Jaderail is at it Again.

I guess it's time for me to jump in. My first full postworked DS4Pro render.
Yes, I got the Supersuit. Yes, I'm thinking of maybe restarting the comic project from scratch.
Yes, I need to learn lot's more. I should go back and add lighting that shows on the ground.
I'm still working to get DS4P into my work flow lots to learn.

800 x 615 - 378K
Love the lightning effect. Is that rendered or added in post?
That was done in postwork.
So Jade, your up and running on DS4 ..........and, it looks like you have started very nicely too. :coolsmile:
Thank You Kylumi. The Supersuit just got my mojo flowing again. All I need now is to figure out a fast workflow in DS4P, and work on my lighting and postwork. Other than that I'm back again.:coolsmirk:
excellent !
the firebolt is amazing
Thank you thadeus72. More to come in the next few days. I'm building the First Villian in DS4P now. The Supersuit is perfect for his costume :-) .
This is getting easy now.
Trauma Promo Image
Title: Your Mine!
It's about time!:-)
Nice start. Can't wait to see what's next.
Ooooh...Jeff is getting used to DS4! Woohoo! You'll looooove Genesis and everything else made for Genesis and Genesis will hug you and squeeze you and call you George. :cheese:
Just in time for the move to 4.5. Lol. It's a bit broken (at least for me) at this stage but once they fix the bugs it's gonna be a lot better than 4.0 even. Instancing man. Imagine that. Hundreds of Genesis soldiers on the screen without any strain on system resources. Pure bliss. Sniff. :coolgrin:
Do not talk to me. I can not find a BBD thread. I need my BBD threads. Humh.. Crosses arms and turns to show back.
I could give 4.5 a run. I don't have any plugins it would break. And I've heard some good things. Does the Auto fit really leave morphs in the items now?
I could give 4.5 a run. I don't have any plugins it would break. And I've heard some good things. Does the Auto fit really leave morphs in the items now?
Yup, although it still does a crap job with anything longer than knee length when it comes to dresses. And still no support for shoes but that's no biggie really as we now have plenty of Genesis shoes anyway. But most 'tight wear' imports fine and with all morphs intact.
The good news is it won't break any shader packs that works through shader mixer. Fabricator, Lacemaker and all that still works. Updates are included for the usual bunch such as the ZBrush and PS bridges and Animate. It's stable and it's usable. It just does not play nice with all content (although most if okay) and Morph loader is broken. Could be an issue on my side though.
Food for thought. Now back to editing Brother Blood. I need him so I can show off Trauma.
Do not talk to me. I can not find a BBD thread. I need my BBD threads. Humh.. Crosses arms and turns to show back.
:down: I'm working on it. I've decided to do my next project solely in Poser Pro 2012. I'm still trying to get lighting just right. Now, quit picking on me and get back to work.
I only switched to DS4 a couple of weeks ago myself. Good start Jade.
I'm starting to get the hang of it, I think. Kinda, sorta maybe even? I keep finding new stuff tucked away in places I would never look. It's like I was sold a car and told it had all the bells and whistles, I open the trunk and find a seven disk CD changer after I get the Quad Stereo programed. :bug:
Opp's I forgot to post to my own thread. :red:
My two Wraiths....
My two Traumas...
I'm getting some weirdness when I load the superbelt. It collides into the back of Genesis, smoothing does not help any it just distorts the belt. I would ask in the commons but I keep getting errors when I try to post to the commons today.
Just gave it a second try. the deformation starts when you start adding the built in morphs.
I like the gal in heels best. :-)
Me too... That's my original Trauma. If I could build her with Genesis I would. I might give it a shot with the transfer utility, Autofit messes up the clothing to much.
lilflame's corset? (i've been able to autofit that stuff decently if I actually go through the Edit>Triaxx then the Edit>Assets. but it is a little touchy and there a few times where I gotta use X-Away)
Trauma's look good. I like the one on the left better, though if you could remake in genesis that might be cool.
Nothing saying ya gotta just use the supersuit. Look at my Purple Raine ;)
Thank you for the info and input Rea. I was thinking about maybe doing a POLL to see which Characters people liked better for my Comicbook project. I need to create about 8 more main characters before I can do that but I'm putting that out there for folks to think about.
Let me know what you folks think. I might even resize the old pages and post them so folks can see what I was doing.
Go for it.
My fav is the one of the two guys "sorting it" in the back alley...............great POV , excellent my friend. :coolsmile:
No Flags NO Bruuna's, I just cant seem to keep her in clothes. And I have not done a worthy render in sometime now. Just had the render Blah's. I even ran out of steam on the Supersuit.
No Flags NO Bruuna's, I just cant seem to keep her in clothes. And I have not done a worthy render in sometime now. Just had the render Blah's. I even ran out of steam on the Supersuit.
I like the two ladies in red, I have the supersuit but cant get on with it, I will give it another try at some point.
No Flags NO Bruuna's, I just cant seem to keep her in clothes. And I have not done a worthy render in sometime now. Just had the render Blah's. I even ran out of steam on the Supersuit.
I hate that 'blah' feeling. So many ideas... so little motivation.
I hate that 'blah' feeling. So many ideas... so little motivation.
Thats it in a nutshell............lots of ideas but cannot be bothered. So, I just sit there staring and fiddling. :lol:
I hate that 'blah' feeling. So many ideas... so little motivation.
Thats it in a nutshell............lots of ideas but cannot be bothered. So, I just sit there staring and fiddling. :lol:
Yep DEAD on the nail head. I'm about as productive right now as a one legged man in a butt kicking contest.
Hey Jade, whats happened with Beto? :ohh: