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No, I haven't emailed him. The forum only shows his profile and PM link, no email address. I have asked things of him in here (the forums) in the past, with no reply for some time. I hope he is well.
The problem isn't the .dsv file, it's the 'content' folder. DS 4+ doesn't use the 'content' folder it uses the 'My Library' folder.
If with older zips made for DS3 you copy the 'content' folder into your 'My Library' folder it won't work. What you have to do is open the 'content' folder in the zip and copy it's contents into your 'My Library' folder. The biblical stuff works fine in 4.6 then.
I don't think that matters. The other three dynamic items loaded just fine. They were all made at the same time and bought at the same time. I don't think DS cares what the folder is called, as long as it is registered there so to speak. I have already done renders with things in the content/Runtime folders that I've always used. I "install" everything to there, unless it is specifically for DS4, then I let it install where it wants (usually plug-ins we're talking about here), and it picks the correct structure based on whether I checked DS3 or DS4. And both are also not in My Library.
Somehow I think a file without a name is a problem...for DS as well as for Windows. Windows will allow it, but it probably can have "unexpected results".
So how can I have just rendered this in 4.6 by following my method? Loaded and rendered with no reported errors, and the .dsv file is there just as for you.
Another thing...I never said your method doesn't work, I said that mine does, too.
The key is not ending up with My Library > Content > Runtime 'nesting'...My Library/Content can live side by side, but things don't turn out very well with one inside the other. How you maintain the separation doesn't really matter...just that there isn't any.
The key is not ending up with My Library > Content > Runtime 'nesting'...My Library/Content can live side by side, but things don't turn out very well with one inside the other. How you maintain the separation doesn't really matter...just that there isn't any.
Here is my folder setup...
Has anyone seen Martin around? Is anyone besides Martin taking requests for Daz Dynamic items, for purchase or free?
I need an apron, like the one on the Dynamic 1900s Maids Dress (, but I need it to be a separate garment, not attached to a dress. The pinafore for YT Julie's Wondrous Dress is too short, too full, and for too small a figure. I need it to fit an adult and go to mid-shin.
I'd like it to tie at the waist, around the back, and for variety, a version with a front panel (like the Amish wear) would be great, too).
Any ideas?
Here is my folder setup...
DanaIs it me or is your content folders in the Programs folder on your C drive? If so what version is your OS?
Here is my folder setup...
DanaIs it me or is your content folders in the Programs folder on your C drive? If so what version is your OS?
It's not the C drive, it's on the H drive (yes, I have several drives). But alas, I am still on Windows XP. I'm hoping to change that, when I have some money, and before they drop the security update patches in April.
I'd love to have a beast like yours...but no income means no nice, new, toys.
Anyone else having trouble loading dynamics after the recent dynamics controller update? I try to load anything and only the rig loads.
Well, I've managed to load and drape the 50s Cocktail Dress onto V4 with no difficulty. What precisely are you trying to load? If I have it I'll give it a go.
So long as your most recent install was NOT through DIM, you should be fine...
I use DIM to know when a new version is out (by letting DIM install it) but then go to DAZ account and download Dynamic Plug-in to manually install. I don't know why, but dynamic controller never installs correctly for me via DIM.
I've tried three different items so far. One freebie, and two paid items. All are doing the same thing, only loading the rig, and all were working before the update. I'm thinking that was it and I just forgot to do something after the update. I'm hoping I don't need to reinstall all of my dynamics.
I've tried Urban Cargo Pants, Women's Jeans, and Jeans Slim Fit (the freebie).
Ahhh ... I did use DIM. I will go back and do it manually. Thanks.
Ahhh ... I did use DIM. I will go back and do it manually. Thanks.
I used DIM and the clothes are draping fine - so its not DIM .
I've tried three different items so far. One freebie, and two paid items. All are doing the same thing, only loading the rig, and all were working before the update. I'm thinking that was it and I just forgot to do something after the update. I'm hoping I don't need to reinstall all of my dynamics.
I've tried Urban Cargo Pants, Women's Jeans, and Jeans Slim Fit (the freebie).
I don't have any of those, but other articles are loading OK. And for what it's worth my Dynamic Clothing Control (64-bit Windows version) was installed using DIM.
Well, reinstalling it manually didn't fix the problem.
This happened right after I installed the update, so it had to have screwed something up.
Have you tried reinstalling say the Cargo Pants, just to check that some files or links haven't gone awol? I also wouldn't mind seeing a screen shot of the problem.
You might also try clearing any references to that object from the data folder.
Default Path: C:\Users\Public\Documents\My DAZ 3D Library\data
I don' t have any Opitex stuff installed on this PC; so I'm not sure how it works with temporary files, but many times when a bit of content worked in the past, but doesn't work after an upgrade, I've found that it is a problem with semi-permanent files that get created in the data folder.
The safest way to handle it would be to move any references you see to the cargo pants in that folder tree somewhere else. What should happen is that if DS doesn't find the temporary files in the data folder, it will recreate them.
That would remove all the geometry information. I can promise it will not work if there is no data for it.
Edit: I should elaborate. If you load a product that was not created for studio the first time it is saved the geometry is saved as a data file. Any product created for studio currently is created with a data file from the go if it is properly done. Pretty sure that dynamic clothes have always had the geometry in a data file that is installed with the product as well. It use to be safe to delete data files back when they were just the files that studio needed for scenes etc but now they are often where the "meat" of a product is.
I finally got dynamic cloth room working and I have to say it's the best thing I've ever owned for DS.
There is nothing to show in a screenshot. Nothing loads but the rig, which is invisible. And it's not some wonky iles, but all of them ... shirts, dresses, m4, v3, genesis ... all of them.
In DS, does Help > About Installed Plugins show any problems?
I wouldn't know if there were, but here's a screenshot ...
Yeah, the red plugs show they aren't working. Are you sure the versions of DS and DCC match?
I just followed the update in DIM. So what do you suggest?
I just followed the update in DIM. So what do you suggest?
Is this the first time you used DIM to install it? Can you go to DIM settings > applications and post a screenshot?
I have DS 64-bit (which is, at the moment, the latest non-beta release).
If you get up the Help> About Installed Plugins .. again, scroll down to the Dynamic Clothing Plugin - Control line and click on it. At the bottom of the dialog you should see some information appear, showing the filename and, mote importantly, the version number. Mine says The general rule is the right-hand most digits of the DCC plugin and DS should match (here it is .118).
It's telling me the DCC is for a newer version of Daz. I thought I had the newest version?
Current version of DAZ Studio is
Looks like I need the newest version ... But I don't see where it is downloadable. Do I just go back to my product list and re-download it?
Yes, it should show up in DIM also. is the latest official release version
*edit* uh oh, typing too slow again :lol: