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File Name :
Alchemy Chasm
File Path :
DAZ 3D/Studio/My Library/Props/Architecture/Alchemy Chasm/
Created :
Wednesday, August 15 2012 8:00 pm
Oh yes, this set will breathe new life into some old scenes. Saving up now for it. The glass and fabrics alone will do wonders for my renders
Oh my goodness! I would never recognize that!
Here next promo
I surprised myself on this one too different look
BTW my entire store is .40% off ... just so you know
Oh, I noticed.
Got volume 1, gonna have some fun with that on Eleanor's mechanical parts.
I picked up volume one as well, and used my PA coupon ' ')/
Picked up volume one also! It'll hold me over until this newest volume hits! :D
Already got Volume One, I'm just trying to *whimper* save for Volume Two. Also, I am personally blaming you for making me get interested in a new graphic card. You monster.
Good choice guys
.. just use it straight from the library and not via smart content
and thanks for the support !
I take it 100% on me no problem !
the other day one dude blamed me for spending over 2K on new cards too after he saw video preview
but I remember when I rendered with PBR and Octane back then on gtx 760 ( my older laptop ) and I blame Nvidia for spending on my last hug rig after seeing their presentation video .. they did +1 my new setup
but the truth is that after I spend days to render Unshaven 2 previews I was like no way I am continue like that ..and so got rid of my little savings lol but man I am so happy I did !
New card isn't an option for me... Stupid compact system and its lack of expansion slots. Still I've got a pc, a laptop and a tablet so it isn't an issue if my PC is on a render for a few hours. Gonna try and make some renders of Eleanor with the shaders soon. (And the ones from Unshaven for her hair.)
Got a render done, Volume 1 for her mechanical parts, and the hair shaders from Unshaven on her hair. Probably gonna try some scenes with her in a lower energy state with some more urban scenery...
Nice done !
I love the pattern options in the set. While I used the original 110.1 displacement maps on her torso, I made use of some of the patterns and tiling options for parts of her limbs. Not that they show well in the render, but they looked nice in the closeup testing I did. Gonna have to do another with her and some of those patterns on her limbs to give them some more detail. :)
Tye patterns are Normal maps so you cab still use it on top of your dusplacement , the only thing you can't do with is scalling it down while displacement maps for the torso are on ..
BTW I just wanna let you all know that the vol.2 is under QA in the store but as soon as I get release date from the marketing I will let you know .. sadly I don't have control over that
in main time finishing vol3 with a lot of pretty wood shaders of any kind and styles .. from natural wood fences to shiny floors or burned down ..
looking forward to that volume as well. Between the wood and metal I think I can redo several steampunk sets I have to very nice Iray styles. :)
Waiting with bated breath...
Looking good! Looking forward to the release.
I'm just stunned by awesome. I forgot to check the thread and now... so much awesome.
Hi, wonderfull as usual ;-)
But do you intend to do some carbon fiber like shaders?
I'm pretty sure there is nothing comparable at the moment in daz/iray libraries and it should be a nice addition to your package in term of commercial value added ;
like, for example those:
Hi, the vol.2 is finished a time ago and already in the store awaiting release , plus in the library there is already the best carbon fiber shader provided by NVIDIA like no one you show in the example
File Name :
Carbon Composite.duf
File Path :
My Library/Shader Presets/Iray/NVIDIA MDL Examples/Carbon Composite.duf
a big thank you for this info!!! I've discovered something today thanks to you!
I've tried this carbon fiber shader and it is indeed very good. But the MDL library is quite short. Do you know if the full MDL libray is available somewhere for daz?
Vol 2 ... Vol 3!
Can we just send you all our money right now and get it over with?
You will find the full list under C:\Program Files\DAZ 3D\DAZStudio4\shaders\iray\nvidia
but you need to load it under the shader buillder and save the preset ..
most of the shaders are already mixed under DAZ Uber for Iray and what left was couple procedural shaders .. Iray DAZUber base is the best MDL mix anyway
as the MDL blocks are rather primitive
You funny hahaha .. Btw also finishing smaller 150 shaders new PBR Metal Resource pack for everyone that want to include metal shaders in own commercial products ..and a nice one
I left the 2 layers free so still additional normal and bump maps can be added bellow if someone want to add own bump or normal maps for own model surface and don't interrupt the PBR settings of the metal
bellow is PBR 14 K Gold and all it's variations from this pack .. all true PBR, total of 24 base metals in 6 categories each
Looking forward for it, i own the first package and its fantastic.
I haven't checked here in a little bit so forgive me if I bring up old stuff like.....Wet Sand?!? Wet Clothes?!? It's already been submitted to QA?!!? Here, let me just open up my bank account to you Mec!! LOL. Very much looking forward to this as well!