GenX and DSF Toolbox Updates for DS 4.5



  • riftwitchriftwitch Posts: 1,405
    edited December 1969

    I found I can double click on the number ; it will be highlighted in orange, and then you can change the value.

  • Dimension3DDimension3D Posts: 464
    edited December 1969

    JOdel 1: Only the "Create single morph" transfer mode requires that the morphs have a value other than zero because it calculates a new morph from all selected morphs and their values. The "Selected morphs" mode will transfer each selected morph independent of the value.

    JOdel 2: I'm not sure whether I understand the question. You can drag'n'drop several poses one after another to GenX, e.g. first morph injections, then a pose with the morph values. If a morph isn't injected because of wrong file references, there are two options. First, you may try to repair the file references in the pose file. Second, you may inject the pose into the figure in a scene and then save the figure with the injected morphs as a new CR2 (should work in Poser and with CR2 export of DS).

    JOdel 3: Click on the "Morphs" tab of GenX and click on the "GenX" button. You will get a list of all morphs created by GenX. You can delete or disable morphs or restore backups.

    GreyMouser69: The feature of DSF toolbox to create an UV set requires that you define the UV map yourself for the Genesis mesh. It only creates the UV set in DSF format from the UV parameters in an OBJ file. It will not translate UV mappings from one figure to another.

  • JOdelJOdel Posts: 6,275
    edited December 1969

    Thank you. So I get the character pose to apply to a base figure, save the result as a .cr2, put that .cr2 in the character folder of a runtime library, and then load the cr2 (probably after a relaunch)? Then it will show up in the content pallate so it can be dragged into the transfer field? Fiddly, but acceptable.

  • Dimension3DDimension3D Posts: 464
    edited December 1969

    This is the workaround if anything else fails. If you have often problems with wrong file references, it might be reasonable to try to fix the references.

  • JOdelJOdel Posts: 6,275
    edited December 1969

    I have no idea of how to do that. I just have to keep pointing the program at the folder the files are in and showing them that they really are there.

  • Dimension3DDimension3D Posts: 464
    edited December 1969

    Have you ever opened a Poser pose in a text editor? (If it has P2Z as extension, you need to decompress it before.) For morph injections, there are lines starting with readScript followed by the path for the file to read. If this path is wrong, Poser or DS will ask you about the correct path. You can correct this path in the PZ2 file, then you never need to locate it again.

    There are also tools to do this more convient or automatically. Have a look at my website or drop me a PM if you want to know more about this.

  • JOdelJOdel Posts: 6,275
    edited December 1969

    Thanks. I'll try opening one and seeing if there is something there that I recognize as a path. I suspect it may just be missing.

  • KeryaKerya Posts: 10,943
    edited December 1969

    JOdel: did you check that DS has ALL of your runtime folders in it's directory? That it didn't forget one or two? Which version of Poser do you have? Did you add that Poser runtime to DS?
    Edit / Preferences / Content Library tab / Content Directory Manager
    click Poser Formats / Add new Runtime folders if necessary

  • JOdelJOdel Posts: 6,275
    edited December 1969

    I've got all the runtime folders, and I've entered each content directory both as DS and as Poser content. I doubt it would show up in the content list if it weren't entered. These all show up, but they don't apply when clicked on. They will apply if i point the program to the files in the morphs folder. It just won't go thereby itself.

    I opened up one of the problematic files and it was full of instructions that started 'run script' and of course there is no script that DS can find, so that's when I have to hit the 'Locate' button and point the program to where the files live in the morph folder. I made a copy of the file and deleted the 'run scripts' but that didn't help.

    For general info, at the moment, the problems are all Studio Art Vartanian characters, but I'm sure there are ones from other artists which will do the same thing. I was able to transfer Volg without any problem at all. And Dante and Eros both transfered eventually. Boris DeConti and Neville send me pointing the program at the morphs folder.

  • Dimension3DDimension3D Posts: 464
    edited December 1969

    The "readScript" lines are crucial, they call the injection poses for the morphs, e.g. from morphs++. If they are wrong, Poser/DS will ask to locate the file, GenX will issue a warning. If they are missing (or if you remove them), the morphs are not injected. You may remove them and inject the morphs with standard morph injection poses instead before using the character pose to set the morph values.

    A correct call looks like this:
    readScript ":Runtime:libraries:!DAZ:Victoria 4:Deltas:Aiko 4:InjDeltas.FBMA4AikoBody.pz2"

    This means Poser/DS/GenX will look for the file "InjDeltas.FBMA4AikoBody.pz2" in all known Runtime folders using the path Runtime/libraries/!DAZ/Victoria 4/Deltas/Aiko 4. If a file can't be found, there's usually something wrong in the path, often a type or one folder missing in the path. Also, it's usually the same error for all readScript calls in the same file. So, if you compare the readScript with the actual location of the file on your file system, a simple "replace all" in a text editor will fix it, replacing the wrong path with the correct one.

  • JOdelJOdel Posts: 6,275
    edited December 1969

    Ah. Here is a sample for the Boris DeConte Head injection (head 1, there's also a second head, but I suspect that everything probably has the same problem.).

    readScript ":Runtime:Morphs:StudioArtVartanian:BorrisDC:BDCHead:injBDC_Head-head.pz2"

    Okay, I suspect that what I need to do is to go in, make a copy and edit *all* of those lines to read:

    readScript ":Runtime::Morphs:StudioArtVartanian:BorrisDC:BDCHead:injBDC_Head-head.pz2" (without the spaces and <> marks.) The path missed the libraries folder. If that's the kind of fix it takes, I can do that. Although I suspect that I'll be doing this on a copy just to be safe, and then replacing the original with the copy.

  • Mosk the ScribeMosk the Scribe Posts: 888
    edited September 2012

    I'm part way through the manual and will read it a couple of times, but are there any video tutorials (aside from this one: ) that show how to use the varied features of GenX?

    Also, would the DSF Toolbox have any utility in getting figures back and forth between DAZ Studio and Carrara with morphs intact when DUF files aren't working?

    Thanks - eager to learn how to use these tools (along with texture converter 2) and breathe some new life into all my old Generation 3 and 4 stuff.

    Post edited by Mosk the Scribe on
  • RAMWolffRAMWolff Posts: 10,157
    edited December 1969

    I have Gen X but can't find where it's hidden in DS. It shows that the plugin is loaded successfully in the plugins area under Help menu. Can someone PLEASE direct me to where D3D put this?

  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,565
    edited December 1969

    For me it shows up at the bottom of Window > Tabs rather than alphabetically.

  • riftwitchriftwitch Posts: 1,405
    edited December 1969

    RAMWolff said:
    I have Gen X but can't find where it's hidden in DS. It shows that the plugin is loaded successfully in the plugins area under Help menu. Can someone PLEASE direct me to where D3D put this?

    You should be able to right-click in the gray area below any existing tabs, and add it from the 'add pane' drop-down. I've had to do that with a few things.

  • RAMWolffRAMWolff Posts: 10,157
    edited December 1969

    riftwitch said:
    RAMWolff said:
    I have Gen X but can't find where it's hidden in DS. It shows that the plugin is loaded successfully in the plugins area under Help menu. Can someone PLEASE direct me to where D3D put this?

    You should be able to right-click in the gray area below any existing tabs, and add it from the 'add pane' drop-down. I've had to do that with a few things.

    THANKS. Why isn't it in the main Window>Tabs list though. That's really messed up. I wrote Ralf for help. I'll write him and let him know it's sort of solved. Thanks again! :-)

  • riftwitchriftwitch Posts: 1,405
    edited December 1969

    RAMWolff said:
    riftwitch said:
    RAMWolff said:
    I have Gen X but can't find where it's hidden in DS. It shows that the plugin is loaded successfully in the plugins area under Help menu. Can someone PLEASE direct me to where D3D put this?

    You should be able to right-click in the gray area below any existing tabs, and add it from the 'add pane' drop-down. I've had to do that with a few things.

    THANKS. Why isn't it in the main Window>Tabs list though. That's really messed up. I wrote Ralf for help. I'll write him and let him know it's sort of solved. Thanks again! :-)

    You're welcome. I think when I installed it on my machine, the GenX tab was showing the next time I started Studio. I never thought to look in the Window>Tabs list.

  • Dimension3DDimension3D Posts: 464
    edited December 1969

    Mosk the Scribe: I'm not aware of other video tutorials for GenX. The DSF Toolbox has tools to create and modify content in DSF format. I don't think that it will be of help for actual incompatibilities with Carrara.

    RAMWolff: If GenX is missing under Windows > Tabs, this is usually due to menu customization. Use Edit > Customize to add the GenX tab wherever you like. It should be located under Panels on the left side.

  • Mosk the ScribeMosk the Scribe Posts: 888
    edited October 2012

    Does GenX (and the appropriate plugins for M4, v4, and generation 3 characters) allow you to use expressions from the old characters on Genesis?

    If so, can someone explain how?

    I've added V4 and V4 Morphs ++ (body and head) to Genesis. But when I double click on an expression with Genesis loaded, nothing happens.

    Similarly, if I inject a character head or body, I don't see any changes.

    Thanks for any help.

    Post edited by Mosk the Scribe on
  • Dimension3DDimension3D Posts: 464
    edited December 1969

    Expression are just a kind of morphs. So, you can transfer the morphs to Genesis and then use them on Genesis. Because the expression morphs are defined relative to the donor figure (e.g. V4), they will work best when Genesis is morphed to the according shape. Like all morphs, they may work in other cases as well.

    Expressions in the library are a kind of poses, they just set values for expression morphs. You can't apply them directly to Genesis. To use an expression or character pose for the original figure (e.g. V4) on Genesis, you need two things. First, you have to transfer the required morphs to Genesis. For V4 expressions, this are mainly morphs from the base figure. Second, you have to translate the expression or pose file into a DSF shaping preset that sets the values for the transferred morphs in Genesis. This is done easily with the "Presets" tab of Genesis.

  • CybersoxCybersox Posts: 8,830
    edited December 1969

    Not sure if this should be spun off into a new topic, but am I correct in assuming that anything one has transferred via GenX can then be transferred via the new DSON importer for Poser?

  • Dimension3DDimension3D Posts: 464
    edited December 1969

    As far as I tried, the morphs transferred by GenX load with Genesis and work well when using the DSON importer for Poser.

    I'm not sure whether there is a way to load the DSF files created by GenX in Poser to set the morph dial values, I will try to find out ...

  • CybersoxCybersox Posts: 8,830
    edited December 1969

    As far as I tried, the morphs transferred by GenX load with Genesis and work well when using the DSON importer for Poser.

    I'm not sure whether there is a way to load the DSF files created by GenX in Poser to set the morph dial values, I will try to find out ...

    Thanks for the prompt response! I'd assumed that one could use the Dson converter to make items compatible but hadn't really gotten as far as thinking about the dials yet. Too busy drooling about the idea of finally being about to mix Genesis with poser's dynamic hair and and cloth room...

  • Dimension3DDimension3D Posts: 464
    edited December 1969

    I made a small Poser Python script to import DSON files into Poser without requiring companion files. It can be used to apply the DSF or DUF shaping presets generated by Genesis Generation X to a Genesis figure imported into Poser with DSON Importer.

    The script can be downloaded here: DSON Loader.

  • KeryaKerya Posts: 10,943
    edited December 1969

    I made a small Poser Python script to import DSON files into Poser without requiring companion files. It can be used to apply the DSF or DUF shaping presets generated by Genesis Generation X to a Genesis figure imported into Poser with DSON Importer.

    The script can be downloaded here: DSON Loader.

    You are my hero!

  • RAMWolffRAMWolff Posts: 10,157
    edited December 1969

    Couple of questions for you D3D.....

    1) Are you able to figure out a script for DAZ Studio that would help get Gen 4 shoes, boots and high heels converted over to Genesis??

    2) Are you able to create a script that would add Smoothing and Collision into Poser for those that use Poser with this new fabulous DSON Poser tech that DS3D and SmithMicro created? States in the info that those are the two things they were not able to do for what ever reason. Without smoothing and collision .... some clothing may not fit nicely enough and that would be a shame for the Poser community. I really love this feature in DS!

  • andolaurinaandolaurina Posts: 667
    edited December 1969


    (1) This is terrific. I'm a die-hard Poser user so this is great news. Thanks for creating the DSON python. Much appreciated.

    (2) Off-topic: Have you thought about updating Perfect Skin for SSS? Love that product although now I use EZSkin2, too.

    3) And, since you're incredibly well-versed in P2012 & DS4, do you think it will be possible/plausible to tackle autofit of older clothes (e.g. v4) to Genesis within Poser?

  • JOdelJOdel Posts: 6,275
    edited December 1969

    Long skirts are another thing that autofit mangles, and there isn't an option for them. Just knee-length, so the lower skirt tends to get crumpled.

  • Dimension3DDimension3D Posts: 464
    edited December 1969

    RAMWolff 1: I don't know if it is possible to get results for gen 4 shoes that are substantially better than what the auto-fit tool produces. The main problem is that gen 4 people have their feet angled down and Genesis not. The other problem is that (most) shoes have a hard sole, so it would be necessary to detect which polygons are the sole and which not to keep the shape of the sole solid. In short, I think it's not worth the effort trying ...

    RAMWolff 2: If SM and DAZ were not able to implement it with their direct access of the technologies for Poser and DAZ Studio, it's most likely impossible with the standard Python interface of Poser.

    andolaurina 2: Yes and no. I still haven't found the time to explore the SSS features of Poser 9 in depth. If I do, I might update the Perfect Skin script or do a new script for SSS.

    andolaurina 3: It might be reasonable for DS to consider the integration of auto-fit into the DSON Importer. Otherwise, it would require to completely reinvent the system, which probably isn't worth the effort. You can use the auto-fit feature in DS and export the clothing in DUF format if you want to use it in Poser.

    JOdel: It should be possible to improve the transfer of long skirts within auto-fit, but again it would it be much more effort to first build something like auto-fit from ground up and then trying to find a better way to transfer some special cases.

  • PendraiaPendraia Posts: 3,591
    edited December 1969

    JOdel said:
    Long skirts are another thing that autofit mangles, and there isn't an option for them. Just knee-length, so the lower skirt tends to get crumpled.
    More stretching then crumpled these days it keeps improving. I've found playing with the settings once smoothing is added helps. A bigger issue is when items are not welded together and start to separate .
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