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And here I have tried to do something with the landscape NPR. The scene tab element is Dartabeck's woodland realms kit. See previous post for details. I rendered a separate NPR of the Daz FH dragon. My NPR settings were similar to the settings I posted earlier for the landscape background. I then composited that with the landscape in an image editor. I tried to get an ethereal effect by emphasizing the edges. Separate dragon NPR render also attached.
Woohoo - and off and racing !!!
Thanks Diomede !!! There are 5 elements of the render that are the same as Stezza's wonderful Roo render, if it was just a couple I would not be worried about it, but if Stezza is not concerned then I am happy with it !!!
Awesome !!!
Next entry - RADIUS - this is a Carrara scene made by Discoseven, released 2008-07-09. Unfortunately it is no longer sold by DAZ3D
WIP - might add a robot as well.
Raw render
Robots added
WIP - Topaz Adjust Crisp filter used to bring out details & lighten scene
Final Image
Thanks Stezza. :) (and Diomede)
meanwhile, back to our explorers...
"Oh my God - I think I just saw something falling over the edge!"
Same materials, different angle. Not as easy as simply rotating the camera, unfortunately.
Bunyip - cool scifi scene. I am unfamiliar with discoseven. Wonder if I have any content. Great details.
UnifiedBrain - loving the evolution of the explorers.
Splat Experiments WIP
WIP. Here, I rendered a Genesis 1 ogre character running toward the camera with a club. In the render room, under output tab, I chose PNG format and checked the box for render alpha channel. I rendered the ogre. I moved the ogre out of the camera view. I inserted a splat and a landscape. In the splat's shader tree, I loaded the 1st render as the color channel texture map. Adjusted the hot point of the splat to the bottom. I replicated the splat on the landscape. And then a test render. A bunch of ogres are running toward the camera.
Next steps. I will pick one of the scene landscapes, probably 'golf course.' I wil render some variations of the ogre. I will create a final chase scene.
& Thanx .~
& Thanx & how to change the Sun Size ?? +
I am assuming your scene is a 'realistic sky' scene using the atmosphere tab, which is found by selecting 'scene' in lower right and 'atmosphere' in upper right. So, select the scene tab, then open the atmosphere drop down menu, choose 'realistic sky.' Click 'edit' for the realistic sky. There is a menu to edit many of the elements of the sky, from the size and aura of the sun, to up to 4 layers of clouds, to the height, density, and color of haze, to changing to a night scene to bring in the moon, to change the moon phase, and more. You asked about the sun size, for which there is a slider on the edit realistic sky menu. And there is so much more. Note that you can use the insert tab from the top menu to insert a sunlight that will be linked to your realistic sky, but only if you go to the render room and check the 'sky light' box under 'global illumination.' That will increase render times, so many people use the realistic sky editor without linking a sun light to it.
Diomede - ed3d's last image was made using the "Sky" atmosphere, rather than the Realistic Sky (which I don't think has any native presets). To the best of my knowledge, the sun size when using the Sky presets cannot be changed.
As I mentioned earlier, it s part of the reason why I - until this week - have never used those sky presets.
Oops. My bad.
Consider using one of the realistic sky presets if you want to change the size of the sun.
If there are any native Realistic Sky presets, please point them out. Unless you have a vendor product loaded in the scenes tab, I think they are all Sky presets.
I don't know what anyone else has on their computer. Encourage exploring.
Example 1. In my Misc folder within the scene browser, I have a scene present called Spectral Clouds that uses realistic sky in the atmosphere tab. I have no idea of how or when that got there, other than reasonable confidence that I did not create it from scratch. Maybe ed3D has it, maybe not. One could load the spectral clouds scene and use it with a pyramid, or if desired, delete the clouds and just use it as a 'jumping off point' as suggested in the introduciton to this month's challenge. Adjust the realistic sky to taste. Enlarge the sun.
Example 2. There is a landscape desert scene in the scene browser. Start with that. Add a pyramid. Enable the realistic sky with its customizable sun, confident that the desert landscape still meets the challenge definition of starting from a scene. Enlarge the sun.
Explore the other scenes. No, I am not going to catalog all of them, at least not today. Which other landscape scenes provide a ground that could be the 'jumping off point' for the pyramid project? Which other preset scenes include a realistic sky to start from? Worth a look if the goal is a different size sun. Or not worth a look if the sun size is a minor detail not worth sacrificing other elements for.
All good.
Dartanbeck's enviro kit, Badlands, includes an Oasis scene with a realistic sky that might be a good start. Well, it has multiple realistic skies, but Oasis and desert seemed to go together. Others may be a better starting point. As per the link in Headwax's introduction to the challenge.
I was making a simple and very specific point. To the best of my knowledge, there are no Realistic Sky presets located in the native content of the browser. Spectral Clouds - an awesome preset which i have used a couple of times - is a cloud, terrain, water and lighting preset. It does not load an atmosphere.
Of course, there are almost infinite options. If ed3D wants to load a native terrain or other preset and add a Realistic Sky, more power to him. But if he is told to look for a Realistic Sky preset, I don't think that any came with Carrara.
I was replying to a specific point, very specifically, with a specific screenshot, with green arrows. Spectral clouds does load with an atmosphere. But whether it does or it does not, the advice remains the same. Explore. Or load a landscape scene that does not have a realistic sky, and enable realistic sky. Green arrows repeated.
Well, I decided to poke around and discovered that my assumption was incorrect!
The good news is that the first row and a half of the Carrara native sky presets tab are actually Realistic Sky presets. The rest of them (starting with Red Sky in the middle of the 2nd row) are all the older Sky presets.
So ed3d, if you are looking for a preset similar to Golden Sunset, which will allow you change the sun size, you might check out Arizona Sky and Pacific Sunset. You can always add clouds and make them brighter if needed.
Diomede, as for Spectral Clouds, I just loaded it and it does not load a preset atmosphere. It does work with Realistic Sky. It also works with the Sky presets.
Nice work on the Trilogy !!!
Thanks !!! Despite being an old scene it's details are up there with the best of DAZ3D content !
Go the Splats !!!
Incorrect. Perhaps you've saved yours not to, but it comes with the Realistic Sky enabled with some pretty fun, higher-than-normal render settings.
The tell-tale sign here is how the mountains fade from view. That's the atmosphere of the Realistic Sky doin' it's wonderful magic!
Here's the default render settings, but at lower resolution
Thanks for the comment, Bunyip.
Actually, it depends on how you load it. If you double click it, it does load with the Realistic Sky. If you instead drag the preset into the browser, it does not load the Realistic Sky.
But it is a moot point anyway, as there are plenty of other sky presets in the Scenes tab (Challenge requirement) that do load with Realistic Sky. And thus ed3D's request to change the sun size can be met.
What is telling is that nobody pointed out that half the sky presets are Realistic Sky. I suspect that nobody uses them - which means that Headwax's idea for a Challenge has born some fruit by causing us (me in particular) to look at them more closely.
Alrite then , Thanx + will + read all this over .>>
Imperial Splat time....
used the Star Wars freebies ( Storm Trooper getup and ATAT ) from Vanishing Point and the Battle Droid and STAP I modelled in Carrara. Used the Badlands scene file by Dartanbeck and added some extra clouds for dust.
Used M4 with VP free storm trooper to render a PNG file with transparency for the splat then added the splat to a replicator.
Storm Trooper png attached if anyone wants to experiment with splats
Terrific homage!
One question - Wendy said that it might be hard to get shadows to works with splats. Your shadows look really good. Did you have any issues?
trying to find the specific post where they gave me issues
not this one
it might have been animated
Roygee seems to touch on the issue
it's like DAZ Filament cutout opacity how it behaves