The My Bucket's Got a Hole In It Complaint thread



  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,678

    ...hmmm, but what about split infinities?

  • SeraSera Posts: 1,675

    kyoto kid said:

    ...hmmm, but what about split infinities?

    Is that like split infinitives?

    To clumsily slip... on a neutrino emitting banana.  laugh


    Non complaint: My husband was doing his thing, looking for cheap mining cards on eBay, and found a 1080 TI for only $100!!! So I'm getting myself one. I only have a 1060 right now, so I have to rely on CPU rendering most of the time... Maybe this will help. 

     Note: There are more 1080s available... Just saying. 

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,678

    ...I already have a Titan-X (Maxwell) so I'm good for now. Next upgrade likely an RTX A5000 whenever it is released  

  • Ghosty12Ghosty12 Posts: 1,995
    edited March 2021

    Mine would be that no matter how hard I tried, I have been unable to get some of my old generation Daz characters to port over to Genesis 3 / 8 properly.. sad

    Post edited by Ghosty12 on
  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 25,831
    I forgot to check out yesterday.
  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,280

    I checked out yesterday.  It was nothing special.  Got light in the morning and got dark again in the evening.  Just like any other day.indecision

  • McGyverMcGyver Posts: 7,011
    edited March 2021

    kyoto kid said:

    ...yeah got mine last week, likewise didn' feel it at all at the time though shoulder was sore over the weekend (one of the known side effects).  My second does is April 5th 

    Gagh. Now I feel like I have the crappiest hangover available. I was prepared for joint aches because that seems to be the most common side effect/symptom/bonus feature, but I woke up feeling hungover instead... And I didn't even partake in the distilled spirits either. 
    This happened to my friend too... but he got a fever too for a day or so...
    This is no fun. 
    Also the craving for human flesh, brains in particular and the hearing of Bill Gates voice in my head telling me to buy Microsoft products is really annoying...

    That would probably be more funny if the place where I got the shot was not at a building that houses some of the research laboratories at Stony Brook University's Center For Excellence In Wireless and Information Technology (CEWIT)... coincidentally, next to the Advanced Energy Research & Technology Center (AERTC)... 

    I'm sure it's fine... 

    But still...


    Post edited by McGyver on
  • LucielLuciel Posts: 475

    McGyver said:

    Also the craving for human flesh, brains in particular and the hearing of Bill Gates voice in my head telling me to buy Microsoft products is really annoying...

    Sure he wasn't recruiting you to help fight malaria, he hasn't done that other thing for aaages.

    Must have given you the ability to hear product messages from the past! Have you heard any about those weird strechy guy dolls and the barcode scanning game that was popular for 10 minutes? surprise  

  • GordigGordig Posts: 9,362
    edited March 2021

    certaintree38 said:

    Got stuck in a Youtube hole while trying to vet new games before purchasing. Some of these content creators have nothing to say, but they do it with such charm and humor that I become transfixed. 

    You should watch Let's Game It Out. He does let's play videos where he tries to play games as wrong as possible. 

    Post edited by Gordig on
  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    love stinks yeah yeah

    watched burn notice to the end.  pretty sure i never want to go to miami.

    starting watching Grimm from the beginning

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,678

    McGyver said:

    kyoto kid said:

    ...yeah got mine last week, likewise didn' feel it at all at the time though shoulder was sore over the weekend (one of the known side effects).  My second does is April 5th 

    Gagh. Now I feel like I have the crappiest hangover available. I was prepared for joint aches because that seems to be the most common side effect/symptom/bonus feature, but I woke up feeling hungover instead... And I didn't even partake in the distilled spirits either. 
    This happened to my friend too... but he got a fever too for a day or so...
    This is no fun. 
    Also the craving for human flesh, brains in particular and the hearing of Bill Gates voice in my head telling me to buy Microsoft products is really annoying...

    That would probably be more funny if the place where I got the shot was not at a building that houses some of the research laboratories at Stony Brook University's Center For Excellence In Wireless and Information Technology (CEWIT)... coincidentally, next to the Advanced Energy Research & Technology Center (AERTC)... 

    I'm sure it's fine... 

    But still...


    ...yeah, the second dose is said to really ramp up your natural antibody response which that can result in a number of stronger side effects. 

  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 25,831
    Storms and bad weather expected tomorrow.
  • TJohnTJohn Posts: 11,044

    certaintree38 said:

    Complaint: If the Many-worlds theory is true, then there is a dimension where Cthulhu (or something like him) has acquired the power to travel to other universes and is now going from reality to reality, destroying whole worlds at a time. 

    In some realities, he comes to earth in 2021 and literally causes the end of the world. In one universe he does it on 3/16/21, in another, it happens on 3/17/21. In a third, it happens on 3/18/21. 

    There are countless universes where Cthulhu has destroyed or will destroy the earth and we could be living in one of them.

    It could be happening at any time on any day in any part of the world.
    No... It WILL happen at every time on every day and in every part of the world. 

    Science is terrifying. 

    Sounds more like Galactus, Devourer of Worlds.


  • SeraSera Posts: 1,675

    U.U Ugh. My eBay order got canceled between when I went to sleep and when I woke up. No explanation. I guess that means no 1080ti for me.... QQ


    Gordig said:

    You should watch Let's Game It Out. He does let's play videos where he tries to play games as wrong as possible. 

    I will check it out!

  • McGyverMcGyver Posts: 7,011
    edited March 2021

    Luciel said:

    McGyver said:

    Also the craving for human flesh, brains in particular and the hearing of Bill Gates voice in my head telling me to buy Microsoft products is really annoying...

    Sure he wasn't recruiting you to help fight malaria, he hasn't done that other thing for aaages.

    Must have given you the ability to hear product messages from the past! Have you heard any about those weird strechy guy dolls and the barcode scanning game that was popular for 10 minutes? surprise  

    Malaria!... I thought at first he was saying "Fight Boliva"... I feel bad now because I left a bunch of mean messages at the Bolivian consulate...

    I'm sure they will get over that... I leave a lot of mean messages there from time to time and they've never called back... I'm still kinda pissed because back when they were the Tiwanaku Empire, they billed themselves as a multicultural hospitality state that brought people together to build monuments and throw huge festivals, like a Disneyland of ancient South America, so I mailed them a deposit for the annual reed boat festival on Lake Titicaca, and by the time I got down there the entire civilization had collapsed from drought or an Inca demon llama revolution, but nobody claimed to know anything about my damn deposit... I mean really, if you know your empire is on the verge of collapse because demon llama are laying to ruins your civilization, you can take five damn minutes to mail back a damned deposit... so yeah, I don't really feel "that bad" about my messages...

    Actually, after a while I thought Bill (when you hear voices, it's okay to refer to them by their first names... I do that with all of them), I thought Bill was telling me to "bite Larry yah!"... I don't know any "Larry"... there is a raccoon named "fat Larry" who lives in the woods nearby, but I've already bitten him several times when he wouldn't give back the twenty bucks he borrowed, and now he hides every time he sees me... 
    I'm actually relieved he wants me to fight malaria, because I really hate biting raccoons, they taste too much like kinkajous and coatimundi, I guess they should, since they are related, but one, the fur really gets in your teeth and two they alway taste like you took a dusty otter and rubbed it on a sweaty bear... which, by the way, don't ever do... the otters are mostly okay with it, but bears are like in a perpetually bad mood, especially when you try and rub other animals over them...

    Yeah, but ever since the last time I bit fat Larry and he had to get rabies shots, he's been avoiding me and I was thinking "shut up Bill, can't you talk to Fred or Stanley (two of the other voices) or someone and stop nagging me to bite Larry"... it was getting annoying and I was just going to start looking up people named Larry in the phone book and go over and bite them, but then I realized the phone book was really old, from 2013... I guess they stopped sending me phone books every since I bit the guy who would leave them on my doorstep... in my defense, he startled me and I thought he was trying to take my pork chop... I sometimes eat my pork chops outside so nobody tries to take them... 

    Usually I eat them under a yew shrub (I call it the pork chop shrub) which provides pretty good cover, but that day I was just gnawing on one on the front steps and this guy walks up from behind and drops two phone books on ground and then tries to run away when I growled at him... I mean at that point I was literally obligated to bite him.

    Anyway, I didn't think it was fair to bite someone who might not even be some random Larry I found in a seven year old phone book... and I wasn't about to go Walmart and hijack the PA system again and ask "would any customers named Larry please come to the dark corner of the shoe department, we have a special gift for you"... they've pretty much banned me from most of the local Walmart after the last several incidents...

    Anyway... thanks for pointing out that it's malaria he wants me to fight... that sounds like fun and I'm imagining it probably involves flamethrowers or Molotov cocktails... those are fun.

    ... Also... I never heard of a bar code scanning game, but the other thing... are you referring to Stretch Armstrong?... Stretch Armstrong goes way back to the late 70s... I even had one... I found him in the street near the Queensboro bridge and I took him home because he was supposedly a really cool toy to have and you could stretch him and stuff for hours, but apparently he wasn't as invincible as the commercials portrayed him, because his head did come off when me and my dog were tussling over it... and that stuff he was filled with (Stretch Armstrong, not the dog... he was a she)... (the dog not Stretch Armstrong)...(then again, I don't know for sure what gender Stretch was, his only appendages were arms and legs)... that stuff looked like raspberry jam, but damn, the psychedelic visions you'd get if you ate it...

    Well, anyway... thanks again and have a great day!


    Post edited by McGyver on
  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 25,831
    What are the requirements for Disney plus app? Or is there no Disney plus for android?
  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,565

    TJohn said:

    certaintree38 said:

    Complaint: If the Many-worlds theory is true, then there is a dimension where Cthulhu (or something like him) has acquired the power to travel to other universes and is now going from reality to reality, destroying whole worlds at a time. 

    In some realities, he comes to earth in 2021 and literally causes the end of the world. In one universe he does it on 3/16/21, in another, it happens on 3/17/21. In a third, it happens on 3/18/21. 

    There are countless universes where Cthulhu has destroyed or will destroy the earth and we could be living in one of them.

    It could be happening at any time on any day in any part of the world.
    No... It WILL happen at every time on every day and in every part of the world. 

    Science is terrifying. 

    Sounds more like Galactus, Devourer of Worlds.


    Apparently if you can live through a Big Bust/Big Bang cycle, you can pretty much set your own rules.

  • McGyverMcGyver Posts: 7,011

    Is it just me or are BattleBots not actually robots but really dangerous remote control cars?

    Are they at all autonomous?

    And also how is BattleBots still on TV?

    Not that it's not fascinating to see remote control Roombas murder each other... it's just that if you are controlling it with a R/C transmitter, it's kind of not a robot...

    I want to see full on Terminators or TOS Cylons battling each other... 

    Megh, give it a couple of years, they already stuck a paintball gun on one of those nightmare robot dogs.

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,678
    edited March 2021

    ...funny you mention Battlebots.  I was really into that show and designed one years ago but didn't have the finances to build it.. It was to participate in the heavyweight class and was protected by tool steel armour on the top, bottom and sides along with two stationary steel sledgehammer heads mounted opposite each other that also had ramming spikes on the ends.. The main wheels slightly protruded above the top and below bottom the body and It's primary attack was getting it to spin and smash whatever came close to it with the hammers (it could also ram an oppnent bot as well).  as it was "invertible" flipping it over it was useless.  

    I designed it aprticularly to tangle with two of the of the leading bots at the time who few could defeat.. One was  Biohazard, which sat very low to the floor and had steel skirts so it was hard to get underneath, and was was pretty well armoured  so opponents which had a pickaxe weapon or rotating blade couldn't pierce it.  Biohazard also had a very powerful flipper arm which it used to upend its opponents. The other one, Vlad the Impailer which was a heavy armoured monster with a spiked lifter fork in front as well it would use to ram and flip it's opponents with, If it was flipped over it used a powerful pneumatic piston on the top to right itself.

    My  design (appropriately christened Bash-O-Matic) was, as I mentioned above, well armoured on all sides, as well as top and bottom to not only handle piercing attacks, but the various hazards in the "box" (like the killsaws, screws, hammer, and spike strips). It also had symetrically bevelled armour sides so even if it got tipped up, it would fall back on its wheels (which were solid steel with hard rubber treads) even if shoved against the perimeter barrier, and was steadied with non powered steel bearing assisted roller balls on both top and bottom by the ends where the hammers protruded. It also sat low particularly so it could smack Biohazard, and was pretty impervious designs that employes vertical rotary blades.  The estimated construction cost was about 8,000$ - 10,000$ (this was not an inexpensive hobby and would make the investments we have in Daz pale in comparison).  Alas to defray the cost you needed sponsors, access to a machine shop, a maintenance crew for repairs and fine tuning, insurance, and of course a healthy travel budget for everyone on the team as the meets were usually held in San Francisco and Las Vegas.  

    I still have the plans in a file cabinet as well as the complete Battlebot™ rules in a binder (something like 120 pages).  

    The two opponents I described are pictured below:

    Biohazard:(new image as the former link broke):

    Vlad The Impailer

    Alas I don't have a digitised image of Bash-O-Matic, just the plans.

    Post edited by kyoto kid on
  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 25,831
    Is it really 7am already?
  • PerttiAPerttiA Posts: 9,723

    Miss Bad Wolf said:

    Is it really 7am already?

    No, it's 13:23 

  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,280

    Miss Bad Wolf said:

    Is it really 7am already?

    Why yes.  Yes it is!  It's always 7:00AM somewhere on this planet (if you discount those pesky timezones). 

  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,280

    Non-complaint:  Wheee... I finally scheduled an appointment for my 1st Covid vaccine.  Monday.  Wheee...yes Which means a blizzard will settle in on us Sunday night.frown

  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 25,831

    Non-complaint:  Wheee... I finally scheduled an appointment for my 1st Covid vaccine.  Monday.  Wheee...yes Which means a blizzard will settle in on us Sunday night.frown

    I will be getting my first one soon too.
  • McGyverMcGyver Posts: 7,011

    @ kyoto kid 

    I used to watch the show too, but after a while a few designs that worked became the default styles that everyone would use... you'd have variations and mixes of designs, but mostly it was a lot of the same stuff. 
    Also there were a lot of questionable victories for near draws... like you'd have one unit that had a few dents but was basically in good working condition and one with chunks and parts missing, dents, smoking heavily and barely able to steer and would be a "close decision" by the judges with the win going to the wreck... Maybe I didn't understand the rules...?

    My friend and me talked about making one and I made a few sketches, but the fact that it is super expensive to build one of those ($10,000 is a conservative estimate at this point because back then it quickly became the average price, not including travel) kinda killed that instantly... once I found out approximately how much it cost, it lost its "average Joe" appeal too... yeah, you might have equipment for your occupation, or know someone who does that you could use to build a bot, but the materials and equipment and travel still put it out of reach of most people.

    Back in the late 80s me and a friend of mine used to fight R/C cars with homemade thin gauge aluminum bodies (.30" or .40") in a sort of demolition derby... the idea wasn't to destroy the other car, just disable it. 
    The bodies we made were similar in shape to the Tesla pickup truck because it was easier to quickly fabricate. 
    We used to do this next to a deep hole in a nearby parking lot, so there was the added risk of the car falling in (literally, a real car could fall in and did). 
    After a real car backed into it, they closed up the hole (after five years... thats the kind of neighborhood I lived in), so we move on to a spot with three sets of concrete stairs close by.

    Usually the bodies could only be bent back a few times before something broke, so eventually we'd toss them out... But at some point the place where I got the aluminum roll material from moved and the alternative sources were way more expensive and thinner (probably .25" or less), so the bodies would break quicker and dent and deform easier, so eventually we got bored with it because the bodies had no durability... also a bunch of our other friends who used to watch and were always going on about making their own cars, (and never did) one by one moved away... So two idiots bashing cars together and fixing them over and over, all alone was kinda sad... but initially it was fun for like a year or two...

    Somewhere in my workshop attic is a box with the last body (thicker material) I made... it's so cringey bad, it looks like a cross between the Tesla truck and an old NASCAR pickup with tiny pop rivets everywhere.

    That wasn't as dumb though as my other friend and me making R/C rocket cars... which I'm assuming the point of was the most spectacular crash possible...?  It very quickly became evident that the R/C steering was pointless... in fairness, we used the R/C parts because they were leftover RadioShack R/C stuff from something else we were making... maybe boats? or Rocket Glider?... (I forget, we did a lot of dumb stuff back then)...
    That thing sort of evolved out of drinking beer and actually having spare time. That ended quickly as the "cars" ended up becoming less and less cars and just hollow wheeled bodies on a guide wire... and even then it was pretty dangerous.

    Fun, cheap, dumb stuff...

  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 25,831
    At a certain online store, it seems like it is very difficult to manage the cart. I accidentally added two of the same items. Turns out that item is backordered so I tried to remove that item to find something else but I have little luck removing that item. I'm getting frustrated with it.
  • ArtAngelArtAngel Posts: 1,569

    Miss Bad Wolf said:

    At a certain online store, it seems like it is very difficult to manage the cart. I accidentally added two of the same items. Turns out that item is backordered so I tried to remove that item to find something else but I have little luck removing that item. I'm getting frustrated with it.

    You are not the only one frustrated at a website. In 2017 after updating to 7.2 php on server, I had to shut down both of my sites, and the server, because my 2014 code did a dforce explosion. I'm  finally getting around to fixing it. But after 2 hours sleep per day, scouring over 1000 files, I am faced with two options, open eye lids with toothpicks, or kiss the entire thing goodbye and develop a new animal from scratch. After some progress, I've decided on the latter. Hunting for a needle in a haystack is never fun. You may want to email the site. PHP 8.0 a fix for broken session call in 7.2 just came out in Nov 2020. Maybe they did an update or are unaware of the issue.

    1989 x 1151 - 435K
  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    i got up to make a cuppa barry's, really wanna go back to futon, trying to pep talk myself into staying up.

    the center of a cinnamon bun is extra special treat.

  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 25,831
    My internet is sure slow today.
  • McGyverMcGyver Posts: 7,011

    Speaking of carts, is it just me or are like all shopping carts getting flats on the wheels nowadays?... not like flat tires, but flat spots like someone sanded down the wheels to make them not roll... seriously, like most shopping carts seem like the wheels are not round but hexagonal... it's like push a rickety, rattley old mine cart over treadplate. 
    I suspect it has something to do with those remote control cart pusher a lot of stores use now... it seems less of a problem in stores that don't have them.

This discussion has been closed.