Unity obj exporter

WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 37,944
edited December 2016 in The Commons

there was a thread where someone used the Unity obj exporter asset to bring the viking village demo into DAZ studio.

I cannot find it sadly.

anyway there is a free exporter asset now but sadly it gets stuck at 17% on the crane for me.

I am wondering if any one else is using it and if its just that scene or maybe just the crane, deleting the crane it still gets stuck on it???

Post edited by WendyLuvsCatz on


  • oh BTW before anyone suggests it, I have the Faveral one   http://www.daz3d.com/viking-village-bundle that looks almost the same,

    this is really an exercise in exporting complete Unity scenes, maybe I should try others ......

  • ArtiniArtini Posts: 8,992

    I have used Collada file exporter (not free - from Unity Assets store) to bring Viking Village from Unity to Daz Studio,

    because Collada format preserves at least textures from Unity and bring it back to Daz Studio, where only minor changes are necessary, if any at all.

    I have not such luck with exports from Unity using .obj format.


  • Artini said:

    Thank you it was indeed your thread I recalled,

    I may need to look into that collada exporter if I wish to buy any Unity assets to use in renders

  • ArtiniArtini Posts: 8,992
    edited December 2016

    Another example of the export from Unity as a Collada file and iray rendering in Daz Studio.

    This time I exported Sci-fi Level Kit by Hedgehog Team (easily found on the front page of Unity store) and imported it to Daz Studio.

    I have added to the scene Darius 7 dressed in http://www.daz3d.com/construction-worker-outfit-for-genesis-2-and-genesis-3-male-s

    I attach also screenshot of the Scene tab from Daz Studio, so you can see what contents of collada file was imported to it

    (all under the Ship Group 1).

    I have not changed anything in Daz Studio, besides the 300% scalling - it was suggested in the review of the Sci-fi Level Kit.



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  • wow that looks quite awesome.

    with the Viking village I was able to export the untextured buildings in place once I deleted all the cranes, the obj exporter hated those and would not do them but no terrain or additional props exported.

    I do animations and use iClone so lowpoly Unity assets for sets definitely have potential esp if can look that good.

    I have 118 pages in my DAZ 3D product library so really need more sources of 3D stuff to hoard!!! 

    not even thinking about how much I have from Rendo, CP and other sites!!!


  • ArtiniArtini Posts: 8,992
    edited December 2016

    Yes, Unity assets are low poly and their creators try to make them looks good. That means, if one can success with exporting them to other programs,

    the performance of rendering is good and one can put quite a lot of the assets in one scene, without compromising the performance.

    On the other hand, Unity assets store is huge and they have at least one of the assets on sale every day.

    Sometimes it is hard not to buy such discounted asset. Great, that they have many free assets as well.

    My dream is to start making long animations in Unity - sadly it also require a lot of time to prepare the scenes,

    even if the rendering is mostly real time. With the promise from Unity company of providing integrated Octane render for free, next year,

    gaining skills to make scenes quickly in Unity seems very atractive for me.

    Post edited by Artini on
  • ArtiniArtini Posts: 8,992
    edited December 2016

    Another example of rendering free Unity asset: Autumn Mountain by GameWarming in Daz Studio iray.

    I have added to the scene http://www.daz3d.com/atlantida-copter

    and also used sky from http://www.daz3d.com/skies-of-iradiance-high-sky-hdri-bundle-for-iray


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  • I bought the collada exporter but its not playing very nice with me, not getting a whole lot out, prob user error, I will persist

    my flakey internet that keeps disconecting not helping

  • I bought the collada exporter but its not playing very nice with me, not getting a whole lot out, prob user error, I will persist

    my flakey internet that keeps disconecting not helping

    I am not even getting this to post on the forum gahhhh


  • well did after many tries

  • and I just gogot a power outage so prob not going to do much 3D today, was a storm last night, trees and powerlines down everywhere

  • ArtiniArtini Posts: 8,992
    edited December 2016

    I hope, that you have choosen COLLADA Exporter for Unity 5 by R&R - that's the one, I use.

    I have not tested it in Unity 5.5 - I am still using Unity 5.4.2

    To export the terrain, you need to check the option in the exporter window - it is not set by default.


    Post edited by Artini on
  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 37,944
    edited December 2016
    Artini said:

    I hope, that you have choosen COLLADA Exporter for Unity 5 by R&R - that's the one, I use.



    gonna try another scene if my power stays on


    edit, look at that! I gave up and shut down my PC today the power is just too iffy for using a computer.

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  • ArtiniArtini Posts: 8,992

    Terrain and tree exporting are more tricky to do. Not all scenes transfer easily - some require more work, to become usable in Daz Studio.


  • FSMCDesignsFSMCDesigns Posts: 12,632


    edit, look at that! I gave up and shut down my PC today the power is just too iffy for using a computer.

    Holy crap, looking at that map, does that happen often?



    edit, look at that! I gave up and shut down my PC today the power is just too iffy for using a computer.

    Holy crap, looking at that map, does that happen often?

    nah, we had a very blowy storm last night

  • ArtiniArtini Posts: 8,992

    Hope, you will get better whether and could use your computer again.


  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604

    Whether the weather is blowy or whether the weather is not, the weather is always spelt weather, whether you like it or not.

  • and if feeling under the wether

    expect it to go baaaaaaa

  • am downloading some Unity projects now, is very slow but big scenes

  • ArtiniArtini Posts: 8,992

    Sorry for my bad spelling of the weather - as I am getting older, I make such mistakes more often.


    weather - weather - weather - weather - weather - weather - weather - weather


  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 37,944
    edited December 2016

    Is OK I was not worried just joining in the play on words

    I am more concerned I am not having a whole lot of success with that exporter

    I may need to study the PDF manual a bit on the weekend

    I am wondering since I have the latest build of Unity if it has been updated.

    it seems to export only placeholders and a single plane

    I am not terribly cluey using Unity either.

    Post edited by WendyLuvsCatz on
  • ArtiniArtini Posts: 8,992
    edited December 2016

    I heard, that Unity version 5.5 differs slightly from the previous 5.4.x series and some assets need update for it, especially, if they are compiled into DLLs.

    I will try later to download Unity 5.5 version, too, but based on my previous experience, the versions without at least one update in the series,

    works not so good on my computer - mostly they crash on exit. That is why, I avoid them.

    But I also keep old versions of Unity, just in case I need to go back to them.

    If one install Unity in different folder, each time the new version appears, it is possible to have many versions of Unity in the same computer.

    Unity keep all previous versions in their archive. It is called 'Unity - Download Archive'.


    Post edited by Artini on
  • ArtiniArtini Posts: 8,992

    Just wondering. Which Unity asset you are trying to export? I have bought many of them, so there is a chance, that I also have it, so I can try export for myself.

  • well I tried theviking village you did

    thats the reason I am so puzzled


    I feel it is the version of Unity at fault myself

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 37,944
    edited December 2016

    I have tried other things and many do not even work properly in Unity, throw errors will not play or build

    the Blacksmith demo is one, so think its a version issue.

    I could build the Viking scene into an exe I can "play" nothing else I have does

    Post edited by WendyLuvsCatz on
  • Artini said:

    I heard, that Unity version 5.5 differs slightly from the previous 5.4.x series and some assets need update for it, especially, if they are compiled into DLLs.

    I will try later to download Unity 5.5 version, too, but based on my previous experience, the versions without at least one update in the series,

    works not so good on my computer - mostly they crash on exit. That is why, I avoid them.

    But I also keep old versions of Unity, just in case I need to go back to them.

    If one install Unity in different folder, each time the new version appears, it is possible to have many versions of Unity in the same computer.

    Unity keep all previous versions in their archive. It is called 'Unity - Download Archive'.


    I will grab your version from that archive later prob this weekend, 

  • ArtiniArtini Posts: 8,992
    edited December 2016

    I have tested in Unity 5.4.3 the small demo scene of The Blacksmith: Environments. Export to Collada works, but the scene require more tweaking in Daz Studio.


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  • am going to download the archived version as it must be the version


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