Why Is My Pie Crust Still Frozen Complaint Thread
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Is today Wednesday?
It is here, nearly Thursday. I know that's no help :)
Yeah, I think it was having a one off render issue. When I re-rendered it was completely fine. (Just annoying when the render time is very lengthy).
@Ps1borg - No presets were used... I was rendering in advanced render tab with high quality settings. As Richard mentioned, it appears to be a random glitch in the render that didn't happen on the re-render. I assume it was the render engine suddenly skipped or error on one of the calculations.
Nonetheless, I got it to work the second time around.
doncha hate those intermittent ones ;)
I've been rendering a series of renders for my new 'series' for episode one of the New News7... And I just keep learning new things that advance the quality of my renders lol So I have been delayed constantly by having to re-render all my shots ;-P
Deep shadows was causing the Yellow issue. It happened again really badly. So I set all my set lights to raytrace which has massively improved the renders. I see definition I couldnt see in the Hi-res deep shadow ones. Lol now my shadow blur is all out of whack
It is here, nearly Thursday. I know that's no help :)
Hmm, it feels like morning not night. My housemates say it is Wednesday the 24th.
Can someone who have a good job with good pay have their bank account in negative and their credit cards maxed out? And they are behind in their bills? even though they are still working and still getting good pay checks?
(trying to think of a story idea where a guy is in financial problems but he has a good job)
Does anyone know what the shadow bias is for? Shadow softness on my spot lights doesn't seem to be blurring the shadows like I want it to.
Can Rich people go bankrupt?
Any corporation/business, any country and any person can go bankrupt.
To make fine adjustments when a shadow ends up unaligned with the surface that casts it. Shadowing is a dark art, 'scuse the pun, I assume you mean depth-mapped shadows which come with their own peculiar set of problems. You need to light for shadow, I know that's counter-intuitive but if your shadows aren't working and stuff is getting frustrating take a look at adjusting the highlights and see where that leaves you.
Often do :)
Can recommend the Resident Evil films, a cut above other exploitation flicks and a little like Mad Max for intensity and performances :)
i think Lela is the cyclops lady in Futurama too.
Fifth Element is brilliant. sometimes i watch it twice in a row.
Bilbo: "you're a monster Zorg"
Zorg: "i know"
Often do :)
So it is plausible for a dude to still have a good job but face foreclosure and have his bank accounts in the negative and the credit cards maxed out?
i heard somewhere million dollar lottery winners often go bankrupt.
Manager's embezzle from their clients. happened to Irene Cara.
So it is plausible for a dude to still have a good job but face foreclosure and have his bank accounts in the negative and the credit cards maxed out?
Oh yes, is a fish-out-of-water riches-to-rags scenario. The preacher who doesn't believe any more would be another one :)
Can recommend the Resident Evil films, a cut above other exploitation flicks and a little like Mad Max for intensity and performances :)
i think Lela is the cyclops lady in Futurama too.
Fifth Element is brilliant. sometimes i watch it twice in a row.
Bilbo: "you're a monster Zorg"
Zorg: "i know"
it's flu shot day. cowers
the bagel deli was out of sippylids this morning. made me feel like crying. wtf
it's one of those emotionally vulnerable days.
Seem to be getting a bit more DSON acclimatised, clearly don't really know what I'm doing 'cos I can't see off pokethrough. Oh and the whole shapeshifting thing when you turn subD off and on in disconcerting and I don't know if pokeaway is working or not and and and well early daze, took three times as long as it ought to and haz big tired nao. That is my complaint.
To make fine adjustments when a shadow ends up unaligned with the surface that casts it. Shadowing is a dark art, 'scuse the pun, I assume you mean depth-mapped shadows which come with their own peculiar set of problems. You need to light for shadow, I know that's counter-intuitive but if your shadows aren't working and stuff is getting frustrating take a look at adjusting the highlights and see where that leaves you.
My biggest issue has been lighting the characters in a 'set' which requires its own effective lighting. All lights must have shadows... Otherwise things look ridiculously fake... I mean mouths and eyes DON'T illuminate. I've set up the lighting for the set which looks great... but when you put the characters in there, the lighting on them is just awful. So, I've had to blend lighting for the characters with the lighting for the set... So that they are both lit appropriately but also so that they all blend in with one another.
Right now, I'm fighting with the 'sharpness' of the shadows. It's WAY too crisp! But Raytrace is not a happy setting for creating soft/blurred shadows. Blurring shadows was very simple when the lighting was deep shadows... But it's not a reliable choice by far. Hence all the render fragments and wired colours that appear.
Alot of my characters get poke through! Even when using geometry shell! Seems clothes hate my characters.
another hatchling died.
clickies clik clik
My biggest issue has been lighting the characters in a 'set' which requires its own effective lighting. All lights must have shadows... Otherwise things look ridiculously fake... I mean mouths and eyes DON'T illuminate. I've set up the lighting for the set which looks great... but when you put the characters in there, the lighting on them is just awful. So, I've had to blend lighting for the characters with the lighting for the set... So that they are both lit appropriately but also so that they all blend in with one another.
Right now, I'm fighting with the 'sharpness' of the shadows. It's WAY too crisp! But Raytrace is not a happy setting for creating soft/blurred shadows. Blurring shadows was very simple when the lighting was deep shadows... But it's not a reliable choice by far. Hence all the render fragments and wired colours that appear.
There is seldom need for more than one light source for general illumination, and for more than one shadow direction, imo. Additional sources on top of base lighting for effect, for highlights and shadows as the image demands.
Post the render settings?
I'm actually rendering as we speak... I turned my attention back to the (Sometimes Unreliable) Deep shadows. Raytrace was not looking good... And even with high values, the shadows were just ridiculously sharp. I'm working on the news studio renders... And there are NOT sharp and super obvious shadows on studio news reporters! I cant seem to imitate that in my raytraced renders.
FYI - I have...
7x spot lights (Two in the background on the walls, two focused on the news desk, one focused with a broad focus on the two reporters, and two at a distance, illuminating both the set and characters)
1x environment light (That global bubble thing used in Lantios lighting)
2x point lights (Near the reporters, with a low distant fall off)
Again - ALL have shadows switched on, or else we will see their eyes and mouths illuminated like a light is in them.
For those body parts, turn down ambience, change it to black or some other muted color and pay attention to specularity.
For those body parts, turn down ambience, change it to black or some other muted color and pay attention to specularity.
It's all set to 0 and spec is low. Without shadows turned on in each light they will be illuminated.
Here is my lights positions.
I didn't save the set with my raytraced light settings. As I couldnt get it to work.
NOTE: The spot lights are indicated with a line so you know which direction they are aimed at.
This is the annoying raytrace shadows I'm talking about. NO REAL NEWS STUDIO WOULD LIGHT UP THE REPORTERS LIKE THIS!
iz raining
trying to order a case of dog food. the petco website iz saying 'order processing please wait' for the last half hour or so
sees a pretty at rmp, but spent my money on parkside stuff last night
Meh. Really interesting looking game that was in development was announced for pre-order. But...
Well good news and bad news about it.
Good News:
-Is available for pre-order it seems.
-You get an amazingly awesome and amazing feathered raptor skin for doing so.
Bad News:
-It's an online-multiplayer ONLY game, as far as I can tell. They've made zero mention of an offline mode or anything PvE style.
-Only way I can see to pre-order it is via STEAM. I've had nothing but bad experiences with Steam V_V
I've had enough online games to last me for a lifetime. WoW was my last. If I ever do jump back into online gaming (Not bloody likely. Especially if it's subscription based.) it'd be FinalFantasy XIV.
So as cool as the game seemed, it's not really worth my time if it's a strictly multiplayer game. Which is a real bummer. Was really looking forward to it's release too *sighs*
The raptor skin you get for preordering: