Hex Gallery

Anyone know if the Hexagon gallery is going to be started again, I miss seeing what other Hex'ers have been creating.
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Anyone know if the Hexagon gallery is going to be started again, I miss seeing what other Hex'ers have been creating.
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We don't know the time frame for when galleries will be reinstated yet. You could always start a ender thread, like we have in the Bryce forum
Thanks Chohole, I will have to make something and post either a render or a Hex scene.
If anyone has got a prop or whatever they would like to show, please feel free to post an image of it here :)
Did Hex ever have a dedicated gallery? I seem to remember it being combined with Carrara?
What you did have was a WIP forum, we all had WIP forums, but they weren't used a great deal, so they decided to do away with them.
Hex WIP thread had 646 threads in it, in 6 years.
You are right Roygee, Hex & Carrara shared a gellery. Here's what I put together since my last post, hope you like it :)
Very nice :)
So, you used DS just to port your scene through to LUX?
I use Hex to model, depending what I'm doing I'll texture in PSPx4 or Blacksmith3D paint. Then load into Daz Studio and render with LuxRender. It may-be a time consuming but I quite like the results.
Yes, you've gotten very nice results :)
That is really good, John - but I take mine on-the-rocks.
Just for interest, how long did that render take?
Thanks Roygee, normally my renders take an hour or so, but as I had the glass set to realistic and it is a fairly large image I left it to render over night.
mmm... I believe there's a free plugin for Blender to use Luxrender - must look deeper into this - your result is really impressive.
Thank you Roy, I sent you a PM regarding LuxRender.
Excellent render "W.D.J".
Forgive me friends.......
I can not follow the forum for my lack of knowledge of the English language.
My first attempt at using an online translator
Come non c'è nessuna Galleria hex postare immagini qui
Sorry that there is no gallery for users
Dispiace che non esista gallery per gli utenti
MM-Italy - non esitate a postare qui immagini
please feel free to post images here
Hi Roygee,
There are others that have been integrated directly into the builds of Blender, but those (linked to) versions give you the choice of rendering internal (blender view-port) or external (Lux GUI). There is a short vid (on the download page) on how to add the plugin. (you must use Blender 2.63a for that plugin, currently:- http://www.blender.org/download/get-blender/ )
Hi Steve -
Thank you. That link is for YafaRay, but i grabbed the plugin anyway. Also got the Luxrender plugin and Blender 2.63a.
I'll give both a try tomorrow.
Sorry, elderly (long) moment lol.
I have been using Yafaray path-tracing, it is quite good.
For LUX, you can download the "Standalone" V1.0RC4, it does contain the plugin for current Blender. http://www.luxrender.net/en_GB/standalone.
Thanks - grabbed that one as well - now to give my machine the fright of its life!
Sorry "W.D.J".....
Now I understand the concept.....
Post here the next object....
Very nice MM-Italy, love the reflections in the glass
Thank you.
Used the Hex-DS bridge to make some shaping morphs for a candle.
Man! I've been using Bryce since ver. 2, tried Lightwave and 3DS Max (not for long enough), but I've never rendered that kind of realism!
I'm totally humbled...
PS: couldn't get the image into this post - it's the one with the Coke cans and glasses :)
Eh im still messing around with hex carrara and bryce, all 3 were used for this.
No postwork
a Bryce render???
If your talking to me then no the final render is cararra 7 standard.
The background is a bryce 7 pro render with exported hdr file.
Notice the flare is done in cararra.
The following is a wip and of course you can see the hex UI.
The render is bryce 6.3
yes... i was talking to you... (sounds like a line from "The Deer Hunter")
another nice model and render!!