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Thanks, Louise! I tried this and it doesn't seem to fix it (I'm not sure if I'm doing it right?). I tried several times following your directions. Maybe I am doing it right but it's the jaw and/or gums moving as well and not just the teeth? Or maybe I'm just not doing it right. hmmm
Edit - Here's a couple renders. The first is G8F without any morphs and the second is with "Lips D" morph:
The front two teeth angle down in the middle. This is after I did tried the fix. Do you think maybe I did the fix wrong? Or do you think it might be the gums/jaw that moves them?
Thank you for your input and help! It's great to know that there are people in the community willing to help me figure out this kind of thing! :)
Thanks Diva it worked that time!!!!
Now I am off to play with the morphs and see what I can do with them!!!
You could try additionally selecting the Mouth surface & clearing the deltas on those to
Failing that here is aother method I have used to correct my own errors in morphs which is possibly easier in this case & may work better for you
Create a new G8 Development & use Geometry Editor (I think it needs to be on Select By Polygon but it may not matter)
Select by surfaces - Lips
Go to Geometery Assignment - Create Face Group from selected (call it any unique name - I named mine Lip Morph)
Reinport the object file using the Attentuate By Property - As image
Setting strength at 1 makes the imported object only affect the lips - You could also set it at -1 which will make the object import affect anything except the Lips just to see what happens
Good deal! I'm glad it worked! :)
Thank you, Louise! I'll try that! :)
On how to keep this from happening with future morphs, I got some really good advice on how to make face morphs without effecting the teeth and eye balls here:
I tried the step by step instructions that Cris Palomino gave - and it works like a charm! You can't use "GoZ" with that method and have to save the morphs as OBJs and load them with Morph Loader Pro but other than that it works really well! Yay! No more face morphs messing up the teeth or eyeballs! At least not for my future morphs. lol :)
I don't have zbrush so only have object files anyway from Blender but I find Blender a headache at times but I keep going - I did have the 45 day Zbrush trial last Year but at that time could not quite persuade myself to pay the $800 , I am in Canada so after conversion it starts to sounds even more expensive but all this is making me want to ask for an expensive birthday present , I guess if I stopped buying things I don't need it would be more affordable or I could get zBrush core for this - :)
I tried messing with Lip Morph D & the best I got it was by clearing Mouth & Teeth Deltas - The 1st image is with them ckeared & the second ius G8
I find both Blender and ZBrush equally frustrating. lol Neither are very user friendly and both are needlessly complicated IMO. I didn't pay $800 for ZBrush, I'd not pay full price for it, as I think it's definitely not worth THAT much. If you can find it at a really good sale price, then I'd go for it. Otherwise I'd probably stick to using Blender.
The Mouth and Teeth Delta clear looks good! Nicely done! I'm going to have to see if I can figure out how to do that. Though I might just release the morphs as freebies as is and just make sure to keep the teeth and eyeballs safe during my future morphs.
There's a thread going on in the Commons about the looks of Victoria 8 that have me (and a couple others I've talked to) down right sick. I wanted to talk about it here, as well, as this is more of my spot to be able to talk about stuff that disturbs me. Many comments in that thread make me physically ill. Some saying Victoria 8 looks half a century old. Others saying she looks like a "drag queen". Many saying she's "ugly". When it comes to sexism (and ageism against women) in our society it's like we're going backwards. I feel physically sick with what's happening to women in our society, and how many people are saying such gross things simply because of a character that doesn't look like she's a teen or someone barely in their 20s.
FIFTY years old? REALLY? How often do people who are half a century old look like this - without a TON of plastic surgery?
Not that there's anything wrong with being 50, of course. But what the..?
I can't tell you how distressing it is, as a woman, to see so many toxic and damaging sexist comments in that thread. All the "ugh she's ugly" "oh she looks so old" "ugh she looks like a drag queen" "take down the renders of her, they hurt my eyes" comments are so damaging, sexist, and ageist against women. That thread is a microcosm of how we view and treat women in our society.
It's completely ok to not like the look of a character, however, some of the comments in that thread are downright disturbing. Women deserve better than what we are doing. Our daughters, sisters, and mothers deserve better.
She is beautiful Diva.
You are correct ben98120000, calling somebody ugly may not be sexist. I would agree that the definition of ugly as not being sexist. However, we are talking about humans and humans use words as tools. Along with definition comes motives. Why we say what we say. We have to consider the motives of using the word as well as its meaning, to understand the complete context of the event. There are many motives behind the use of ugly but sexist can be one of those reasons, just as ensuring superiority is another (i.e. the bullying tactic). People communicate with a purpose, there is motive or reason behind every word that is said or written. I bet if we could gather more information about why the word was used we would find several reasons for the use and in that list would be sexism. Diva mentioned one of the reasons, "ugh she looks like a drag queen", that is one for the sexism column.
Diva, love your banner and your art work.
I hope you don't take elements of "that other thread" that disturbed you too hard. This was my first contribution to "that other thread." It was before you joined in.
Even though I have not personally done much with V8 yet, I really like what I see others doing. For example, some of the characters, morphs, and skins in Divasmakeup's thread are very appealing to me. It is still a little early in the product cycle for me to form a firm judgment so I will follow your thread with interest before I invest a lot. See Divasmakeup examples here.
Even so, I was someone who linked to one scientific study of beauty. You may disagree with me on some methodological stuff. However, that is all there is to it - a diagreement about methodological stuff. There is no hidden agenda, no attempt to bully, and certainly no attempt to discourage your forum participation. Quite the reverse.
Sorry for intruding on your thread, but I have great respect for your work and don't want anyone (including you) to misinterpret anything that I have shared.
Thank you, DollyGirl. For sure thinking something is ugly is not "sexist" in and of itself, but many comments on that thread are sexist. Many of the things said on that thread are not the type of things people say when discussing the looks of a male character.
I saw your comments and really appreciate you linking to my art and some of the work I've done with G8F and V8 (though that first character in that link is actually G3F - the rest after her are G8F and V8 characters). G8F and V8 are wonderful and I'm just tickled pink with them and how they're getting us closer to photo-realism with the 3D characters! :) Your supportive comments in that "V8 thread" where very nice to read and put a smile on my face! :)
As for studies on "beauty", I have to agree with @timmins.william in which he said, "The history of science analyzing beauty is a trash pile of racism and bigotry." Most of the studies of "female beauty" is looked at from the perspective of white males and historically white European ideals. It's not even something most people consider when talking about the subject of "beauty ideals" but it should be as it's a huge influence on that in our society.
Thanks for the lovely comments and for the support of my work - that's really nice of you! I saw you linked to my art thread a couple times and that put a big smile on my face! Thank you! :)
Not to interrupt the current affairs discussion but Diva Karli makes another appearance as the "before" civilian edition of a Battletech space pirate character. My first OC render for someone else :) Based on her sketch here.
NICE! Thank you for sharing your renders of Karli with me! :) I love seeing what others do with my morphs!
I am just loving your Karli Charactor Diva
I will be posting soon on my thread a couple of renders, just as soon as they are done!!!
Cool! Thank you for working with my character - that makes me happy! :)
I'm working on learning how to make fibermesh eyebrows. After hours and hours of trying to figure it out and 23 attempts, I finally created some halfway decent brows. Here's my first successful attempt:
They look a little bit "over-tweezed" to me, but at least they don't look insanely crazy like most of the attempts ended up looking like. lol
I can see now why vendors don't often include fibermesh brows in their characters in the Daz store. Making them is a huge pain.
They look pretty good and some people have the "over-tweezed" look anyway.
I guess you did them in ZBrush. Any advice ?
I've been so busy I haven't stopped in here for a bit. You've been busy, girl! Nice work on the custom morphs. I downloaded the files so I hope to be able to take a look in the next few days. The eyebrows do look a little rough. No advice for you there as I don't know anything about ZBrush. I haven't even played with the hair thing in Blender yet. Yikes! All of the things there are to still learn. Keep up the good work, though, you're doing great. :)
I think the eyebrows are comming along nicely Diva!!
I am almost done with my projects with your charactor so they will be here soonish!!
Yeah, I did them in ZBrush. :) Advice? Have a LOT of patience. lol I'm still trying to figure it out. I have the "steps" down on how to make fibermesh appear, but getting them to look like decent brow hair ...yeah. Not so much. lol Once I get better at it I'm going to try and do a tutorial. I'd feel silly doing a tutorial right now when my "best" brows still look like over-tweezed weirdness or wild furry caterpillars living on the face. lol
Thank you! I appreciate the support, KM! :)
And yeah, they are pretty rough. I'm still learning. I hope I figure it out - I'd love to make fibermesh brows for my characters (ones that don't look weird lol).
Thank you! :D I'm learning ...slowly but surely. lol
I'd love to see your projects when you're done. :)
I've made my first clothing set. It's a little rough. But it's my first so... hopefully I'll get better. Anyway, since they were just for practice and they aren't nearly ready for the Daz Store, I thought I'd offer them as a freebie. Here's the set, an 80's style workout outfit:
It's a four piece set: leotard, leg warmers, off-shoulder shirt, and wrist sweatbands. The leotard can be worn alone as a swimsuit, of course.
I just learned how to save and package clothing for sharing, so I'm not sure if I packaged it right. Could someone download it and test it for me? To make sure I did it right before I upload it to a share site?
Here's the download:
If someone could test that for me and see if it's working ok, I'd appreciate it! :) Let me know if you get any file errors or problems, please!
Only one question Diva........Which GF is it for????
That looks really great @divamakeup As soon as I saw this I started to sing "What A Feeling" from Flashdance, lol. I love the colors and the style. Only thinh I can think of that you might consider is thicker/knit texture for the leg warmers. However that might be something users would do with shaders. Can't wait to see what else you come up with, and I wish you much luck with your efforts to sell at the store.
Sorry, I forgot to mention it - it's for G8F. :)
I'm mainly making content for G8F now, since I want to (eventually ..hopefully soonish?) become a Daz vendor and I know they mainly want characters and clothes and stuff for the newest generation.
Thank you! I appreciate the support and the tips. I was thinking the leg warmers might be TOO thick. lol It's hard to know. I know that the shirt is too thin. Ugh, it's hard to know exactly how thick and thin to make different types of clothing. The shirt was a boo-boo. I already sculpted in the wrinkles/folds before I realized I forgot to thicken it. And the only way I know how to add thickness smooths out any detail you've added. So I was like, bah - I just spent half an hour sculpting in folds, I'm not starting over. So...yeah. lol I need to figure out how to add thickness to clothing in ZBrush without losing the details sculpted into the object.
Honestly, for work out clothes the shirt looks fine. I have work out shirts that are that thin. Looks great! I am at work til five and have people coming for dinner but I will try and download those and see how it works as soon as I get a chance.
Looks great, Diva!