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I don't know if someone could model a pin that wouldn't do that at least to some degree. However, you can diminish problems with slipping by increasing the friction for the surface that's slipping off. Say you have a pair of pants that slides down, increase the friction on the waistband to keep it from slipping so much. Sometimes increasing the Shrink X and Shrink Y settings to a small degree can help with that too. Increasing the shrink setting can definitely help fit a garment to a smaller figure--especially when animating the drape, starting off with the larger figure and animating into the smaller figure.
Hi ThespiSis - are you and Cridget talking about something that's available if you have the Dynamic Control? Or is it something a base user could do? LIke pins or rings or increasing friction? I'm new to dynamics and just have the basic that comes with DS 4.5 pro - thanks! -Cathy
For the settings I referred to, yes. However, you can still use animation to some degree to accomplish that. It just won't be as effective without being able to change the settings.
LOL thanks!
I tried the three freebies (Win Vista 32 bits, free dynamic plug-in, DS, and they work fine on Genesis, however the flared dress has the sleeves hanging down after a static drape, they do not seem to take the rig (assuming there is a rig). Strange, I tested it and it is working ok.
OK, I think I know what the issue is now. Previously I used the basic plug-in which loads the dress as in the first screen-shot. If you install the Clothing Control though you get it to load like in the second picture. The weird thing is if you have loaded the dress once with the Clothing Control plug-in and revert to the basic plug-in, it will load as in the screenshot too! Apparently you have to go to \My Library\data\4_0_2\flared dress_14061_Object and rename the "modifiers" subfolder to something else, as well as rename the Clothing Control plug-in and the basic plug-in so that the latter is active to get back to the first screenshot. I'll file a bug report.
And of course the drape of the sleeves kind of follows from the load positions.
Thanks! I got the sheets. The king and queen size seem to work, but the double and single don't work with Reality2/LuxRender. When I press render frame the program seems to hang right at the start. Very strange and frustrating.
But I am getting some use from the two larger sizes. Still, it would be hugely helpful if there were a way to fold back the sheets before draping--some kind of drag and pin facility.
I'm looking forward to the towels.
Thanks for all your work! I've tried the loincloth and apron. They both work fine on basic genesis forms, A little tweaking is required on smaller/larger figures. They do not want to work on extreme morphs like the Troll.
I've come up with a few more items for my wishlist..
I just picked this up on sale...
The textures are terrific! I would like to see dynamic laces at the neck that would fall naturally. Also a pair of jeans/pants with an open/closed feature similar to the Capri Jeans offered at Optitex. I was rather disappointed in the dynamic jeans offered here at Daz.
Another idea would be an Mp3 player with a dynamic cord. Something that would conform the headphone/earbuds to the head and the cord would then drape from the head to the player. The image below is a 3ds model from Archive 3d.
Hello Martin, great to see you again and absolutly the right time....
My requests would be some fetish, medieval and leather clothes (something that Rockers wear with some zippers on it...maybe) for V4+5...more for V4 because I have some PC issues with Studio 4 pro....I guéss to less RAM.
...but again, great to see you are back!!!!!!!
Thanks! I got the sheets. The king and queen size seem to work, but the double and single don't work with Reality2/LuxRender. When I press render frame the program seems to hang right at the start. Very strange and frustrating.
But I am getting some use from the two larger sizes. Still, it would be hugely helpful if there were a way to fold back the sheets before draping--some kind of drag and pin facility.
I'm looking forward to the towels.
Have you tried exporting the the unfunctional sheets as OBJs (and of course then importing the OBJ) and trying to render with the OBJ instead.
You can use a D-formers to do simple folds with the sheets.
Cover the part you want to fold with the D-former field, place the d-former base where you want the fold, edit the spline of the D-former (in the D-form tab) like pictured below and finally rotate the D-former itself to fold the sheet. if the D-former doesn't seem to do anything, clear the drape.
Nothing fancy, just testing Jazlyn with the "red carpet evening gown"
Drape animation used - good thing about the halter neck is that it's pretty much guaranteed to stay up, LOL
Yes I still use dynamis, almost exclusively....sometimes my characters are naked.... lol
I really really really need a mans shirt for Genesis, my preference would be without a collar - what I call a granddad collar. Please.
How about some basic dynamic clothes for four arms genesis character. Also would like some dynamic clothes for dogs, cats, and horses.
My guess is he means RawArt's Four Arms for Genesis, which uses geografting to add the extra two arms to Genesis.
A horse blanket?
{{{BIG HUGS}}}
Oh I like the horse blanket.... yea like that for dogs and cats too. Yes four arms for genesis is a character by etujedi and Rawart has an addon fantasy character for him. Its very hard to fit clothes to the character with the extra arms and the geografting in the middle of Genesis but I think dynamic clothes might work better for him.... maybe with extra sleeves or at least open on the sides.
Oh thank you.
Quick test of Flared Dress Genesis on basic female shape
- applied pose, added dress & clicked drape... applied silkessence to dress and added hair, shoes & lights =
I tried to rig the T shirt on Genesis but I could not manage to rig the lower arms, I have to check how to do this.
That means on this T-shirt you have to do an animation drape.
I am fine Martin thanks!!!
Unfortunately I am not able to use Studio 4 yet. It is a pain to open it not to speak to use it....I guess I need more RAM for Studio but at the moment I am broke....for the next months. Well when time comes I will use just Studio 4 maybe when Vers. 5 will be