope that is on the list of things to fix, too.

  • namffuaknamffuak Posts: 4,080
    barbult said:

    I'm still not able to download the Install Manager. I want to install  it on a new computer. I hope that is on the list of things to fix, too.

    Part of re-populating the DIM download database. Install manager isn't showing up yet. I now have 135 of 160 pages (I figure I'm pretty close to a worst-case customer on this).

  • RogerbeeRogerbee Posts: 4,460

    The DIM has been in mine practically from the get-go, all I want now is today's purchase and I can leave the Product Library alone till I next buy something, which, barring another flash sale, won't be till 2 weeks from now.


  • barbultbarbult Posts: 23,376

    The Install Manager shows up in my Product Library, but attempting to "Get Install Manager" results in:

    There has been an error processing your request

    Exception printing is disabled by default for security reasons.

    Error log record number: 1204028378965

  • specta3specta3 Posts: 32

    Check back still cant install the install manager are daz , nothing . At least if that was fixed i could make a start on the items from my libary i can use

  • Cris PalominoCris Palomino Posts: 11,151

    Things are not completely fixed yet if you read back to the last posts by DAZ_Rawb in this thread.

  • DAZ_RawbDAZ_Rawb Posts: 817

    Another status update:


    All of the files have been transferred up to the download server.


    We are still waiting on some data updates for DIM / Product library but all of the updates are in a queue waiting to process, our current estimate is it could take up to four hours. Let us know if you see anything odd after 6am mountain time and we'll clean those up through the weekend (although, we aren't expecting many of those)


    I will look into the install manager failing to install.


    While I would like to take credit for everything it was actually my boss that took care of the whole restore because he didn't want to intrude on my day off.

  • specta3specta3 Posts: 32

    Thanks for your work on this , hope to see the install manager available soon as the manual option to download daz is also not working

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