Site down and malfunctioning

I'm trying to order LineRender9000 and get my freebie starter bundle, but the store is down or malfunctioning. First it wasn't loading pages and said the site itself was down. Now when a product page actually loads and I select add to cart it gives me the message "Unable to load recent personalized data. Cart contents, product ownership and account information may be incorrect." It won't open the support pages so I can open a ticket. Frustrating!



  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,570
    edited October 2016

    I have had trouble all day.  I just want to reinstall dim because I had to to reinstall my os. Still can't download it. 

    Post edited by Serene Night on
  • I have had trouble all day.  I just want to reinstall dim because I had to to reinstall my os. Still can't download it. 

    I'd be beyond frustrated if I was you. This was the first I'd been on Daz today, so I wasn't aware they were having problems earlier. And just now, while typing this, a message popped up saying "503 Service Unavailable: No server is available to handle this 

  • .... request." So now it seems the forums are being affected as well.

  • .... request." So now it seems the forums are being affected as well.

    DAZ has been going up and down for two days now.  One of the moderators mentioned on another post that they did a security update to their servers and it has caused stability issues.  They are still working to fix things from what I've been experiencing since yesterday.

  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,570
    edited October 2016

    Yes dim has been unavailable and I don't see any mirror sites available.  I am frustrated because all my installers are dim and I hoped to run it overnight to reinstall content I have been down quite a  Few days since my rig was in for repair

    Post edited by Serene Night on
  • IppotamusIppotamus Posts: 1,579

    Wow, I can finally post to say I can't post.  :)

    Forums down, store down, 502s, unable to tell if this cart is you.

    Good luck!

  • L'AdairL'Adair Posts: 9,479

    I managed to sneak my order in a few minutes ago, but now I'm getting a CloudFlare error on my product library... I feel really bad for DAZ. They must be positively frantic. Lost sales... upset customers... I wonder how much this "security update" is going to end up costing them...

  • Trying to download some sales for the last 7 hours...    I bet once it's up.  it's all gone..

    Can't believe that they are not fixing this..

  • L'AdairL'Adair Posts: 9,479

    Trying to download some sales for the last 7 hours...    I bet once it's up.  it's all gone..

    Can't believe that they are not fixing this..

    As frustrated as you are, I'm sure the folks at DAZ are even more so. I'm sure they are hard at work trying to get this fixed. (Had they just "gone home at five," we wouldn't be seeing it up and working here and there.) And in the past, DAZ has been really good about "making it right," which is why I was wondering how much this was going to end up costing them... more of a rhetorical question, I don't expect an answer. But I'm sure it's going to take a big bite out of their profits this week.

  • I googled "storm in Utah" seeking a reason.   (I  also can't check out)   Apparently, 10,000 homes and businesses around the Daz area are without power  due to an early,  record  setting snowstorm  that began Sunday night or Monday morning.   Also, it seems the local roads and interstate are having fairly serious traffic issues.   I have no idea whether the weather is to blame for any part of Daz's current troubles but it certainly is a consideration of fairly high probability.

  • Ah, I also just thought if a major power outage caught them while they were in the middle of a security update, it would make sense that, to protect us, they would immediately cut access to personal account information and data even if doing so  meant lost sales  for them.

  • James_HJames_H Posts: 1,011

    I've given up. Missing a freebie I don't particularly need. Still annoying.

  • 3Diva3Diva Posts: 11,287

    I've been trying all day. Keep getting error messages. I can't even load items into my cart. I'm REALLY mad. I've been wanting to get The Girl 6 for quite a while - that bundle has some awesome stuff in it too, like the adorable cheerleader outfit. I'm so angry that I'm missing out on this. I really hope they extend the sale for another day - as it is it's really unfair to those of us who haven't been able to purchase due to the site's issues.

  • scorpioscorpio Posts: 8,333

    I doubt very much that they are doing it on purpose, as L'Adair said they usually make it right and extend sales etc, or if they don't I'm sure if you cantact sales they will do something for you. Getting mad at them over something that is out of their control seems a bit pointless.

  • Wow, back up at midnight pacific standard.

  • There's clearly something up - but I do know that they are working hard to get it sorted.. so please be patient.

    I've forwarded the concerns on about the sales, so hopefully they get extended, too.

  • DAZ_RawbDAZ_Rawb Posts: 817

    I put in a more in-depth answer over in the "Technical Help" section, but I'll add a few things over here:


    1. While the head office is located in Utah our primary datacenter is not located there. So no worries about power outages / storms in Utah doing anything to the servers.

    2. It's always the simple, small stuff that should definitely not cause a problem that turns in to these ripple effects of issues.


    Thank you everyone for your patience and I'll be sure to forward on your concerns about not being able to utilize the sales yesterday on to the sales team.

  • 3Diva3Diva Posts: 11,287
    DAZ_Rawb said:

    I put in a more in-depth answer over in the "Technical Help" section, but I'll add a few things over here:


    1. While the head office is located in Utah our primary datacenter is not located there. So no worries about power outages / storms in Utah doing anything to the servers.

    2. It's always the simple, small stuff that should definitely not cause a problem that turns in to these ripple effects of issues.


    Thank you everyone for your patience and I'll be sure to forward on your concerns about not being able to utilize the sales yesterday on to the sales team.

    Thank you, Rawb. I do hope the sales team is able to re-offer yesterday's deal. Missing out on the free bundle ((free with purchase)), is extremely frustrating - particularly when it's an item you've been wanting for quite a while. 

  • 3Diva3Diva Posts: 11,287

    There's clearly something up - but I do know that they are working hard to get it sorted.. so please be patient.

    I've forwarded the concerns on about the sales, so hopefully they get extended, too.

    Thanks, Jack! I hope so, too. :)

  • fred9803fred9803 Posts: 1,562

    Everything seems back to normal now. Thank you DAZ for sorting things out.

  • There's clearly something up - but I do know that they are working hard to get it sorted.. so please be patient.

    I've forwarded the concerns on about the sales, so hopefully they get extended, too.

    Thank you, Jack!

  • DAZ_Rawb said:

    I put in a more in-depth answer over in the "Technical Help" section, but I'll add a few things over here:


    1. While the head office is located in Utah our primary datacenter is not located there. So no worries about power outages / storms in Utah doing anything to the servers.

    2. It's always the simple, small stuff that should definitely not cause a problem that turns in to these ripple effects of issues.


    Thank you everyone for your patience and I'll be sure to forward on your concerns about not being able to utilize the sales yesterday on to the sales team.

    Thank you, Rawb!

  • BeeMKayBeeMKay Posts: 6,999

    The site seems to be stable again... 

    @DAZ_Rawb Thanks for the hard work, and as fellow IT-person, I feel the pain. System updates are always a risk, no matter how well you prepare.

  • brainmuffinbrainmuffin Posts: 1,164

    Change control

  • Change control

    Well, he did say that it was the "small stuff" that snowballs into these sort of things. Since we don't know what it was that broke the system, it might have been a bigger mess to recover the system via backup (and still having to try and figure out how to resolve it). Also, we don't know the severity of the security issue that was being patched. It's possible the upgrades were done in response to immediate threats that made the job all the more important to resolve immediately. 

    That said, I would have expected there was an identical environment to test this stuff on before going live at the point of sales. 

  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,570
    edited October 2016

    The site is still having trouble. Most of my new images in my  gallery are broken. I know because since I had to take my computer in for repair, I wanted to grab a recent image from the gallery... However, it is showing up with a broken image link

    Post edited by Serene Night on
  • L'AdairL'Adair Posts: 9,479

    I'm assuming the folks at DAZ are keeping an eye on threads about the site issues, so here's something else that isn't working quite right. One of the products I recently purchased is UHT2, a 471.1 MB download. I use DIM, and when the download reaches the end I get the "Download Failed" message. That's not uncommon. But when I click on it to continue the download, it starts over! That's never happened before. So I've downloaded it twice now, and have to download it again. I checked my hard drive and there is plenty of room, (over 125GB.) And I was able to successfully download the Confinement Corridor since the second fail of UHT2.

  • DAZ_RawbDAZ_Rawb Posts: 817

    We are aware that there are a small number of files that have been hidden under the covers as our servers fell under the weather yesterday.


    There is a team of engineers that are working on a way to quickly restore those files without disrupting the rest of the system. I can see the files on the storage backends so they aren't lost, but for whatever reason the storage server doesn't believe they actually exist. An automated "heal" was attempted last night but wasn't progressing quickly enough for our needs so we have gone back to the drawing board to come up with a faster and more manual method.


    Right now I don't have an ETA, but there is a fairly large team actively working on it right now.

  • anikadanikad Posts: 1,919

    I'm getting download failed for about a dozen updates, bizarely I was able to download the new items. I'll wait until I hear it's fixed before I try again.

  • L'AdairL'Adair Posts: 9,479
    DAZ_Rawb said:

    We are aware that there are a small number of files that have been hidden under the covers as our servers fell under the weather yesterday.


    There is a team of engineers that are working on a way to quickly restore those files without disrupting the rest of the system. I can see the files on the storage backends so they aren't lost, but for whatever reason the storage server doesn't believe they actually exist. An automated "heal" was attempted last night but wasn't progressing quickly enough for our needs so we have gone back to the drawing board to come up with a faster and more manual method.


    Right now I don't have an ETA, but there is a fairly large team actively working on it right now.

    Thank you, DAZ_Rawb. I'm not worried about it. I know you guys will make it right. Fortunately, I'm not on a metered service, and I frequently download while I'm sleeping. No harm done.

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