Using DAZ environments in realtime engine



  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 17,961

    @Artini, what sort of PC video card do you have?

  • That's perfect! Your GPU it's much more powerful than mine, but need to be enough for my needs.
  • ArtiniArtini Posts: 9,017
    edited January 2017

    @Artini, what sort of PC video card do you have?

    Here are the important parts of my computer: graphic card Gigabyte GTX 1080 G1 Gaming 8GB VRAM
    i7-3770K @ 3.5 GHz, 32 GB RAM, Asus P8 Z77-V PRO motherboard

    Please note, that if you disable V-sync in quality settings in Unity, rendering status will show, what is your graphic card capable to do.


    Post edited by Artini on
  • ArtiniArtini Posts: 9,017
    davide445 said:
    That's perfect! Your GPU it's much more powerful than mine, but need to be enough for my needs.

    I also thinks so. Unity is optimized to run on very different hardware, so you be will be fine with your computer configuration.

    It will be interesting to see someone else frame per seconds status from Unity without V-sync enabled.

    If you will manage to do so, please post the results in this thread.

  • davide445davide445 Posts: 27
    edited January 2017

    There is something strange with Genesis 3 eyes.

    Imported in Unity using this tutorial, eyes are always dark without any texture.

    Attached current settings, Unity 5.5.0f3.


    Genesis3 pupils.JPG
    1100 x 535 - 80K
    Genesis3 eyes.JPG
    432 x 750 - 60K
    Post edited by davide445 on
  • ArtiniArtini Posts: 9,017
    edited January 2017

    Yes, I have also problems with materials on Genesis 3 in Unity. I will look into the tutorial from the link you posted.

    I think, I have found my preferred post effect package for Unity. It is Beautify by Kronnect.

    Below is another render from Unity of

    Beautify is really make it look much better, in my opinion.


    1915 x 1047 - 962K
    Post edited by Artini on
  • ArtiniArtini Posts: 9,017
    edited January 2017

    and one more render from Unity -


    1917 x 1039 - 888K
    Post edited by Artini on
  • MadaMada Posts: 1,872

    Looks fantastic, would be great to see this on the Vive and walk around :)

  • ArtiniArtini Posts: 9,017

    Thanks a lot, Mada. I do not have Vive myself, yet, but it is something to consider for the future.

    I am really happy, that I have started to explore different Daz assets in Unity. Even with such a little effort, they can look great.

    I also like very much, that game view in Unity. I can play with the lights, shadows and post effects in Unity and get real time response to my actions.


  • a-sennova-sennov Posts: 331
    davide445 said:

    There is something strange with Genesis 3 eyes.

    It's cornea, make it translucent or invisible.

  • ArtiniArtini Posts: 9,017
    edited January 2017

    Trying something bigger in Unity - Stonemason's

    I have always wondered, how it will be to walk the streets of it...


    1923 x 1045 - 990K
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  • ArtiniArtini Posts: 9,017
    edited January 2017

    Added simple camera move script, so I can explore the city now...







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    Post edited by Artini on
  • ArtiniArtini Posts: 9,017
    edited January 2017

    ... and one more render with sepia and vignetting...


    1901 x 1015 - 699K
    Post edited by Artini on
  • davide445davide445 Posts: 27
    edited January 2017
    DAZ figures are wonderful but heavy, interested to know if there is any way to add and animate a crowd into a scene
    Post edited by davide445 on
  • ArtiniArtini Posts: 9,017

    How big crowd, do you need? Unity support instancing of the assets, so may be that is the one of the possible ways to do.

    I will also try to make a scene with a crowd, to see how many characters, I can use on my computer in Unity.


  • davide445davide445 Posts: 27
    edited January 2017
    For the indoor scene at least a dozen, for an outdoor I'm thinking at least 50 or so. In my comprehension the problem is have some characters variation and animate them as a crowd. For the first maybe MCS or UMA might provides lightweight and rapid customizable characters, the problem is always have coherent clothing with the principal DAZ based character in the scene. Maybe using something such as Mesh Animator is possible to convert high quality DAZ characters in sprites and use them as crowd, so to avoid killing the GPU with many high poly one. For crowd animation I did find some specialized high cost external tools such as Anima, but in Unity probably need to use some AI, really behind my skills and experience.
    Post edited by davide445 on
  • ArtiniArtini Posts: 9,017
    edited January 2017

    Good choices. I was also thinking about Mesh Animator. I have bought Population Engine and ICE Creature Control, but yet have to learn to use them.

    Those are for creating various NPCs (Non Playable Characters), but included examples are mostly for outdoor scenes.

    For indoor scenes, I am thinking to use some visual programming tools, because I am still not comfortable with writing C# code myself.


    Post edited by Artini on
  • ArtiniArtini Posts: 9,017
    edited January 2017

    Just tested Mesh Animator on my computer and I got more than 100 frames per second with 5000 characters in the demo scene.

    Will test it next with MCS, to see how well they will perform.


    1915 x 1059 - 603K
    Post edited by Artini on
  • ArtiniArtini Posts: 9,017
    edited January 2017

    Just upgraded to Unity 5.5.1 and tested Time Of Day System Free with FirstBastion's Rural Crossroads



    1913 x 1037 - 657K
    1911 x 1027 - 347K
    Post edited by Artini on
  • davide445davide445 Posts: 27
    edited January 2017
    Artini said:

    Good choices. I was also thinking about Mesh Animator. I have bought Population Engine and ICE Creature Control, but yet have to learn to use them.

    Those are for creating various NPCs (Non Playable Characters), but included examples are mostly for outdoor scenes.

    For indoor scenes, I am thinking to use some visual programming tools, because I am still not comfortable with writing C# code myself.


    My idea is to use a combination of sequencer such as SLATE or Skele, and maybe some specialized AI such as Population Engine, or behavior control such as Node Canvas or state machine such as Play Maker. Difficult to know what's the best choice.

    Post edited by davide445 on
  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 17,961
    Artini said:

    Just upgraded to Unity 5.5.1 and tested Time Of Day System Free with FirstBastion's Rural Crossroads



    Looks better than it looks in DAZ Studio I think.

  • ArtiniArtini Posts: 9,017
    edited January 2017

    @davide445: Choices - I also have trouble with choosing what will be the best for me to making videos in Unity.

    @nonesuch00: The more Daz assets I am trying in Unity, the more I like the look and the speed of rendering in Unity.

    I have also used Beautify post effect in Unity on the last 2 renders.

    Post edited by Artini on
  • ArtiniArtini Posts: 9,017
    edited January 2017

    More renders from Unity. This time - Urban Future 3 -

    I really like to play with Beautify post effects.






    1917 x 1027 - 409K
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    1907 x 1021 - 662K
    1911 x 1029 - 383K
    1913 x 1023 - 501K
    Post edited by Artini on
  • davide445davide445 Posts: 27
    edited January 2017
    The first asset I purchased for Unity is SEGI, realtime dynamic Global Illumination. Still in beta and with some limitations, it's wonderful for interiors and small scenes having GI without needing to wait for Unity baking. Really useful at design time when you have instant look at scene lightening, with indirect light and reflections that add so much to the realism. I'll do all the post effects on a specialized compositing/vfx video editor, so to concentrate in Unity on scene creation.
    Post edited by davide445 on
  • ArtiniArtini Posts: 9,017

    Could you please post some renders from SEGI in Unity, especially with some characters in them. I have looked at SEGI previously, but could not justify its price at the moment.

    What compositing/vfx video editor are you using in your workflow? And what about storyboards? Are you using some software for that?


  • davide445davide445 Posts: 27
    edited January 2017

    There are a few examples in the SEGI asset thread of Equestria unofficial scene 06.png of Equestria unofficial scene 09.png

    The last two with characters. I'm not selling anything, my goal is just to avoid my hardware limitations pushing all on the GPU, so to free time for experimentation and not waiting for "technical" times. I want also to avoid the typical realtime generated images such as what you posted, IMHO too flat without self shadowing and no realistic illumination. Beautiful art of course, just unrealistic result. I need still to achieve your results, just have high ambitions :).

    Using HitFilm Pro for post effects, no storyboard tool yet, need first find my way into all the involved topics from DAZ + Unity.

    Post edited by davide445 on
  • ArtiniArtini Posts: 9,017

    Thanks for the links to examples and your thoughts. I like to experiment in Unity, but still need to find my way through it.

    I have posted these example screenshots from Unity, because it was easy to do and I want to encourage everyone else, including you,

    to try Unity for making renders or videos.

  • And that was really a good idea, it's wonderful to really looking at what can be the output. Btw I didn't find a realtime solution to animate clothing, do you have any idea?
  • ArtiniArtini Posts: 9,017
    edited January 2017

    I have purchased Obi - Advanced Cloth Simulation and Dynamic Bone.

    I am not sure if Dynamic Bone will work well with clothes, but at least it can add a movement to the body parts.

    Anyhow, I decided to push further default GI in Unity 5.5.1 to see, if I can improve my renders in it.

    So here is another screenshot from Unity of The Grand Staircase -


    1913 x 1025 - 598K
    Post edited by Artini on
  • FirstBastionFirstBastion Posts: 7,548
    Artini said:
    Below is another render from Unity of

    Beautify is really make it look much better, in my opinion.


    Both the Atrium and the Staircase really show the potential of the conversions.  Thanks for doing these Artini. 

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